"Badyaga 911": instructions for use, composition and reviews

In the article we will look at the instructions for the Badyaga 911.

It is difficult to find a person on whose body bruises, slight darkening, bruises, and acne marks have not appeared at least several times in their life. All of the listed problems that arise under or on the skin are a natural result of a combination of biochemical processes and reactions occurring in tissues. A person faced with swelling and bruising always has a question about the possibility of accelerating the healing process and eliminating such defects in a few days.

If a person develops bruises even from a minor injury, it is necessary to be examined. Unpleasant cosmetic defects in some cases can signal problems with blood clotting, liver pathologies, and vitamin deficiency.

In the modern world, the range of medicinal and cosmetic products used to eliminate swelling and bruises has grown to an unprecedented size. Preparations based on a greenish-brown powder, which was used by our grandparents, have also not lost their relevance. The best example of this is Badyaga 911. According to the instructions, this is a gel that is designed to quickly and effectively eliminate traces of tissue injury.


“Badyaga 911” is a medical product that is obtained by grinding silicon water sponges. In fact, they are living organisms that look like ornate driftwood. They live mainly in reservoirs with fresh water, at a depth of about 10 meters. The life cycle of sponges almost completely corresponds to plants.

The basis of many medical products used to combat dermatological pathologies are pre-dried and then crushed sponges. Pharmacies offer a fairly wide selection of products, the main active ingredient in which is powder, which is obtained by grinding coelenterates.

Clinical and pharmacological group

As the instructions for Badyaga 911 indicate, the medicinal gel, according to its clinical and pharmacological group, belongs to locally irritating drugs. Their main purpose is to stop the inflammatory process in the problem tissue, restoring the natural biochemical process at the cellular level. The drug can be used to eliminate both dermatological problems and joint pathologies.

Pharmacological effects

According to the instructions for use for Badyaga 911, the features of the mechanism of action of the medicinal gel are due to its locally irritating property:

  1. Powdered silica crystals, when applied to the problematic dermis, cause dilation of blood vessels.
  2. As a result of an increase in the capillary lumen, the intensity of blood circulation in injured tissues increases.
  3. In addition to local irritation of the dermis, badyaga helps to activate the biochemical processes of the synthesis of histamine and prostaglandins.

Short-term use of the gel leads to relief of the inflammatory process and swelling, and resorption of bruises. The essential oils present in the preparation help spread the therapeutic effect to both the superficial dermis and joints.

What else can you learn from the instructions for Badyaga 911?

911 service or how I fight skin imperfections

I will be glad if my post is useful to someone.

First, some background. I'm already over 30, but my skin continues to act like a teenager. About three months ago, the reflection in the mirror was annoying. Pimply constellations covered his cheeks, nose, and forehead. Red acne spots, black spots... I won’t exaggerate - it can be worse, but we girls are very self-critical of our appearance, so I felt terrible irritation when I looked at myself in the mirror.

One day, while surfing the Internet, I found tips on using badyagi. The author recommended trying badyaga forte first. And if the skin does not react with individual intolerance, then it will be possible (according to the author) to safely use the powder. I read it and, as they say, forgot. I returned to the thought of the badyag when a small but very dark bruise appeared on my leg, which for a long time did not want to go away. There was a birthday ahead, a beautiful short dress... The purple spot above the knee was certainly unnecessary. I went to the pharmacy and asked for a remedy for bruises. When I was walking, I was aiming for Badyaga-Forte, but it wasn’t available. They offered two tubes, and I liked this one (manufactured by TWINS Tech CJSC):

I laughed later: the bruise sharply faded that same day - without any bad stuff. I didn't even have to smear it. And three days later he disappeared completely. I turned the tube over and read about the composition. And again she returned to the thought of her face. What badyaga-gel? Can be used on the face. I'll try...

