Ultrasonic facial cleansing: what it is, how it is done, price and reviews

Our skin is constantly exposed to the environment. Ultraviolet radiation, dust and dirt, frequent stress and hormonal imbalances negatively affect the condition and health of the epidermis. Constant makeup causes pores to become clogged with makeup residue, even if we wash it off thoroughly.

To stay healthy and clean, the skin needs daily cleansing and gentle care. There are a huge number of cosmetics, masks, peelings and scrubs for cleansing and moisturizing the face. But can home care completely rid the skin of impurities and give it freshness and beauty?

Unfortunately, home remedies are superficial and have short-lived effects. Cosmetologists have long proven that professional facial cleansing is necessary at least once a month. Only with the help of high-quality salon products and special tools can a positive and effective result be achieved.

What is this procedure

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is the cleansing and renewal of the upper layer of skin using high-frequency ultrasonic waves. Ultrasound carefully lifts all imperfections: closed comedones, dead skin cells, remnants of minor impurities and makeup.

Ultrasonic cleansing affects the skin in three ways simultaneously:

  • mechanically – pressure when exposed to ultrasound;
  • physico-chemical – accelerates cell metabolism through ultrasonic waves;
  • thermally - warming up the deep layers, thereby stimulating the production of collagen.

After ultrasonic cleaning, the skin is renewed, becomes radiant and smooth. Any cosmetic products are absorbed more efficiently, since the stratum corneum does not interfere with their penetration.

Overview of devices and accessories

Ultrasonic cleaning is impossible without special devices. They are divided into stationary (professional) and portable (portable). The second category of devices is used, as a rule, for home facial cleansing. They are safe and easy to use and consist of a spatula-shaped attachment (scrubber).

Professional stationary installations for ultrasonic peeling are equipped with additional functions (phonophoresis, ionization, microcurrents, massage); cosmetologists work on them after completing training. In addition, such equipment is expensive and its purchase is impractical for home use.

The following models are recognized in the TOP 5 best devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing at home:

ReadySkin ZX7080. A popular device for ultrasonic facial cleansing in the budget segment. The device has 5 functions:

  • Ultrasonic peeling is a procedure for delicately removing the dead skin layer and cleaning out pores. As a result, blood flow accelerates and rejuvenation processes are launched.
  • Ionic purification (disincrustation) is a cleaning procedure with galvanic current using a disincrustation solution. Comedones located in the sebaceous glands are easily saponified and quickly removed.
  • Phonophoresis + micromassage – help moisturize the skin, increase its elasticity and tone.
  • Microcurrent lifting - a device using a conductive gel accelerates metabolism, activates regenerative processes at the cellular level and reduces the depth of wrinkles.

The cost of the device is 4,590 rubles

US Medica Brilliant. This is a convenient and practical portable device. The device has 3 operating modes:

  • peeling (Cleansing) - used to cleanse the skin and restore the respiratory function of the integument. After using this regime, a healthy glow appears, skin cells are saturated with oxygen, the skin looks refreshed and well-groomed;
  • nutrition and hydration (Nutrition) - this mode ensures deep penetration of nutrients and vitamins into the skin. To achieve the desired effect, you should use professional cosmetics and high quality products;
  • lifting (Lifting) - the device stimulates cell function, increases the firmness and elasticity of fibers, smoothes the microrelief of the integument. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to additionally use products with vitamin A.

The device has a touch control panel and compact dimensions (48x142x15 mm). It is inexpensive - about 5900 rubles.

YOU GESS-689. The device is intended for ultrasonic peeling of the face and décolleté at home. The device has 2 modes: peeling and phonophoresis. Regular use of a portable device guarantees high-quality cleansing and healing of the skin, restoration of the respiratory function of the skin and stimulation of intracellular processes. The “phonophoresis” function guarantees deep tissue massage and consolidation of the achieved effect.

The body of the device is covered with a special material, which prevents it from slipping out of your hands during the procedure. The device is designed for 4 hours of continuous operation. The kit includes a case, a USB cable and an AC adapter for recharging, and a user manual. YOU GESS-689 costs about 4850 rubles.

