The best eye cream for men: review, tips and testimonials

  • October 19, 2018
  • Other states
  • Alexandra Kurakina

The phrase that a man should be smelly, powerful and hairy is a thing of the past. Modern representatives of the stronger sex use various beauty products in their daily care, increasingly visiting beauty salons and getting manicures. Everyone wants to look well-groomed and fresh. To achieve this goal, you need to monitor your health and use eye cream for men daily. Since it is the delicate skin of the periorbital area that can not only give away age, but also remind you in the morning about the madness of the night.

Features of men's skin care

Men's skin is thicker than women's due to testosterone. In addition, it is oilier and less sensitive. Men's skin is more resistant to the external environment and other negative factors. The only disadvantages include increased fat content and a tendency to acne.

The thickness of the skin of representatives of the stronger half of humanity is 20-25% greater than that of women. It has more intense blood circulation, making it appear darker. At the same time, it contains more melanin. It turns out that she is better protected than women from harmful ultraviolet radiation and age spots hardly threaten her.

These features allow representatives of the stronger sex to remain youthful longer. Wrinkles form later, the oval of the face does not float, and pigment spots, if they appear, are already in old age. Only improper care or its complete absence can harm men's skin.

A large amount of collagen allows men to avoid early wrinkles on the face and protects against stretch marks on the body. In addition, the acid-base balance of men's skin is 5.4, and that of women is 5.7. All these features are taken into account in the production of cosmetics. Creams from wives and girlfriends are not suitable for men.

The only area vulnerable to early age-related changes is the periorbital region. The dermis here is thin, there are very few sweat and sebaceous glands. There is practically no subcutaneous fat, and there are not enough supporting fibers such as collagen and elastin. Therefore, it will not be possible to preserve the youth of this area without a properly selected eye cream for men. When choosing a product, you need to take into account age, skin condition and the ingredients that the product contains.

Required Ingredients

Men may start using anti-aging creams much later than women. Most often, until the age of 35, light decongestant gels or moisturizing serums are enough for them. A cream for wrinkles around the eyes for men will only be needed by the age of 40-45, when testosterone production begins to noticeably decrease.

The best way to combat swelling, dark circles, bruises, wrinkles, dryness and gravitational ptosis are products containing the following substances:

  1. Hyaluronic acid.
  2. Vitamin C.
  3. Peptides.
  4. Omega 6 and 3 fatty acids.
  5. Antioxidants (green tea, grape or witch hazel extract).
  6. Caffeine. This substance is especially valuable for lovers of a nocturnal lifestyle. It will quickly remove blue discoloration from gases, improve blood microcirculation and lymphatic drainage.
  7. Glycerol.
  8. Probiotics.
  9. Niacinamide (vitamin B3).
  10. Nourishing oils. For example, jojoba, coconut, almond, olive, avocado and many others.
  11. Retinol is a well-known vitamin for youth.

Men's cream must be applied correctly to the area around the eyes. Use the product twice a day, after thoroughly cleansing the skin. The product should not be smeared, this will only stretch the delicate dermis and increase the number of wrinkles. It is recommended to gently tap the cream in with your fingertips. The product is applied along the line of the orbital bone; it should not come into contact with the moving eyelid.

Luxury creams

Anyone who has ever chosen a skin care product knows that products vary greatly in price. In addition to cost, they differ in the level of quality of ingredients, safety and effectiveness.

The most expensive are luxury or selective cosmetics. About 80% natural ingredients are used for its production. Plants, the extracts of which are added to creams and other products, are grown without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. And the processing of raw materials is carried out in such a way that all its beneficial properties are preserved. Naturally, the production itself and the equipment for it are not cheap. This is reflected in the price of cosmetics. In addition, part of its cost is the manufacturer's name fee.