This is what is written on the tube: “The product is created on the basis of badyagi - a unique natural remedy for bruises and contusions. Promotes faster tissue regeneration, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, reduces swelling and resorption of hematomas, has an antiseptic and calming effect. Contains extracts of badyagi, chamomile, horse chestnut, essential oils of tea tree, juniper, mint, arnica oil.” Inside the tube is a translucent watery gel. I do not apply it in patches, but completely over the entire face, like a regular cream. The smell is pharmaceutical, there are notes of menthol. Absorbs quickly. It instantly mattifies my skin. But it also dries out (so I avoid the area around the eyes). After application, a cooling sensation is felt (the more gel you apply to the surface of the skin, the “colder”). Individual intolerance did not appear. When absorbed, the skin wants to be moisturized, but for me this sensation is not unpleasant. I immediately use my Clinic.

Here's a product: Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion:

It turns out: a layer of “911 badyaga”, then a layer of Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion, then either
Clinique Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief (for the day)
Clinique Surge Night Age Decelerating Night Moisturizer (for the night)
. In this sequence, the skin is not overloaded at all, does not become oily, or dry out. The daily regimen also allows me to put foundation after Clinique Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief.

I’ll add about clinic facilities.

Unique moisturizing cream Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion

. Like. I wouldn't say it's specifically for moisturizing. It's more of a base for moisturizing. Enhances the absorption of other skin care products. At least that's what the manufacturer claims. It’s difficult for me personally to say: it enhances or does not enhance... Without it, I have not measured the degree of absorption of other creams I use. I know it suited me. A plus for it because it neutralizes the drying effect of my “badyagi”, while allowing me to apply another necessary cream on top, without overload. I'll give it a five: rating 5.

Intensive long-lasting moisturizing gel Clinique Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief

. If it were sold in a closed tube, there would be no price for it! I got it as an add-on when I bought a three-step product (it was in a transparent cosmetic bag in a 15 ml jar). For the same purchase of a three-step product, Rive Gauche gave me a Clinique Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief gift, in a 15 ml tube. In total, I had two pieces of happiness at my disposal with a total volume of 30 ml! I started with a tube. "Oh, splendor!" - my skin admired and asked for more, and more. Now I understood: the skin was dry and wanted to be nourished. Over time, the face began to require moisturizing “food” less, but there is still no desire to give up this cream. The party in the tube is over. I recently opened a jar. This is why I don’t like jars, because they change the texture of the cream after opening the container. It feels as if with each lifting of the lid the moisture evaporates drop by drop, and the cream becomes less moisture-rich. I vote for tubes! Good cream, I really liked it. Lightweight, does not roll, does not shine. But for a jar (sold in a jar) I will make a tiny, unnoticeable minus sign. Rating 5.

Clinique Surge Night Age Decelerating Night Moisturizer

. According to the manufacturer, the cream is based on sirtuin activation technology, which gives the skin energy to fight wrinkles and the first signs of aging. I have no idea what sirtuins are and what they are eaten with, as they say, but I liked the technology of their activation. I didn’t find any reviews at the time of purchase, I bought it at my own risk - 30 ml (there is also a 50 ml option). I bought it for combination and oily skin (acne after all). I suspect that for dry skin the cream will be richer, but my texture is light. First impression: I was jubilant. The skin has really changed. After the first use, just like in the advertisement. I looked in the mirror and admired: the pores are not clogged, my face is like porcelain, does it tighten things up? If I put on some foundation in the morning, the berry is actually fresh! But! At first there was a feeling that some processes were happening in the skin. When you apply it, it seems moist and light, but your cheeks turn a little red, there’s even a tingling sensation... It’s as if microcirculation is increasing. Let me note: it was definitely not from a bad guy. I use badyagu both in the morning and in the evening. And the tingling happened in the evening, after applying the night cream. I tried to find contraindications about rosacea in the instructions - there was nothing. In the morning everything went away, the face was smooth. Now there is no tingling. Absorbs wonderfully. And... either I’m used to the new state of the skin, and this “porcelain” state doesn’t surprise me, or the cream itself doesn’t give a pronounced effect after a while... At the mirror, I no longer gasp in delight. Cream, like cream. Good. I like. The face is in fair condition. The jar is running out. I want to buy again and evaluate the newly opened one. Maybe all the active “sirtuins” disappeared in the old jar? They oxidized in the air, and the cream stopped being as active as at the beginning... I don’t know. The rating is still 5.

