From black to white: the palette of cosmetic clay and its properties

It turns out that cosmetic clay can be not only a dirty asphalt shade, but also more positive colors. However, regardless of color, any type of clay remains one of the most effective natural remedies for cleansing the skin.

Clay cleanses pores, removes excess sebum and literally draws out harmful substances from within, and also has a slight peeling effect, eliminating dead skin particles. At the same time, clay can influence the production of sebum, normalizing this process, and also eliminates irritation and inflammation, and imparts matteness. These properties make it a suitable remedy for oily and problematic skin - clay eliminates all factors that provoke the appearance of acne and inflammatory elements. However, the enrichment of cosmetics with clay with various softening and moisturizing components allows them to be recommended for other skin types, for example, moderately dry or aging.

The value of clay in eliminating cellulite

Cosmetic clay is a natural product rich in mineral salts and the most beneficial microelements for human skin.

Magnesium and calcium improve cell regeneration, tone and prolong youth, silicon has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the dermis and helps strengthen the skin.

Each type of cosmetic clay has its own unique properties, but all of them are capable of:

  • Stimulate the functioning of the lymphatic and circulatory systems. The main reasons for the appearance of cellulite are poor circulation and lymph stagnation; the use of clay can reduce the influence of these factors that provoke skin defects on the body.
  • Absorb toxins and unnecessary substances. Thanks to this, clay masks against cellulite have an antiseptic effect and help eliminate irritation and inflammation.
  • Effectively cleanse the skin, removing dead cells from its surface. Cleansing helps enhance metabolic reactions.
  • Open the pores on the body, which leads to the extraction of fluid from the subcutaneous layers and promotes the penetration deep into all the beneficial elements of natural clay.
  • Activate the protective properties of the skin.
  • Improve collagen production, as a result of which the skin becomes elastic and its youth is prolonged.

Regular use of clay masks for cellulite leads to a reduction in the severity of cellulite tubercles, makes the skin smoother and the figure slimmer.

Of course, the effectiveness of home treatments also depends on the stage of cellulite, but we should not forget about an integrated approach to solving the “orange peel” problem.

If you devote enough time to body care and general health of the body, then after one or two months of following an anti-cellulite program, including the use of clay masks, you can achieve the desired result.

The most popular facial and body care procedures

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits that spa body care treatments provide: detox, rejuvenation, anti-cellulite massage and wraps, accelerating metabolism, eliminating skin inflammation, etc.

Which ones are the most popular? Let's figure it out.


This is the removal of keratinized skin scales from the surface of the face and body using various methods.

This procedure is often used in situations where it is possible to eliminate defects in the skin without surgical intervention. Peeling is also a preparation before carrying out a whole range of spa procedures.

Peeling has a number of varieties, which are distinguished by two main criteria: the type of exposure and the materials used.

Types of procedure according to the first criterion:

  1. Mechanical peeling. Removal of keratinized scales occurs under the influence of abrasive particles.
  2. Chemical peeling. Removal of the top layer of the epidermis is carried out using fruit acids and other substances.
  3. Hardware peeling. In this case, the dead layer of skin is affected by ultrasound, vacuum or laser.

Based on the materials used, there are several types of this body care procedure:

  • using seaweed;
  • peeling with essential oils;
  • using mineral sea or iodized salt;
  • coffee peeling;
  • using citrus extracts;
  • fish peeling

After removing the stratum corneum, the skin becomes noticeably smoother and velvety. This body care procedure is often prescribed before a massage. During the process of peeling of any type, the skin pores open, through them impurities are removed and useful components from cosmetics (moisturizing, nourishing, etc.) are absorbed.


For wraps, as well as for peeling, a wide variety of natural ingredients are used. For this body care procedure, medicinal mud, various herbs, cosmetic clay, chocolate, coffee, honey, seaweed, etc. are used.

The effect depends on the component used: reducing “lemon peel”, getting rid of stretch marks and fat deposits, removing toxins, rejuvenating and toning the skin.

Recommended articles on the topic:

  • Thermal detoxification: lightness of the body and clear skin
  • Lipolytic therapy: indications, contraindications, stages of the procedure
  • Weight correction: everything you need to know about the procedure

Depending on the mechanism of action, the procedure is divided into several types:

  • Hot wraps.