GEZATONE BIO SONIC HS2307I. Ultrasonic cleaning device from a well-known manufacturer. It is highly popular, cleanses the skin and pores efficiently, normalizes blood circulation and metabolic processes, makes the skin elastic and toned. The device has 3 operating modes: ultrasound peeling, peeling massage and phonophoresis.

To improve the quality and condition of the skin, it is important to use the device in combination with professional lines of cosmetics. When choosing them, be guided by the type and characteristics of the cover.

The cost of the device is up to 5600 rubles.

WELSS WS 7050. The device deeply cleanses the skin, stimulates metabolic processes inside cells, evens out the color and microrelief of the face. To ensure the declared effect, the manufacturer offers 3 modes: hardware cleaning, ultraphonophoresis and ultrasonic cleaning.

The device is also suitable for working with the décolleté area and is gentle and painless. The battery is designed for 3 hours of continuous operation. The price of the device is 6390 rubles.

Beauty Star Ultrasonic Face Scrubber . An alternative Chinese and budget option to expensive devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing. Simple and easy to use. Equipped with high and low pore cleansing mode, phonophoresis and skin lifting. Details about the device and instructions for the user's manual are shown on the back of the package.

Among the shortcomings, users noted only the absence of a charging indicator.

You can order the device on Aliexpress , the duration and cost of delivery are negotiated with the seller. The approximate price of the device is 1,700 rubles.

What effect should you expect?

You can enjoy the results of ultrasonic cleaning almost immediately. But the effect will be most noticeable after 2 days:

  • smoothed wrinkles;
  • healthy complexion;
  • clean pores and absence of blackheads;
  • smooth skin texture;
  • facial tone and elasticity;
  • elimination of small scars;
  • no swelling.

The procedure triggers cellular metabolism, resulting in smooth, soft and fresh skin.

Positive effects of ultrasonic peeling

The unique “ultrasonic facial cleansing” procedure makes it possible to:

  • cleanse the skin
  • awaken sleeping resources,
  • improve the structure of the dermis,
  • reduce pores,
  • knock out sebaceous dirt from the pores.

Proper sonic cleansing promotes enhanced skin regeneration in women of any age. As a result of regeneration, the dermis takes on a fresh appearance, becomes noticeably softer and more elastic, and its color improves. Properly performed facial cleansing by an ultrasound cosmetologist solves the problem of skin peeling and reduces irritation.

Indications and contraindications

The procedure for ultrasonic facial cleansing is indicated for almost any age: from adolescence to adulthood with age-related changes already appearing. In what cases should you undergo the procedure:

  • decreased skin tone and elasticity;
  • excessive work of the sebaceous glands;
  • comedones and acne;
  • dark spots;
  • clogged and enlarged pores;
  • dull complexion;
  • swelling;
  • before performing mechanical facial cleansing.


  • recent chemical peel procedure;
  • open wounds;
  • acute inflammatory process;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • neuralgia or inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • herpes in acute form;
  • oncology;
  • eczema;
  • critical days;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the presence of “golden threads”;
  • pregnancy.


Tatiana Kuznetsova

Some of the contraindications (herpes, inflammation) are not absolute. Therefore, after getting rid of the symptoms, you can safely undergo the procedure.

Is it possible to do ultrasonic peeling in summer?

In summer, the fair half of humanity wants to look irresistible. But it is at this time that the skin is subjected to increased stress. Activate the work of skin cells, sebaceous glands, and epidermis. Facial skin begins to need more productive care.

Cosmetologists recommend fearlessly using ultrasonic peeling in the summer. This safe procedure perfectly cleanses, massages and improves blood circulation. Improves complexion and has a beneficial effect on skin health.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of ultrasonic cleaning in my opinion:


availability (low cost);



cleansing and reducing pores;

combating the first age-related changes by increasing the tone of the facial muscles;

reduction of acne and pimples;

improved blood circulation, which gives the face a healthy color;

stimulation of cell metabolism;

reduction or complete elimination of facial wrinkles;

smoothing small scars;

the ability to combine with other cosmetic procedures (for example, peeling).

Among its disadvantages, I include possible side effects. This is dryness and redness of the skin. And, if the redness goes away on its own within a few hours after the procedure, then you will have to fight the dryness. To do this, you need to include panthenol-based moisturizers in your daily routine and apply them twice a day until the dermis returns to its original state.

