Biorevitalization Aquashine at A Clinic

Services Doctors Results Reviews

Expert tested

Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: March 20, 2022

Review date: November 05, 2022

Biorevitalization is a gentle rejuvenating procedure that triggers the skin’s own renewal processes, increases skin elasticity, normalizes water balance, microcirculation and, as a result, improves skin color. After just a few procedures, the skin becomes radiant, wrinkles disappear, and the aging process itself slows down.

Biorevitalization is an injection procedure. Special preparations are injected into the skin, which are cocktails of hyaluronic acid (HA), various vitamins, and microelements.

What are Aquashine preparations?

These biorevitalizants are able to slow down the aging of the dermis at the cellular level. They suppress the processes of excessive melanin formation and reduce the number of hidden pigments.

The composition of the preparations includes hyaluronic acid, as well as vitamins, 24 amino acids, coenzymes, nucleic acids, and minerals. But the main components are biomimetic peptides, which are analogues of human peptides.

Peptides are organic substances that regulate the condition of cells. When introduced into the body, they force cells to work correctly. The effect of restoration of the affected organ or tissue occurs due to the normalization of work at the cellular level. And without any chemical or surgical intervention!

After the first procedure, the skin looks smooth, radiant, elastic and toned.

Aquashine - translated means “shine of water.” The Aquashine line of products from the South Korean holding Caregen LTD is designed for powerful biorevitalization of skin of all types - even the thinnest and driest.

Gutsenko Liliya Anatolevna


Composition of Aquashine Revofil

The key component is high and low molecular weight fractions of hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 15 mg per 1 ml. The molecular weight range varies from 1000 to 3000 kDa. Thanks to such a high concentration, when injected, the skin receives instant and optimal hydration even at the deepest levels. A long-term moisture reserve is created in the tissues. Hyaluronic acid also promotes the penetration of peptide components and their long-term accumulation, participates in the antioxidant protection of cells, and stimulates the functioning of fibroblasts.

4 types of biomimetic peptides - have an effect similar to growth factors and natural polypeptides.

24 types of valuable amino acids stimulate the growth of fibroblasts, which promotes restoration and enhanced synthesis of natural proteins - collagen and elastin.

Nucleic acids act as powerful antioxidants and slow down skin aging.

A complex of 14 vitamins - A, E, C, K, I and group B. Activate cell restoration and renewal, strengthen skin immunity, and create an antioxidant barrier.

Coenzymes and minerals (magnesium sulfate, sodium chloride and phosphate, calcium chloride) accelerate cellular metabolism.

What is unique about Aquashine BTX?

This is the most powerful product in terms of impact. The drug is compatible with thin, sensitive, and aging skin, and is used as a means of accelerating rehabilitation after traumatic effects or surgery.

It has an updated formula, which includes anti-aging peptides that reduce the activity of facial muscles during facial expressions, which helps smooth out existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles and creases. The effect is similar to Botox.

The Aquashine BTX formula includes, in addition to the main peptides, Oligopeptide-62, which relieves muscle hypertonicity and reduces their activity during facial expressions, as well as Oligopeptide-29, the action of which is aimed at activating the production of collagen and elastin.

The combination of the action of these peptides with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid leads to a decrease in the activity of facial muscles (botulinum-like effect), although less pronounced compared to the introduction of classical botulinum toxin.

Indications for use

Looking at the composition of Aquashine, you can already notice that the main tasks that the drug sets itself after administration are skin rejuvenation and slowing down the aging process.

When we say “beautiful skin”, we mean not only the absence of wrinkles and ptosis. A really good drug for biorevitalization should, to one degree or another, solve absolutely all skin problems:

  • dark spots;

  • wrinkles of any severity;
  • translucent vessels and capillaries;
  • enlarged pores;
  • dryness;
  • greasy shine;
  • sagging skin, ptosis;
  • dull complexion.

That is, in order for the skin to look ideal, it must have some resources that will allow it to independently cope with the task of regulating moisture levels, producing sebum, melanin, collagen, and renewing the layers of the dermis. And the procedure performed with the drug “Aquashine” gives the skin these resources in order to look perfect and natural.

Types of drugs

Despite the fact that Aquashine has a unique composition that suits everyone, the manufacturer has made three versions of the composition for injection, the price of which is approximately the same:

  • “Aquashine Soft” The first drug is universal; it can be used by any patient who wants to rejuvenate the skin or give it a more fresh and well-groomed appearance.
  • “Aquashine BR” The second type of drug is suitable for those cosmetologist’s patients who suffer from severe pigmentation - age-related or from sun freckles.
  • “Aquashine BTX” The third composition is somewhat unusual for traditional biorevitalization. In its name, the creators encoded the word “Botox”, thereby managing to express that the drug affects the muscles of the face, thereby, in parallel with the traditional effect of biorevitalization, fighting expression wrinkles.

All drugs are available in the form of bottles with an injection needle, which is included in the price. However, it should be remembered that several types of Aquashine cannot be administered simultaneously. A professional cosmetologist will individually select the most suitable product for each patient, based on the problems they have. In this case, biorevitalization will give the most pronounced result.