To carry out this body care procedure, masks are used, consisting of components that warm the body. These include mustard, hot pepper and a number of others. Also, the mask itself is heated, but not more than +37...+38 °C. The cosmetic product is evenly distributed over problem areas, wrapped in plastic wrap, and then the client is covered with a warm blanket for 1.5–2 hours. The duration of the procedure depends mainly on the problem that needs to be solved (sagging skin, fat deposits, stretch marks).

Hot wrap perfectly copes with fat, “lemon” peel and effectively cleanses the body of waste and toxins. The only contraindication to the procedure is varicose veins.

  • Cold wraps.

In principle, this body care procedure is very similar to the previous one. The only difference between a cold wrap and a hot one is that the applied mixture is not heated during the process and no warming ingredients are used. Instead, the mask includes seaweed, clay, chocolate, honey and other components. Cooling agents such as mint or menthol can also be used.

This wrap is used for individual problem areas.


This is a body care procedure during which the entire body is heated to remove waste and toxins from it, relax muscles, eliminate depression and improve sleep quality. Steaming is carried out in special places: saunas, baths, cedar barrels, hammams. Yes, yes, you heard right, visiting a bathhouse with oak brooms is a real spa treatment!


Massage is prescribed to improve blood flow in certain parts of the body, accelerate metabolic processes, relieve muscle tension and activate the body's immune forces. In addition to these effects, this body care procedure also has additional effects, the manifestation of which may vary depending on the means used and the type of rubbing.

Main types of massage:

  • using hot stones;
  • with essential oils (this body care procedure relaxes, improves immunity, relieves depression, etc.);
  • four-hand massage;
  • massage using Balinese technique;
  • anti-cellulite procedure.

Read material on the topic:

Foot massage against fatigue and illness

Properties of clay for weight loss

Anti-cellulite clay masks help not only smooth out already visible tubercles on the hips, buttocks and abdomen, but also help reduce weight.

Reducing body weight when using clay externally is achieved by increasing blood circulation, reducing swelling and by removing accumulated toxins.

That is, clay-based masks stimulate blood flow, normalize the functioning of all subcutaneous layers, which leads to the breakdown of fat deposits.

Naturally, clay will not lead to radical weight loss. But its use enhances those skin functions in which physiological fat dissolution occurs.

Active sports, proper nutrition, massage courses and anti-cellulite cosmetics will help you lose weight when using clay masks.

Cosmetic clay is so safe that some types of it can be taken internally.

The powder is diluted in water and drunk according to a certain scheme; this use of the product promotes internal cleansing of the body, improves the functioning of the liver, pancreas and intestines. Normalizing digestion also leads to weight loss.

Clay water should be consumed internally, taking into account all the indications and contraindications for such weight loss.

Features of oral administration at home

For weight loss, clay can be taken as a medicine. It is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • After dilution with water, it should precipitate.
  • Suitable for fatty, intended for modeling.
  • Drink without sugar; you can dilute it with water or herbal decoction.
  • Consume on an empty stomach.
  • It is allowed to dilute with honey and lemon juice.
  • Do not mix with coffee, milk, alcohol.
  • Drink everything without leaving sediment at the bottom of the cup.
  • Dissolve in non-metallic containers.
  • For constipation, increase the amount of clay water. As a rule, this indicates severe slagging of the intestines.
  • Take courses for three weeks, then take a break for seven days and repeat again.

Types of cosmetic clay

Natural clay powder is a polymer rock of volcanic origin.

Each type of clay contains potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, vanadium, silicon, magnesium, zinc and a dozen more common trace elements.

In pharmacies and stores you can buy white, gray, blue, yellow, black, green, pink clay.

The color of the powder is primarily determined by the amount of the main microelement and the origin of the product, that is, the location of natural clay reserves.

Each type of clay, when used externally, cleanses the skin, activates blood flow, improves elasticity and tone.

However, some types of cosmetic powder exhibit all their properties to the fullest when eliminating cellulite, others act gently and are more suitable for application to sensitive skin.

