Facial cleansing with hydrogen peroxide - is the procedure effective at home?

In medicine, hydrogen peroxide is a well-known antiseptic that can quickly stop the spread of infection without drying out the skin. In cosmetology it is used to treat acne, acne and comedones. Inflammations appear when there is excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands, provoked by hormonal changes, poor diet or lack of skin care. Only a complex effect can get rid of the problem of acne and prevent the subsequent occurrence of pathogenic microflora.

Cleansing your face with hydrogen peroxide is one of the effective ways to combat acne. As a result of use, it is possible to get rid of sebaceous plugs, acne, calm inflammation and redness. The accessible method is popular among professionals; it also helps to normalize the condition when used independently at home.

The effect of peroxide on the skin

Hydrogen peroxide is a clear liquid with a weak but characteristic odor. Unlike other medications, it can be applied directly to an open wound. When it comes into contact with damaged surfaces, it breaks down into water and oxygen, the reaction is accompanied by the active formation of foam.

There is a separation of dirt, sebaceous secretions, and blood clots, which are easily removed with a cotton swab. After treatment, the skin noticeably brightens, the product helps to cope not only with foci of infection, but also to effectively remove traces of acne and prevent tissue scarring.

Useful properties of hydrogen peroxide:

  • antiseptic - stops the spread of infection, disinfects the integument, activates healing processes;
  • disinfectant - neutralizes pathogenic microflora, including microbes, bacteria, prevents the process of suppuration, eliminates a specific odor;
  • stops minor bleeding due to the formation of blood clots in the capillaries, which promotes rapid tissue restoration;
  • whitening properties allow you to lighten pigmentation and prevent the appearance of post-acne;
  • tones the skin, strengthens thin blood vessels, accelerates metabolic processes.

Use for cosmetic purposes is indicated only for problematic, oily skin with frequent inflammation and acne. The disinfectant solution acts directly on pathogenic bacteria and provides an anti-inflammatory effect. During cleansing, toxins, sebaceous plugs, and keratinized particles are removed, and the functioning of the glands is normalized.

It can be used in its pure form, but more often it is included in multicomponent formulations, including aspirin, honey, soda, bodyagu, clay and other equally effective ingredients.

Attention! The products can be used during solar activity, the surface effect is atraumatic, so there is no healing period. But to prevent the formation of pigmentation, after cleaning it is recommended to additionally use sunscreen cosmetics that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

Properties of hydrogen peroxide

  • The pharmaceutical product is a universal antiseptic drug. It is not difficult to find, because it is sold not only in pharmacies, but also in nearby stores. Hydrogen peroxide is not a toxic substance and has bactericidal properties.
  • It can be applied to the skin to relieve inflammation. This is why some women prefer to wipe their face with the product. The main purpose of hydrogen peroxide is to create a microflora in which pathogenic microorganisms cannot survive.

Good for the face
If you regularly wipe your face with hydrogen peroxide, you can:

  • disinfect the skin
  • reduce inflammation
  • dry out rashes

In addition to helping fight acne , hydrogen peroxide can be used to whiten skin. If you have age spots, this remedy will help restore your lost beauty. Peroxide is also used to whiten teeth and lighten dark circles under the eyes.

Some women mistakenly believe that hydrogen peroxide will help in the fight against blackheads. But this is absolutely not true. The liquid only discolors blackheads by removing the upper lipid layer and oxidation.

Indications for use

The method is widely used by owners of oily, porous skin with inflammatory elements and acne. Not suitable for thin, sensitive, dehydrated dermis; it can lead to irritation and a decrease in the immune properties of the skin. Moreover, reactive oxygen causes the appearance of spots and scars, premature wrinkles, so the use is accompanied by compliance with a number of rules.

Indications for use:

  • in the presence of inflammatory processes caused by acne, pimples, sebaceous plugs;
  • pigment spots formed after acne or under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • to prevent the appearance of ulcers;
  • to regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands, get rid of oily sheen;
  • to cleanse pores and subsequently tighten them.

It is used mainly at a young age, after 30 years it helps to smooth out the bumpy texture and get rid of comedones. After 35–40, you should use less aggressive skin exfoliation products. Application may cause dryness and premature aging.