Best Luxury Eye Creams for Men:

  1. Shiseido Men. Revitalizing eye contour cream. The product contains a unique biocomplex with hyaluronic acid. Effectively eliminates wrinkles, bags under the eyes and dryness. Strengthens skin and maintains high levels of moisture for 24 hours. The effectiveness of this treatment is similar to hyaluronic acid injections.
  2. Dior Homme Dermo System eye serum. The texture of this product is more like a light cream. It is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy shine. Effectively eliminates signs of fatigue, making the look more expressive.
  3. Lancom. Homme Age Fight - cream for the skin around the eyes. The product is designed for men aged 30 to 40 years. Eliminates fine wrinkles and other signs of aging. It also protects the skin from oxidative stress.
  4. Givenchy. Intensive Anti-Fatique Eye Lift - gel lifting. Intensive remedy for smoothing wrinkles and eliminating puffiness. The gel relaxes the skin of the periorbital area, protects and moisturizes it. The composition includes peptides that stimulate the elimination of toxins. And also marine collagen, which strengthens and rejuvenates the skin.
  5. Clinique. Anti-stress gel for the area around the eyes. Instantly eliminates puffiness, refreshing the skin and giving the eyes a rested look. Contains caffeine and hyaluronic acid.

Professional cosmetics

Professional cosmetics are intended for use by specialists in beauty salons. Its effectiveness is really high thanks to the rich formula of the products. Visible results can be obtained after just two applications.

Many brands that produce such cosmetics also offer home care lines. Men may like the following products:

  1. Revitalizing serum for the face and area around the eyes Man Face & Eye Revitalizer from Janssen Cosmetics. The product eliminates wrinkles and irritation, strengthens and nourishes the skin. It also fights free radicals.
  2. Crema Gel Complex Contorno Occhi from Guam. Italian experts have developed one of the best eye creams for men. It contains a multivitamin and decongestant complex, bamboo, cucumber and nasturtium extracts. Regular use guarantees the elimination of even deep wrinkles. The skin will become more elastic and fresh in appearance.
  3. Biotherm Homme. Total Recharge Eye anti-fatigue eye cream. Restores hydrolipid balance, tones and strengthens the dermis. The cream easily smoothes out fine wrinkles and prevents the development of new ones. Suitable for men over 35 years old.

Pharmacy cosmetics

The middle price segment is occupied by pharmacy cosmetics. It is created in close collaboration with dermatologists and is sold only in pharmacies. It contains components that are found in conventional cosmetic creams. In addition, medicinal substances are added to it. For example, calcium gluconate, dexpanthenol, zinc oxide and many others.

In medicinal cosmetics, the amount of fragrances and preservatives is strictly limited. It is highly hypoallergenic. Eye cream for men is produced by the following brands:

  1. Vichy. Homme Hydra Cool+. Moisturizing gel for face and eye contour. Hyaluronic acid in the composition and valuable minerals normalize skin metabolic processes, smooth out wrinkles, prevent moisture evaporation and even out microrelief. The cream has antioxidant properties and enhances the regeneration of damaged areas.
  2. Aveda. Botanical Kinetics Energizing Eye Creme. The product of the American brand Aveda is new to the domestic market. It contains caffeine and licorice root extract. The cream effectively fights swelling and dark circles. It also smooths out wrinkles.

Unfortunately, most well-known pharmacy brands in the CIS countries do not produce creams specifically for men. Most often you can find unisex series.

Pharmacy products

To choose an effective pharmaceutical product that eliminates puffiness under the eyes, you need to pay attention to the composition. The following components will help remove bags caused by various reasons:

  • zinc oxide - has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • calf blood extract - accelerates the supply of oxygen to tissues;
  • tetracycline hydrochloride - has an antibacterial effect;
  • glycerin - softens and moisturizes the skin;
  • aloe vera - slows down the aging process, restores skin elasticity;
  • hyaluronic acid - smoothes wrinkles;
  • beeswax - preserves the natural moisture of the skin;
  • horse chestnut extract - has an anti-edematous effect;
  • troxerutin - has a venotonic effect;
  • heparin - reduces inflammation.

The following essential oils are useful in the fight against swelling:

  • immortelle - stimulates collagen production;
  • wormwood - acts against varicose veins;
  • cypress - restores skin moisture;
  • geranium - removes bags under the eyes;
  • St. John's wort - relieves inflammation;
  • palm trees - used instead of cream, moisturizes the skin;
  • coconut - gives the skin a matte finish;
  • cocoa - strengthens the walls of small vessels;
  • marjoram - has a resolving effect.