  • BLUE COSMETIC CLAY (CAMBRIAN). The chemical composition of this type of clay is ideal for eliminating skin diseases - eczema, dermatitis. Cobalt and cadmium salts help increase blood circulation and metabolic reactions, which leads to a reduction in the appearance of cellulite. External use of blue clay has no contraindications; it is hypoallergenic and harmless at any age.

  • BLACK CLAY. Endowed with a peeling effect, it optimally removes already dead cells from the surface of the skin, normalizes lymph flow, accelerates biochemical reactions, and helps eliminate accumulated toxins. Regular use of anti-cellulite masks based on black clay leads to narrowing of pores, a decrease in inflammatory reactions, and a decrease in sebum secretion.

  • GREEN CLAY. Valued in cosmetology due to its high content of potassium, silver, copper, and phosphorus. Magnesium and oxide give the clay powder a greenish tint. Green clay normalizes cellular metabolism, launches a powerful mechanism for removing waste and toxins from the subcutaneous layers.

  • WHITE CLAY OR KAOLIN. Endowed with a grayish tint. The basis of this type of cosmetic product is aluminosilicates, which help cleanse and dry the skin. Masks based on white clay cleanse pores, absorb excess sebum, tighten the skin, brighten it and help eliminate acne and rashes.

Cosmetic clay can most often be purchased in the form of a dry powder, packaged in bags of various sizes. A pack of clay costs around 50 rubles.

Skin preparation and basic rules for using masks

The effectiveness of clay masks against cellulite also depends on how correctly the entire procedure is carried out.

When using cosmetic clay for “orange peel” as a course, several rules should be followed:

  • The skin must be prepared to use the mask. The prepared composition is applied to clean and preferably steamed skin, so it is recommended to take a bath before the session. The body in problem areas should be treated with a scrub - exfoliation of dead cells will improve the penetration of beneficial components into the subcutaneous layers. You can activate blood circulation with massage, which also increases the effectiveness of clay masks against cellulite.

  • The regularity of applying masks with orange peel clay is up to three times a week. The course must consist of at least 10 procedures.
  • When choosing recipes with clay, you should consider your skin type.
  • Apply the clay mass to the skin of the body in problem areas from bottom to top. After applying the mask, it is advisable to fix the film and insulation layer on top, this will increase the anti-cellulite effect.
  • The layer of clay on the body must be dense and at least 5 mm thick.
  • Before using the selected recipe for the first time, your skin should be tested for sensitivity by applying a small amount of the mask to the wrist area. The absence of irritation, rashes, and long-lasting redness indicates good tolerance of all components. It should be taken into account that clay masks can burn a little and tighten the skin during the procedure.
  • To mix all the ingredients of the mask, you need to take a glass, clay or porcelain container. Metal saucepans are not used.
  • After completing the session, the clay from the body is washed off with warm water; in addition, anti-cellulite cream should be applied to consolidate the result.

In the first days of using clay masks for cellulite, the condition of the surface layer of the skin may worsen, this is due to the fact that the release of toxins from the subcutaneous layers increases.

When choosing masks for skin prone to oily skin, you should choose those recipes that use herbal decoctions, mineral water, and vegetable or fruit juices to dilute the clay.

For sensitive and normal skin, formulations containing natural yogurt, yogurt, milk, and kefir are suitable.

If you have extreme dryness, you need to choose recipes for clay masks with the addition of vegetable oils and sour cream.

Tips for use

Blue clay masks can tighten your skin, make it soft, tender and silky. However, the use of this tool requires a special approach.

Blue clay is a unique environmentally friendly product, indispensable in the fight for beauty

These are the points that it is advisable to focus on.

  1. Soak dry clay powder with herbal decoction (calendula, chamomile, clover) or carbonated mineral water.
  2. Before applying the product, prepare the skin with a light massage with a scrub.
  3. When washing off clay, do not use any additional products. A cotton pad slightly moistened with water is suitable for this.
  4. Before preparing the solution, carefully sift the powder through a fine strainer. If large pieces are found, you need to chop them up.
  5. For very dry skin on your feet, it is advisable to add oil (sunflower, olive, peach) to the mask.
  6. After removing the mixture, moisturize the skin with creams.
  7. To achieve results, complexity is important. Combine masks with body wraps, baths, massages, healthy eating and an active lifestyle.

This is important to know! For anti-cellulite clay procedures, it is recommended to use preheated clay. This trick will help achieve a more pronounced effect.

