Gel and cream Differin for wrinkles: reviews, how to use

Sooner or later, every woman experiences a period when she begins to turn her attention to cosmetic products aimed at skin rejuvenation. Currently, there are a huge number of lotions, creams and gels on the market that prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the face and neck. But not all products are as effective as manufacturers advertise. There are topical medications that contain more effective ingredients, for example Differin cream, intended for the treatment of acne. Reviews of Differin for wrinkles show that this product can cope not only with rashes on the face.

Does Differin help against wrinkles?

Differin is a complex medical product from a French pharmaceutical company. It is produced on the basis of one of the forms of retinoic acid. The drug has a lasting aesthetic effect and is intended for the treatment of recurrent acne. Several years ago, experts found Differina another purpose in cosmetology - an effective remedy for wrinkles. Numerous reviews of people who used the acne remedy showed that their skin not only became noticeably cleaner, but also acquired a uniform shade, elastic and firm structure.

The main function of smoothing the skin relief is performed by adapalene, an innovative synthetic compound, which, due to its chemical structure and properties, has an antiseptic and antioxidant effect. This component can effectively fight not only inflammatory processes, but also deep wrinkles. Therefore, using the cream for cosmetic purposes will significantly improve the condition of aging skin.

Indications for use

The main purpose is to use it to get rid of acne. Well suited for teenagers whose rashes are caused by changes in hormonal levels and increased oiliness of the skin.

A cream or gel is good for mild to moderate rashes. If we are talking about something serious, for example, deep and inflamed acne, then it is better to use Differin in combination with more serious drugs.

Another purpose is to solve problems with the dermis. The cream is well suited for people who constantly suffer from dryness, flaking, and irritation. The gel is good for getting rid of excess sebum.

In addition, the product allows you to get rid of wrinkles. Suitable for girls and women of all ages.

Use against wrinkles

Composition and release forms of Differin

Differin is an affordable product that can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The main active component in the drug is the substance adapalene. Its concentration usually does not exceed 0.1%, which is the most optimal option for the skin.

Important! Adapalene is a synthetic derivative of retinoic acid. It is produced on the basis of vitamin A, is highly photosensitivity, and penetrates well through the cell membrane due to its low molecular weight compound.

The following substances are used as auxiliary components:

  • glycerol;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • natural squalane;
  • butyloxyanisole;
  • methylparaben;
  • emulsion wax;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • ethyl alcohol 95%.

Differin is available in a small 30 g aluminum tube, which is placed in a cardboard box. In addition, there are instructions for use. There are 2 forms of release of the drug: in the form of cream and gel. They do not differ in the dosage of the main active substance adapalene and are prescribed depending on the oiliness of the skin.

Differin anti-wrinkle gel

Differin in gel form is intended for people with normal, combination or oily skin. Unlike cream, it acts much harsher, absorbing sebum and drying the skin. For the above skin types, this dosage form of the product is the most effective. According to many women, Differin anti-wrinkle gel has a soft texture, is easily absorbed, and does not leave any traces of a greasy film on the face. When applied to the skin, you do not need to rub it intensively, just spread it in a thin layer and leave until completely absorbed.

Differin anti-wrinkle cream

The drug Differin in the form of a cream is intended for people with sensitive skin, when it can become irritated even from slight mechanical stress. At the same time, such skin requires additional cleansing and moisturizing, which can easily be provided by the excipients of Differin cream. The cream practically does not dry out the skin and is most often used for facial peeling at home.

Retinoids for the face (for wrinkles and fine lines) –

A face cream with retinoids can increase skin elasticity, even out its tone and texture, and reduce the depth of wrinkles and fine lines. The most effective retinoid in cosmetology is trans-retinoic acid (tretinoin), and it is drugs with tretinoin that are approved by the FDA for the treatment of photoaging and chronoaging. Cosmetics with pure retinol and retinaldehyde can also be no less effective, but their concentration plays a big role here.

What effects do retinoids have on the skin?