Let's go further. I didn’t expect a wow effect from the “badyagi”, but after about a month and a half... I noticed that my forehead was clearing of that dirty bumpiness, pimples on my face were popping out less often, and post-acne spots were fading. I’ll give the product a well-deserved five: 5.

I will not attribute all the merits only to the “911” gel. I radically changed my care. Before the “badyaga” I wash my face with Clinique Liquid Facial Soap

, then (not always - depending on the mood and condition of the skin) three-step clinic lotion - exfoliating
Clarifying Lotion 2
, then - day or night products.

Clinique Liquid Facial Soap

. In my formula Mild - 2 - Dry combined. I won’t go deeper, there are enough positive reviews about it here. I subscribe to all positive posts about him. Decent washbasin. The foundation washes off and cleanses the face. Both in the morning and in the evening the product behaves at a rating of 5.

Clinique Clarifying Lotion 2

. Nice little thing. Yes, it smells like alcohol, yes, it dries it out. But the main thing is to know when to stop. Like in medicines: there is a useful dose, and there is a destructive overdose. I focus, as I already said, on the condition of the skin. If my cheeks are a little dry, I may not use lotion at all after washing. If I feel like a rash is about to appear, I use a cotton pad moistened more generously - it helps. At best, nothing will come out, at worst, it will dry out and go away faster. Rating: 5.

Let me return to the “911” series, there is a whole arsenal of all kinds of therapeutic agents. After the success with “badyaga”, I decided to try the gel-balm for problem skin “911-Ugrisept” of the same class=”aligncenter” width=”600″ height=”359″[/img]I’ll say right away: I didn’t really like it. It is whiter in texture, also watery and smells like a pharmacy, it also dries out, but we are not friends... It seemed to me that first the skin becomes mattified, and then intensively begins to produce sebum. On the third day of use, my pores began to clog. But I do not rule out that the reason was the “blooming” time before the red days. Perhaps I’ll try one more time to find a common language with this gel-balm, but so far I have no desire. Lying idle. For those interested: Ugrisept contains BIOLIN (skin prebiotic), zinc salt, allantoin, green tea extracts, string, calendula, chamomile, tea tree oil, vitamin E. I will give a rating of 3. Both “911” products cost 50-70 rubles.

That's not all. Oatmeal! She's good too, I tell you!

I got the hang of it: I rinse my face with water, take a large pea of ​​liquid soap from the dispenser with my right hand, and have a handful of ground oatmeal already prepared in my left hand.

First, I wash my face with soap with my right hand, then carefully moisten the oatmeal powder with water in my left fist, carefully rub the wet flakes between my palms and, without washing the soap off my face, apply the oatmeal to the skin and massage. It turns out to be a kind of soft scrub for daily use. In addition, wet oatmeal forms a sticky mass on the face, and the longer you massage, the more this mass resembles a mask of oatmeal and egg white. It seems like a slight lifting effect... so once or twice a week I wash my face a little longer, until it’s “sticky”. Like.

Another helper is white clay. I tried both blue and pink, but the white one was the nicest and most effective for me. As a rule, I don’t use it in its pure form. Two or three times a week I make this mask: a teaspoon of clay, the same amount of kefir (a little more or a little less), stir until it reaches the consistency of sour cream, and apply it to your face.

I keep it for 15-20 minutes. Kefir, I read, is also good for problem skin. And clay with kefir does not dry out the skin so aggressively; in winter this is especially important for me. The skin is combination, prone to oily in summer and dry in winter. The T-zone is always prone to oiliness. I used a clay mask with sour cream instead of kefir, but I didn’t like how a greenhouse veil left behind from the sour cream (probably due to the higher percentage of fat content). I take “live” kefir - the one that has a shelf life of 5 days, not a month. And I don’t use exfoliating lotion after the clay mask! Immediately - a night scheme! The photo shows a box of white clay produced by NPF MEDICOMED LLC, but I don’t necessarily buy this one. You can take clay from any manufacturer. I'll give the clay an A - cheap, cheerful, but effective! 5!

I still can’t say that my skin is in good condition, but the result is visible and obvious. I don’t post “before” and “after” photos for a simple reason: I don’t have a “before” picture, so a photo comparison won’t work. But even without a reflection in the mirror, I “see” a noticeable difference! It’s nice to run your fingertips over a smooth surface of the skin without encountering a huge number of bumps of different diameters along the way. And the skin tone has become more uniform...

