Antifungal nail polishes: 10 best drugs

The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

A fungal infection of the nail plate responds well to treatment at an early stage, but later, when the fungus spreads and begins to multiply in the internal environment of the body, it becomes difficult to remove it. In severe cases of onchomycosis, the use of local drugs is not enough; complex therapy includes systemic antifungal agents. (

Local remedies to combat fungus

Solutions, creams and gels for nail plate fungus on the toes and hands should be used strictly according to the instructions. And you don’t have to prepare large sums of money for this. Use the medicine until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely. Products containing various acids can boast the greatest effectiveness. It is these substances that are fatal to most fungal infections:

  1. Mycostop
    . The lotion contains lactic acid. The cost of the drug does not exceed 230-250 rubles.

  2. Boric acid
    . It costs very little - literally 20 rubles, contains a 3% solution of boric acid and in some cases fights fungus much better than expensive gels. You can buy boric acid in powder form and dilute it with medical alcohol.

  3. Mycoseptin
    . The cost of 30 g of effective ointment will be approximately 350 rubles. It contains undecylenic acid.

It is also possible to distinguish several groups of cheap drugs based on the active substance. They help stop the development of a fungal infection and destroy the cells of pathologically dangerous spores.


Local remedies by group

The active ingredients in these drugs are of a chemical nature, but they do not contain hormones or dangerous products:

  1. Ketoconazole
    . In this group, inexpensive representatives are Ketoconazole cream and Mycozoral ointment. The cost of the first medicine does not reach 100 rubles, and the second - does not exceed 300 rubles.
  2. Bifonazole
    . The drug Bifosin is produced in the form of a cream, its price is within 56 rubles. There are other creams based on this product.
  3. Terbinafine
    . It is produced in the form of a cream of the same name, the price of which does not exceed 60 rubles. There is also Lamitel spray for 200 rubles and Thermikon cream, the price of which barely reaches 200 rubles.

  4. Miconazole
    . They produce a high-quality cream called Mykozon for 130 rubles.
  5. Nystatin
    . The active ingredient is found in the ointment of the same name and costs only 50 rubles.
  6. Econazole
    . The best representative of the group is Ecodax cream, the price of which does not exceed 150 rubles.
  7. Naftifin
    . In this category of drugs, the most effective are Mikoderil spray and a drug with the same name in the form of a cream. Their price is in the range of 300-400 rubles.

There are also natural drugs to combat fungus, among which Nomidol stands out.

Nomidol contains only natural substances, and the formula is designed to suppress the activity of all dangerous fungi; the medicine has no contraindications.

In addition to solutions and ointments for external use, created specifically for the treatment of fungus on the hands and feet, there are universal medicines.

Reasons for the development of mycosis

Predisposing factors include taking antibiotics, poor hygiene when visiting swimming pools, increased sweating and/or poor immune system protection. In most cases, pathological disorders in the body occur due to a combination of reasons.

Varieties of opportunistic microorganisms that are causative agents of the disease:

  • yeast (Candida albicans causes thrush);
  • dermatophytes (provokes herpes zoster);
  • mold (causative agent of aspergillosis and respiratory tract problems).

The most common is Candida albicans - it is part of the natural microflora, present in 50% of the population. It does not cause problems until it begins to multiply uncontrollably under the influence of certain factors. Most often, Candida passes from mother to baby during childbirth and breastfeeding.

Special substances for treating fungus

The following substances and preparations can be used both as part of complex fungal therapy and as the main methods of treating the disease:

  • Listerine
    - costs 200 rubles and is intended for rinsing the mouth, used for foot and hand baths mixed with lemon juice and apple vinegar;
  • Creolin
    is a veterinary drug for 50 rubles that destroys many parasites;
  • Berezhny liquid
    - contains vinegar, sodium iodide, glycerin and iodine, is inexpensive, but is available only by prescription;
  • Fukortsin
    is a multifunctional remedy for fighting fungi and infections;
  • essential oils of tea tree or lavender
    - cost from 300 to 700 rubles, but are extremely effective, kill bacteria and fungi, and also promote healing.