Another disadvantage of the procedure is the small depth of impact and, therefore, poor effectiveness. Since the procedure affects only the upper layer of the dermis, it may not be enough for those with oily skin types.

How to choose?

When purchasing a model, you should focus primarily on the main characteristics of the device.

  1. How comfortable does it fit in your hand? If you are uncomfortable even holding it, then you are unlikely to be able to do the facial skin cleansing procedure on your own.
  2. Choose a high power device . The higher the power, the more effective the result of the manipulation will be.
  3. Buy devices from well-known brands and manufacturers. Large retail outlets are required to provide you with a lifetime warranty.
  4. Don't buy too budget models. Study the offered range and choose the average cost of the device. Too expensive products are practically no different from the average option.

How to prepare for the procedure

For ultrasonic cleaning to bring the desired effect, you need to:

  • make sure there are no contraindications, get examined by a doctor;
  • do not overeat on the eve of the session;
  • do not drink alcoholic beverages several days before cleansing;
  • stop tanning a week before the session;
  • do not use scrubs and peels 7 days before ultrasound cleaning.

Preparing for cleaning

Recommendations for preparing covers for ultrasonic cleaning are universal:

  • visit a cosmetologist to identify contraindications and consult on the duration of therapy;
  • do not sunbathe 2-3 weeks before the scheduled procedure;
  • Avoid scrubbing and chemical peels before cleansing;
  • no alcohol and smoking;
  • taking medications is also prohibited.

The preparatory stage also involves choosing a cosmetologist and a beauty salon to perform cleaning. Pay attention to customer reviews, availability of certificates and permits for this type of influence.

For those who decide to clean at home, you should choose a high-quality, effective device, take care of purchasing a special gel, and study the instructions for the ultrasonic cleaning device.

Stages of the procedure

The session takes place in several stages:

  1. Preparatory. The specialist cleanses the face of cosmetics and impurities. Afterwards he treats the patient with an antibacterial agent and applies a warming agent.
  2. The ultrasonic cleaning procedure itself. It is completely painless. During it, a specialist applies a special gel to the patient’s face, after which he begins to move a special spatula (scrubber) over his face.
  3. Final. During this stage, the doctor applies special restorative and soothing products to the skin to protect it from negative environmental factors.


The treatment is painless. Those who have ever undergone mechanical facial cleansing know that it is difficult to hold back tears while removing blackheads, and red, inflamed spots remind you of the execution you experienced for a long time. Ultrasound peeling is a completely different matter: while the cosmetologist works magic on your face, you can relax. Even the slightest discomfort is excluded during professional treatment.

A significant advantage of ultrasonic cleaning is the absence of a recovery period and an instant effect. After the session, you can go on a date: your face is smooth, fresh, tender, without redness or swelling.

Other advantages of peeling:

  • affordable price;
  • safety;
  • improving blood supply and nutrition of the skin;
  • narrowing of pores after cleansing;
  • improvement of turgor;
  • activation of metabolic processes.

The result is noticeable immediately; there is no need to undergo a course of treatment by regularly visiting the clinic. At the same time, you can carry out cleaning at any time of the year, in any weather, without fear that it will somehow affect the performance.

Is it possible to carry out such cleansing at home? There are devices for home ultrasonic cleaning on the market, but their effectiveness is not comparable to professional ones. When visiting the clinic, the result is predictable, and the likelihood of side effects tends to zero. Independent use of ultrasonic peeling equipment usually does not allow achieving the desired effect. If the rules of use are violated, there is even a risk of worsening the condition of the skin and injuring it.

Skin care after ultrasonic facial cleansing

After the procedure, additional care with moisturizers may be required if the skin becomes dry. In the absence of this side effect, the recommendations would be as follows:

  • use of cosmetics with neutral pH;
  • going outside only using sunscreen with a high SPF level;
  • drink more water;
  • prohibition on decorative cosmetics for 24 hours after the session;
  • washing only with mineral water.

Ultrasonic cleaning is considered a gentle procedure, so skin care after it is simple and does not require special products.