The so-called clay therapy must be carried out in a course lasting at least two to three months.

Application of white clay

White clay, when used in anti-cellulite masks, is most effective if the skin is oily or combination.

Masks with white clay cleanse the skin well, make it smoother, more elastic, tighten the body and have an antiseptic effect.

Among other things, the use of white clay for cellulite allows you to lighten the skin somewhat.

Mask recipe.

To get rid of orange peel, mix white clay with blue clay in equal proportions. The resulting powder is diluted with lukewarm water to the consistency of not too liquid sour cream.

Instead of water, you can use herbal infusions, fermented milk drinks, mineral water, juices; select them based on your skin type.

The prepared mask is applied to the body; an insulating layer should be used on top. Exposure time – 30 minutes.

When washing off the clay mixture, you should carefully massage problem areas using a hard sponge or a special brush.

Anti-cellulite bath with white clay.

Baths with the addition of clay are beneficial for the entire skin; under their influence, the skin becomes smoother, unevenness disappears, and at the same time the volume of the hips, waist, and buttocks decreases.

Clay for baths must be purchased at pharmacies or cosmetics stores.

If you extract clay powder yourself, then there is a possibility that it contains pathogenic microorganisms.

A clay bath is carried out in compliance with only a few rules:

  • The water temperature should be between 35 and 43 degrees.
  • A standard bath requires about half a kilo of clay.
  • Additionally, you can add 10 ml of essential oils to the water. Essential oils of cinnamon, eucalyptus, citrus, cypress, and rosemary have anti-cellulite properties.
  • First, the clay and essential oil need to be diluted in a small amount of water and only after that the resulting solution is poured into the already filled bath.
  • The procedure time is half an hour. After taking a clay bath, the body should be washed in the shower, problem areas should be lubricated with anti-cellulite gel, cream or serum.

Anti-cellulite clay baths are best done before bed two to three times a week. Water with clay and aromatic oils relaxes, reduces nervousness and improves sleep.


Clay is used to remove toxins and stored products from the intestines. It is an excellent adsorbent. The main advantage of clay is that it only gets rid of excess, while saturating the body with useful substances. This promotes cellular turnover. It affects blood vessels, blood, muscles and ligaments.

To cleanse the body, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Dilute half a teaspoon in a cup of boiled water.
  • Drink on an empty stomach in the morning and at night.
  • After 7 days, the amount of clay is increased to 1 spoon, gradually increasing to a tablespoon.
  • After 21 days, the solution should be replaced with balls. The mixture is made so thick that it can be rolled into a 5x7 mm sphere. You need to eat 10 - 15 pieces at one time.
  • The course of cleansing lasts a month.

There is also a second way to use clay. It has the opposite pattern. First, the balls are taken for a week. You need to eat 10-15 pieces at a time, after seven days their number is reduced by half. There should be three doses of balls per day. Two weeks later they are replaced with a suspension of a teaspoon of clay and a glass of water. And 7 days later, half of it dissolves in the cup.

It is important to follow a diet during cleansing, eat fresh and natural foods.

To learn how to take white clay internally, watch this video:

Black clay masks

Black clay is endowed with optimal cleansing, regenerating and antiseptic properties.

Under its influence, cellular metabolism is enhanced and it is due to this that cellulite changes - lumpiness, swelling, fat deposits - are eliminated.

Masks with black clay restore skin elasticity, help smooth it and slow down age-related changes.

Clay mask with coffee.

This mask is ideal for those girls whose skin is too sensitive or prone to dryness.

Black clay powder in the amount of several spoons must be mixed with warm mineral water to form a paste-like mixture.

Then an equal amount of ground black coffee is added to this mixture.

The next step is mixing 10 ml of citrus essential oil with two tablespoons of base oil, that is, olive, sunflower, flaxseed or almond. The resulting oil mixture is poured into a clay-coffee base.

While applying the mask, the skin can be massaged using upward movements without applying strong pressure. The mask is washed off after 20-30 minutes.

Clay mask with mustard.

Dry mustard and black clay must be taken in equal proportions, mixed and diluted with ordinary or mineral warm water.

After stirring, add two teaspoons of natural honey to the paste.

