Traumeel facial gel for wrinkles and acne. Instructions, reviews

  • Gel ingredients - Traumeel ointment
  • Mechanism of action of Traumeel
  • Study of the effect of Traumeel ointment on skin and acne
  • Scientific evidence regarding the use of Traumeel in the treatment of inflammation and acne

Traumeel is a homeopathic medicine that comes in tablet and gel ointment form, and is said by many dermatologists to have the most powerful anti-inflammatory properties for pain relief. The ointment can be used for “symptomatic relief of mild to moderate acne,” according to the type of product.

However, there are a number of opinions that show that the use of Traumeel ointment does not provide relief from acne symptoms. However, there are also quite a few medical studies that examine alternative health methods, and most analyzes of homeopathic studies have concluded that there is a fairly limited amount of evidence that "that homeopathy supports the effective treatment of certain conditions of acne and pimples."

Composition of the drug and release form

The healing properties of Traumeel gel are explained by the content of natural components in the composition. The drug relieves inflammation, stimulates local immunity, heals tissue, and relieves pain.

The remedy owes its healing effect to the presence in the composition of:

  • arnica;
  • echinacea;
  • St. John's wort;
  • daisy flowers;
  • chamomile;
  • comfrey;
  • aconites;
  • belladonna;
  • yarrow;
  • calendula.

To create the drug in a convenient consistency, the manufacturer adds water, purified paraffin, and ethyl alcohol to the composition. Traumeel is produced not only in the form of a gel, but this particular dosage form is used for cosmetic purposes to rejuvenate and improve facial skin. The drug is supplied to pharmacies in 50 g tin tubes.

Mechanism of action of Traumeel gel

Homeopathic plant-based gel copes with peeling and irritation of the skin, minimizes the depth of wrinkles, treats acne, and helps restore a normal velvety complexion. It is recommended for use by people with problematic and sensitive skin.

Traumeel is often prescribed by cosmetologists on the eve of mesotherapy sessions, since this remedy copes with several tasks at once:

  • prevents the appearance of subcutaneous hematomas in large areas;
  • increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, reducing their permeability;
  • prevents the development of swelling on the face.

Traumeel facial gel partially relieves pain, so it can be used as a mild local anesthetic after injuries, burns, and surgical interventions.

The active substances in this drug trigger the target of immunological reactions due to the intensive production of Th3 lymphocytes.

After a short use of the gel, the balance of cytokines is normalized, some of which provoke and others block inflammatory processes in tissues. An equal ratio of these peptide molecular compounds helps get rid of redness and swelling.

Therapists use Traumeel in the treatment of various pathologies. However, the gel has limitations for use. It should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, patients with collagenosis, autoimmune diseases, and leukemia.

Use in cosmetology, combination with other products and components for masks

Traumeel can be used alone or in combination with other cosmetics intended for facial skin care. The gel has a convenient consistency that allows you to evenly distribute the drug over the surface of the epidermis.

In combination with other products, Traumeel allows you to achieve increased blood circulation, healing of damaged areas, changing skin color, eliminating peeling and redness.

For external use, the drug can be mixed with dexpanthenol, activated carbon, hyaluronic acid, and various abrasive compounds. By combining Traumeel gel with one or another pharmaceutical product, you can achieve the necessary results in eliminating a specific problem.

Before using the drug, it is important to ensure that there is no allergic reaction.

If, after a trial application of the gel on a limited area of ​​the skin, no suspicious symptoms arise (redness, peeling, itching, burning, rashes), Traumeel can be used on the face. The recommendation is similar when mixing the gel with another pharmaceutical or cosmetic composition.

For wrinkles

To adequately resist age-related changes in facial skin, it is important to provide the skin with regular nutrition, hydration and rest. Despite the rich herbal composition of Traumeel, gel alone will not be enough to effectively combat wrinkles.

To eliminate wrinkles on the facial skin, it is necessary to combine Traumeel with preparations containing amino acids, vitamins, hyaluronic acid and other substances that help maintain the elasticity of the epidermis.

Since pharmaceutical preparations contain too high a concentration of active ingredients, it is advisable to use them in courses for no more than 4-5 weeks in a row.

To get rid of wrinkles using Traumeel gel, there are several recipes for face masks with pharmacy products, the purchase of which does not require a prescription from a doctor. But, despite this, before using any cosmetic products from a pharmacy, you should definitely consult a doctor and make sure there are no contraindications.

