We analyze all types of clay and their properties - tips for use

Today, clay is in demand not only for construction purposes.
Thus, in cosmetology, this substance is often the main component underlying masks and compresses. Thanks to the mineral composition, the condition of the skin and hair improves, their appearance becomes more well-groomed and healthy. It is very easy to purchase cosmetic powder - in a pharmacy or the household goods department of a supermarket. It has a relatively low pricing policy - from 30 to 60 rubles for a small bag, but ready-made masks will cost more. Cosmetic clay is able to remove toxins from the skin, saturating it with useful minerals - phosphorus, iodine, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, nitrogen, manganese and calcium. With proper calculation of proportions, application, and storage, clay-based face masks do not pose any risks to the health of the skin and the entire body. The only exceptions are isolated diseases, as well as individual intolerance to the components included in its composition.

Properties and effect on the skin

Using clay significantly improves the condition of the outer layer of skin. The main advantage of this element is to cleanse and dry the epidermis. Masks prepared on its basis regulate excessive sebaceous and sweat secretions, remove impurities from pores, even out and refresh the complexion. In addition, the skin becomes more elastic and tightened.

Another benefit of clay is its exfoliating, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effects. During its use, an environment is created at the site of the lesion that is inconvenient for the life and development of pathogenic bacteria. Mineral substances suppress their development, which is especially important when purulent abscesses and ulcers occur. Clay relieves inflammation and soothes, so its use is recommended for sprains, burns and bruises. Masks made from this component also relieve itching and avoid irritation in sensitive areas.

To make the result more effective, it is necessary to dilute the clay masses with other natural ingredients: essential and cosmetic oils, herbs or decoctions prepared on their basis, chicken and quail eggs, fruits, berries, sour cream, gelatin.


Gently cleanses dead skin cells, regenerates, and is suitable for oily, combination, aging skin due to its gentle action.

  • Composition: silicon, iron, manganese, chromium, potassium, sulfur.
  • Property: stimulates metabolism, circulates blood, eliminates infections and bacteria, relieves inflammation. Slows down the aging process, removes radicals from the body, regulates metabolic functions, participates in the normalization of water-lipid balance, and supplies vitamins and microelements.
  • Purpose: Problematic scalp, obesity, dermatitis, eczema, vitamin deficiency, wrinkles.

Types of cosmetic clay

By nature, there are two types of clay: bentonite and kaolin. The latter, in turn, is divided into several types. This can be judged based on the color of the substance. Its mineral composition and, consequently, its color will depend on the place of birth.

All types of kaolin clay have not only their own color. Each of them has its own individual properties, due to which they are used for different purposes. Read about the best clay face masks in this article.

Clay is a natural component obtained naturally as a result of the destruction of rocks under the influence of various natural phenomena.


White is considered the most sought after and delicate among other species. Its versatility allows it to be used for any skin type. It brightens, cleanses pores, helps fight pimples and acne, and also eliminates oily shine.


Blue is used for normal and combination skin. Silver, which is part of this species and colors it in a characteristic shade, has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug nourishes, tones, soothes, and also effectively fights pigmentation caused by skin aging.


A mask made from this mineral is suitable for any skin type. It tones, nourishes, moisturizes, relieves puffiness and oily shine. It is this substance that contains aluminum and silicon dioxide, which promotes the speedy healing of wounds, as well as the treatment of certain skin diseases - eczema, acne and dark spots. Green clay is recommended for the care of both young and aging skin of the face and body.


A mask made from red clay has a tightening effect, which is especially important for dull and aging skin. Thanks to its use, the blood circulation process is accelerated and the skin tissue is saturated with oxygen. Recommended for sensitive types in winter.


Pink clay is recommended for the care of any skin type. The balanced composition of mineral salts, iron oxide and silica contained in pink clay cleanses the epidermis of toxic substances, removes fat, relieves dryness and irritation, improves blood circulation, tightens the facial contour and smoothes the skin from wrinkles.


The large amount of potassium and iron present in this clay improves oxygen supply to the skin of the face and neck. A mask based on yellow clay helps eliminate harmful toxins, reduces inflammation and tones the skin. Recommended for aging and oily skin.


Black clay contains beneficial minerals and trace elements, recommended for oily, combination and normal skin types. Removes shine, stimulates lymphatic drainage and reduces puffiness. A drug with such a mineral composition absorbs harmful toxins well, cleanses the skin of impurities, tightens pores and fights blackheads.


