Washing with tar soap - benefits for the skin and rules for washing

Author: Alorous

01 October 2022 08:50

Tags: harm tar soap interesting useful benefits facts photo  



Recently, the popularity of tar soap has been gaining momentum again, because this product has a huge number of beneficial properties for both the face and hair. Therefore, in our article we will figure out what tar soap is and whether it is useful for humans.



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You can react to it differently: some don’t like its smell, some don’t like its color, but this will not diminish the advantages of this product, because if you know how to use it correctly in a given situation, you can benefit from all available benefit. Below we will look at all the advantages and disadvantages that tar soap has, its properties, application, and how to use it correctly. We will also give examples of several effective masks for hair and skin.



Tar soap, the harm and usefulness of which have long been known, has already helped many. Did you know that this product consists of 90% soap, and the remaining 10% comes from birch tar? So, the last component is the most unique and useful that can only be in this product. Tar soap, the benefits and harms of which have been known to medicine since ancient times, is used for such common diseases as furunculosis, eczema, as well as for various dermatological ailments. This remedy is regularly used to care for patients who are unable to move, in particular when bedsores form. Soap can also heal cracked heels, abrasions, burns, and frostbite. This product is suitable for almost all skin types, which is its irreplaceable advantage. The only thing that can be confusing when using tar soap is its pungent smell. But even here you can find a way out - hide it in a soap dish so that the unusual “amber” does not spread throughout the room. Do not be afraid that after use the unpleasant odor will remain for a long time, because it will disappear within a few minutes. Let's figure out in what cases this irreplaceable and universal remedy will help.



Photo by Alisa: Pexels
The amazing soap bar contains no fragrances, preservatives, or dyes. This absolutely natural antiseptic based on tar is an excellent healer. Tar is extracted from birch bark by dry distillation.

The result is an oily liquid, thick but not sticky. Yes, the smell, of course, is specific and pungent. But it is recognizable and, in fact, is a marker of the authenticity of the product.

Since 90% of tar soap consists of tar, it has the appropriate color - bluish-dark, black.

Tar has the ability to improve blood circulation, therefore it extinguishes any inflammation and successfully fights urticaria, acne, seborrhea, and skin mycoses. Tar has long been considered the only savior for patients suffering from psoriasis.

It resolved plaques and gave long-term remission when used judiciously. And today, tar has not lost its wonderful properties, but is used less often: science does not stand still, and breakthrough changes have occurred in the treatment of psoriasis.

Unfortunately, not everyone tolerates tar well, so before the first use they usually do an allergy test: apply a drop of the substance to the wrist and analyze the result after half an hour. If the skin is calm, you can use the product; if there is a feeling of discomfort or the first signs of an allergy, you will have to find a replacement for the tar.

Homemade Soap Recipe

Today, God knows what is mixed into tar soap to reduce the cost of the product. Including palm oil. This also does not contribute to its good tolerability. Doctors recommend that patients make tar soap themselves, especially since there are no complications in the recipe.

The soap base will be baby soap, and the rest will be tar from the pharmacy. It already contains nature-given phytoncides, disinfectants, guaiacol and phenol, which have remarkable antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.

There is one “but”: the unpleasant aroma will continue to terrorize you for several hours after airing. But beauty requires sacrifice, you can’t argue with that. To prepare, you will need a bar of baby soap, a tablespoon of any base oil, a fly in the ointment, 100 g of water and 5 drops of ether, which is chosen depending on the problem being solved.

Tar soap for face

The soap is grated, poured with water and simmered in a water bath until liquid. Add oil, cool and pour in tar. After thorough mixing, the composition is poured into molds and left for several days. That's it, the soap is ready.


Is it possible to use tar soap on hair? The benefits of birch tar are invaluable in this case, despite the fact that after its use everyone remains to their own opinion. Some say that after using this product, the hair becomes stiff and itching on the scalp begins. Others, on the contrary, claim that in just a few days they got rid of dandruff, and their hair became unusually beautiful and healthy. So who is right in this situation, let's figure it out? Indeed, it has long been proven that tar soap, the benefits and harms of which in this case are unequal, fights dandruff. So why do some people report dullness and hair loss after using soap? The answer is obvious. This effect will be observed only after the first use, so do not be alarmed, because after just a few days of use you will notice a positive result. Your hair will become manageable, soft, and you can forget about dandruff altogether.


The product consists of 10% birch tar. The excellent effect on the skin is confirmed by numerous reviews. The properties of tar soap for the face allow it to be used for regular care. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

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The soap contains no dyes, harmful additives or fragrances, which eliminates allergies, irritants, and redness. Soap base includes sodium salts from fatty acids, water, chloride, sodium and palm oil. Manufacturers also add citric acid, benzoic acid, table salt, and thickeners.