There is another way to quickly and cheaply eliminate fungal infections - using drugs to carefully remove the nail through softening it.

For pregnant

During pregnancy, the main rule of any treatment is not to harm the unborn child. During the treatment of fungus, this means choosing drugs exclusively for external use, focusing on their ability to be absorbed into the body.

Of the drugs listed above, the least dangerous for pregnant women are those based on imidazole derivatives. They act only in the thickness of the skin at the site of application, practically without entering the blood. For the same reason, pregnant women are not prescribed allylamines and drugs from other groups.

The final choice will depend on the exact diagnosis, the composition of the drug, its spectrum of action, additional properties and many other factors. The doctor will choose from a variety of drugs the most suitable drug in each case, taking into account minimizing the risks to the fetus.

Inexpensive nail removers

Such medications often contain urea, which promotes easy and gentle softening and removal of the nail plate. Perfect for spot removal of the plate; it is not necessary to remove the entire nail:

  • Mikostop paste
    - available in 20 ml tubes priced from 160 to 200 rubles;
  • Nogtimitsin cream
    - comes in a 30 g package and costs no more than 150 rubles;
  • Nogtivit cream
    — a small tube costing up to 200 rubles;

  • Fundizol cream
    - costs about 100 rubles.

But none of these drugs can be considered an excellent treatment method for advanced cases of fungus.


Brief summary

Effective and inexpensive antimycotic drugs, produced in the form of tablets, are used for fungal infections of the nail plates of various origins. They are prescribed when ointments, gels and other means for external application have not brought the desired results.

Broad-spectrum tablets are effective against most pathogenic microorganisms and fungal pathogens. Treatment of mycosis is long and complex; the drug must be taken until healthy nail plates grow back.

Tablets for advanced cases

You can cure a fungal infection using inexpensive analogues of expensive tablets. However, you still shouldn’t rely on capsules for 100 rubles, since more serious solutions are needed here:

  1. Substance fluconazole
    - is included in the drug of the same name, as well as in Forkan tablets, their cost is affordable, but the effectiveness is not always significant. Diflucan tablets based on the substance cost about 1000 rubles, but the result of their use is noticeably better.

  2. Substance itraconazole
    - is included in Irunin and Itrazol, the cost of which is within 500 rubles, while Orungal based on the same product is much more expensive. The effectiveness depends on the individual characteristics of the body, but there are many positive reviews regarding the expensive medicine.

  3. Ketoconazole
    - is part of creams and tablets, found in drugs such as Fungavis and Nizoral, as well as Terbizil. The cost of the first two is within 500 rubles, but the last one costs more than 1000.

Anti-fungal tablets should be used very carefully, as they have many contraindications and side effects.

Analogs of expensive drugs

Almost all expensive medications can be replaced with cheap remedies for nail fungus on the hands and feet. Often they help either as much as advertised remedies or are even more effective.

Expensive drugPriceActive ingredientAnaloguePrice
Orungal capsules, 14 pcs.More than 2500 rublesItraconazoleIrunin tablets, 10 pcs.300 rubles
Intraconazole capsules270 rubles
Orunit capsules, 15 pcs.450 rubles
Orungamine capsules, 15 pieces650 rubles
Lamisil, 14 tablets2000 rublesTerbinafineBinafin tablets, 14 pcs.600 rubles
Terbinafine tablets, 10 pcs.150 rubles
Terbinafine-mff tablets, 10 pcs.150 rubles
Exoderil drops, 10 ml420 rublesNaftifinMikoderil, 10 ml350 rubles
Diflucan, capsules 12 pcs.2000 rublesFluconazoleMikosist, 7 tablets500 rubles
Fluconazole tablets, 7 pcs.100 rubles
Flucostat tablets, 7 pcs.300 rubles
Mycospor, 10 g ointment and patches1000 rublesBifonazoleCream Bifosin, 30 g40 rubles
Mycozoral tablets, 30 pcs.530 rublesKetoconazoleKetoconazole DS, 10 pcs.120 rubles
Nizoral cream500 rublesKetoconazoleKetoconazole cream60 rubles

How to use correctly

The use of creams against fungus on the feet is described in the instructions for each of them. They are used only externally, directly on the affected areas of the feet, fingers and nails. If the disease is severely advanced, systemic antimycotics are additionally prescribed.