Action of the maskCompoundFeatures of cooking at homeApplication (1 procedure)
Pull-upTraumeel gel – 2 g, shark oil – 2 gBoth components must be thoroughly mixed and refrigerated before use.Before application, facial skin should be steamed or wiped with tonic. The mask is applied to the epidermis of the face and neck in a thin layer for 20 minutes, after which the residue is removed with a napkin.
Softening, nourishingTraumeel gel – 2 g, Vaseline – 2 mg, Actovegin – 1 mgThe finished mask should be left for 30 minutes at room temperature.The mixture must be distributed over the surface of the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin), without affecting the skin areas around the eyes.
Exfoliating, regeneratingTraumeel gel – 2 g, activated carbon – 2 tablets, Enterosgel – 0.5 tsp.Powdered activated carbon tablets are mixed with a gel-like mass.The resulting composition is rubbed into the skin of the face with light massaging movements, after which the mass is left to act for 30 minutes.

According to user reviews, such masks based on Traumeel gel make the skin smoother, more elastic, and give it a natural velvety feel.

To even out skin tone

Uneven complexion can also be corrected with Traumeel gel, but if the cause of the unnatural skin tone is not hidden in a serious internal disease. Often the appearance of red or pale spots on the face is caused by problems with blood circulation, stress, poor diet or improper use of skincare products.

The effect of using Traumeel facial gel.

Traumeel facial gel can eliminate skin dullness and redness that occurs due to capillary overload. To even out skin tone, the drug does not need to be mixed with other products.

The gel should be applied to the prepared epidermis in a thin layer, and then covered with a napkin and lie down for a while to give the plant components time to penetrate as deeply as possible and influence the blood vessels.

If uneven complexion is an allergic symptom, Traumeel gel is not advisable to use. In this case, it is necessary to take an antihistamine.

For redness and peeling

Red spots and peeling can also be treated with Traumeel gel. Hyperemia of the epidermis on the face often occurs in those with sensitive skin types. After cosmetic facial cleansing or peeling procedures, traditionally occurring redness, soreness and swelling are eliminated by a single application of this drug.

You can also treat chapped facial skin with Traumeel gel after a long stay in the cold. It is worth noting that if there are minor lesions on the skin, additional products with antibacterial components should be used along with this drug. This will avoid infection of the wounds and their suppuration.

In combination with Traumeel gel, Levomekol and Vishnevsky ointment are often used, which kill pathogenic microflora. Ointment for facial skin is applied in a thin layer and rubbed into the skin with massaging movements. It extremely rarely causes the development of adverse reactions and can be used for children's skin.

For acne and inflammation on the face

In reviews, many users describe their experience of using Traumeel gel for acne and pimples on the face. According to the responses of men and women who used it to get rid of painful rashes, the drug speeds up the healing process of wounds and prevents the appearance of new defects.

The herbal composition is also suitable for herpetic rashes on the face, but it cannot be used for chronic dermatological problems (eczema, psoriasis).

Traumeel reduces the production of sebum - this is a particularly valuable property of the gel, since to combat acne on the face it is fundamentally important to minimize the secretion of sebum. Sebum is a natural secretion, but when it is produced in excess, the pores of the epidermis become clogged and inflamed, acne forms, and the facial skin constantly looks oily and shiny.

It is advisable to use Traumeel gel in the presence of large subcutaneous and purulent pimples that take a long time to mature and do not respond to simple methods of extracting pus. Unlike products that are intended to treat such rashes, Traumeel does not have a sharp, specific odor. The gel must be applied to the inflamed areas several times during the day.

The only drawback that users note when using the gel is severe dryness and tightness of the skin. To eliminate this problem, when treating acne with Traumeel, moisturizing hypoallergenic creams should be used in parallel.

For dark circles under the eyes

Despite the fact that the drug in question is not a venolytic, cosmetologists often advise using it if there are bags and dark circles under the eyes. The mild herbal composition will not irritate the delicate skin of this sensitive area unless the user has an individual intolerance to the components in the gel.

Since Traumeel is intended for the treatment of inflammatory processes in soft tissues, it copes well with associated symptoms, including changes in skin color and swelling. Traumeel gel for dark circles under the eyes can be used simultaneously with zinc ointment. Its active substance is also involved in tissue regeneration and metabolism.