  • stimulate fibroblast proliferation,
  • stimulate the activity of fibroblasts (synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid),
  • reduce the thickness of the stratum corneum of the epidermis,
  • increase the thickness of the deep layers of the epidermis,
  • increase the thickness of the dermis,
  • accelerate cell regeneration,
  • reduce the destruction of collagen by UV radiation,
  • lighten pigment spots caused by sun exposure on the skin.

Tretinoin therapy: before and after photos

The most effective retinoids in cosmetology -

We said above that tretinoin was the first topical retinoid to be approved by the FDA for the treatment of photoaging skin, age spots, and to reduce the depth of wrinkles and fine lines.
Tretinoin is available in the form of a cream or gel - with a concentration of 0.025%, 0.05% or 0.1%. There are a large number of clinical studies that show that the optimal therapeutic concentration of tretinoin for the treatment of aging skin is 0.025%. For example, here is a study (“Griffiths CE, Kang S, Ellis CN et al. Two concentrations of topical tretinoin cause similar improvement of photoaging but different degrees of irritation”). This study followed patients over 48 weeks and concluded that using a lower 0.025% tretinoin concentration had exactly the same effects as a higher 0.1% concentration. At the same time, the concentration of tretinoin 0.025% was significantly better tolerated by patients, without causing severe skin irritation.

Another interesting study (“Olsen EA, Katz HI, Levine N et al. Tretinoin emollient cream: a new therapy for photodamaged skin. J Am Acad Dermatol 1992”) shows that the use of products with tretinoin concentrations of 0.01% or lower - is meaningless. In this case, there was no difference in the condition of the skin before and after the course of treatment. Why are we dwelling on this in such detail? The fact is that this is very important for understanding the working concentrations of retinoids - including retinol, which is included in a large number of cosmetic products.

Effect of tretinoin cream (6 months of therapy) –

And then we move on to the list of drugs...

1) Tretinoin 0.025% (in the form of cream or gel) –

We have already said above that the most effective retinoid is trans-retinoic acid (tretinoin) and to achieve an effect we only need 0.25% concentration. In Russia, drugs containing tretinoin are not registered; however, they are sold illegally on many websites. For oily skin, it is better to use tretinoin in gel form, and for normal or sensitive skin, in cream form. Gel is a priori more effective, but if you apply it to dry or sensitive skin, you will get very severe irritation.

Options for drugs with tretinoin 0.025% –

  • cream “Retino-A” (20 g) – from 1300 rubles,
  • cream or gel “Retin-A” (20 g) – from 1000 rubles,
  • gel “A-Ret Gel” (20 g) – from 800 rubles.

Important: Although tretinoin is the strongest retinoid, it is not always a good choice. Tretinoin (compared to all other retinoids) has the strongest irritant effect on the skin, and very often causes dryness, redness, peeling, itching and burning, a feeling of tightness, and in rare cases even causes hives and burns. That is why the use of tretinoin should be gradual, starting with 2 times a week, and then gradually over the course of 1 month the patient switches to daily use.

Patients with dry and/or sensitive skin will be at a particularly high risk of side effects. Nevertheless, gradually increasing the frequency of application and parallel use of skin moisturizing products allows minimizing side effects. You can read how to properly use medications with tretinoin at the link below:

→ Features of using Tretinoin

Redness and peeling of the skin due to tretinoin -

Useful properties of Differin ointment for wrinkles

Proper use of Differin ointment can provide an additional anti-aging effect when primarily using anti-aging gels and creams. Thus, folk methods and advice from cosmetologists helped to reveal that the product has the following beneficial properties:

  • evens out skin texture;
  • promotes the disappearance of age spots;
  • provokes more intense collagen production;
  • provides elasticity, perfectly tones and nourishes the skin;
  • helps restore acid-base balance;
  • normalizes sebum production;
  • reduces the intensity of the appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • reduces inflammatory processes in acne.

In some reviews, women are skeptical about the cosmetic properties of Differin in relation to wrinkles. But it has been confirmed more than once that the cream can fight not only acne. It's all about the main component adapalene, which is able to normalize the condition of the skin at the cellular level.