Tar is actively used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. This is a natural component obtained by the decomposition of tree bark during heating in the absence of air. In appearance, the soap is similar to laundry soap, but its shade is darker. The difference is a specific smell that is not absorbed and is quickly eliminated after washing off the product.

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The product lathers well, creates a medium-density foam, and is easily washed off with water without forming a sticky film. It is of natural origin, the soap does not dry out even with regular use. This product is sold not only in pharmacies: it is almost always available in many perfumery, cosmetics or industrial stores. Moreover, the price of soap is no more than 35 rubles.

Rules for using tar soap for hair


Do not use this product if you have dry hair, otherwise the problem may worsen. After using soap, apply conditioner to avoid drying out your hair. Wash your hair with this product no more than once every 5-7 days. After foaming, do not keep the soap for a long time, otherwise you will dry out your hair and scalp. In addition to fighting dandruff, tar soap is used for hair loss, because thanks to birch tar, hair follicles are strengthened. This gives the hair thickness and fluffiness. If you experience hair loss, wash your hair with tar soap, and within 2 months you will see a result that will certainly please you. The only point: you should not use the product regularly, once a week is enough, the rest of the time use regular mild shampoo.


According to reviews, the benefits of tar soap for the face are ensured by its regular use. The product comes in the form of a solid bar, cream and liquid. In addition, you can make the product yourself at home if you buy birch tar at the pharmacy.

The liquid product has a transparent yellow tint and is available in bottles of 250, 300, 500 ml. It may have a liquid, creamy consistency. This soap perfectly cleanses the skin and eliminates pigmentation, although it does not tighten the skin.

Liquid soap has a drying effect, whitens age spots, and gets rid of rashes. During soaping, the skin softens, the foam is soft and velvety.

For oily skin, it is advisable to choose solid soap. It reduces the production of sebum, gives a matte appearance, eliminates pimples, blackheads, and red spots. It performs a gentle peeling that destroys the cell structure. The best brands are:

  • "Nizhny Novgorod".
  • "Stork".
  • "Spivak".
  • "Agafya."
  • "Nevskaya cosmetics"
  • Solid soap is available in the form of a bar weighing 90, 100, 140, 150 g. What volume to choose depends on personal preference.


Many people ask the question: “Can tar soap be used for acne? Will there be benefit or harm in this case? The answer is obvious. Quite a lot of people switched to using this product, having previously used more expensive ones, and, accordingly, the result was not long in coming. Tar soap, the benefits and harms of which have long been known in dermatology, is used in the fight against such a common problem as pimples and blackheads. Thanks to birch tar, which in combination with soap increases blood flow to the skin, the face becomes smoother and cleaner. It should be remembered that tar soap should not be used in case of dry skin, otherwise it can lead to more serious consequences. Therefore, the product is suitable only for those who have oily skin or severe acne. If after application you feel tightness of the skin, then immediately after application apply a moisturizing tonic or any nourishing cream.

When is it used?

According to reviews, the benefits of tar soap for the face are ensured only if it is used for normal and oily skin. Dermatologists recommend washing with this product for teenagers. Tar soap allows you to:

  • eliminate age spots;
  • get rid of greasiness;
  • improve the structure of the epidermis;
  • restore the natural healthy tone of the face;
  • eliminate skin mites on the face;
  • cure acne, pimples;
  • tighten pores;
  • eliminate neurodermatitis, dermatitis;
  • restore skin after burns and frostbite;
  • normalize cells after wounds;
  • remove dead skin cells from the dermis.

It turns out that many skin imperfections can be eliminated with this simple and effective remedy. And you don’t have to spend a lot on this.

Acne masks

Despite its affordability, tar soap, the benefits and harms of which are well known to dermatologists, can surpass many expensive cosmetics designed to combat pimples and acne. Grate a little soap and mix it with the same amount of water, lather and apply to problem areas for 15-17 minutes. You should not increase the specified time, otherwise the skin may turn red, as well as peeling and excessive dryness. Rinse off first with warm, then cool water. After use, apply a nourishing moisturizer. This mask will help with severe acne and will also have a lifting effect. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times every 5-7 days. Grate a piece of soap. Take any of the herbs: chamomile, calendula, nettle. 0.5 tbsp. l. herbs, brew 0.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Add the infusion to the soap and lather. Apply the liquid mixture to your face and leave for 9-12 minutes. After using this mask, apply a nourishing moisturizer. Use the procedure 2 times a week. Grate a little soap and dilute with warm water. Take a pinch of baking soda and add to the solution. Apply to face for 12 minutes, avoiding the area near the eyes. Rinse with warm, then cool water. This is a very effective acne mask. Use 1-2 times a week.