Tatiana Kuznetsova

It is forbidden to use scrubs and peels for a week and sleep with your face in a pillow.

Is it possible to clean at home?

Ultrasonic facial peeling can be performed not only in a beauty salon, but also independently, at home.

To do this, you should stock up on the appropriate tools, available means, carefully study the description of the device and the cleaning technology step by step, with all the nuances and directions of movements.

Be sure to visit a cosmetologist to exclude the presence of contraindications and, accordingly, the risk of complications in the future.

As a rule, professional cleaning guarantees better results. This is caused by the use of high-quality professional cosmetics; the procedure protocol is identical.


Lyudmila Egorova


“Ultrasonic cleaning is a pleasant alternative to mechanical cleaning, although not as effective. I recommend this procedure more often to younger patients with oily skin types or with a small number of clogged pores. Then ultrasonic cleaning shows excellent results.”



“I first tried ultrasonic cleaning over a year ago and have been a fan ever since. I came to the cosmetologist because I was worried about the grayness of my face and blackheads. I completed a course of ultrasonic cleaning and now regularly maintain the results every two months. The skin is always fresh with a beautiful, even tint that you don’t even want to use foundation with. Pores have noticeably shrunk and blackheads appear much less frequently now.”

Why can't you do without cleaning?

Our skin is the largest organ!!!! It consists of several layers, it has its own blood supply and innervation system, it has many structures, it has pores, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles. The skin is alive, it needs to breathe, the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands is released onto the surface of the skin, and the mouths of the hair follicles open on its surface! And this organ works differently for everyone and has different characteristics! Some patients have thin, dry skin, others have “thick”, porous, oily skin, while others have enlarged pores that quickly become dirty...

The skin protects us from all environmental influences! It is she who receives a blow from unfavorable ecology, from insolation!!! It also reflects the internal state of the body! Skin is a reflection of the health of our body!!! And we must take care of it every day!!! But sometimes home care is not enough and professional skin cleaning is necessary! Let's make an analogy with teeth! Each of us knows from early childhood that we brush our teeth twice a day! But even with such oral hygiene, we need hygienic teeth cleaning!!!

Patients often come to me with rashes on their face, so-called acne! And I can tell you that a large percentage of them, after ultrasonic facial cleansing and changes in daily care products, got rid of problems with rashes! And even if I prescribe more complex additional external or systemic therapy, we need to maintain skin hygiene!!!!!! By cleaning the skin, we prevent the development of pathogenic microbial flora in the skin!!

Cleansing is an important stage of care. Every day, at least twice, you need to remove skin secretions, residues of cosmetics, dust, dirt, and dead skin particles from the surface of the epidermis. However, ordinary washing or wiping with lotion is not enough to completely cleanse the pores and remove dead epidermal scales from its surface. Home treatments cannot cope with blackheads either. For this reason, it is recommended to periodically have your skin cleaned by a cosmetologist. This manipulation helps renew the skin, saturate it with oxygen, and improve metabolism. In addition, after treatment, the epidermis becomes more receptive to other types of beneficial effects: even a regular moisturizer or homemade mask will bring more benefits after deep cleansing.

The frequency of procedures is determined strictly individually and depends on the type of skin, its characteristics, and living conditions.
The dirty air of megacities is harmful to health in general and to the beauty of the skin, so city dwellers require manipulation much more often than residents of remote ecologically clean regions. Another reason to visit a cosmetologist more often is the overactive work of the sebaceous glands, the regular appearance of rashes: to prevent such problems, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the pores. Ultrasonic facial cleansing is traumatic and safe, so it is suitable for everyone. After an in-person examination and medical history, a cosmetologist will determine the optimal frequency of procedures and develop a skin care plan.

Devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing

There are many ultrasonic scrubbers on the market. They differ in functionality and cost. Some you can use at home yourself:

  • Gezatone Bio Sonic 800 (for home use);
  • Ready Skin ZX7080 (for home use);
  • Xiaomi inFace Electronic Sonic Beauty Facia (for home use)l;
  • Beauty Star (for home use);
  • Rowenta Facial Brush LV4020F0 (advanced functionality);
  • NV-A03 (advanced functionality);
  • Agnes Sorel 5002 (advanced functionality);
  • Gezatone Bio Sonic 3008 (only for professional use in physio and cosmetology rooms).