Moisturizing cream after Differin

To give your skin complete care, you should use a moisturizer daily 30-40 minutes after washing off Differin (it’s best to apply a composition with an anti-wrinkle retinoid at night). The following products are suitable for morning use:

"Cetaphil Derma Control" It will protect oily and combination skin from the sun, saturate it with moisture, but will not allow inflammatory elements to form.

And most importantly, the cream does not provoke a negative reaction of the epidermis, which tolerates the influence of retinoids.

"Lipobase" Contains natural components (oils, ceramides, lactic acid, carbomer) that attract moisture to the skin. The product is also advisable to use for oily or combination skin types.

The cream does not contain synthetic fragrances, so there is no need to fear a negative reaction with Differin.

"F99" Contains milk thistle oils, Omega-3 fatty acids, glycerin, so it is more suitable for dry, irritation-prone skin.
"Uriage Hydrolipidique" This is an emulsion for thin skin that lacks nutrition. It contains glycerin, fatty acids, unique thermal water, but the composition is without parabens.
“Noreva Aquareva Moisturizing day cream Rich textured” The cream is created for dry skin that lacks moisture. The composition copes not only with hyaluronic acid deficiency, but also with redness, itching, and discomfort.

"Skin-Absolute" from "Filorga" The day cream contains hyaluronic acid, a unique anti-aging NCTF complex. Therefore, it is especially good for aging skin of any type.

"Filorga Hydra-Filler Mat Gel-Creme Hydratant" This moisturizing cream-gel is indicated for normal and combination skin.

All of the listed products belong to the pharmacy cosmetics segment, but among them there are very affordable and more expensive ones.

How to use Differin for wrinkles

Since Differin is an aggressive anti-wrinkle preparation for the skin, it should be used especially carefully for thin and aging skin that suffers from dryness and sensitivity.

Important! Before using the drug Differin for wrinkles, it is recommended to read the instructions and study the list of contraindications and side effects.

In order for the cream to have the desired effect, you should adhere to some rules for applying the product:

  1. Initially, the face must be prepared: cleanse of makeup and other contaminants using a mild cosmetic cleanser that does not contain alcohol.
  2. Then squeeze out a small amount of the product and apply it with gentle massage movements onto the wrinkles.
  3. If the skin under the eyes is particularly sensitive, you should try not to overdo it in that area.
  4. The procedure is especially effective if you apply the cream before bed, since all recovery processes occur during sleep.
  5. To avoid consequences, the application procedure should be performed no more than once a week.
  6. Moisturizing creams and masks can be used simultaneously with Differin anti-wrinkle cream.
  7. To avoid drying out your skin, you should stop using any cosmetics containing alcohol, otherwise there is a risk of causing even more wrinkles.

At the beginning of using the anti-wrinkle drug, a sudden appearance of acne and skin irritation may occur, which disappears during the treatment process. The effect of the procedures begins to appear 8-10 weeks after the start of treatment.

Retinoids for acne and acne -

Retinoids are the basis of modern acne therapy (pimples and pimples). They affect almost all links of pathogenesis, which lead to the formation of inflammatory and non-inflammatory elements of acne - such as comedones, pimples (in the form of papules or pustules), or nodules.

The main therapeutic effects of retinoids:

  • decreased activity of the sebaceous glands,
  • elimination of follicular hyperkeratosis of the epithelium of hair follicles,
  • comedolytic action,
  • anti-inflammatory effect,
  • exfoliating effect (reduces the cohesion of cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, promoting their desquamation).

For mild to moderate acne, topical retinoids are prescribed (external agents in the form of a gel or cream containing adapalene or tretinoin). However, in severe cases, the patient is usually prescribed systemic retinoids based on isotretinoin (the drugs Acnecutane and Roaccutane).

Using retinoids: before and after photos

1st and 2nd choice topical retinoids –

Tretinoin was a topical retinoid that was approved for the treatment of acne (pimples and pimples). However, now, in all international acne treatment protocols, not tretinoin is recommended as the first line of therapy, but the retinoid adapalene 0.1%. Firstly, this is due to the fact that patients with adapalene develop side effects much less frequently (for example, dryness and flaking of the skin, redness, itching, burning, feeling of tightness, etc.).

