Homemade hair mask with sour cream: benefits, instructions for use

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Sour cream is a fairly useful natural ingredient that can restore health to your hair. Moreover, it is not expensive, since such a product is almost always present in the refrigerator. Its main advantage is considered to be increased fat content, which nourishes the head from the very roots. Since ancient times, women knew beauty recipes based on sour cream, so their hair was strong, silky, and healthy.

Sour cream can be used both in pure form and with additives. Let's consider its benefits and recipes for popular masks.

The benefits of sour cream

The main beneficial properties of the product are the effects of nutrients not only on the hair, but also on the scalp:

  • the basis of sour cream is the presence of proteins, fats and amino acids, which nourish, moisturize, eliminate dryness and flaking, as a result the hair becomes thick and manageable;
  • The content of vitamins such as A, B, C, E, PP in the product makes curls stronger, accelerates their growth, improves color, and restores structure.

Sour cream can eliminate not only the external disadvantages of a hairstyle, such as dullness, fragility, hair loss, but also affects the root cause of this condition. If you have dry, damaged hair, sour cream will be an indispensable component of masks in the fight against these shortcomings. The product is also suitable for oily types, but it will have to be combined with other components.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of sour cream; it has a very gentle effect on the scalp, without causing irritation or other reactions from the body.

The product has the following effects on hair:

  • accelerates their growth, makes hair thicker;
  • eliminates the problem of hair loss, improves color, restores shine;
  • fights dry hair and epidermis;
  • eliminates itching, flaking, and dandruff.

How to properly use in masks?

Such masks have a cumulative effect . To obtain the desired result, you need to use them in a course of two weeks.
Sour cream is used as the basis for any mask, to which various natural ingredients are added (depending on the purpose of use).

This can be essential and vegetable oils, a decoction of herbs, some vegetables and fruits.

  1. Apply the mixture to your curls for at least 20 minutes.
  2. After application, cover your head with a towel or a special plastic cap for better absorption.
  3. Mix the ingredients of the mask using an immersion or container blender so that it applies evenly to the hair.
  4. Use only fresh preparations; storing them for future use will cause the sour cream to lose its valuable qualities.

Try to buy only homemade products, since store-bought ones contain inclusions that are undesirable for the skin in the form of stabilizers and preservatives.

Here is a list of the most popular sour cream masks for various situations.

Read our article about highlighting dark strands on dark hair at home.

Rating of the best cuticle oils in this article.

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For fast growth


  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cranberry juice;
  • 1 tsp. sour cream;
  • 1 tsp. vinegar (preferably natural apple vinegar, without foreign additives).

Apply the mixture to your scalp and comb your hair. After 15 min. wash off with shampoo.

Inga, 25 years old. “I wanted to grow my hair for the wedding. After using this recipe several times, my hair has become noticeably longer and I couldn’t be happier. It’s good that I didn’t buy expensive products at the pharmacy.”

For dryness and brittleness


  • 1 tbsp. sour cream 20% fat;
  • 2 egg yolks.

The simple and effective mixture is whipped until smooth and applied over the entire length of your hair. Rinse off with plain warm water without using detergents.

Anna, 19 years old. “No matter what I tried to moisturize my hair, it still remained lifeless. A friend brought a recipe that she found on the Internet and, out of habit, I tried it. Incredibly, it was sour cream that helped me! My hair has become so silky and soft that now I want to stroke it all the time.”

Read reviews about tar shampoo.

For excess fat


  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • decoction of calendula flowers.

Carefully pour the broth into the sour cream, stir and rub directly into the roots. After some time, rinse with warm (not hot) water.

If you have oily hair, do not use this mask too often. It will be beneficial if used regularly at intervals of several days.

From intense hair loss


  • 1-2 tbsp. l. sour cream (depending on the length of the hair);
  • one juicy medium-sized carrot.

Grate the vegetable on a fine grater or squeeze juice out of it using a juicer, mix with sour cream base.

Distribute the consistency over the hair and leave for 40 minutes. Wash off with your usual shampoo. And what are the best commercial masks against hair loss, you will learn from this article.

To lighten curls

An alternative to artificial lightening is a gentle method based on sour cream, the zest of any citrus fruits and ginger root.
Leave the fruit peel (along with the white pulp) and peeled ginger in hot water for 24 hours.

After this, pour half of the infusion into a separate bowl, add 1 glass of fresh sour cream and 10 drops of lemon oil (essential).

Apply as usual, but leave on for about two hours. Wash off with shampoo and rinse with the rest of the broth.