Gray clay-based masks have anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and toning effects. Recommended for caring for problematic and dry skin. It has a rejuvenating effect and has a healing effect on boils.


This substance has a whitening, softening and cleansing effect. It has the ability to tighten pores and accelerate the process of cell regeneration, thereby providing a rejuvenating effect. Blue is suitable for all skin types and all ages.

General Product Information

Clay used in cosmetology is rich in minerals and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on human skin. To understand what clay consists of, you need to carefully study the instructions for its use. Typically the product contains:

  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • sulfur;
  • iodine;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium.

Each type of substance has its own deposit. Anapa white clay is extracted from sea sources. Moroccan is a mixture of lake origin, located in layers in a mountain valley, near the city of Fes. The Valdai Blue lies deep in the Valdai Upland and is distinguished by its glacial origin. Black tea is mined from the bottom of the Dead Sea, so it contains a lot of sulfur, which is necessary for the treatment of hair and nails.

How to choose

Skin care for the face and neck requires an individual approach. Therefore, you need to choose a product based on the problems that concern the owner of a particular type of epidermis. Knowing the healing properties of each type of clay, you can make the right choice. To choose a cosmetic powder, you need to know your skin type. Dry, oily, normal and combination skin need their own separate components to improve its structure. A consultation with a cosmetologist will help you determine your skin type and choose the right clay to apply at home. Read about which clay to choose for your face here.

How to make masks

The traditional way to prepare a face mask at home is to combine purified water or herbal decoction, as well as the clay powder itself: 2 tbsp. l. liquid component per 3 tbsp. l. clay. As soon as the liquid is well absorbed into the powder, the base is mixed until smooth so that there are no lumps left.

Method of preparing, applying and washing off a clay mask.

Otherwise, applying the product will not give the desired effect. The structure of the prepared mass should be similar to thick sour cream.

Clay loves light, so before applying a mask based on it, you should leave it in the sun or under a daylight lamp.

Mixing is carried out only with a wooden spatula or spoon. The homemade mask is left on for 40-60 minutes. in a warm place, then add a little essential oil. Its quantity will depend on the purpose of use. For oily skin, fruit or vegetable juices are used instead of water, and lemon and lavender essential oils are added. For dry and normal skin, honey, milk, olive oil and egg yolks are perfect.

Rules for the preparation and use of white clay

Preparing various cosmetics based on white clay seems simple - add the right amount, additional components and mix everything. In fact, to obtain the most effective, useful and safe product, you need to follow several rules:

  • Dishes. Do not use a container made of metal or plastic. It is better to take a glass or porcelain container - oxidation processes are excluded in them.
  • It is recommended to first place powdered clay in the selected container, and then gradually add water, stirring constantly.
  • Before applying any white clay mask, the face must be cleansed. This step is necessary even without makeup. Applying the mask to cleansed skin reduces the risk of adverse reactions and ensures better penetration of all components and their effectiveness.
  • Masks with kaolin should be applied in a thick layer so that the product does not dry out on the skin, unless this is specified in the recipe. The dried composition tightens the skin, which is especially undesirable if it is dry and sensitive.
  • Most recipes with white clay call for diluting it with water. Boiled water should be used; still mineral water and rose water are also effective.
  • The liquid for diluting white clay should be cool or moderately warm. Too high a temperature negatively affects the beneficial properties of the product.
  • After applying the mask, you need to remain calm and still. If you use an anti-aging composition or a product with a lifting effect, then you need to exclude facial mobility - do not talk, do not laugh, relax.
  • It is not recommended to apply products with white clay to the area around the eyes. The skin here is too thin and sensitive, and the composition on it dries out quickly and can be very tight. When using an anti-wrinkle mask, the area around the eyes can be pre-treated with cosmetic oil.
  • Any mask should be washed off gently. Under no circumstances should you rub the skin or use soap, gel, or foam for washing.

Rules and frequency of use

Face masks are used no more than twice a week. Apply only to clean skin, spread in a thin layer and leave for an average of 10-15 minutes. For the treatment of skin diseases, the action time is increased to 2 hours. In this case, the resulting mass is first applied to gauze or a napkin and only to the affected area.

Wash off with cool water or a contrast shower. Next, the face is lubricated with moisturizer. Using a mask made from any type of clay allows you to preserve the beauty and elasticity of the skin, prolonging its youth. For greater efficiency, different types of clay can be mixed.

Since mineral powder has a drying property, for oily skin its use should not exceed 20 minutes. With the dry type, the time is reduced to 7-10 minutes, and with the normal and combined type - no more than 15.