Using zinc ointment alone for bags under the eyes is not enough to achieve the desired result, since it does not contain any substances that have a draining effect. In combination with Traumeel gel, it is possible to quickly relieve inflammation and restore normal blood circulation in the tissues.

To get rid of dark circles under the eyes, you need to:

  1. Mix Traumeel gel and zinc ointment in equal quantities.
  2. The mixture should be applied with light tapping movements with fingertips onto cleansed skin around the eyes and left to act for approximately 1 hour.
  3. At the end of the procedure, the remaining gel and zinc ointment should be washed off with warm water.

Zinc ointment extremely rarely causes allergic reactions. Nothing is known about the negative consequences of its interaction with Traumeel gel. We should not forget that the body’s reaction can be unpredictable, so before using the products you should test the composition on another area of ​​the skin (for example, on the back of the hand or inside the elbow).

For swelling of the eyelids

Traumeel is used with caution for swelling of the eyelids. The gel is applied in a thin layer with light massaging movements. The advantage of this drug is the high absorption rate of active substances, so it is easy to distribute over the surface of the skin without creating unnecessary pressure on the eyes.

Cosmetologists recommend using Traumeel facial gel in the form of applications. This treatment method is more suitable for patients with sensitive skin. The drug should be applied to the bandage, rubbed over the surface of the fabric and applied to closed eyelids. In addition, cosmetologists consider the prevention of the formation of vascular networks to be an undoubted bonus from using Traumeel gel for swelling of the eyelids.

For scars and post-acne

Traumeel gel itself stimulates the healing processes of superficial tissues. At the same time, to speed up the healing process of scars after acne, minor burns and injuries, this remedy is best used together with panthenol. Both drugs are mixed in a 1:1 ratio and applied to the corresponding areas of the facial skin in a thin layer.

To heal scars and post-acne, Traumeel must be used for at least a month. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after a 2-week break. Another medicinal combination for scars is also known: Traumeel gel is combined with methyluracil ointment, which is a strong immunomodulator.

Special instructions and drug interactions

If these rules are followed, Traumeel gel and ointment are completely safe for health. They give allergic reactions only in rare cases of individual intolerance. If taken in excess, itching and redness may also occur.

Drug interactions between the drug and other medications have not been described. However, the mutual influence of certain drugs on each other cannot be ruled out. Therefore, if a patient regularly takes certain medications, it is recommended that he consult a doctor before starting the course.

Possible adverse reactions

Based on most reviews about this remedy, we can conclude that it is easily tolerated and only in isolated cases causes the appearance of uncharacteristic symptoms.

If you are allergic to one or more components contained in the gel, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • itching;
  • redness of the skin on the face;
  • small rashes;
  • a slight increase in temperature at the sites where the drug is applied.

Side effects indicate the impossibility of further use of the product. Traumeel gel should be replaced with an analogue, in consultation with a cosmetologist. In case of a severe allergic reaction, the patient must take an antihistamine.

Contraindications and side effects

The product has a completely natural composition, however, in some cases it cannot be used:

  • allergic reactions due to individual intolerance;
  • tuberculosis;
  • leukemia;
  • autoimmune diseases, including AIDS;
  • multiple sclerosis.

Side effects are not observed so often, however, they are not excluded:

  • itching in the area where the composition is applied;
  • slight swelling;
  • redness.

The described signs are clear symptoms of allergies. In these cases, ointment or gel should not be applied. They refuse the course and, if necessary, consult a doctor for consultation. The drug may need to be replaced.

When to expect the effect?

The instructions for use of Traumeel gel do not contain information about the mechanism of its action on the skin of the face. Experts who have used this drug in practice note its considerable benefits.

Thus, according to reviews from cosmetologists, Traumeel allows you to reduce the period of skin rehabilitation after traumatic manipulations by 1.5-2 times (removal of papillomas, keratomas, implantation of threads, Botox injections, peeling).

Hematomas, swelling, red spots on the face after contouring, biorevitalization and mesotherapy procedures disappear after 10-12 days, and with Traumeel gel - after 6-8. The product should be used at home for 3-5 days after the manipulations. The product is easy to use and does not create a filmy feeling on the skin.