The hair should lighten several tones.

After this mask, the strands may acquire a golden hue.

Olga, 32 years old. “Everyone liked my curls since childhood, but I always wanted a lighter tone. Since I had never dyed my hair in my life, I was afraid that I would ruin it by using a chemical lightener. Luckily, I found this recipe. Indeed, after three uses I got the desired shade! It’s a pity that I didn’t know about such an unusual property of sour cream earlier.”

Here is the keune hair dye palette.

Night nourishing mask

For this purpose, you can use the product in its pure form or add honey, olive, castor or burdock oil rich in valuable microelements.

Secure the mask with a cap and wrap your head in a towel. In the morning, wash your hair as usual.

Watch the video recipe for a sour cream-based hair mask

Rules of application

Most often, sour cream masks are used for dry hair. Moreover, you can keep them on your head as long as you like. In addition, there are no special cooking recipes; everything is prepared simply. However, there are some rules of application that will enhance the effect of sour cream:

  • When choosing a product in a store, you need to focus on the structure of your hair. If they are dry, then choose a product with 20-25% fat content, if they have a normal structure, then 15-20%, and for the fatty type, low-fat (10%) is suitable.
  • All products should be at room temperature. Cold sour cream, on the contrary, will weaken the vitality of the hair.
  • When using several products, you should mix them well; for this you can use a mixer or blender.
  • The head should be clean and the strands should be moisturized; before applying the mask, the skin should be well massaged, this will improve blood circulation in it, and thus the nutrients in the sour cream will be better absorbed.
  • The optimal time to keep the mask on your head is from 20 to 40 minutes. During this period of time, the skin and hair will have time to receive all the nutrients.
  • When the mixture is distributed over the strands, you need to wrap your head with film or a towel.
  • Remains of the mask are usually removed with warm water and shampoo; the hairstyle should dry naturally without the use of a hair dryer.

A sour cream hair mask should be applied regularly, because this is the only way to achieve a healing effect.


The effect of sour cream on curls is very delicate and therefore there are no special contraindications for use. But the component is not recommended to be used if there is an individual intolerance to the component itself or any additive in the mask.

You can find out this fact using a simple test: you need to apply a small amount of the composition to an inconspicuous part of the skin and leave for an hour. The appearance of itching or redness will indicate the presence of an allergy to one or more components of the mask.

A mask with sour cream is not recommended for colored hair if less than one week has passed since the dye was applied. The acid contained in the mixture can have a destructive effect on the artificial pigment, which is not yet sufficiently fixed in the hair.

Advice! A sour cream mask is not recommended for very oily hair. The problem may get worse. It is better to prefer a low-fat product or replace it with a low-fat fermented milk equivalent.

For hair growth

You will need:

  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. l. (optional).

All products are mixed and applied to the head for 15 minutes.

Sometimes the first time you feel a strong burning sensation from the mustard, in this case the mask can be washed off a little earlier. Next time, the amount of mustard can be slightly reduced and the amount of dairy product increased.

As a result, growth will increase noticeably (1-1.5 cm per month). In winter, your hair will always be manageable and soft.

To combat oily dandruff


  • sour cream – 2 tablespoons;
  • banana;
  • yogurt – 2 tablespoons.
  • Take low fat sour cream.
  • Mash the banana to a paste.
  • Mix banana with sour cream and yogurt.

The good thing about this mask is that it is not only effective, but also has a pleasant smell. After such a mask, hair becomes silky and smooth. This product regulates the production of sebaceous fat, and the hair stops getting dirty quickly. When completing the full course (10 applications), the hair is completely transformed, becoming beautiful and well-groomed. After complete recovery, it is enough to apply a similar mask every week for prevention.

For oily seborrhea and dandruff, a composition with the addition of calendula tincture in alcohol will help. You need to mix two tablespoons of sour cream and kefir, pour a spoonful of alcohol tincture into the mixture. This composition is applied to the skin along the partings; it should be washed off half an hour after application.

To strengthen

To strengthen thinning, weakened hairs, you need to prepare the following mask:

  • dairy product - 2 tbsp;
  • carrot juice - 2 tbsp;
  • a couple of drops of geranium or lavender essential oil.

Apply the mixed ingredients to your head and leave for 40 minutes. After just 5-6 such sessions, the hair structure will change for the better. Carrot juice is a source of vitamin A, which can strengthen hair and stimulate its growth. Essential oils saturate curls with vitality.

A sour cream hair mask is a storehouse of useful vitamins and substances.