Tar soap is sold in supermarkets, pharmacies and eco-stores. The shampoo option is more often used for washing hair. If you have skin problems, then a liquid product is suitable for use instead of a regular one. The natural color of a quality product is dark, almost black. You should not choose beige tones.

The special smell of soap is its feature. This is a disadvantage that manufacturers of natural products do not struggle with, since it cannot be removed. And if you use flavors and fragrances, the products will not be natural. Therefore, the presence of a characteristic odor is a sign of quality.

You should pay attention to the manufacturing method. It is better to choose the cold method. The presence of superfat is considered an important factor in product quality. Their amount should be at least 5%, otherwise there will be severe drying of the skin. You should read the information on the label. There should be at least 10% tar. When this indicator decreases, the medicinal properties deteriorate. You also need to pay attention to the expiration date of the product.

Reviews of tar masks (from comments on the site)

Marina, 35 years old.

I made a whitening mask with tar and chamomile infusion. Not only did the rash disappear, but the pigment spot also lightened. It used to stand out a lot, but now it’s practically invisible. I really like that the skin is silky after the mask. I tried so many expensive chemical products, none of them had such an effect. Once again I am convinced that expensive does not mean good.

Victoria, 32 years old.

I washed my face with tar soap as a teenager. Adolescence was accompanied by a lot of terrible acne. At that time there was not much choice. Mom bought tar soap and made me wash my face every day. Since then, if a rash appears, I use only this product, but no longer just wash my face with soap, but add it to masks. It costs pennies, but is more effective than most expensive products.

Beneficial features

Tar soap can solve various types of problems associated with hair and skin. All this is due to the tar included in the composition.

If you use this product for washing and bathing, then:

  • the production of subcutaneous fat is normalized;
  • pores will narrow;
  • the number of blackheads and acne will decrease;
  • psoriasis spots will become less noticeable;
  • Dermatitis and irritation will go away;
  • the itching will disappear;
  • skin fungus will be cured;
  • tissue regeneration will accelerate.

Tar soap prevents the occurrence of fungal and inflammatory diseases of the epidermis and irritations.

The benefits of tar soap for the scalp and hair have been proven. It dries the skin, resulting in a reduction in oil content. It also makes hair shiny, silky and voluminous, and restores its structure. Tar soap helps against dandruff and is ideal for strengthening hair. They say that this remedy can even remove lice.

This natural product improves blood circulation and accelerates hair growth.

Attention! Tar soap tends to dye curls dark.

Massage the ears and ear muscles surrounding the external auditory canals

are also very important. Although the size of this zone on our head is very small, they seem to hold the tendon helmet and at the same time contribute to its tension and face lift.

Remember, only constant work on yourself brings the desired success. One-time actions give only short-term results. yspeh4life.ru

A few more recommendations:

There is no need to pump up the jowl area. It is necessary to perform exercises to stretch and relax the masticatory muscle, which is very often responsible for their formation. Raise the tone of the middle and upper cheeks (these are pumping exercises). And the area of ​​the jowls (fat sacs) itself needs to be massaged. Massage – pinch (stimulating blood circulation) or cupping, kneading and smoothing.

It is very important to monitor the position of the jaws . They should be relaxed and slightly open. If in the normal state they are rigidly linked to each other, then it will be almost impossible to remove the jowls.

The benefits of tar

Tar is obtained from birch bark. The wood is subjected to dry distillation, as a result of which complex chemical compounds break down into small ones: cresols, phenols, organic acids, resinous substances, etc. The composition has the form of a viscous liquid, which is subsequently amenable to fractional distillation to separate the technical material from the medical one.

Some components in tar are characterized by an aggressive effect, for example, cresols and phenols. Many will be surprised, but they are used to disinfect technical rooms and service tools. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to apply pure tar to the skin, as this will lead to burns. In cosmetology and medicine, a diluted substance is used, for example, in the form of tar masks. However, the presence of aggressive chemicals in the composition does not negate the beneficial properties of tar. Even in ancient times, women used it in home cosmetology. The main properties of tar:

  • drying;
  • pain reliever;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial.

The substance not only cleanses the skin, but also treats many diseases: dermatitis, fungal infections, parasitic infestations, hair loss, etc. Tar dries out acne, cleanses the skin, tightens pores, saturates cells with oxygen, and improves the regeneration process. Tar-based preparations treat burns, heal large wounds and minor scratches. In addition to cosmetology, tar is used in medicine to treat the following diseases:

  • angina;
  • chronic otitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • scabies;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pathology of the rectum;
  • psoriasis;
  • gangrene;
  • bedsores;
  • frostbite of the skin, etc.

The smell of birch tar can hardly be called pleasant, but the benefits it brings are invaluable in comparison with this factor.

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