Comparison table of characteristics

In order to have a correct idea of ​​the models, we suggest looking at a comparative table of characteristics of all devices.

ModelIndications for use (how many times a week)EffectModesSkin typePrice, rub)
ReadySkin ZY8300 + gel 250ml1-2peeling and cleansing, increasing skin elasticity, reducing pores, lifting, eliminating blackheads, smoothing wrinkles, even complexion, lightening pigment spotsthermal massage, lifting, micromassage, iontophoresis, disincrustation, ultrasonic peelingany5790
ReadySkin Glory1-2cleansing, reducing pores, improving blood supply, liftingmicromassage, iontophoresis, lifting, peeling, disincrustationany2690
MUYE-88151-2increasing skin elasticity, reducing pores, improving blood supply, lifting, smoothing wrinklesmicromassage, peeling, phonophoresisanyfrom 1487 to 1653
WIEKK HX-021-2increasing skin elasticity, reducing pores, improving blood supply, liftingmicromassage, peeling, phonophoresisanyfrom 2691 to 2990
UltraSonic-3S1-2increasing skin elasticity, reducing pores, lifting, eliminating blackheads, even complexionmicromassage, peeling, phonophoresisanyfrom 1454 to 1616
GESS YOU1-2reducing pores, smoothing wrinklespeeling, phonophoresisAllfrom 3329 to 5990
Welss WS 70501-2reduction of pores, smoothing of wrinkles, lightening of age spotspeeling, phonophoresis, ionizationAllfrom 3350 to 3800
Gezatone Bio Sonic 770 S1-2increasing skin elasticity, reducing pores, eliminating blackheads, smoothing wrinkles, even complexion, removing scarspeeling, phonophoresis, micromassageAllfrom 2744 to 3990
Xiaomi InFace MS71001-2Pore ​​reduction, lifting, blackhead removalpeeling, deep cleaning, micromassage, nutritionAllfrom 1941 to 2600
GESS Exotic1-2cleansing, acne treatment, peeling, massage, enhancing the effect of cosmeticspeeling, ionic cleansing, micromassage, iontophoresis, phonophoresisAllfrom 5850 to 6500

Ultrasonic facial cleansing at home - how to carry out the procedure correctly

You can carry out cleaning yourself if you have a special device. The main thing is to follow the procedure protocol so as not to harm your health:

  1. Remove makeup and impurities.
  2. Apply moisturizing gel to your face.
  3. Cover your face with cling film for 15-20 minutes to soften the pores.
  4. Remove the film and turn on the device.
  5. Press the scrubber firmly onto the skin at a 45-degree angle.
  6. Smoothly move the nozzle in the direction against the massage lines of the face.
  7. Do not treat the area of ​​the thyroid gland, lips and eyes.
  8. Duration – from 10 to 20 minutes.
  9. After cleansing, apply moisturizers (preferably a mask) to the skin.
  10. After removing the mask, treat the skin with lotion or moisturizer.


Tatiana Kuznetsova

During the cleaning process, it is necessary to keep the skin moisturized.

How long does the session last?

On average, the entire procedure takes about an hour, depending on the characteristics of the patient’s skin:

  • Preparation for cleaning (disinfection, warming up) - 20 minutes;
  • Chemical exposure - 10-15 minutes;
  • Working with an ultrasonic device - 10-15 minutes;
  • Mechanical cleaning - 5-10 minutes;
  • The procedure for moisturizing and soothing the skin takes 20-25 minutes.

If the patient is trying ultrasonic cleaning for the first time, treatment of the skin with an ultrasound device lasts no longer than 4 minutes. In subsequent sessions, the time increases.

Ultrasonic cleaning may end prematurely if allergic irritation or severe pain is detected in the patient.

Question answer

I answer popular questions.

Tatiana Kuznetsova

Ultrasonic or mechanical facial cleansing, which is better?