Most ingredients have similar effects. By combining components with each other, you can achieve a better effect.

Below are the names of pharmaceutical products containing the listed ingredients. They should be used regularly in accordance with the instructions.

Names of effective pharmaceutical products and their effects:

Zinc ointment

Accelerates metabolism in tissues, promotes cell restoration

Enhances collagen production, moisturizes skin

Used only for bags caused by inflammation

Normalizes water balance in tissues, eliminates inflammation

Gives skin elasticity and freshness

Fights bags, puffiness and dark circles under the eyes

Reduces the clotting of lymphatic fluid

Improves fluid outflow, eliminates dark circles
Heparin ointment

Stimulates blood circulation and eliminates swelling

A pharmaceutical preparation such as Vishnevsky ointment is not used to eliminate bags under the eyes, despite the fact that castor oil in the composition has a smoothing effect. It does not have a pronounced anti-edematous effect. However, thanks to birch tar, the product increases vascular tone and also has a drying and antiseptic effect. If suppuration has begun under the eye, then this remedy will help.

Antihemorrhoid ointments

Cosmetologists also recommend using ointment for hemorrhoids. The whole secret is that such drugs have vasoconstrictor and vasoconstrictor effects, which helps to cope with bags and dark circles.

Any ointment for hemorrhoids will not work. Since they are medicines, they contain potent components, so the wrong drug chosen will cause an allergy.

It is desirable that the product contains the following ingredients:

  • shark liver oil - smoothes wrinkles;
  • phenylephrine hydrochloride - constricts blood vessels;
  • cocoa and sage extracts - improve skin condition;
  • borneol - eliminates fluid accumulation;
  • artificial musk - regenerates damaged tissues;
  • pearls - stimulates the recovery process.

The list of effective antihemorrhoidal ointments for bags under the eyes includes:


Eliminates wrinkles and tissue swelling
Proctonis ointment

Softens the skin, eliminates bruises and bags

Has a pronounced anti-edema effect

Has a venosclerotic effect

When using the listed pharmaceutical drugs, you should be careful not to get them into the eye. If this happens, you should rinse your vision with plenty of water and consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Middle market

Middle market cosmetics contain no more than 50% natural ingredients. Most often it reaches only 30%. To produce cosmetics of this class, cheaper production technology is used compared to pharmaceutical and selective ones. Because of this, some of the beneficial properties of many components are lost.

A considerable amount of artificial ingredients is added to such cosmetics. They can be addictive to the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to change middle-market cosmetics every six months.

Affordable eye creams for men that are of high quality:

  1. L'Oreal Paris Men Expert Vita Lift Eye Cream. The product is designed specifically to combat the signs of aging. Eliminates dark circles, wrinkles and firms the skin.
  2. Mary Kay. Eye cream MK Men. The product contains collagen-forming peptides and plant extracts. Regular use of the cream can eliminate bags under the eyes and reduce the number of wrinkles.

Causes and symptoms of bags under the eyes

Know! Bags under the eyes are characterized by symptoms such as discoloration of the skin in this area, swelling, and pain (in some cases).

Also, depending on the disease that caused the bags, additional symptoms may appear : headaches, blurred vision, fever, pain or discomfort in the kidney area.

Sometimes such a disorder appears in healthy people for the following reasons :

  • genetic predisposition to such structural changes in the skin;
  • degenerative processes in skin structures that develop with age;
  • in women - an increase in estrogen levels during menstruation;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • eye strain;
  • eating salty foods and plenty of water before bed;
  • prolonged exposure of the facial skin to sunlight;
  • alcohol abuse.

In such cases , therapeutic treatment is not required, and the bags can be eliminated either with cosmetic concealers , or wait until the bags go away on their own.

Keep in mind! This phenomenon may also indicate serious diseases, including:

  • injuries to the organs of vision or the area around them;
  • kidney diseases;
  • compression of the superior vena cava (can develop due to the formation of cancerous tumors in the lung area and is accompanied by additional symptoms such as headaches, cough, nosebleeds);
  • viral respiratory diseases accompanied by the development of severe inflammatory processes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • sinusitis;
  • lesions of the thyroid gland;
  • any types of conjunctivitis.

