What happens if you tie a papilloma with a thread? The effectiveness of the method and possible complications

Papillomas or warts, there is no person who has not encountered them at least once. In children they are on the hands, in adults they can be scattered throughout the body. Bandage a papilloma with a thread, one of the folk recipes for treating warts. Is this an effective method, what other methods of treatment does traditional medicine know? Let’s try to figure it out. To do this, you need to determine what they are, why they occur and how they are treated.

Thread, a folk method of getting rid of warts

What are warts

Warts are formations on the skin that look like thickenings or elevations on the skin, sometimes reaching up to 10 mm in diameter. Medical name: papilloma. They are classified depending on their appearance, location, and prognosis for further degeneration. The division in appearance will be like this:

  • papilloma vulgaris, round dome-like formations, rough to the touch, appear in children aged 10–12 years on the hands, sometimes on the knees, do not differ from the main skin, sometimes they can be a little yellower,
  • flat or juvenile, characteristic of persons aged 12 to 30 years, they look like flat growths on the skin with unequal clear edges, they can be brownish or beige in color, appear on the face or hands, the impetus is a hormonal surge during puberty ,
  • plantar, arising on the soles of the feet, having a dry, rough surface, dark yellow in color,
  • thread-like long warts that appear around the eyes, on the neck, in the groin, on thin delicate skin,
  • condylomas, genital warts that form on mucous membranes or in places of greatest sweat production, on the genitals, anus, and mouth, have a bright pink color.

Warts generally do not cause physical inconvenience, with the exception of filiform warts, which can be injured by clothing, and condylomas. But they are unsightly, especially if they are colored or located on the face or visible areas of the skin. Therefore, papillomas need to be removed - this can be done even at home, by pulling the papillomas with a thread. But won't they appear again?

Plantar wart is located in the foot area

When can you bandage a papilloma with thread?

Papillomas are special formations on the skin of a viral nature. They can be removed in various ways, but it is important not to confuse papillomas with moles, since removing the latter using “home” methods is strictly prohibited.

Any tumor grows due to the fact that blood and nutrients enter it. If access to these vital substances is blocked, the growth cells will begin to die, tissue necrosis will occur, and over time the papilloma will disappear.

Removing a pathological tumor using a thread may seem like a simple solution to the problem, since it does not require a trip to the doctor or the cost of money. It is enough to choose a suitable strong thread and tie the papilloma with it. Next, you need to wait until the growth turns black and falls off on its own.

However, it should be remembered that the appearance of some papillomas can be provoked by oncogenic strains of papillomavirus. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the growth on the body is of a benign nature. Only such papillomas can be tied up with threads.

To find out what strain of the virus is in your blood, you need to take a special blood test. Therefore, you should not avoid consulting a doctor.

Important! It is most convenient to bandage tumors that have a thin stalk. Flat papillomas cannot be removed this way.

Causes of papillomas

Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus. More than a hundred varieties of this virus have been studied. According to doctors, 80% of people are its carriers. It enters the body through cracks and injuries in the skin, penetrates the cell and connects to its DNA. The virus begins to multiply, causing cells to rapidly divide and grow, forming a growth on the skin. Once the virus enters the body, it does not appear immediately; a normal healthy body blocks it. But in what cases does he wake up? This happens when:

  • the body has suffered an infectious disease,
  • hormonal levels are increased during puberty or the onset of menopause,
  • alcohol or drug addiction,
  • some human immunodeficiency conditions,
  • metabolic disorders in diabetes mellitus,
  • states of chronic stress or overwork.

The body is unable to control the reproduction of the virus and it begins to actively multiply. In the case of ordinary papilloma, a maternal wart will appear at the site of virus introduction. When it is injured, torn off, bitten off, or scratched, the virus will infect new areas and small ones will appear in scattering around. Removing the growth in any way while maintaining problems with the body will only lead to the appearance of new ones.

Along with the removal of papilloma, it is necessary to strengthen the body's defenses. There are frequent cases of warts disappearing on their own after the level of immunity is restored.

Diabetes accelerates viral growth

And is it possible to remove benign epidermal tumors on your own?

Having noticed specific neoplasms on the skin, which in medicine are called papillomas, many patients strive to cut or rip off the epidermal growth on their own, believing that such actions will lead to the disappearance of this defect. In addition, the Internet is actively discussing questions about what will happen if a papilloma is torn off and whether it is worth contacting a specialist if the papilloma comes off accidentally. Due to the relevance of such information, we will try to sort it out.

