The reason for the appearance of papillomas on the neck and recommendations for their removal

Human papillomavirus is an infection that, despite the active development of medicine, has not yet been thoroughly studied. Questions related to its selective appearance and the impossibility of complete destruction are relevant for many. It manifests itself in the form of skin growths of different sizes called papillomas.

Rice. 1. Papillomas on the neck are common.

Of the possible causes of this disease that have been established by medical practice today, there are several:
  • slow activity of immune processes in the body (under the influence of a long-term illness, pregnancy, etc.);
  • metabolic disorders;
  • excess weight;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • load on the body with drugs (including drugs), alcohol-containing drinks, nicotine.

An infection can enter the body in various ways - at home, through sexual contact, with the blood of a sick person, or when the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes is damaged.

Complications of small warts

Even the smallest warts on the chin or other parts of the body can cause complications.
Including life-threatening ones.

Some types of papillomavirus can cause cancer.

These are squamous cell skin cancer, cervical carcinoma, cancer of the penis, esophagus, larynx, and rectum.

The appearance of a tumor is usually preceded by precancerous processes.

They can be identified during the examination.

These processes have been going on for years.

Therefore, if a person monitors his health and visits a doctor, then he is protected from these complications.

Because if foci of pathologically altered epithelium are detected, they can be removed.

As a result, transformation into cancer does not occur.

If a person ignores his illness, is not examined and is not treated, then he puts himself at risk.

People who are not bothered by small warts or if they are in places inaccessible for self-examination do not go to the doctor.

Other possible complications:

  • wart rupture and bleeding;
  • inflammatory processes due to bacterial superinfection;
  • scar formation as a result of mechanical damage to warts.

Sometimes borderline tumors develop.

With anogenital localization, human papillomavirus infection can occur in the form of giant Buschke-Levenshtein condyloma.

It is characterized by infiltrative, destructive growth.

The tumor grows, destroying surrounding tissue.

It reaches enormous sizes and often recurs after removal.

Therefore, the overall mortality rate for giant condyloma reaches 60%, despite the possibility of surgical treatment.

Why do papillomas appear on the neck?

Contrary to many myths regarding etiotropic factors in the formation of papillomas , these skin growths are a manifestation of the presence in the patient’s blood of the human papillomavirus (HPV), which has more than 120 known strains. It is not difficult to become infected with such a viral agent, either through direct contact with a carrier or through common household items.

Quite often, papillomas appear in childhood, which is explained by the increased sensitivity of the child’s body to infections and viruses. In addition, papillomas are also characterized by a perinatal spreading factor, which involves the transmission of HPV from mother to child in the womb.

The following circumstances can remove the virus from a latent (“dormant”) state, in which it can remain indefinitely:

  • Decreased immunity;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Injuries, scratches, open wounds;
  • Overwork and stress;
  • Poor nutrition and bad habits;
  • Lack of personal hygiene;
  • Weakening of the body due to an infectious or inflammatory process.

Papillomas on the neck often begin to appear during the healing period of scratches and microcracks in the skin, which can be caused by friction of a chain or clothing.

How to get rid of small warts

It is better to get rid of warts earlier.

Don't wait until they reach large sizes.

Moreover, there is no need to wait until the wart becomes the cause of a malignant tumor.

It is better to go to the doctor and remove all formations once and for all.

This will require a total of 1-2 hours of your time.

Removal will be safe and completely painless.

But all warts are guaranteed to disappear.

And with proper medical treatment, the risk of their reappearance will be minimized.

There are several types of treatment that a person with small warts on the body can receive.

He is receiving systemic therapy.

It is aimed at destroying viruses in the body.

A person is prescribed immunomodulators and antiviral drugs.

Treatment is also used to remove the warts themselves.

Preparations for the treatment of small warts

You can remove warts using the following methods:

  • cytotoxic;
  • chemical;
  • physical.

The first two involve treating the skin with special preparations.

With the cytotoxic method, the skin is treated repeatedly.

With chemical treatment, a single treatment is carried out, as a result of which the wart tissue dies and is rejected.

Podophyllotoxin is mainly used for cytotoxic removal.

This is an extract of the roots of Podophyllum thyroid.

Apply it for 3 days in a row.

Then they take a break for 4 days.

If the warts do not disappear, the course is repeated.

There can be no more than five such courses in total.

If there is no effect, other, more effective treatment methods are used.

Possible side effects of using podophyllotoxin:

  • redness;
  • burning;
  • pain;
  • ulcers at the site of application;
  • edema.

When removing warts on the penis, balanoposthitis may develop.

If an excessively large dose is used or a large area is treated, the components of the drug may be absorbed into the blood.

Then systemic side effects occur:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • diarrhea;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • a decrease in the number of blood cells due to suppression of red bone marrow function;
  • the appearance of ulcers in the mouth.

Chemical removal methods are also used.

For this purpose, concentrated solutions of alkalis or acids are used.

That is, substances that cause chemical burns of the skin followed by necrosis and tissue rejection.

Such drugs are often used by patients on their own.

Although this possibility is not specified in the instructions.

It states that removal can only be performed by a doctor experienced in performing this type of procedure.