Often these types of swelling appear during allergic reactions , but in this case it is necessary to distinguish between swelling and bags.
In the second case, characteristic structural changes in tissues can be traced, and in the case of allergies, this indicates a protracted, chronic course of such a reaction.

Mass market

The most affordable in terms of price are mass market cosmetics. It contains artificial flavors and synthetic components. In addition, you can even find truly toxic substances. Such products are not able to solve skin problems. Often they even make the situation worse.

If desired, you can find a safe product in the mass market segment. But you shouldn’t expect it to significantly improve your skin health. All it will do is moisturize it and fill it with nutrients.

The safest products are:

  1. Oriflame North For Men. Anti-aging cream for the skin around the eyes, contains caffeine and vitamin E. The product effectively removes signs of stress and fatigue, eliminates fine wrinkles. Moisturizes the skin well.
  2. Natura Siberica. Lifting cream “Eagle look”. The product contains pure caffeine, black caviar extract and organic northern cloudberry oil. This is a truly effective under eye cream for men. The product gives the skin energy, completely erasing all traces of fatigue. In addition, it eliminates wrinkles and bags under the eyes.

Rules for selecting creams for men and women

Know! Regardless of age and gender, drugs to eliminate bruises and circles under the eyes are selected according to certain criteria:

  1. Composition of the cream . If the packaging indicates that the product contains retinol, vitamin supplements and additional components in the form of extracts of natural herbs, you can count on the high effectiveness of the drug. It is also worth paying attention to the presence of citric acid in the composition: this substance helps lighten dark circles.
  2. The presence of substances that protect against exposure to ultraviolet radiation . Most often, dark circles under the eyes occur as a result of constant exposure to direct sunlight. And their harmful effects can be avoided by periodically applying such preparations to the skin.
  3. Creams are divided into night and day . The nighttime product has a thicker texture and lasts longer, while the daytime product is more gel-like and absorbs faster. For severe bruises and circles, for both women and men, it is advisable to use both of these products in combination, applying each of them at the appropriate time.
  4. Recently, universal drugs , which, although they cope with a number of cosmetic problems, may not be effective enough due to the low level of beneficial substances. For noticeable dark circles and bruises, it is recommended to use specialized products whose action is aimed specifically at eliminating such problems.

It is worth noting! Today, not only women, but also men use such products, so when choosing, it is important to look not only at the mark on the age for which the cream is intended.

On such drugs for whom the drug is intended also

In general, “men’s” and “women’s” creams differ only in the presence of the composition of the second increased amount of nutrients, since men’s skin is less susceptible to external influences and age-related changes, and therefore does not need such strong protection.


Unfortunately, not all representatives of the stronger sex use eye cream (for men) in their daily care. Reviews from those consumers who decided to purchase such products indicate that they are satisfied with the condition of their skin. Men write that at first it was unusual for them to apply the cream twice daily. But then this ritual became a habit, especially since it gave visible results.

Many representatives of the stronger sex claim that, despite the high cost of eye creams for men in the luxury segment, they prefer these products. They do not cause allergies and are used very sparingly. On average, one tube lasts for four to six months. Such products can really restore a fresh look even after a fun night.

How to apply eye cream for a man

Waking up looking more refreshed (or at least a little less hungover) isn't as easy as buying things at the supermarket, you also have to know how to use them.

To get the most out of your eye cream, apply it at night when your skin is in recovery mode. How you do this depends on the type of product, which will either come in a jar - in which case you have to use your ring or little finger to spread the cream onto delicate skin - or in a tube, which can be inconvenient but is relatively hygienic than sticking your finger into the product.

Apply the cream in dots or layers along the upper and lower eyelids, gently massaging inwards towards the nose rather than outwards (which seems a little counterintuitive, but this way the skin will not be stretched too much).

For additional anti-inflammatory effect, according to Lins, “store the gel in the refrigerator on warm summer days, but in any case, any cream consistency will be suitable for the eyes.” So, choose the type of product that suits you best.

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