Prices for the procedure

Biorevitalization with Aquashine

Nameprice, rub.
Initial appointment with a cosmetologist, consultation is free, subject to completion of procedures on the day of treatment1000 0

How to use the drug?

Biorevitalization "Aquashine" is performed according to the same principle as any other. On a previously cleaned face, the doctor makes small punctures with a thin needle, injecting a tiny amount of the drug under the skin. Such punctures are made along all massage lines of the face with an interval of no more than 10 mm. Sometimes injections are performed in the neck and décolleté area.

Even if you give the injections once, there will certainly be an effect, because after introducing the components of the composition under the skin, an active intercellular process will begin, aimed at rejuvenating, renewing tissues, and saturating them with moisture. But it is best to listen to the opinion of the manufacturer and complete a course of injections. That is, do 3-4 sessions with breaks for tissue regeneration from punctures. In this case, the effect will be visually fresher and more well-groomed skin, small wrinkles will disappear, large ones will noticeably smooth out, freckles, dark circles under the eyes and capillaries visible through the skin will disappear.

You can find out all the current information about the procedure, what is the price of Aquashine, the procedure, indications and contraindications at the cosmetology clinic located in St. Petersburg.

What else is included in Aquashine BTX?

Acetyl Decapeptide-3. It has an anti-aging effect achieved by activating fibroblast skin cells. They, in turn, enhance collagen formation. Oligopeptide-23. Participates in cell biosynthesis and regulates metabolism in the body.

Oligopeptide-24. Stimulates the production of a number of compounds that determine the youthful appearance of facial skin. An increase in the level of elastin, keratinocytes and other substances leads to the healing of scars and the reduction of wrinkles on the surface of the dermis.

Oligopeptide-51. Reduces the production of melanocytes and lipids responsible for the synthesis of sebum. This leads to effective depigmentation of the dermis.

High molecular weight compounds - adenosine phosphate, nucleosides adenosine and guanosine, nitrogenous bases cytosine and thymine. All of them are essential components of nucleic acid molecules that control the process of biological protein synthesis in the body. They have the ability to effectively reduce wrinkles and are a source of energy for the functioning of skin cells.

Amino acids that play the role of building material for the protein structure of cells. Group of coenzymes Q10 and mineral elements. Such substances are present in all tissues of living organisms and participate in oxidative processes. They perform a protective function when exposed to adverse environmental factors. Their most optimal content in the body occurs at the age of 20, at 30 years their content decreases by 30%, and at 60 by 50%.

A large group of vitamins is a necessary link in the chain of stimulating, antioxidant and regulatory effects. Thus, regenerating, revitalizing and relaxing effects are combined in one preparation, which allows us to talk about Aquashine BTX as one of the best developments in modern cosmetology.

In what special cases is Aquashine BTX prescribed?

First of all, in case of lack of sensitivity to botulinum therapy.

One of the important advantages of Aquashine with Botox effect is the ability to combine it with most other procedures used in aesthetic medicine. So, for example, this drug can be used:

  • in combination with Botox to prolong the effects of botulinum therapy;
  • in combination with contour plastic surgery and biorevitalization with other drugs, with hardware treatment methods, including laser ones.

Methods of administration of Aquashine BTX

During the procedure, a sterile disposable syringe with 2 ml gel is used. Biorevitalization zones have no restrictions: these can be any open areas of the body where emergency hydration and elimination of age-related manifestations are required. To moisturize and rejuvenate the skin of the face, the product is injected starting from the cheekbones and further throughout the entire area.

There are several recommended methods of administering peptide drugs - multipuncture, linear, microinjection, cannula, or possibly a combination of these in different areas.

In order to remove already formed wrinkles and folds, a linear-retrograde technique is used. The cannula option is suitable when it is necessary to create a water reserve in the skin and for vector lifting. In this case, the administration technique and course regimen are selected individually for each patient, depending on the main goal, anatomical features, condition of the skin, etc.

Since the injections are not painful, anesthesia is performed only at the request of the patient (with an increased pain threshold). After Aquashine is administered, a soothing gel or mask is applied to the skin to relieve redness and swelling.


  1. Autoimmune systemic diseases.
  2. Age under 18 years.
  3. Infectious and inflammatory processes in the injection area.
  4. Chronic dermatoses in the acute stage.
  5. Exacerbations of chronic somatic diseases.
  6. Pregnancy, lactation.
  7. Previously suffered anaphylactic reactions.
  8. Blood clotting disorders.

Aquashine biorevitalization is an effective method of rejuvenating facial skin and combating various imperfections. The price of the drug is quite high, but reviews from cosmetologists confirm its effectiveness.

Full price list for injection cosmetology services

How many procedures are required?

Biorevitalization Aquashine is a course treatment that requires an average of 3-5 procedures. For a sustainable effect, it is recommended to carry out maintenance procedures twice a year. Well-defined results appear within two weeks.

For intensive treatment, it is possible to carry out six sessions of treatments at intervals of 2 weeks and up to six sessions of maintenance therapy throughout the year.

The effect is visible immediately. It reaches its maximum 2 weeks after the procedure. The results obtained last for a year or longer.

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