Chemical removal is dangerous if done incorrectly.

It is necessary to treat the skin located nearby with Vaseline or oil.

Otherwise it will also be damaged.

When using a large amount of solution or increasing the exposure time, scar formation may occur.

They are formed as a result of a deep burn of the skin.

When trying to remove small warts on the penis, phimosis may form.

The disadvantages of home removal of formations are as follows:

  • Is it dangerous;
  • hurt;
  • is fraught with side effects;
  • not always effective;
  • After removal, there remains a high risk of relapse.

Therefore, it is better to remove these formations using physical methods.

Cold and chemical removal of warts, moles, condylomas: there are more disadvantages than advantages


- exposure to the formation of a refrigerant (usually liquid nitrogen), freezing at a temperature of - 190 degrees, sufficient to destroy the tissues of the formation. Unlike a scalpel and current, cryodestruction does not leave scarring, so it can be used on any area of ​​the skin and mucous membranes, even on the cervix. Liquid nitrogen is used in the treatment of erosion in nulliparous women.

The cold itself “freezes” the tissue, so anesthesia during cryodestruction is not necessary. This makes the technique convenient for treating patients who are allergic to anesthetics.

The main disadvantage of the method is the impossibility of accurately adjusting the depth and area of ​​penetration of the coolant into the tissue. With weak treatment, unremoved cells remain, leading to relapse, and too deep treatment leads to the destruction of melanin pigment and the appearance of hypopigmentation - white spots that are difficult to get rid of.

After unsuccessful cryodestruction, poorly healing blisters and ulcers appear on the skin, caused by frostbite of the tissue around the removed formation.

Cauterization with various chemical solutions works in approximately the same way - feresol, condiline, verrucacid and other drugs that act on the skin with acids, alkalis and aggressive organic components (phenol, tricresol).

The disadvantage of their use is low selectivity. Along with the altered tissues, healthy ones that are affected by the substance also suffer, and sometimes part of the formation remains, leading to a relapse. This situation is especially dangerous when removing moles. After a chemical burn, nevi that are not completely removed become inflamed and can develop into an aggressive cancerous tumor - melanoma. The chemical components included in the preparations are dangerous for people with a tendency to allergic reactions.

Currently, agents are used to remove tumors that have an antiviral effect. They are effective against papillomas and warts, but growths of non-viral origin, such as moles or hemangiomas, cannot be removed with their help.

Methods for removing small warts

Physical methods for removing small warts on the skin have a number of advantages:

  • removal is carried out simultaneously;
  • the procedure takes a minimum of time;
  • it is painless (local anesthesia is used);
  • guaranteed effect;
  • possibility of histological examination of remote formation;
  • low risk of relapse.

Our clinic uses all modern methods for removing warts.

We remove formations of any size.

For a large number of small warts, laser or liquid nitrogen can be used.

Cryodestruction involves freezing skin formations.

When thawed, the cells die.

Warts are rejected, and young skin is formed in their place.

Laser removal is often used.

The laser evaporates the liquid from the cells.

He instantly removes the wart, leaving a scab in its place.

Then a crust forms there.

All procedures are performed under anesthesia: application or infiltration.

The choice depends on the location of the warts and their size.

If there are a large number of small formations, an anesthetic cream is applied to the skin.

After 20 minutes the skin becomes insensitive.

The doctor removes the formations, and the patient does not feel anything at this time.

In the presence of large warts, infiltration anesthesia becomes the more preferable method of pain relief.

Using a thin needle, the anesthetic is injected into the base of the formation.

The anesthetic effect occurs instantly.

After this, the doctor performs removal using any method: laser, electrocoagulation or radio waves are used.

Healing after removal of small warts

After removing small warts, the wounds heal very quickly.

In young people, the healing time usually does not exceed 1 week.

After this time, the crust is torn off.

In its place only a pink spot remains.

Over time, the color of young skin is compared with the surrounding skin.

Scars do not form after removal if it was performed correctly.

There are almost no complications after removal.

They are possible only if a person tore off the scab prematurely, soaked it in water for a long time, or the wound was exposed to contamination.

To reduce the risk of infection, your doctor may prescribe treatment with local antibacterial agents.

Types of warts and their location

1. Simple or vulgar warts occur mainly in children and adolescents. These are round, dense growths on the hands, face or lips. More than 65% of all skin warts are of this type. 2. Flat warts of various shapes with a smooth surface appear in adolescence on the fingers, feet, and oral mucosa and are not common - only 3-4% of all cases. 3. Palmoplantar papillomas can appear at any age. These are hard, round formations with layers of keratinized layers of skin. Most often they form on the feet and over time cause a person severe pain when walking. 4. Thread-like papillomas of flesh-colored, brown or coffee color are located in the folds of the skin of different parts of the body - genitals, armpits, eyelids, neck. These are elongated warts with a “pedicle”. 5. Soft genital warts are located on the mucous membranes in the groin, rectum or urethra. They manifest themselves in the form of a ball, pyramid or nodular cluster, and are rarely found in a single copy. Genital warts are often multiple growths with a keratinized surface.

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