TOP 10 post-peeling products

10 Bepanten

A popular pharmaceutical remedy that helps cope with redness and a feeling of tightness. It accelerates skin regeneration and improves the protective layer of the skin. Contains almond oil and beeswax.

The cream has a soft texture and does not clog pores, allowing the skin to breathe. Absorbs quickly and leaves no greasy residue. Its use is recommended after chemical or mechanical peeling. It needs to be applied twice a day for 4-7 days.

9 Cream Solcoseryl

Suitable for all skin types and applied after a chemical peeling procedure. It can be applied to skin suffering from seborrhea. The composition contains a dialysate substance, which is obtained from the blood of calves.

The cream relieves pain, actively nourishes, moisturizes and normalizes metabolic processes. Helps the skin produce collagen. Suitable for women over 35 years of age. It should be used situationally if rashes and peeling appear after peeling.

8 Depanthenol (cream/ointment/spray)

This is a budget version of Bepanten and has almost the same composition. Suitable for skin care after deep peeling. Depending on the assistance needed, the product is chosen in the form of a cream, ointment or spray. It moisturizes, softens and heals the skin. Increases its protective functions.

Before application, the face is treated with an antiseptic. Since Depanthenol forms a protective film on the skin, it is recommended to apply it in the morning.

7 Ointment Traumeel

The ointment contains chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula and yarrow. It has an analgesic effect and fights inflammation. In the shortest possible time relieves itching, reduces redness and eliminates tightness.

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Suitable after using any type of peeling, it helps in a short time.

6 MedicControl Peel, Vegefarma cream

A cream developed specifically for post-peeling care. Contains chamomile, sunflower and rapeseed oil. In a short time it eliminates inflammation, moisturizes and has a bactericidal effect on the skin.

Within 3-4 days it will help get rid of tightness and severe redness.

5 Kanebo, Sensai Silk Soothing Cream

Cream with a light and delicate texture. Has intense hydration and softening effect. Easily and quickly absorbed without leaving any traces on the skin. Contains minerals and plant extracts.

Provides comprehensive care during the post-peeling period. Quickly copes with wounds and itching. Suitable for ages up to 30 years. It is recommended to apply it both morning and evening.

4 Sisley, Confort Extreme

The product is suitable for those with sensitive, thin and dry skin. Absorbs quickly, does not leave an oily sheen, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The composition contains many useful natural ingredients: extracts of linden, plum, mallow, etc.

It can relieve tightness and itching almost immediately after application. Deeply moisturizes the skin and nourishes it. It is declared as a daytime product, but is also suitable for night use.

3 Holy Land, Probiotic Balancing

Nourishing cream from a leading Israeli brand. Smoothes the skin and softens it. Has an antibacterial effect and relieves inflammation. The composition includes milk protein, lanolin, pectin, lactose, proin.

It has a fairly thick consistency, making it suitable for evening care.

2 Uriage Tolederm Hydra-Soothing Moisturizing Soothing Face Cream

Moisturizing cream specially designed for very sensitive skin. Relieves tightness, tingling and pinching. Soothes and moisturizes, reduces sensitivity. The composition includes algae and URIAGE thermal water.

Apply morning and evening on the face and neck. Absorbs quickly and easily without forming a filmy feeling. Allows the skin to breathe and does not clog pores. Has economical consumption.

1 Professional collagen expert face cream Medical Collagene 3D Post Peel, 30 ml

A Russian product that is in no way inferior to foreign analogues. Designed specifically for use after the peeling procedure. Eliminates pain, heals and forms a protective layer on the skin.

Most suitable after a chemical peel procedure. Apply a thin layer to the face, neck and décolleté. Recommended for use once a day in a course of 8 applications. You can apply it either every day or every other day.

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Has SPF 7. It contains lecithin, avocado oil, panthenol and collagen.

Cost of the drug

Traumeel is a series of homeopathic remedies that are not affordable. The average price of a gel that can be used as a cosmetic product is 530-550 rubles. Traumeel is sold in stationary pharmacies and online pharmacies and is available without a prescription.

Most reviews about this universal drug are positive. Traumeel gel has established itself as an effective auxiliary composition for the treatment of acne and other skin defects on the face. The main advantage of Traumeel is the minimal list of contraindications and the possibility of combination with other medicinal products.

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