You cannot interrupt the course prescribed by your doctor and described in the instructions: this may cause a relapse, in which the fungus will already acquire a certain degree of resistance to treatment.

When using for children, you must carefully study the instructions: some creams have contraindications for use in children under 12 years of age. Among other contraindications, individual sensitivity to the components of the drug is mainly noted.

Varnishes against fungus on nails

A completely unique group of drugs for the treatment of fungal infections are special pharmaceutical varnishes. They eliminate the initial stages of onychomycosis well and quickly. The varnishes are quickly and securely fixed to the affected plate with a special film and prevent the spread of the disease.

The varnishes contain active components that reliably protect nails from environmental influences and infections for several days.

To treat fungus that affects nails and skin, varnish cannot be the only remedy.

Nail polish also has its advantages: it penetrates much deeper into the nail plate, but does not affect the keratin layers. This medicine acts continuously for 5-10 days due to the film that forms. It can also be combined with laser therapy and other methods of treating fungal infections.

The best thing about medicinal varnishes is their affordable price. And such products show maximum effectiveness in the first stages of onychomycosis, when the infection has not yet spread to the skin or has not affected all the plates.

Using medicinal varnish is also important for prevention, for example, when you visit a bathhouse, swimming pool or sauna. Any public place with high humidity is a reason to apply protective varnish.

The best varnishes against fungus

Among the most effective and convenient means, the cost of which will not exceed 1,500 rubles, doctors highlight:

  1. Oflomil
    - a relatively inexpensive analogue of Lotseril, the cost of which is much higher. The varnish is produced by the Indian company Glenmark. The set includes as many as 12 nail files for treating contaminated surfaces, 6 applicators and 12 cleaning wipes. Judging by the reviews, the effectiveness of the product is very high, and its price does not exceed 850 rubles. Usually a 2.5 ml bottle is enough for a course of treatment.

  2. Onyhelp
    — varnish based on amorolfine from a Croatian company. The composition includes 1 bottle and 30 alcohol wipes with 60 nail files. Additionally, there are 10 applicators, and the price of a 5 ml bottle will cost 1,500 rubles. There is also a small bottle of 2.5 ml, but its cost is more expensive - about 1000 rubles.

  3. Demicten
    is a varnish based on formaldehyde, enzymes and bacterial proteins. Its purpose is to restore the structure of the nail and destroy any bacteria. Helps get rid of inflammation and costs only 360 rubles (40 ml bottle).

You can buy varnish at almost any pharmacy. Each bottle comes with convenient and understandable instructions, which usually boil down to the following procedures: apply varnish in 1-2 layers every 3-4 minutes.

First you need to sand the surface of the nail using a special file, then it is treated with a napkin.

Use a new nail polish applicator each time to avoid spreading infection.

Regardless of which remedy is used for treatment, skipping its doses is strongly not recommended. If the planned therapy does not take place, it is necessary to correct this as soon as possible. It is better not to use decorative varnishes during the treatment process, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the active ingredients.

Types of fungal infections

Fungal infections can appear at any age. Infants most often encounter this problem - redness and peeling appear. The symptoms are similar to those of an allergic reaction, so therapy is often carried out, which is ineffective.

The clinical picture depends on the type of disease:

  • Because Candida thrives in moist and warm environments, it multiplies in the diaper area of ​​babies. This manifests as intense, large-scale redness with scaly edges.
  • Oral thrush is characterized by the appearance of a tight, gray-whitish film in the cheeks and throat. This type of disease is also caused by Candida and is most common among infants.
  • Ringworm is accompanied by severe itching, the appearance of round bald spots and blackheads. There is excessive hair fragility, which results in bald spots.
  • Vaginal (genital) candidiasis also occurs in childhood, although much less frequently. The victims may be babies in the first weeks of life, whose mother gave them Candida at birth. Babies still have their mother's female sex hormones (estrogens) in their bodies. They appear to inhibit the regenerative ability of the mucous membranes, which in turn contributes to the progression of the disease.