The sour cream is thoroughly ground with the yolk. The resulting product is applied to clean hair. Wash off after half an hour without using shampoo. This mask will give your strands strength, shine and improve the condition of the scalp.

Such masks can be used in several variations. So, potato juice is mixed with sour cream in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting mass is kept on the hair for up to half an hour.

Among the vitamin groups included in sour cream products, A, E and B should be distinguished. Vitamin A promotes the regeneration of the scalp, renewing old dead cells. Vitamin group E nourishes and saturates curls with nutrients, slows down the aging process. It stimulates blood circulation, resulting in strands growing faster.

for lightening

Ingredients needed:

  • ginger in the form of gruel - 20 g;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • sour cream - 80 g;
  • water - 200 ml.

You need to boil water, pour ginger and lemon juice into it. Add sour cream to the mixture, mix well. The mask is applied to the head, wrapped with cellophane and a towel. The mixture must be kept on the head for 2 hours. It is best to wash off the product with chamomile decoction. After this, the hair dries on its own.

This mask can lighten your hair by 2 tones.

Vitamin composition

To make your strands softer, more elastic and manageable, you need to prepare a softening composition. Prepare a softening hair mask with sour cream and honey. You need to take honey and heat it so that it becomes more liquid. Then mix with sour cream and beat. The ingredients are taken in the same volume, the quantity is determined by the length of the strands. Keep the composition on your hair for one hour.

To strengthen your hair and make it stronger, you should prepare a composition with the addition of carrot juice. The juice is used fresh, prepared immediately before preparing the composition. For three parts of sour cream, take one part of juice. This composition should be kept for one hour.

For dry

Ingredients needed:

  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • liquid honey - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 60 ml;
  • castor oil - 50 ml.

All products are mixed and whisked until the mixture is homogeneous. Apply the mask over the entire length of your hair for 1 hour. The head is wrapped in polyethylene and a towel. Next, the head is washed using the usual method. This product can restore shine to curls and also promotes hydration.

Basic care

This recipe is universal for strands of any type, if you take into account some nuances. It is prepared from two components - sour cream and eggs . For 1 egg, take 150 grams of sour cream and beat well with a mixer.

You need to supplement the sour cream with an egg if the strands are normal. If the strands are prone to oiliness, then instead of a whole egg you should take two whites. And for dry strands you need to use two yolks. In addition, it is necessary to select the right fat content of sour cream. Duration of the procedure – forty minutes

Beneficial features

The benefits of sour cream for hair are explained by its universal composition. The product consists of:

  • Retinol. It is a biologically active substance that ensures the normalization of redox processes, as well as the normalization of hair growth.
  • Ascorbic acid. With the help of this component, the normalization of metabolic processes in the epidermis is ensured.
  • Vitamin E. The action of the component is aimed at restoring cell membranes.

Indications and contraindications

The use of masks should be carried out when indicated. They are recommended for women with excessively split ends and dry hair. The drugs are used to add volume to hair.

What are the benefits of sour cream for hair? This video will tell you:

Masks are recommended for brittle hair and hair loss. Since sour cream is a natural and safe product, it is characterized by the absence of contraindications.

Choosing sour cream for masks

For the preparation of preparations, it is recommended to use natural homemade sour cream, which has a high effect compared to store-bought products.

If a woman has oily hair type, then she is recommended to use 15 percent sour cream, normal - 20 percent, dry - 25 percent.

Secrets of a simpleton - the magic of restoration

A modest, common household product is fraught with such properties that for some reason many people forget about:

  1. Absolutely natural collagen that stimulates natural elasticity;
  2. removes excess carbon dioxide, used gas and saturates both the hair bulbs and the hair itself with nutritious oxygen, ascorbic acid;
  3. tocovenol, which improves the processes of vital metabolism inside the follicle;
  4. rejuvenating strands and skin along with cobalt root bulbs;
  5. localizing thinning and resulting fragility and calcium loss;
  6. melanin, responsible for normal pigmentation of curls, eliminating early gray hair;
  7. Molybdenum removes toxins, accelerates healthy growth, shine and strength.

And a hair mask with sour cream saturates it with keratin, fluorine, phosphorus... Each spoon of dairy product contains more than one and a half dozen useful microsubstances and components - without any chemicals and complex perfume formulas containing artificial ingredients.

Hair sour cream is a real life-giving balm if you do it at least once a week (preferably twice), distributing it over slightly damp hair - both with your fingers and with a comb. A month is the optimal period for normalizing hair condition.

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