Mechanical cleansing works better for deep closed comedones. But at the same time, it remains a very painful procedure, which scares off many. Also, its disadvantages include a relatively long rehabilitation period, which ultrasonic cleaning does not have. If you have a choice between these two procedures, then you should focus on the condition of the skin. If there are a lot of comedones and they are deep, then it is better to choose manual cleaning, if the skin condition is good - ultrasonic.

How often can you do ultrasonic facial cleansing?

The optimal course of ultrasonic cleaning should be determined by your doctor, based on your skin type and its aesthetic problems. Standard frequency of procedures: dry skin – 2-3 sessions with a break of 2 weeks (to maintain results – once every 3 months); oily skin – 6 procedures at weekly intervals (to maintain the effect – once every 2 months).

Can it be done during pregnancy?

No. Ultrasonic cleaning is contraindicated when pregnant.

What procedures can be combined with?

Ultrasound cleaning can be combined with procedures aimed at cleansing. For example, mechanical cleaning. This method is called combined and is one of the most popular tandems in cosmetology, due to its high effectiveness. Ultrasonic cleaning is also compatible with masks and massages that enhance the effect. And also with whitening agents, which gives excellent results for solving pigmentation problems.

What is better - vacuum or ultrasonic facial cleansing?

Vacuum facial cleansing is a type of mechanical, but less traumatic. Both procedures work well for clogged pores, relieve inflammation, making the skin beautiful and well-groomed. But vacuum cleaning is not recommended for sensitive skin for those who are prone to rosacea. I recommend it to those with mature skin, because in addition to cleansing, the vacuum activates collagen production and accelerates cellular metabolism. Ultrasonic cleansing, on the contrary, is ideal for younger skin. It is also useful for fading, but vacuum will give a greater effect.

Can I do the procedure myself or is it better to go to a cosmetologist?

Despite the fact that devices for home use are sold on the market, it is still better to carry out the procedure in a salon. At least several times - to understand her protocol and the doctor’s actions.

Are there any consequences and how to deal with them - cosmetologists will tell you

As a rule, negative consequences after ultrasonic cleaning occur extremely rarely. They develop when contraindications are not taken into account, poor equipment is used, and the cosmetologist is inexperienced.

But even a first-class professional will not be able to predict the individual reactions of the body. And they are quite capable of causing negative consequences under the most favorable factors.

Among the most common are:

  • swelling of the face, which almost always goes away on its own within 2-3 days. If the symptom progresses or does not disappear during this time, seek qualified help;
  • pain can occur with a low pain threshold. To eliminate unpleasant sensations, you need to apply a soothing gel to your face, wipe with an ice cube from a decoction of medicinal herbs;
  • Redness usually occurs when ultrasound is used unnecessarily at too high a frequency. This phenomenon may accompany the rehabilitation period in women with sensitive skin. Soothing gel and ice are the cure;
  • unevenness and bumps indicate poor-quality manipulations by the cosmetologist or improper operation of the equipment;
  • increased dryness. It is very simple to combat this symptom - moisturizer and drinking regimen.

Sometimes local burns and increased activity of the sebaceous glands are observed. In this case, you need to seek the help of a specialist.

Remember! If you detect any incomprehensible phenomenon on the face after ultrasonic cleaning, or an increase in unpleasant sensations, contact the institution where the procedure was carried out. In case of severe discomfort, go to the hospital to see a dermatologist.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts recommend ultrasonic cleaning as regular care, but not for solving serious problems:

Cost of services in salons

Cities of Russia


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Treatment and diagnosticst. 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 29 2 500+7
Beauty salon "Orange"Starokonyushenny Lane, 262 500+7
Beauty studio “Esthétique Beauty bar”st. Bolshaya Dekabrskaya, 1 2 000+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Center for Aesthetic Medicine and Otorhinolaryngology "Sun"st. Kalinina, 13, room 52 1 500+7
Phoenix Health and Beauty Centerst. Minskaya, 122/14 2 500+7
Clinic “Center for Success and Health”st. Kalinina, 260 1 500+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Beauty salon "Mademoiselle"st. Nikolaeva, 4 750+7
Cosmetology salon "Medical cosmetology"st. Lenina, 16/43 850+7
Beauty and health center “Fleur de lys”st. Rylenkova, 61A 1 200+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Ministry of Beauty "Carina"Radishcheva Boulevard, 332 300+7
MedicalKrasnoflotskaya embankment, 17700+7
Beauty salon "Pearl of Tver"Teatralny proezd, 3B850+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Medicalst. Dusi Kovalchuk, 270/3 1 500+7
Beauty and cosmetology center "ESELEVICH STUDIO"Krasny Ave., 14/11 500+7
Medical Clinic "Europe"st. Frunze, 232 1 800+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Clinic of laser cosmetology and aesthetic medicine “Belecia”st. Vikulova, 55 2 000+7
Beauty salon "Posolstvo"st. Gottwald, 6/2 1 200+7
st. Bebelya, 114 1 500+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Clinic "NovoMed"st. Dzerzhinsky, 20 2 600+7
Beauty salon "AreGalia"st. Far Eastern, 153 1 200+7
"Cosmetology Clinic"st. Partizanskaya, 112/1 2 750+7

Nizhny Novgorod

Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Beauty salon "Claire"Komsomolskaya Square, 10, building 1800+7
Beauty salon "Cosmo"Ilyich Ave., 2B800+7
MedicalBoulevard Mira, 51 800+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Beauty salon "Roman Holidays"st. Chichkanova, 57A 1 950+7
Beauty Academy "Atmosphere"st. Sovetskaya, 148/45 1 950+7
Beauty salon "Maestro"st. Oktyabrskaya, 2a 1 600+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Beauty Studio "Selfie"Kasimovskoe highway, 63, building 12 400+7
Beauty studio "BLISS"Solotchinskoe highway, 21 500+7
st. Tatarskaya, 69 900+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Salon of hardware cosmetic correction “HiTech Beauty”st. Lenina, 93, office 3 1 600+7
Beauty salon "Mint"st. Pushkinskaya, 3373 1 500+7
Beauty Studio “Black Hair”st. Pastukhova, 41 1 500+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Beauty salon "Mon Salon"st. Vorovskogo, 92, building 1 750+7
Aesthetic Medicine Center “Laser Beauty”st. Vorovskogo, 76G 850+7
Beauty salon "Territory"st. Kazanskaya, 109a 850+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Beauty salon "Venus"st. Chekhova, 4 1 100+7
Bon Ton Spast. Pugacheva, 62 1 700+7
"Clinic of Innovative Cosmetology GEN87"st. Gorky, 27, office 11 2 100+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
"Clair Beauty and Health Center"Ave. Patriots, 4A2 200+7
MedicalRevolution Ave., 29a1 700+7
Beauty salon "Positive"st. Karl Marx, 108/110 2 300+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Beauty house “Expert by Carita Paris”Kirovsky Ave., 781 500+7
Beauty salon "Pro Beauty"st. Cherevichkina, 5a 2 500+7
Center for hardware manicure, pedicure and cosmetologyKoroleva Ave., 201 300+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Beauty salon "Venice"st. Academician Makeeva, 29 900+7
"Aesthetic Center Komilfo"st. Elkina, 43 1 800+7
Beauty salon “Fashion House VizaViz”st. Academician Koroleva, 40 1 200+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Clinic of aesthetic medicine of Dr. Obydennovst. Chistopolskaya, 85 1 490+7
Aesthetic cosmetology clinic “INFINI MEDICAL”st. Tufana Minnullina, 8A 1 500+7
Multidisciplinary clinic MEDELSiberian Tract, 34, building 51 970+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Clinic "Health"Oktyabrya Ave., 231 100+7
Beauty salon “My_masters”st. Mendeleeva, 134/7 800+7
Beauty salon "Provence"st. Bakalinskaya, 33 1 500+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Medicalst. Kirova, 67 890+7