I would like to be useful to some of you. I wish you all success in the fight against imperfections!


Composition, pharmacological form

Available in polypropylene tubes with a volume of 100 ml. The medication has a gel-like consistency of medium thickness and a light green tint. The gel structure contains small inclusions of crushed algae. The medicine has a distinct specific odor.

The gel contains:

  1. Powdered freshwater badyaga.
  2. Horse chestnut extract.
  3. Propylene glycol.
  4. Diazolidinyl urea.
  5. Ammonium polymer salt.
  6. Tea tree extract.
  7. Mint extract.
  8. Juniper essential oil.

The gel can be used exclusively locally, externally. Before applying the composition to the skin, it is important to ensure that there is no individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Why do acne spots appear?

These are acne scars and appear in three cases:

  1. Under the influence of melanin after inflammation. Red, stagnant spots often occur after a long period of inflammation that affects the deeper layers of the skin. The defects do not remain forever, but it takes a very long time for them to completely disappear.
  2. Blue spots are the most unpleasant phenomenon on the skin. They occur after squeezing out pimples . The risk of their occurrence increases if an infection enters the epidermal tissue, inflammation and pigmentation of the skin begins.
  3. Improper or insufficient hygienic facial care is another reason for the appearance of spots. If white pimples appear that are not treated in any way, and the skin is not regularly cleansed, then after they disappear, red spots will remain.

Whatever the reason for the appearance of acne spots, they cause no less discomfort than the inflammation itself. You can wait until they go away on their own, but the best way is to take action and use effective products in the fight for perfect skin. Bodyaga 911 is recognized as one of the most effective remedies .

Using Badyagi 911

How to properly use Badyaga 911 body gel according to the instructions? The medicinal gel for bruises should be used exclusively locally, externally. The composition of the drug is predominantly natural and includes natural ingredients.

Methods of using the drug:

  1. Only cleaned areas of the dermis should be treated with the medication. It is necessary to avoid contact of the drug with the area around the eyes and lips. If the gel gets on the mucous membrane, it is important to rinse it with plenty of clean water.
  2. It is recommended to apply the product a maximum of three times a day. The thick gel is evenly applied to the surface of the problematic dermis in a thin layer. The manufacturer's instructions allow for rubbing the medication in with gentle massaging movements.
  3. In the presence of extensive damage, therapy may take up to 7 days.

Types of drugs

Photo: preparations with badyaga

The substance is available in the form of gel, ointment and powder.

  • The most aggressive product is considered to be in powder form. It is used as a component of various masks, as well as in its pure form for deep peeling.
  • Ointment and gel are less effective for severe skin lesions, but are convenient to use for newly formed age spots.

Sometimes, for greater effect, 2 forms of the drug are used at once: gel and powder (in the absence of contraindications).

Indications, contraindications for use

The medicinal gel is an effective drug for chronic tissue pathologies, bruises, bruises. The silica contained in the medication allows for a pronounced irritating effect, while essential oils help quickly eliminate bruises and bruises.

The main indications for use of the drug are as follows:

  1. Joint pathologies, arthritis, accompanied by inflammatory reactions.
  2. Dislocations, sprains.
  3. Bruising.
  4. Bruises.
  5. Hematomas, bruises.

“Badyaga 911” is widely used in the field of cosmetology. With its help you can get rid of age spots, acne, blackheads.

Among the contraindications that prevent the use of the drug are such physiological and pathological conditions as:

  1. The presence of inflammation and open wounds on the body.
  2. Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  3. Pregnancy, lactation period.
  4. Age less than 6 years.

Experts recommend consulting a dermatologist before starting to use the medicinal gel. The doctor will rule out the presence of contraindications and, thereby, eliminate the likelihood of developing side symptoms.

Causes of acne

Acne appears due to disruption of the sebaceous glands.

This happens for various reasons, namely:

  • increased androgen levels during adolescence;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • increased levels of steroid hormones (during menstruation);
  • stress;
  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • poor nutrition;
  • violation of hygiene standards;
  • taking certain medications;
  • heredity;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Often, after acne treatment, reddish or bluish spots remain on the skin.