Secondly, there are clinical studies on the comparative effectiveness of tretinoin and adapalene in the treatment of acne. These studies showed that preparations with 0.1% adapalene were more or equal to the effectiveness of tretinoin preparations 0.025%. This is also stated in the most authoritative textbook on dermatology, Fitzpatrick's Dermatology, which is a reference book for most dermatologists around the world.

Preparations with tretinoin can be used to treat acne - only as a 2nd line of therapy, namely in the absence of effect from external agents with adapalene. The fact is that in an extremely small number of patients adapalene may not give the expected effect ( We have already said above that 0.1% adapalene and 0.025% tretinoin are generally similar in effectiveness, however, it must be admitted that the comedolytic and anti-inflammatory effects of tretinoin are somewhat more pronounced.

The comedolytic effect is that the retinoid will help dissolve the fatty substrate of acne (comedones), which are formed during acne in the lumen of the hair follicles. So, in some patients the comedolytic effect of adapalene for unknown reasons may be insufficient. And in this case, the dermatologist may decide to prescribe the patient alternative retinoids, for example, tretinoin.

Precautionary measures

The use of the drug Differin for wrinkles increases the photosensitivity of the skin, so after the procedures you should avoid being in direct sunlight to avoid sunburn. If prolonged exposure to the sun is necessary, it is recommended not to apply the cream the day before sun exposure.

The drug should be stored in a dark, cool place away from children. For external use only, apply a thin layer to problem areas, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. A prerequisite is maintaining the shelf life. The cream can be stored for 3 years after the date of manufacture. After the expiration date, the product must be disposed of, otherwise an allergic reaction may occur.

Differin application

It is better to use the cream just before bedtime. Apply it in gentle strokes to affected or wrinkled areas. Be sure to apply a thin layer of the product to avoid overdose. Before this, be sure to clean the dermis. The top can be moistened with bepanthenol or other creams.

However, you should not clean your face with alcohol-containing products, including lotions. You cannot use regular soap. The best option is a special washing gel. Additional peeling should be avoided. Also, before applying the product, be sure to remove all makeup using thermal water.

Do not apply the product to fresh wounds or scratches.

When applying, avoid damaged skin areas. Do not apply the product to fresh or open wounds. It's better to wait until the scratches go away and heal completely. Avoid the area around the lips, eyes, and nose. Can be applied to shoulders, back and décolleté.

In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with running water. If there is severe itching and blurred vision, or the eye hurts for a long time, be sure to consult a doctor.

The recommended treatment period is about 3 months, once a day.

Contraindications and side effects

Preparations containing the substance adapalene have a whole list of absolute and relative contraindications, so not everyone can use Differen.

Absolute contraindications include the following diseases and conditions:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the main and auxiliary components;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • malignant formations.

There are also relative contraindications. These include thermal and mechanical damage to the skin resulting from disease or injury. Dermatological diseases in the acute stage, for example, seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, are also a contraindication to the use of Differin.

Possible manifestations include dryness and burning of the skin, peeling, a feeling of tightness and discomfort, acne, soreness and swelling of the skin. On the part of the visual organs, swelling, itching and irritation of the eyelids are observed.

Important! If adverse reactions occur, treatment should be suspended until they disappear completely or the frequency of use should be reduced.


The main contraindication to the use of the ointment is considered to be hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug. If there is no exact information about allergies, apply a small amount of cream to the back of your hand before use. Wait a few hours and monitor the skin’s reaction to an unfamiliar product.

You cannot use the drug if you are currently undergoing rejuvenation procedures. Do not combine with retinolic acid-based serums as it may cause an overdose. Before combining it with other courses, it is better to consult your doctor.

Reacts poorly in combination with drugs that greatly dry out the dermis. Possible consequences include irritation, flaky skin, redness and other similar symptoms. It is forbidden to use if there are any neoplasms, eczema and burns, scratches and wounds on the face. The main contraindication is seborrheic dermatitis.

Cannot be used on children - must wait until adolescence. Not recommended during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary.