Cosmetology clinic "Reasonable cosmetology"st. Mira, 65 1 500+7
Beauty salon "Effect"st. Moskovskaya, 83 1 200+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Clinic "New Technologies"st. Pavlova, 1 1 500+7
Cosmetology studio "Kosmo"st. Lomonosova, 30A, p.4 1 000+7
Clinic "LaserMed"st. Druzhinskaya, 7A 1 500+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
"Image Studio Chik ros"st. Rozhdestvenskaya, 7 2 800+7
Beauty salon "Maki"st. Komarova, 2, building 3 2 200+7
Center for Aesthetic Medicine "Perfection"st. Sharapovskaya, 1, building 2 2 000+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Girls Cosmetology Centerst. Kotelshchikov, 2 1 800+7
Cosmetology clinic "Rassvet"st. Maxim Gorky, 90 1 500+7
Beauty salon "Familia"st. Dmitry Mendeleev, 5 1 500+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Elena Malysheva Weight Loss ClinicMoskovskoe highway, 17, 5th floor, p.11 200+7
Beauty salon "Athena"st. Stara Zagora, 86 900+7
Center for laser cosmetology "Aphrodite"st. Novo-Sadovaya, 1 1 200+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Medical Center of Beauty and Health "Estelia"st. Yuri Gagarina, 13 2 000+7
Beauty salon "Lime"st. Kosmonavta Leonova, 26 1 500+7
Dr. Pershin Plastic Surgery Centerst. Petra Panina, 8 2 000+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Beauty salon "TsaTsa"st. Oktyabrskaya, 3 900+7
Spast. Lezhnevskaya, 119 1 100+7
st. Maria Ryabinina, 5 1 200+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Laser cosmetology clinicst. Pushkina, 80, 2nd floor. 1 800+7
Aesthetics and massage salon "Aesthetics"st. Pushkina, 80, 3rd floor. 1 800+7
Network of cosmetology clinics "Linline"st. Petropavlovskaya, 40/1 1 760+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Dr. Putsenko Plastic Surgery Centerst. Stalsky, 12 1 750+7
Beauty salon "Bellucci"st. Lenina, 30 1 200+7
MedicalKomarova Ave., 141 350+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Beauty Clinic "SarBona"st. Rakhova, 61/71 1 200+7
Elena Frolova Beauty CenterKirova Ave., 81 600+7
Medicalst. Chernyshevsky, 170/176 2 500+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Medical SPA clinic “Living Style”st. Gogol, 55 1 500+7
"NEO Medica Dentistry & Cosmetology"st. Novgorodskaya, 37 1 500+7
Beauty Studio "Modern"st. Ben Kuna, 20, office 104 1 300+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Medicalst. Polygonnaya, 6 1 650+7
Beauty studio "Iris"st. Leninskaya, 39/12 800+7
Plastic surgery clinic “Angel Beauty”st. Red Square, 7 500+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Clinic "TrioVital"st. Slavyanskaya, 7B, off. 9.10 2 300+7
Family SPA studio Cloverst. Bishop, 5 1 200+7
Beauty and health salon “Sunrise SPA”st. Shalandina, 4, building 3 1 000+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Beauty salon "Astoria"st. Konnaya, 6 1 400+7
Body Beauty Studio STOktyabrsky Ave., 561 200+7
Beauty salon "Beauty Style"Borisovichi village, st. Mikhailovskaya, 1 1 600+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Berezina Clinicst. Karla Marksa, 26/16 1 300+7
Health and beauty center "Beauty Club"st. Karbysheva, 30 850+7
Beauty salon Valeryst. Kamyshinskaya, 83 800+7

Naberezhnye Chelny

Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Health and beauty center "MOMO"40th complex, 11B2 500+7
Beauty and cosmetology salon “Beauty Club ZEI”Vakhitova Ave., 54a700+7
Beauty salon "Cosmo"Vakhitova Ave., 54v700+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Beauty studio "Ket Mit"Eger Boulevard, 30800+7
SPAst. Leninsky Komsomol, 39A 1 500+7
Health and beauty center "Beauty"st. Mate Zalka, 11 400+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
st. Suvorova, 6 2 000+7
Training beauty studio "Crocus Professional"Nikolay Ermakov Ave., 30a, room 19a1 500+7
Hair salon “Scissorhands”Oktyabrsky Ave., 191 400+7


Name of the salon/clinicAddressCost (in rub.)Telephone
Center for Aesthetic Medicine "Chernomorsky"st. Ordzhonikidze, 27 3 000+7
Clinic "Balance of Health"st. Navaginskaya, 13 2 200+7
Beauty salon "Rosal"st. Rose, 63 1 500+7
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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