PRX-T33 peeling how many procedures are needed

To calculate the duration of the course, our cosmetologists first assess the general condition of the skin and the severity of cosmetic defects, then decide how many PRX-T33 peeling procedures a particular patient needs to undergo.

If the client has serious skin problems, to solve them it is advisable to undergo 2 - 3 cleansing procedures with breaks between sessions of 5 days. To tighten the oval of the face, smooth out scars and get rid of wrinkles, the cosmetologist will advise you to take a full course of PRX-T33, which consists of 8 - 10 sessions, repeated 2 times a year. The treatment regimen is adjusted taking into account the overall dynamics of improvement in the condition of the skin and the individual characteristics of the body.

Cleaning efficiency

The results of cleaning can be assessed after the first session. Cleaning is carried out as needed, but not more than once a week. Positive changes are observed after a month of use. The number of sessions depends on the condition of the skin. On average, a course of 4–8 procedures is required. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to carry out preventive cleaning once a month.

Used in a complex for the treatment of acne; it is also recommended to select products for cleansing, toning, moisturizing according to your skin type, professional or therapeutic line. It is worth remembering that peroxide is used only on the affected areas; application to the entire face can lead to dryness, peeling, and burns of the skin.

Efficiency of application:

  • rashes and inflammation go away;
  • pores narrow;
  • pigment spots and acne marks disappear;
  • structure improves;
  • an even, healthy skin tone is restored;
  • the face looks fresh and well-groomed.

Rubbing your face with hydrogen peroxide: reviews

  • Scientists conducted studies to prove the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide for facial skin. Some volunteers had to apply the product pointwise to inflammation. Just a few days later, the acne dried out and began to disappear.
  • Some women had to add peroxide to homemade face masks. After just 2 weeks, they noticed that the skin became more even, smooth, and wrinkles began to decrease.
  • The third group of women had to apply the product to their face without a preliminary allergy test. Since they had sensitive facial skin, irritation and new rashes began to appear.

The effectiveness has been scientifically proven
. As you can see, rubbing your face with hydrogen peroxide can get rid of blemishes on the skin. But for this you need to know the basic rules of use. Find out your skin type first and also do an allergy test. After all, incorrect application of the product or uncontrolled use can cause serious health problems. If everything is done correctly, you will become the owner of clean and healthy facial skin.

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Preparatory stage

If you follow all the recommendations, you can achieve high-quality cleansing, remove sebaceous plugs, and normalize the synthesis of the sebaceous glands. But to achieve the desired effect, you should follow the advice of experts:

  • Do not perform skin scrubbing or exfoliation or mechanical cleansing before a scrubbing session;
  • a week before, you should avoid visiting the sauna, swimming pool, gym, and you should not sunbathe to prevent the appearance of age spots;
  • you need to exclude fatty, salty, spicy dishes, sweet drinks, and alcohol from the menu so as not to provoke an exacerbation of acne;
  • the day before, you must stop using decorative cosmetics.

Procedure protocol

You can carry out cleaning yourself, following the recommendations of specialists. It is better to schedule the procedure on the weekend so that the skin has time to recover. The best period for this is considered to be autumn and winter; you can practice cleaning in the summer, but you will have to give up tanning. Be sure to test for possible allergies by applying a small amount of the product to your wrist. If there is no burning, redness or other discomfort, it can be used to cleanse the skin.

Stages of implementation:

  1. Remove make-up from the skin and remove cosmetics and dust using foam or gel. It is advisable to choose formulations with AHA acids.
  2. To effectively remove sebaceous plugs, it is advisable to steam the skin using a herbal compress.
  3. Mix the composition immediately before application in a ceramic or glass container, in a volume sufficient for one-time use.
  4. Apply with light massaging movements to target areas. Do not use on the entire surface of the face in the absence of inflammation and ulcers.
  5. Apply with light rubbing movements along massage lines in a thick layer, avoiding the eyelid and mouth area. The main target areas are the nose, chin, forehead, cheeks.
  6. A feeling of warmth and slight tingling may occur; if more pronounced discomfort is observed, it is necessary to wash off the product. The total time should not exceed 10–15 minutes.
  7. After rinsing off the composition with warm water, wipe the skin with lotion according to your skin type for a speedy recovery. Apply moisturizer or nourishing mask.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to wipe ulcers and pimples using a cotton swab. But do not practice this procedure for the entire face. For the preparation of recipes, only 3% hydrogen peroxide is used; 6%, 9%, 11% and higher are not used for facial care; they can cause tissue burns.