The reasons for their appearance are as follows:

  • concentration of melanin in the affected area;
  • mechanical skin injuries;
  • poor hygiene.

Sometimes spots go away on their own, but usually special cosmetics and procedures are required to make them disappear, namely:

  • chemical peeling with acids, badyaga, etc.;
  • phototherapy;
  • laser resurfacing, etc.


According to the instructions, “Badyagu 911” for bruises should be applied to the surface of the damaged dermis in a thin layer. After this, the product is evenly rubbed over the entire affected area. To speed up the process of absorption of the gel by the skin, light rubbing of the drug is allowed. The frequency of treatment of injured areas and the dose of the drug are determined individually for each patient.

Negative effects, special instructions for use

The instructions for the Badyaga 911 gel contain information that side symptoms do not develop if the patient uses the gel correctly and follows the advice of a specialist. If the patient has an individual sensitivity to the components of the product, there is a possibility of allergic responses in the form of local inflammation, redness, and itching. All of these manifestations are of an allergic nature and completely disappear after stopping the use of the medication.

Mask recipes

Photo: preparing the mask

To get rid of acne on the face and spots after them, as well as to rejuvenate the skin, you can prepare masks with badyaga at home.

How to use the gel:It should be remembered that the gel, unlike the powder, has a gentle effect on the skin.
IngredientsMode of application
  • Powder;
  • blue clay;
  • water.
  • Mix all components in a ratio of 2:1:3.
  • The resulting mass should be homogeneous.
  • Apply to affected areas for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse off with warm water.
  • Apply nourishing cream or mask.
  • Badyaga;
  • hydrogen peroxide.
  • Mix the components in equal quantities and wait for the reaction to start.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply to face.
  • Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse off.

Quickly helps with pigmentation.

The mask helps not only against acne, but also marks from it.

Do not use the mixture for oily skin.


Currently, the pharmaceutical industry offers a fairly large range of drugs based on badyaga. Widespread use is due to the affordability and high efficiency of this component. Many drugs based on it differ from Badyagi 911 only in the concentration of the active substance and the list of excipients, providing a completely similar effect. The product has no complete analogues, but there are drugs that can eliminate bruises and bruises in a few days.

The most popular analogues of Badyaga 911 are: Troxevasin, Badyaga Forte, Sinyak OFF, Heparin Ointment.

It is important to take into account that the listed medications have specific contraindications and can cause the development of a number of side symptoms, so their use should be agreed with a doctor.


Products for the treatment of acne are selected depending on the cause of their occurrence and the individual characteristics of the person.

Photo: acne treatment is best left to a doctor

It is best to entrust this to a doctor, then the therapy will not only be effective, but also safe.

Products for external usePillsPeople's Pharmacy
Creams and gels with retinoids:
  • "Isotrexin";
  • "Retinoic ointment";
  • "Klenzit";
  • "Differin."

They are prescribed when other remedies have not helped and there is a bacterial infection in the body.

Can be mixed with honey, egg white or yolk

Contained in the preparations:

  • “Zinerite;
  • "Baziron";
  • "Azelik."
  • "Streptocide";
  • "Aspirin".

Blue and white are used to treat acne.

Prescribed for the release of excess sebum.

Used as a component of masks and independently.

Prescribed when the body produces excess male hormones.

Can be purchased at the pharmacy:

Or cook it yourself.

  • sagebrush;
  • celandine;
  • hop;
  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile.
  • "Regetsin";
  • "Dapsone."
  • "Lactofiltrum";
  • "Activated carbon".
  • "Baziron";
  • "Nivea"
  • "Vichy"
  • "Emalan."

Most often, complex therapy is used to treat acne, combining external medications and tablets.

Reviews about “Badyag 911”

Many patients call “Badyagu 911” a life-saving body gel that allows you to quickly and effectively eliminate bruises, contusions, and bruises. The product has gained popularity due to its almost complete safety, affordable cost, and the possibility of use in children over 6 years old. Undoubtedly, confidence in the drug is largely due to the fact that it has been used for a very long time and has been proving its effectiveness for several decades.

We reviewed the instructions for use for the Badyaga 911 gel.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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