The SM-Cosmetology doctor spoke about methods for removing papillomas on the face

The problem of the appearance of tumors on the skin of the face worries every person: tumor lesions cause discomfort and inconvenience and require cosmetic or therapeutic treatment. The capabilities of high-precision medical equipment and innovative techniques make it possible to effectively and safely remove tumors on the face. The most common, gentle and low-traumatic method that does not leave noticeable marks is laser removal of facial lesions.

Neoplasms on the face

Facial skin diseases are divided into two large groups: benign (papillomas, moles, angiomas) and malignant (sarcomas, melanomas). Let's consider a list of skin diseases that can be easily corrected using laser destruction:

  1. Hemangioma is a benign tumor of blood and lymphatic vessels that affects large areas of the skin surface and is a serious cosmetic problem.
  2. Basalioma - affects the skin of the face and wings of the nose. The causes have not been studied; it is not a dangerous disease.
  3. Warts are growths of various types and colors that are of viral origin.
  4. Botriomycoma is a benign formation, it is a red or bright pink nodule of different sizes; if damaged, bleeding occurs.
  5. Keratoma is keratinization of the layers of the epidermis, manifested by the formation of single or multiple plaques with a rough surface, prone to destruction. It is considered a borderline tumor in patients who belong to a risk group for the development of cancer.
  6. Nevus (mole) is a formation on the skin, characterized by an accumulation of melanocytes, and has a benign and malignant course.
  7. Chalazion is a disease of the eyelid and cartilage tissue around the eyes, a chronic proliferative process.
  8. Condylomas, papillomas are soft tissue papillary formations on a stalk that are caused by the human papillomavirus. Some strains are highly oncogenic and cause severe damage to the genitals and mucous membranes of the cervix (dysplasia).
  9. Lipoma is a tumor-like formation of adipose tissue.
  10. Acne is an inflammatory skin disease affecting the hair follicle and sebaceous gland.
  11. Cysts (milia).

ABCD principle

In dermatology, a simple rule is used to determine the signs of malignancy called ABCD. Each letter of the word corresponds to a specific characteristic of a mole:

A - asymmetry:

symmetrical (good) asymmetrical (bad).

B - random coloring:

uniform coloring (good) uneven coloring (bad).

B - height:

uniform height (good) uneven height (bad).

G - boundaries:

clear boundaries (good) unclear boundaries (bad).

D - diameter:

not growing (good) growing (bad).

Important: any changes in moles or their trauma is a reason to pay attention to them! Carefully examine all your formations; if you notice any suspicious signs, contact a specialist immediately!

Reasons for the appearance of tumors on the face

Neoplasms on the face can appear in people of different ages, even in those who monitor their skin condition. The risk category includes women over 35 years of age, when the body is forced to adapt to sudden hormonal changes. The main causes of facial skin lesions:

  • involutive skin changes
  • changes in the endocrine system
  • pregnancy and lactation
  • lack of vitamins
  • autoimmune chronic diseases
  • food and chemical poisoning
  • smoking abuse
  • UV radiation and solarium tanning

Papillomas on the neck

We are accustomed to calling small nodules with a thin stalk on the neck warts, although in fact they are filiform papillomas. These formations are not life-threatening, but many people want to remove them.

Before removing a papilloma on the neck, you need to make sure that it is not a mole or other skin formation. Its characteristic features:

  • The shape of a grain attached to the skin by thin threads, up to 2 mm long.
  • Shade - from yellow to brown.
  • They can be single (lower on the neck) or grouped up to ten pieces.
  • In addition to the neck, papillomas appear on the face, eyelids, cheeks, and around the lips.

Papillomas on the neck appear due to a specific virus that penetrates in different ways - through contact with the skin, transfer to the fingertips.

Is it necessary to remove lesions on the face?

The development of benign tumors creates a lot of inconvenience and is an unpleasant aesthetic problem. To avoid the development of serious complications (inflammatory processes, the appearance of ulcers, bleeding), as well as the growth of the lesion, doctors recommend removing formations on the face.

In the case of moles, refusal to remove them altogether risks the appearance of cancer, the treatment of which will require more significant medical care. In addition, untimely intervention in the oncological development of a neoplasm is highly likely to result in death.

Dangerous degeneration of moles into melanoma!

Every year, doctors diagnose 200,000 patients with melanoma, and a third of cases are fatal. On average, after positive treatment results, patients with melanoma live about 5 years. These scary statistics are presented here so that you think about your health and pay attention to it.

How to spot melanoma?

Melanoma, in simple words, is a former mole. The harbingers are situations when a mole changes color, redness appears around the mole, grows unevenly, hurts, and bleeding appears. It is possible that new moles will appear during life, which look unusual and differ from those that previously existed on the body. Any changes or appearance of “unusual” moles require special attention and are a reason to consult a dermatologist.

Methods for removing tumors on the face

To eliminate the problem of the appearance of benign tumors, laser removal of formations on the face is used. A cosmetic defect can be eliminated in several sessions. The main goal of the laser procedure is to relieve the patient from an unpleasant facial skin disease, prevent malignant degeneration, obtain an effective cosmetic result, avoid the formation of scar tissue and scars, and prevent relapses.

Laser removal of tumors on the face has a list of advantages:

  • quick and painless method
  • eliminating the risk of bacterial contamination
  • suitable for sensitive skin with contraindications to the use of other technologies
  • short rehabilitation period
  • no injuries or bleeding
  • use of local anesthesia
  • the method is suitable for removing defects in hard-to-reach places: corners of the nose, nasal cavity, eyelid area
  • the use of technology promotes epidermal regeneration

Types of papillomas

The most common types of skin formations are:

Regular or vulgar

This is a large papule. At first it is small, as it grows its surface becomes rough. Papilloma does not differ in color from healthy tissue. Several small ones often appear around one wart.