With soda

Effectively gets rid of blackheads, tightens pores, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. An effective product for use in the T-area, relieves inflammation and redness, improves complexion. Abrasive particles help remove dead skin cells and normalize the respiratory processes of the integument.


  • 5 ml hydrogen peroxide;
  • 5–7 gr. soda

Extinguish soda with peroxide, apply to steamed skin, massage for 3 minutes. Then leave for another 2 minutes, rinse with chamomile infusion or wipe with diluted lemon juice.

With white clay

It whitens the skin well, gets rid of comedones, prevents the appearance of acne, and tightens pores. A peeling mask allows you to smooth out the relief and soothe the inflamed, irritated dermis.


  • 10 gr. white clay;
  • 5 ml hydrogen peroxide;
  • 5 gr. calendula.

Grind dried calendula flowers in a coffee grinder, mix with clay, add peroxide. If necessary, add a little mineral water. Apply the finished mask to the target areas in a thick layer. If there are ulcers, distribute the medicinal composition using a cotton swab. After 15 minutes, rinse and treat the skin with anti-inflammatory cream.

With aspirin

The recipe allows you to cope with pigmentation, freckles, and post-acne marks. The composition also disinfects pathogenic microflora, helps speed up the healing of acne, and relieve pain. Removes keratinized epithelium and helps restore renewal processes.


  • 3 aspirin tablets;
  • 5 ml hydrogen peroxide.

Crush aspirin into powder, dilute with water, add peroxide, you should get the consistency of a paste. Apply along massage lines in a circular motion. Leave for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water, apply a cream with a whitening effect.

With yogurt

Natural peeling is intended for the care of combination skin prone to irritation and exposed to aggressive environmental factors. The composition has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, as a result, color is restored and pores are narrowed.


  • 10 ml yogurt;
  • 5 gr. oat bran;
  • 25 drops of peroxide.

Grind the bran into powder in a coffee grinder, combine with yogurt and peroxide. Apply to steamed skin and leave for 15 minutes. Remove the mask using a damp sponge.


You can carry out high-quality cleansing and whitening of pigmentation at home. The product removes dead skin cells, sebaceous plugs, toxins and oxidants. Blood flow is activated, and a slight lymphatic drainage effect is observed.


  • 20 ml apple juice;
  • 10 gr. coffee;
  • 5 ml hydrogen peroxide.

Grate the apple, squeeze out the juice using gauze, add coffee and peroxide. Distribute the composition on the face with circular massaging movements and leave for 10 minutes. After washing, apply moisturizer.

Disadvantages of the procedure, side effects

The rejuvenating and restorative technique has its drawbacks, which you need to familiarize yourself with before signing up for a cleansing. Among the most significant are the following disadvantages:

  • High cost compared to other procedures that eliminate cosmetic defects and the first signs of skin aging.
  • There are restrictions under which mid-cleaning is strictly prohibited.

The risk of complications after correctly performed manipulations is minimal. Side effects occur if contraindications are ignored. Therefore, before a cosmetic procedure, a thorough examination by a cosmetologist is required, who, if necessary, will give a referral for a diagnostic examination in order to timely identify a hidden disease.

Recovery period and care

After the procedure, the skin turns red and feels tight. Recovers on its own within a few hours. Detachment of epithelial plates is possible within 2–3 days. To speed up healing, moisturizing creams and serums with hyaluronic acid, B vitamins and aloe are used.

To maintain the effect and prevent complications, you should follow simple rules:

  • Limit touching the skin during the day and do not use decorative cosmetics;
  • for cleansing, toning, moisturizing, choose professional or therapeutic line products based on your skin type;
  • you cannot visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium, gym, this can lead to exacerbation of acne and re-infection;
  • consumption of alcohol, sweet, salty, smoked foods activates the sebaceous glands and neutralizes the cleansing effect;
  • It is not recommended to carry out procedures that injure the skin for about a week;
  • Before going outside, use a cream with the maximum SPF factor.