Read about using a clay mask for acne in this material.

The prepared clay mask can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days in a closed ceramic or plastic container. To get the maximum effect from applying clay, you need to make a new portion for each procedure. The session itself is carried out in the bathroom at high humidity, preferably in a lying position. If applying the mask is done in the room, from time to time it must be moistened with water by spraying it on the face from a spray bottle. Otherwise, it will dry out and tearing it away from the skin will damage the epithelium.

Read about the L'Oreal Magic Clay face mask at the link.

Before using the mask, you should not wear makeup for 10-12 hours. This method increases the healing and cosmetic effect of clay and protects pores from contamination. After the mask, you need to choose a moisturizer that can preserve the natural moisture of your facial skin.

Clay is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine for oral administration. The elements in its composition treat anemia, as well as diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Clay mask recipes

After applying the clay mask, you need to lie down and completely relax. At the same time, it is forbidden to strain muscles and use facial expressions to avoid the appearance of new wrinkles.

For problematic epidermis

  • Cleanses and evens out complexion

Add 3 drops of apple cider vinegar and a little water to a tablespoon of blue clay until the consistency of sour cream appears. When applying to the face, pay special attention to areas with acne and comedones.

  • Tonic

Combine blue powdered clay with watermelon and grape pulp until a thick paste is formed. You can add a little low-fat sour cream to the mixture. Mix all the components of the mask and apply an even layer to the skin.

For normal and combination epidermis

  • Combine green and white clay powder (a teaspoon each). Add a teaspoon of peach oil to them and dilute the mixture with mineral water until a thick mass is obtained.

For fading epidermis

  • Boil 1 raw cabbage leaf in ¼ cup milk or cream (if your skin is very dry) until softened. Then grind the mass in a blender, cool, add a tablespoon of green clay and ½ raw quail egg yolk. The composition must be mixed very thoroughly before applying to the skin.

For sensitive skin prone to irritation

  • Dilute the red clay with warm milk to a thick consistency and apply to the skin along the main lines.
  • Dissolve ½ part of a tablespoon of red powdered clay in warm heavy cream (in a tablespoon), add the same volume of aloe juice to the mass, stir well and apply the mass to the face.


Home clay procedures may have contraindications for use. You should not make clay masks if you have diseases of the circulatory system or if there is an exacerbation of individual chronic diseases. Any cosmetic mixture made from clay can cause allergic reactions. Most often, they appear not from the clay itself, but from some components of the mask. It should not be used for chronic skin diseases. First, a test smear of clay is made on the inner bend of the elbow and the reaction is observed. If there is redness and burning, you should stop using the mask for a while.

Before using a clay mask, you must perform an allergy test. To do this, apply a small amount of clay to the inside of the forearm and wait a few hours; if itching and burning does not occur, then you can apply the mask to the face.

Clay masks are prohibited for women during pregnancy and during the menstrual cycle. Pure clay is contraindicated for women with aging skin of any type, since after its use the level of moisture in the skin decreases to a critical level.

Benefits for the face

Kaolin is actively used in cosmetology. It is included in various products and is sold in its pure form - in this form the product can be used to prepare homemade cosmetics.

White clay has a drying effect. Together with the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of the mineral, this helps get rid of acne, tighten pores, and prevent the appearance of new breakouts.

Kaolin also softens and tones the skin. With regular use, it allows you to get rid of unpleasant oily shine on your face.

The whitening properties of white clay make it possible to use it to get rid of freckles, age spots, and excessive tanning. The product makes the complexion smoother and helps get rid of redness.

Kaolin activates metabolic processes. Thanks to this property of the product, the production of collagen and elastin is launched. As a result, the skin is rejuvenated, tightened, its turgor increases, and facial wrinkles are smoothed out.


  1. The mask is a kind of peeling, helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, nourishes and moisturizes, disinfects, gives the skin firmness and elasticity, heals the dermis and deeply cleanses the pores.
  2. Each type of clay has its own individual properties, so their use is possible for any skin type.
  3. Mixing different types of mineral enhances their effect.
  4. Clay itself has no contraindications and is therefore safe for use.
  5. You can use masks at any time of the year, but they are especially effective in summer and winter, when the level of stress on the skin from ultraviolet radiation or cold is quite high.

A high-quality homemade clay mask requires adherence to exact proportions, as well as proper application to the skin and storage conditions. Read about recipes on how to make a clay mask at home here.

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