Removal of papillomas

Doctors strongly recommend removing warts only after examination and consultation with a dermatologist. If the appearance of the tumor is alarming, the formation will be examined and analyzed for benignity. There are several main ways to remove papilloma. This choice is influenced by the type of papillomas and the location of the formation:

  • excision, for large formations or those whose appearance causes concern,
  • freezing with liquid nitrogen, liquid nitrogen is applied to the growth using an applicator, it first becomes dense, then a pustule with lymph appears in its place, which dries to a crust, after which it falls off and a small hole appears in its place,
  • burning, in which a papilloma is captured and burned out by a special electric loop of a coagulator,
  • laser removal, the laser removes the papilloma layer by layer until it completely disappears,
  • chemical removal, a solution of acid or caustic compound is dripped onto the wart until it completely disappears.

These methods are used in a clinical setting. But there are traditional methods for removing them at home. They are based on observations collected over centuries by traditional healers and recipes created by herbalists.

Medical institutions offer many options for wart removal.

What to do if a papilloma comes off?

If the papilloma does come off for some reason, you should definitely treat the damaged area with an antiseptic solution and make every effort to stop the bleeding. Then a bandage with a healing composition is usually applied to the injured area and any stress on the epidermis in this area is eliminated. After performing all the manipulations described above, you should definitely contact a specialist who will suggest a truly effective way to treat papillomas and warts.

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Find out the cost of the procedure “Removal of tumors”

Traditional methods of removing papillomas

When removing papillomas at home, the treatment process should consist of two stages

  1. Raising immunity.
  2. Removal of papillomas.

To increase the body's defenses, you need to adjust your diet.

  1. Avoid fatty, salty, spicy foods, preservatives, sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol, excess sugar in food, coffee,
  2. The diet should be filled with leafy vegetables, foods containing vitamin C in the body, lemons, peppers, currants.
  3. Herbal teas with oregano and calendula are useful.
  4. You can use a tincture to boost immunity from a mixture of herbs: nettle, horsetail, lemon balm, plantain and dandelion root. Brew a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for at least 3 hours. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day for a week.

The effect of traditional medicine on it at home is based on the effect of burning with a caustic or acidic composition. How to remove papilloma this way at home? There are several options:

  • Apply a mixture of vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice in equal parts to the wart,
  • lubricate with tea tree oil, eucalyptus, castor oil, after lubricating, protect with a band-aid,
  • lubricate the wart with celandine juice or extract,
  • drip fresh garlic juice onto the papilloma,
  • drip vinegar essence.

In folk medicine, there is also a method of removing papilloma by pulling with a thread or hair. Medicine categorically objects to it, considering it inappropriate and dangerous for the patient, such that it can lead to oncology.

Black currant will boost immunity and get rid of papillomas

Medications for HPV

Modern means of combating this unsightly disease are the most widely used ointments and solutions, such as:

  • "Oxolinic ointment";
  • "Verrukacid";
  • "Ferezol";
  • "Cryopharma";
  • and others.

Mountain celandine is used as the basis for many creams and ointments. Any mixtures and solutions purchased in pharmacies should be used strictly according to the instructions for these drugs or after consulting with a doctor.

How to do bandaging correctly?

To pull the papilloma, you will need a silk thread and a raw potato. A thread is tied in a knot over the wart, the potato is cut, the thread is put inside and buried. What happens after this? When the potato rots, the growth will come off. With the second method, you need to tie the growth with a thread so that at the end it slides off the wart. Then we proceed in the same way, put the thread in the potato and bury it. In the new month, red silk thread or your own hair is used to remove warts. The month should be clearly visible. When we see the moon on a thread or hair, we knit as many knots as need to be tied. They recite the conspiracy “The month is young, take the warts with you.” We secretly bury the thread in the ground. Doctors explain the power of the method in self-hypnosis, the goal of healing. Is it possible to bandage hanging warts? For hanging growths, tying the stem with a thread will stop the wart from feeding and growing. After some time it should fall off on its own. When using traditional methods, you need to monitor the condition of the papilloma, it should wrinkle, turn black and dry out. Then the bandaged growth will fall off on its own. If the mole becomes swollen, red or painful, you should consult a doctor.

If you don’t trust traditional medicine and don’t really believe that such conspiracies can cure your problem, contact medical professionals who will offer you effective and drastic ways to eliminate papillomas.

Which thread to choose

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Suitable threads for removal include silk, cotton, surgical thread from an emergency kit, or horsehair. The use of dental floss is optimal; the product is durable and treated with an antiseptic.

The main requirement is that the rope must be strong, thin, and must be treated with an antiseptic.

How are neoplasms treated in the clinic?

In a medical institution where you should go for the treatment of tumors, doctors adhere to the classic treatment regimen:

  1. Taking medications. Antiviral drugs for external and internal effects are used. The growths should be treated locally immediately before the removal procedure and after its completion. This will reduce viral activity locally - on the affected area. The effect in this case occurs faster. It is recommended to take general medications according to the schedule, but treatment will take longer. In addition, immunostimulating and immunomodulating agents are prescribed.
  2. Removing growths. This procedure is mandatory. If the growths are not removed, due to regular deformation, the risk of transformation of a benign formation into a malignant one increases.