Benefits, peeling mechanism of action

The main advantage of the technique is tangible effectiveness and an easy recovery period after the procedure. Chemical cleansing can be used for any skin type, it is painless, and is not tied to a specific time of year. Other advantages include:

  • Gentle effect on the skin, eliminating the appearance of irritation, redness, peeling, and allergic reactions.
  • Severe dermatological problems can be completely resolved in just a few sessions.
  • There are no restrictions related to the age characteristics of the patient’s body.
  • The procedure is safe and there are no side effects, provided that the rules of care after chemical cleaning are followed.
  • The technique is suitable for people who are contraindicated for injection or other invasive procedures for rejuvenation and restoration of the skin.
  • Short duration – 15 – 20 minutes.

Precautionary measures

Hydrogen peroxide is used exclusively at 3%; before use, the composition is tested for a possible allergic reaction. It is recommended to conduct sessions before the weekend to eliminate exposure to aggressive factors. There are contraindications that limit the procedure:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • damage to the integrity of the integument;
  • rosacea;
  • dry, aging, sensitive skin.

Important! With frequent use, hydrobalance may be disrupted, dryness, irritation of the dermis, and the appearance of wrinkles. To prevent side effects, you should not use formulations with hydrogen peroxide more than once a week.

How to bleach and remove hair

To obtain the desired result, apply hydrogen peroxide along the hairs. Oxidative stress discolors, weakens unwanted vegetation, and causes it to fall out.

Recipe 1:

  • Dilute hydrogen peroxide with the same amount of boiled water.
  • Apply carefully to unwanted hairs, avoid contact with skin.

After 5-10 minutes, rinse with cool water.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, peroxide is mixed with baking soda. Baking soda opens the cuticle (the outer shell of the hair), as a result, peroxide penetrates inside more easily and discolors melanin.

Recipe 2:

  • Mix both ingredients to a paste consistency.
  • Apply gently along unwanted hairs without touching the skin.

After 5-10 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Advantages and disadvantages

Peeling with hydrogen peroxide is used for oily, problematic dermis. But using just one product is unlikely to get rid of acne. The main advantage is the possibility of self-exfoliation using effective components. Before cleaning, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the procedure.


  • effectively removes sebaceous plugs, pigmentation, oily shine;
  • affordable price;
  • carried out at home;
  • the result lasts for several months.


  • used only for oily, problematic dermis;
  • requires coursework;
  • Precautions must be taken to prevent side effects.

How to remove stains with a solution

Hydrogen peroxide is actively used by housewives in everyday life. It helps remove any stains from countertops, tiles and other surfaces in the house. This will not only clean the house, but will also prevent the appearance and proliferation of harmful microbes.

Peroxide will help get rid of limestone deposits. To do this, you need to spray the solution onto the desired area, leave it for 2-3 hours, and then wash it off with a sponge and soap.

A lot of dirt collects on the tiles and stains appear, which are very difficult to remove over time. Peroxide will remove mold and refresh the appearance of the tiles. To do this, you need to mix the product with flour so that the consistency resembles a paste. Treat the ceramic surface with the resulting solution and leave overnight. Wash the surface in the morning, after which all dirt will disappear.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Cosmetologists share their experience of using peroxide in skin care procedures.

The specialist describes the stages of disincrustation with mechanical cleaning; Uno spoons are periodically immersed in peroxide, but the solution itself is not applied to the face.

The cosmetologist asks about the stability of hydrogen peroxide in the peeling composition.

The user describes caring for problem skin, neutralizing local inflammation with peroxide. The specialist advises taking an additional course of retinoic peels.

Patient reviews

On the Internet you can find many positive reviews from patients who have experienced the effects of hydrogen peroxide.

The user writes that he uses peroxide periodically, it is a good effective remedy.

The review indicates a positive experience of using it to get rid of post-acne.

A participant writes about the lack of results when removing freckles.

But there are also negative experiences with use. The user writes that with frequent use, peroxide provokes rosacea.

Perhydrol or chlorhexidine?

Both drugs are similar in that they are able to disinfect wounds, scratches, abrasions, and also, if used externally, do not have a systemic effect. But their medicinal features differ significantly. Peroxide does not have the properties of a strong sterilizer, and therefore the effect of its influence is only temporary, and pathogenic microorganisms disappear for a short time.

Chlorhexidine, on the contrary, is very active against hostile microflora and in certain concentrations not only stops its development, but also completely destroys it.

The methods of using both drugs are practically the same - the problem area is spot-disinfected.

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