Pet-borne dermatophytes should not be underestimated. The head and torso are affected. The main carriers are cats, as well as guinea pigs and rabbits. Accompanied by severe itching, redness and excessive dryness.

Table - Classification of mycosis pathogens

Pathogen nameLocalization areaHow it manifests itself
Tinea capitis or Microsporum (microsporia or “ringworm”) Scalp Ring-shaped, sharply limited red spots appear, in which the hair either breaks or falls out. Sometimes the scalp starts to ooze due to weeping. Small red pustules may appear.
Tinea corporis (dermatophytosis) Torso and upper limbs It appears as pale red areas with characteristic peeling. In addition, there is unbearable itching. Therefore, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible to avoid spreading the fungus to other parts of the child’s body through scratching.
Tinea pedis (onychomycosis) Nail plates The filamentous fungus damages the toes or nails and gives them a characteristic yellowish coloration. The plates with onychomycosis become thick and brittle, with a “loose” structure. With the exception of visual changes, symptoms such as itching do not appear, so onychomycosis is usually diagnosed in the later stages of progression.


The drug Exoderil belongs to the group of allylamines. Its main medicinal substance is naftifine. The ointment has a destructive effect on the cell walls of the fungus and is aimed at quickly eliminating the disease.

The remedy also prevents the further development of various complications of the disease. According to reviews, the use of Exoderil in the treatment of early-stage nail fungus will allow you to cope with the disease in 1-2 weeks with regular application of the drug. It has no contraindications and does not cause side effects.

Candide B

This is a combination drug based on clotrimazole and the glucocorticoid beclomethasone. They are both effective antimycotic agents. They quickly restore the nail and prevent the fungus from reactivating.

Candide B can be used not only on nails, but also on the skin. It is well tolerated.

Thanks to the presence of beclomethasone, the inflammatory process stops and the itching disappears. A complex effect is exerted on various pathogenic microorganisms. The synthesis of substances favorable for the development of fungus is suppressed.

The treatment period ranges from 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the degree of neglect of the process. It is recommended to apply the ointment to clean feet 1 – 2 times a day and leave until completely absorbed.

Price: from 400 rubles.

Question answer

Yes, they are great for preventative purposes. It is useful to use varnishes after treatment, this way you protect yourself from secondary infection. You can even paint your nails with regular polish on top.

Such varnishes cost a lot. For example, the price of ointments or various gels is much lower. This is perhaps the only negative.

It is worth consulting a doctor. But most varnishes are allowed during gestation. In this situation, when a fungus appears, doctors prescribe external remedies (ointments, creams and also varnishes).

Signs of trichophytosis

Perhaps the most severe type of mycosis of the scalp is in the hair growth area, as a result of which the patient loses hair. Differentiate between superficial and deep forms.

With superficial trichophytosis, you can first detect flaky lesions and brittle hair at the base of the follicles, as a result of which the scalp is covered with black dots. On the remainder of the hair after breaking, you can notice a gray coating. The affected areas may become red, itchy, and swollen.

The deep form manifests itself as general malaise, hyperthermia; an infected person may notice swelling and tenderness of the lymph nodes, and a rash. Pink-red spots can be found on the scalp, rising above the surface of the epidermis. They have clear contours and a round shape. The most abundant peeling is observed along the contour of the spot. Less commonly, vesicles (bubbles with liquid) can form along the contour. Such lesions spread quite quickly, which is highly likely to lead to an abscess.


The Russian-made ointment contains terbinafine hydrochloride and a number of auxiliary ingredients.

For fungal infections, the product is used for 3 to 6 months. Apply it to the surface damaged by fungus in a thin layer 2 times a day. Terbinafine is inexpensive - from 60 rubles.

An analogue of Terbinafine is the ointment for the fungus Terbinox with a higher price - it varies between 40 - 280 rubles. Prescribed for mycosis and onychomycosis associated with the activity of dermatophytes and candida agents, as well as for pityriasis versicolor. Terbinox gives a positive effect of antifungal therapy in 95% of cases. It can be used to remove the fungus in 21–35 days.

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