The mask should be mixed so that there are no lumps and applied to the problem area of ​​the body.

The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, during which time the skin can be massaged, which will improve the anti-cellulite effect of the mask.

Blue clay masks

Clay of a blue shade is considered the most effective in its composition and properties in eliminating cellulite.

It has the highest anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, due to this, masks help cope not only with cellulite, but also with minor damage and wounds on the skin.

Masks with blue clay improve microcirculation, restore elasticity and firmness to the skin, lighten freckles and age spots.

There are practically no contraindications to the external use of clay mixtures, except for one thing - masks are temporarily abandoned if there are open wounds in problem areas with cellulite.

Clay masks will be more effective if, during their application, you use additional insulation for the body with cellulite.

This will lead to increased blood circulation, enhance the penetration of microelements, and will facilitate the rapid removal of all accumulated toxins.

Mask with blue clay and coffee.

Three tablespoons of dry blue clay should be diluted with lukewarm water to the consistency of sour cream.

Add two tablespoons of coffee grounds or ground coffee, 3-5 drops of rosemary, lemon or orange oil to the base.

The prepared mask is applied to the skin for 10-20 minutes. Wash off in the shower or in the bath with apple cider vinegar or sea salt added to the water.


An ordinary pack of blue clay (50 grams) is diluted to a paste with lukewarm water.

Then half or a whole bag of ground cinnamon is poured into it; the amount of spice is selected depending on the sensitivity of the skin.

At the last stage of mixing the main components, 3 drops of essential oil of coniferous plants or citrus fruits are added to them.

The prepared mask is applied to problem areas, you need to secure plastic wrap on top and wrap yourself in a blanket. The procedure time is 30 minutes, wash off the clay in the shower.

A mixture of blue and white clays.

You will need two types of clay - blue and white. First, they are mixed in equal proportions, after which they are diluted with water to a paste-like state. The applied mask should be left on the body for 40 to 60 minutes.

Preparing clay for massage

Blue clay is also widely used in anti-cellulite massage.

The healing composition is prepared from the clay itself and additional ingredients - liquid honey, essential oils, sea salt. Honey can be replaced with cream or egg yolks.

To enhance the drainage effect, cinnamon powder, ground coffee or powdered rye crackers are added to the anti-cellulite composition.

The blue clay massage procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • First, dry clay is diluted with water. Then all the necessary components are added to the base.
  • The prepared mixture is applied to areas of the body with cellulite deposits. At first, the movements should be warming up, that is, light, without strong pressure. Gradually, the intensity of the massage increases - the skin can be kneaded, tapped with the edge of the palm, rubbed, patted. You shouldn’t be too zealous, but you also don’t need to feel sorry for yourself, since to eliminate cellulite, it is necessary that the massage also affects the subcutaneous layers. The procedure time is from 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Massage is also combined with body wrap. After the massage is completed, you can wrap your body in cling film and walk around like that for another half hour.
  • The massage clay composition is washed off with warm water. After the procedure, the skin should be softened with a moisturizer or anti-cellulite cream.

Massage with blue clay should be done at least once a week. On other days, clay is recommended to be used as part of anti-cellulite masks.

What is it

From a geological point of view, cosmetic clay is a substance that arose due to the destruction of rocks under long-term exposure to water and wind.

From a chemical point of view, it is a mixture of silicon oxide and aluminum oxide with admixtures of coloring ions and organic substances. Silicon prevents skin aging, smoothes wrinkles, and accelerates healing processes. Aluminum oxide in the form of tiny particles (not exceeding 1 micron) gently exfoliates dead particles of the epidermis, making the skin smooth and soft. It also has a drying, astringent effect. In addition, useful macro- and microelements include phosphates, nitrogen, and iron.

Cosmetic clay is capable of absorbing and retaining water and substances dissolved in it, including toxic ones. This property is used not only in cosmetology, but also by doctors in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Actually, this property contains the answer to the question “does cosmetic clay draw out toxins from the skin?”

From a physics point of view, this is a good coolant. The local thermal effect is especially useful when wrapping against cellulite: capillaries expand, microcirculation improves. This effect can also be useful in the treatment of diseases of the joints, muscles and ligaments.

