Ultrasonic facial cleansing at home - recommendations for procedures

Simple, time-consuming ultrasonic facial cleansing at home easily eliminates many skin imperfections. Ultrasound gently and painlessly cleanses the skin without injuring it and has a relaxing effect. The result will be noticeable after the first procedure: the face will become cleaner, younger and fresher.

Ultrasonic cleaning is an alternative to less gentle mechanical cleaning. Ultrasound is an atraumatic procedure that activates redox processes and enhances the formation of collagen in the skin.

Important: in addition to the cosmetic effect, the procedure has a healing effect, stimulating restoration processes at the cellular level. After several sessions, fine wrinkles disappear, the function of the sebaceous glands is restored: dry skin becomes fresher, oily skin ceases to be shiny.

What do we need for ultrasonic facial cleansing at home?

Ultrasonic facial cleansing at home is possible if you have:

  • special apparatus for ultrasonic cleaning;
  • professional skin cleanser;
  • time - about half an hour.

The procedure can be carried out without professional means. The main thing is to prepare your face for treatment - cleanse and moisturize.

The effect will be more noticeable if you use masks and creams.

What is ultrasound

Ultrasound is the name given to mechanical waves created by a special device. They exceed the limit of human hearing and that is why he cannot be heard.

In cosmetology, sound is used, the frequency of which is from 22 kHz to 3 Mg. It penetrates into the deep tissues of the upper layer of the epidermis and has a positive effect. Lower frequencies, such as 3 Mg, act superficially.

The causes of swelling on the face may be associated with kidney damage.
Therefore, before visiting a cosmetologist, you should visit a therapist, take a general urine test and perform an ultrasound examination of the kidneys.

Cosmetologist, dermatologist, trichologist

Kalinina Olga Alexandrovna

4 years of experience

Ultrasound was discovered at the end of the 19th century and already in 1951 it began to be used in medicine. Today, there are several types of devices that emit ultrasound, which allows for various diagnostic studies.

High-frequency sound is used in rheumatology, traumatology, dentistry, and has recently gained wide popularity in cosmetology. With its help, it is possible to get rid of both signs of aging and scars left after surgery or injury.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists advise women of all ages to carry out regular ultrasonic cleaning. Knowing how to properly do ultrasonic facial cleansing at home, you can prolong your youth. For girls, sessions help eliminate the problems of adolescence.

Interesting! The main working mechanism of the ultrasound apparatus is a plate or blade. If you sweep the tip over the surface of the skin, the effect will be cleansing. If you turn the scapula with its flat side, its effect becomes massaging. The applied cosmetics heat up and begin to be actively absorbed, forming micro-jets. Pores expand, dead skin particles easily flake off. Along with them, excess sebaceous and other contaminants are removed.

Cosmetologists highlight the following features of ultrasonic cleaning:

  • harmlessness;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • all-season – can be carried out at any time of the year;
  • versatility - skin type does not matter;
  • absence of allergic reactions;
  • there is no need to prepare for sessions;
  • no aftercare required;
  • the integrity of the skin is not compromised, only its dead parts are removed;
  • there is no need for stretching, pressing or steaming.

Ultrasonic cleansing of the skin can be repeated every 10 days. The sessions take place without any unpleasant sensations, leaving no redness, swelling or other abnormalities. It is best to do the procedure in the evening.

Cosmetologists recommend that before starting a session, make sure that it is not contraindicated. In rare cases, skin ultrasound can be harmful.

More details in the video from a cosmetologist:


Lyudmila Egorova


“Ultrasonic cleaning is a pleasant alternative to mechanical cleaning, although not as effective. I recommend this procedure more often to younger patients with oily skin types or with a small number of clogged pores. Then ultrasonic cleaning shows excellent results.”



“I first tried ultrasonic cleaning over a year ago and have been a fan ever since. I came to the cosmetologist because I was worried about the grayness of my face and blackheads. I completed a course of ultrasonic cleaning and now regularly maintain the results every two months. The skin is always fresh with a beautiful, even tint that you don’t even want to use foundation with. Pores have noticeably shrunk and blackheads appear much less frequently now.”

Are there any contraindications?

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is not recommended if:

  • rosacea, if the disease has progressed to stage 3-4;
  • acute or chronic skin diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • neuralgia of nerve endings;
  • if other cosmetic procedures were performed the day before: Botox or chemical peeling;
  • pregnancy.

If there is one of the above reasons, you should consult your doctor. Depending on the state of health, the doctor may allow or prohibit ultrasound. For example, during pregnancy, ultrasonic cleaning is not so much a contraindication as an additional precaution.


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  3. Gliklich RE, White WM, Slayton MH, Barthe PG, Makin IR. Clinical pilot study of intense ultrasound therapy to deep dermal facial skin and subcutaneous tissues. Arch Facial Plast Surg 2007; 9:88-95
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How to do ultrasonic facial cleansing at home

It is important to know how to do ultrasonic facial cleansing at home.