Papillomas in the form of threads. First, a yellow compaction appears on the skin, which stretches out and acquires a thin stalk. It often forms in the area of ​​the eyelids, neck, and chest.


Such seals protrude slightly above the body. Outwardly they resemble moles, but are denser in structure. Can form in groups in the genital area, back, anal area


In most cases, a number of papillomas appear in one place, which grow and take on the shape of a “cauliflower”. Locations: labia, vagina, penis.

Warts on the sole

Their main part grows inside tissues and nerve endings, which causes discomfort. The papilloma looks flat and yellow.

Most often, papillomas that are located on the mucous membrane are oncogenic in nature. In any case, if they occur, it is better to consult a specialist.

Contraindications for laser treatment of tumors

Laser removal of formations on the face cannot be used for the following pathological conditions:

  • increase in tumor size
  • changes in color, shape, structure of the tumor focus
  • formation of cracks, ulcers, skin hyperemia, bleeding
  • inflammation
  • the appearance of pain

With such symptoms, it is appropriate to assert that the formation is oncological in nature and intervention is necessary in other ways, for example, with a radio wave device, followed by histology of the tumor.

Diagnostics and examinations

Pigmented nevi, keratomas, condylomatous growths, and papillomas deserve special attention. Removing tumors on the face with a laser requires a microscopic analysis of the tissue.

Important! If malignant degeneration is suspected, the doctor performs dermatoscopy. It is forbidden to take a tissue biopsy before removal, so as not to provoke the development of a cancerous tumor.

Papillomas on the body

Papillomas on the body can occur in the body in various forms. Their size ranges from 1 mm to several centimeters. The rashes can be single or multiple, the color ranges from white to brown.

There are three forms of manifestation of HPV:

  • Clinical – papillomas, condylomas, flat formations, warts appear on the skin.
  • Subclinical - the appearance of rashes that are not noticeable during a medical examination.
  • Latent – ​​there are no symptoms or manifestations. To make a diagnosis, scraping of the epithelium is necessary.

VRF is insidious. Some papillomas can develop into malignant tumors.

Laser removal mechanism

The laser beam is able to carefully remove the formation without damaging adjacent tissue. The laser radiation beam penetrates the skin to a depth of 1 micron and works in a targeted manner, which prevents the occurrence of burns and microtraumas. The method is especially suitable for small areas of skin, for example, for removing tumors on the nose. The doctor prescribes from 2 to 4 sessions, the number of procedures for each case individually. Additional correction may be required after a month. The duration of one procedure is about 20 minutes and depends on the severity of the lesion.

Rehabilitation period after keratoma removal

Removal of keratomas by any of the above methods involves a postoperative period, which lasts differently. The longest recovery process is observed after surgery. It can range from 2 weeks to 4 months.

After removing a keratoma using any of the destructive methods, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • avoid contact of water and moisture on the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • do not remove the crust on the treated area of ​​the dermis, as this can lead to the appearance of scars, scars and infection;
  • try not to touch the inflamed epithelium and not expose it to ultraviolet radiation;
  • use medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • do not self-medicate, do not resort to traditional medicine unless your doctor approves it.

If you follow these recommendations, the regeneration process will be quick, painless and without complications.

After the keratoma removal procedure, it is important to come to an in-person appointment with a doctor for an examination 10–12 days later. The doctor will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the applied technique and outline a plan for further action, as well as give recommendations for skin care.

In our clinic, you can remove keratomas using liquid nitrogen, as well as any other methods at an affordable price. After consultation, specialists will select the most suitable procedure and eliminate the skin defect.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best cosmetologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Preparatory activities

Beginning the course of restoring beautiful and elastic skin requires additional measures. Need to:

  • avoid prolonged sun exposure before and after treatment
  • do not visit saunas, baths, do not swim in hot water
  • refrain from cosmetic peelings
  • treat affected areas with sunscreen
  • do not use medications that affect the blood clotting system

What should you do after a laser therapy session?

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require a hospital stay. During the rehabilitation period, you should refrain from exposure to the sun or solarium. At the site of the tumor, a crust forms, which should not be injured, as this can lead to the formation of a residual mark, which, however, can be easily removed by dermabrasion or laser resurfacing. Under no circumstances should the wound be wetted or allowed to soak the crust covering it. It is advisable to treat it with alcohol-based antiseptics.

The result of laser treatment and compliance with all the measures described above will be clear and smooth skin without scars. The price of laser removal of tumors on the face depends on the area and type of lesion, and is calculated individually for those wishing to receive high-quality treatment. General prices are listed below.

You can ask additional questions to a specialist at the medical center, and make an appointment with a dermatologist. ABC Clinic specialists perform effective removal of tumors of various etiologies using new equipment and guaranteeing the absence of relapses.

Primary source honey / September 2018

Papillomas on the eye

Papillomas can form on the upper and lower eyelids due to the penetration of the papillomavirus. For a long time, the disease may not manifest itself in any way, but its progression can even lead to deterioration of vision. Pathology can take two forms:

  1. Keratomas are elongated tuberous growths.
  2. Fibropapillomas are flat formations of various shapes.

Removal of eyelid papilloma is not carried out using a laser; a more preferable option is electrocoagulation.

Papillomas in intimate places

In intimate parts of the body, papillomas often appear not one at a time, but several at once, resembling cauliflower. The most popular localization locations:

  • pubis,
  • groin and perineum,
  • scrotum and penis,
  • cervix, vaginal mucosa.

In women, papillomas located on the mucous membrane of the vagina or cervix often cause discomfort - itching, pain, bleeding after sexual intercourse, and unpleasant discharge.

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