Thus, cosmetic clay, used in our case for the face, has the following properties:

  • cleansing and detoxification,
  • peeling,
  • moisturizing the surface of the skin (important condition: the mask should not be allowed to dry out),
  • mineralization of the skin,
  • calming effect (relieves redness, irritation and swelling),
  • enhances the effectiveness of cosmetics (improves their penetration due to a tight fit).

The shelf life of “pure” (without additional cosmetic ingredients) cosmetic clay dried to powder is practically unlimited.

Can cosmetic clay cause allergies? No, he can not. Added active ingredients, such as essential oils, can provoke an allergic reaction. You can check the reaction using a standard skin test: apply a small amount of the mixture prepared in the required proportions in the elbow area, leave for half an hour, rinse, and after a day evaluate the condition of the skin at the application site.

To prepare masks or wraps, only ceramic, glass or plastic are used - in no case metal! - dishes. The spatula for spreading and applying the mask should also not be metal.

The oilier the skin, the longer you can keep the mask on it, and the shorter the break between procedures. Ladies with dry skin are not recommended to apply the mask for more than 5 minutes once a week. Oily skin allows you to keep the mask for 15 minutes and use it every other day.

All about cosmetic clay: white, blue, green, pink, yellow, black, gray clay for the face. You can watch this video:

Green clay

Green clay enhances cellular metabolism and activates the removal of toxins from the deepest layers of the skin.

This leads to a noticeable improvement in metabolic processes, due to which the skin becomes smoother, more elastic, and unnecessary fluid comes out of the subcutaneous layers.

Masks with green clay normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanse and tighten pores.

For cellulite, you can use a paste mixture of green clay with mineral or warm water. This composition is applied to problem areas for half an hour to an hour.

You can enrich it by adding a few drops of orange or grapefruit essential oil.

Green clay mask with mustard.

Three tablespoons of dry clay should be mixed with a teaspoon of mustard powder and diluted with water. At the end, three drops of bergamot essential oil are added to this mixture.

The prepared composition will burn the skin, so it is not recommended to apply it for more than 20 minutes.

Briefly about the beneficial properties

The fact that clay helps get rid of cellulite was discovered relatively recently, when it was used to treat spider veins on the thighs, and additionally, after 2 months of use, women were relieved of the manifestations of cellulite.

What is cellulite clay? She:

  • removes toxic substances from the tissues of the epidermis and intercellular subcutaneous space;
  • opens pores and draws out excess liquid from areas of application;
  • improves lymph circulation, which is important for the fight against cellulite;
  • locally activates blood circulation;
  • saturates the skin and underlying tissues with mineral substances from those present in its composition: iron, magnesium, calcium, aluminum, phosphorus;
  • improve metabolic processes and the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • destroys pathogenic bacteria multiplying on the surface of the skin and relieves inflammatory processes;
  • whitens the skin and hides spider veins.

The reduction in cellulite becomes noticeable within 3 weeks from the start of use (despite the fact that clay procedures should not be carried out daily), its maximum appears after 45-60 days.

If you combine clay wraps with an anti-cellulite massage, the effect will appear faster and be more pronounced.

Contraindications to clay procedures

Clay is not used in cosmetology for cellulite:

  • During pregnancy;
  • If there are neoplasms in the areas of intended application;
  • If there are open wounds on the skin.

Clay masks should not be combined with steaming the skin in the bath for people with hypertension.

If you have dermatological diseases, you should consult a dermatologist before undertaking a course of clay masks.

Temporary contraindications to applying clay masks are fever and menstruation days.

READ ON THE TOPIC: Clay wraps for cellulite, proven recipes.

Additionally included

To set the direction for the work of a particular product with clay, various components are added to them. For example, if you need to slightly soften the drying properties or relieve irritation faster, plant extracts (aloe, cucumber, green tea), panthenol, and niacinamide are added to the clay. If you need to increase the cleansing effect, they are enriched with acids (for example, mandelic, glycolic), and they can also add charcoal and even volcanic pumice. For example, a component such as collagen will help increase firmness and elasticity.


Clay comes in different forms. But for skin care purposes, only clay intended for this purpose should be used, that is, extracted from certain deposits, without foreign impurities and having properties that will have a positive effect on the skin. Therefore, it is important that these are high-quality products that use proven ingredients.

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