The instructions below describe how to properly carry out ultrasonic cleansing of the face and other parts of the body, and what it is advisable to do before and after it.


The skin should be prepared for the session. To do this you need:

  • Cleanse the skin. It is better to use milk and foam for washing as usual. It will be better, along with removing dirt, to simultaneously do a massage to relax the skin. Steaming is not required, however, the effect will be greater if you hold your face over the steam for a while.
  • Tone the skin. A small amount of tonic is applied to a tampon and massaged into the skin. It is undesirable to press and stretch.

Useful: the best remedy for steaming is chamomile decoction.

By performing an ultrasound procedure at home and knowing how to properly prepare for it, you can maximize the effect

Cleaning process

Facial cleansing at home is performed with more gentle devices than ultrasound in professional salons. However, before the first session, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions for use of the device. The frequency of procedures depends on its technical characteristics.

Before using the scrubber, special products for ultrasonic facial cleansing at home are applied to the skin. The skin should be moisturized.

The next stage is exposure to a cleaning device. You should move the tip of the spatula over your face, lingering in problem areas. The device is programmed in such a way that when it comes into contact with dry areas, it will be given a signal about the need for moisturizing, and then the device will turn off.

Peeling takes 15-20 minutes. It causes virtually no pain. Slight discomfort is felt when the shoulder blade touches areas close to the bone.

When processing, you should move the plate along the massage lines so as not to stretch the skin, which will lead to an undesirable effect. The angle of inclination of the scapula is 35-40 degrees. The following areas should be avoided:

  • areas around the eyes;
  • thyroid region;
  • places where contour plastic surgery was performed with fillers.

If not only the face and neck are being treated, it is not advisable to use a vibrating plate in the areas:

  • groin;
  • hearts;
  • placement of implants.

Attention! The scrubber will not cope with large comedones. Its regular use serves as a prevention against them. The device will protect the skin from puffiness, circles under the eyes and other abnormalities. With systematic use of the device, it is possible to achieve the removal of small scars and scars.


Devices for HIFU lifting

In each country, the process of testing ultrasonic lifting devices by government agencies proceeds at different speeds. At the moment, officially in the USA, since 2009, the use of only one device for non-invasive ultrasonic lifting has been permitted, and only for certain tasks: lifting the eyebrows, neck, and décolleté. Ulthera System has been inspected by the US FDA.

In other countries, national ministries also test ultrasonic lifting devices, for example, in South Korea, the Hipro device passed the KFDA test. Read more about the commercial advantages of ultrasonic lifting devices with payback calculations in the following article.

Skin care after procedures

The effect will be many times better if you use a carefully selected cleanser after the sessions. You need to decide what is best to use based on your skin characteristics.

Subsequent actions depend on your wishes. By expanding the procedure, you can achieve the desired result faster. The regenerating cream will further improve metabolic processes and make the skin fresh and radiant.

An additional effect can be achieved by complementing the session with nourishing homemade masks and massage.

Important: the scrubber is not intended to remove age spots and wrinkles, as ultrasound reaches the required depth.

Features and mechanism of action of ultrasonic waves

Ultrasound, acting on the skin tissue, causes a certain response in them in the form of the following effects:

  1. Mechanical action - the passage of ultrasonic waves through the cellular structure, leads to their compression and rarefaction due to pressure differences, that is, micro massage occurs. As a result of this physical effect on the cell membrane, its permeability increases, which leads to the acceleration of metabolic processes, improved nutrition of the cell and its better regeneration.
  2. Thermal effect - when ultrasonic waves pass through tissue, they are converted into thermal energy. By stimulating metabolic processes, it increases the production of elastin and collagen, which leads to skin rejuvenation.
  3. Physico-chemical effect - the effect of ultrasound on cellular structures leads to the stimulation of complex biochemical processes, activation of enzymatic reactions, and increase of the protective barrier against infectious and viral agents. As a result of the ongoing processes, there is a change in sensitivity to antibiotics, which plays an important role in the treatment of skin manifestations in cosmetology.
  4. Biological effect - dilation of blood vessels leads to a rush of blood at the site of ultrasound exposure, which leads to a decrease in the threshold of pain sensitivity.

These properties of ultrasound are widely used in cosmetology, allowing for cleansing and rejuvenating procedures.

What results can be expected after the procedures?

Unlike mechanical cleaning, peeling sessions with a scrubber at home help to quickly and painlessly improve the condition of the skin. The first positive results will appear immediately after the initial use of the cleansing device. After completing the procedure, you can go about your usual activities. The immediate effect will be complemented over time by the results of long-term use:

  • the skin will become pleasant to the touch, refreshed and soft;
  • many age-related changes will smooth out or become less noticeable;
  • the number of small deficiencies will decrease;
  • the production of subcutaneous fat is stabilized;
  • there will be no acne left on your face;
  • Minor acne will disappear.

After completion of the session, the face will become elastic and fresh. This result will last for at least a week.

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