The action of antiviral drugs is aimed at stopping the activity of the virus. However, treatment does not eradicate the infection. If you do not follow the recommendations for maintaining immunity at the proper level, after a while the virus will become active again. In this case, the warts will continue to develop.

To maintain and enhance immunity, the doctor may prescribe immunomodulators and immunostimulants. Such products help artificially increase the body's defenses. As a result, the process of suppressing the virus begins, which will lead to the cessation of the development of papillomas.


It is recommended to simultaneously combat formations on the skin in another way, which is based on the removal of excess tissue. The following methods are used:

  • cryodestruction;
  • laser technology;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio wave therapy.

These methods do not cause pain and are not accompanied by bleeding, which is an advantage. Radio wave therapy is recommended for removing growths on the mucous membranes. This is due to the fact that this technology is carried out in a non-contact manner and does not leave scars. If you choose cryodestruction, the growth may not be completely removed.


In this case, to get rid of warts, the method of excision with a scalpel is used. Flaws:

  • the wound is bleeding;
  • pain appears;
  • long healing period.

If we compare this method with the previously discussed options, the latter win. For this reason, a scalpel is used in cases where large formations need to be removed. Papillomas rarely develop so intensively. They are removed at the initial stage, when they are still small.

Removing warts with medication

Destroying acids such as salicylic acid, trichloroacetic acid, urea and other special medicines are also wart removers. Any pharmacy offers a fairly wide selection of such drugs.

Salicylic acid, urea softens the top layer of the wart, in addition, stimulates the local immune response, and hence the disappearance of the wart. But when choosing to treat warts with medications, you need to be patient, because even if you use the product in strict accordance with the instructions, the effect becomes noticeable only after a few months.

Removing warts with medication

In addition, constant use of the drug is required according to a special scheme in compliance with certain skin care rules. Sometimes it causes discomfort to the patient and also the medicine has side effects such as skin irritation, redness, etc.

Therefore, many patients make a better decision - see a dermatologist and remove warts in faster and safer ways.

Is it possible to pull with thread?

It is worth remembering that threads cannot be sterile, which means that the risk of infection is quite high.

Moreover, you will have to wear the thread for at least a week until the growth dries and falls off. All this time you will have to be extremely careful during hygienic water procedures and while putting on clothes, so as not to catch the dying papilloma.

If the thread breaks before the papilloma falls off, this can provoke extensive blood infection with necrotic decay products that have accumulated in the tumor in the absence of normal blood supply.

Before carrying out the procedure, you need to make sure that it is really a papilloma or wart. A dermatologist will help clarify the question after collecting an anamnesis, laboratory tests, and examination with a dermatoscope.

The presence of neoplasms depends on the state of immunity, existing diseases of internal organs, and injuries. Papillomavirus can be cured after eliminating the listed factors.

Mechanical removal will not eliminate the problem, but will help correct a cosmetic skin defect. The above removal method is suitable for types of papillomas: flat, hanging (pedunculated).

It is undesirable to pull rounded (vulgar), pointed, plantar warts and condyloma.

Advantages of the method: no monetary costs are required, relative painlessness.

Traditional medicine does not recommend getting rid of tumors using this method due to the risk of consequences:

  • injuries to a mole, mistaken for a papilloma, promoting degeneration into malignant tumors, melanoma;
  • inflammation of the skin, infection of the body;
  • scars, scars;
  • re-formation of the growth.

Suitable threads for removal include silk, cotton, surgical thread from an emergency kit, or horsehair. The use of dental floss is optimal; the product is durable and treated with an antiseptic.

The main requirement is that the rope must be strong, thin, and must be treated with an antiseptic.

Types and locations of growths

There are genital warts, vulgar and flat warts, and filamentous papillomas. There are growths that appear on the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs (trachea, larynx) and bladder. Such formations are a consequence of the development of human papillomaviruses (HPV) of different genotypes. Their locations:

  • flat warts are localized in different areas of the skin;
  • vulgar warts can often be found on the extremities;
  • genital warts affect the genitals;
  • thread-like growths appear on different parts of the body.

Why the method works

New growths grow due to the supply of nutrients and oxygen. If the area is deprived of blood supply for some time, cell necrosis will occur.

The method was used by grandmothers when there was no cryodestruction or laser removal. The method was passed down from generation to generation. This means that the treatment helped, the technique is actually scientifically proven.

During ligation, the blood vessels are compressed, and no blood flows to the growth.

After 7-10 days, the neoplasm turns black on its own and falls off. After removing the papilloma, there is no guarantee that they will not appear again.

In order to prevent the recurrence of warts, treatment with immunomodulatory drugs is necessary.

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