Differin - side effects detected

What is better to choose for wrinkles - Differin or age-related cosmetics

Cosmetologists do not give a clear answer to the question of which cosmetics are better - special anti-aging anti-wrinkle or Differin cream, originally developed for the treatment of acne. An excellent option is to combine two cosmetics. To do this, the use of Differin anti-wrinkle cream can be aimed at exfoliating the upper keratinized layers of the skin, thus creating a peeling effect. One procedure per week is enough.

The undoubted advantage of a good anti-aging cream is its daily use. To do this, it is advisable to purchase a nourishing or moisturizing cream and apply it every morning and evening after washing your face. Don't forget about caring masks prepared at home. Such an integrated approach will not only prolong the youth of the skin, but also help improve its condition.

Why does Differin make your face oily?

The face from Differin may become oily for the following reasons:

  • A cream is used, not a gel. This composition contains more components that can activate the sebaceous glands. Therefore, when your skin type is oily, but there are signs of aging, it is better to apply anti-wrinkle gel.
  • Temporary skin reaction to a retinoid-like component. These substances have a rather aggressive effect on the cells of the epidermis and deeper layers, awakening their internal resources. On the contrary, retinoids reduce the production of sebum, that is, they suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands. And at the beginning of use, they resist this by increasing fat production.
  • Using excessive amounts of product. It is not completely absorbed, so a greasy shine remains on the face.

Cream Differin

Differin analogs

With all the significant advantages of Differin, it has one significant drawback - its price. On average, the cost of a 30 g tube is 800 rubles. There are drugs with a similar composition, but at the same time cheaper in cost compared to Differin. Such drugs are called generics, that is, they have a similar composition and components, but for some reason they are sold under a different name. Most often this happens for 2 reasons:

  1. Another manufacturer has a patent for this product.
  2. The patent protection for the drug has expired.

In this case, generics are released without the consent of the patent holder, under a different brand.

Important! First of all, the release of generics is necessary for the population, so that in the absence of one drug there is an opportunity to purchase another without wasting time.

There are 3 known drugs that have a composition similar to Differin. This cream is Adolen, Adaklin, Klenzit.

Adolen is a product for external use in the form of a gel. Available in aluminum or laminate tubes of 3, 5, 10, 15, 30 g. Despite the fact that the drug is produced in Russia, it is quite difficult to find it in pharmacies. The cost of a 15 g medication is approximately 85 rubles.

Adaklin is a 0.1% cream, available in a 30 g tube. The price range of the product is 500-600 rubles. Country of origin: India. To achieve the effect of getting rid of wrinkles, experts recommend using the cream for 4-8 weeks continuously.

Clenzit is one of the most popular medicines that effectively fights acne. The active ingredient adapalene is presented in the same concentration as in Deffarin. The product has similar side effects and contraindications. Available in tubes of 15 g and 30 g. The price range of the drug is 400-600 rubles.

Differin: instructions for use

The pharmacological effect of Differin gel and cream is due to the presence of the active component in the composition - adapalene 0.1%. The latter is a 3rd generation topical retinoid, which means better tolerability and less risk of skin irritation - compared to previous generations of topical retinoids. The drug Differin has the following effects:

  • Suppressing hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands – overactivity of the sebaceous glands is one of the main causes of the formation of acne and pimples. The use of topical retinoids (adapalene) suppresses the production of fatty secretions by the sebaceous glands. Within 1-2 days from the start of use, you will immediately notice that your skin has become much less oily, throughout the day. This effect is much more pronounced in preparations with adapalene than in preparations with azelaic acid.
  • Reduction of follicular hyperkeratosis – hyperkeratosis of the epithelium of hair follicles is the second most important mechanism that leads to the formation of acne and pimples.
    Follicular hyperkeratosis consists of thickening of the layers of keratinocytes of the follicle epithelium and disruption of their desquamation. Together with increased secretion of sebum (secretion of the sebaceous glands), this leads to clogging of the follicles with fatty plugs, i.e. comedones/blackheads form. The use of adapalene helps to neutralize the phenomena of follicular hyperkeratosis, which occurs by enhancing the differentiation of keratinocytes of hair follicles, as well as facilitating their desquamation into the lumen of the follicle. Next, the exfoliated cells are brought to the surface of the skin along with sebum. Also, topical retinoids reduce the phenomenon of hyperkeratosis in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, facilitating the exfoliation of dead skin cells.
  • Comedolytic effect - this means that the drug causes a slow dissolution of the fatty substrate that makes up comedones (acne). This releases hair follicles clogged with comedones and normalizes the unhindered removal of sebum to the surface of the skin (
  • Anti-inflammatory effect – adapalene also has anti-inflammatory activity.
    Against the background of hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands and the colonization of the sebaceous gland ducts with P. acnes bacteria, a large amount of free fatty acids (monoglycerides) can be found in the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Normally, they should not be present, but with acne and pimples, their number often increases to 20% of all lipids secreted by the sebaceous glands onto the surface of the skin. This occurs because enzymes in the bacteria P.acnes break down triglycerides into free fatty acids. The latter not only have increased comedogenicity, stimulating the formation of comedones in the follicles, but also have chemotaxis (i.e., they stimulate the migration of neutrophils to the follicles). The migration of neutrophils, in turn, leads to the formation of papules and pustules, i.e. acne. So, adapalene inhibits chemotaxis and migration of neutrophils, which provides anti-inflammatory activity.

Important: thus, the drug Differin has a complex effect - on the most important mechanisms (links of pathogenesis) leading to the formation of acne and pimples. But we once again draw your attention to the fact that this drug as monotherapy will be effective only in the presence of non-inflammatory elements - comedones (acne). For acne, you will need to combine it with benzoyl peroxide-based products and/or an antibiotic.

Reviews from cosmetologists about Differin for wrinkles

Irina Kotova, dermatocosmetologist, Moscow

Differin is a fairly active agent, the main purpose of which is to fight acne. Since Differin is an analogue of synthetic retinoids, it is quite successfully able to rejuvenate the skin, even out its texture, restore natural color, and remove age spots. It helps the skin become thinner and exfoliate properly. The main limitation is its poor compatibility with the sun, so if you need to go on vacation, use of the product should be postponed.

Igor Patrin, dermatologist-cosmetologist, St. Petersburg

Differin cream belongs to the category of products that was originally developed for the treatment of acne, closed comedones and even blackheads. But thanks to its composition and properties, the cream has been successfully used by women as an anti-aging agent for a long time. The main active ingredient in the cream is adapalene, a substance similar to retinoic acid. As a result of the action of this substance, collagen synthesis is stimulated, the skin becomes firmer and more elastic. The only drawback is the high cost of the drug - on average about 1000 rubles.

"Differin" for mature skin: side effects

"Differin" when used on mature skin can provoke the following undesirable reactions:

  • the appearance of local redness and flaky areas;
  • burning sensation on the face;
  • feeling of sand in the eyes, redness of the whites, swelling of the eyelids;
  • the appearance of rashes similar to allergic ones;
  • the occurrence of acne or an exacerbation of the problem if it was already bothering you;
  • skin soreness.

Side effects from the first two points are the most common. All other unpleasant changes are quite rare.

The listed symptoms can occur on their own, but they are also provoked by exposure to the sun after applying the product and the use of cosmetics with strong flavoring components along with it.

Cost of the product

“Differin” for wrinkles, containing adapalene, cannot be classified as a cheap drug. A cream purchased at a pharmacy will cost the fair sex approximately 680-900 rubles. If you order the product online, the price will increase slightly. The lower price limit is about 800 rubles.

The cost of Differin anti-wrinkle gel is practically no different from the cream. In pharmacies it can be purchased from 700 to 1000 rubles. But do not forget that the price can vary greatly in different pharmacies. Therefore, it makes sense to look for the point with the lowest price at which the drug is sold.

Despite the fact that “Differin” for wrinkles is quite expensive, its price is completely justified, because its effectiveness has been noted by many people. A tube of 30 grams lasts a long time, as the product is used very sparingly.

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