Zelenka: indications and contraindications for use

Zelenka is the popular name for a solution of brilliant green, which has been used since the 19th century as a strong antiseptic. This is a topical drug that gained popularity in the form of an alcohol solution, but over time it began to be produced in the form of medical felt-tip pens.

Composition of Zelenka and pharmacological action

The brilliant green is based on a solution of brilliant green. This is an antiseptic substance that was developed by a British scientist. In his attempts to discover a cure for malaria, he was able to create substances with bright colors. At first these were purple and lilac solutions that were not removed from fabrics and other surfaces.

Doctors began to use this feature of giving color to substances to color reagents and microorganisms during microscopic studies. During this application, it turned out that microbes die under the influence of a brilliant green solution. This is how the antiseptic properties of brilliant green were discovered.

Pityriasis rosea in pregnant women

In pregnant women, pityriasis rosea can develop due to hormonal changes in the body (deficiency of female sex hormones) or a weakening of the immune system due to toxicosis. The disease does not affect the condition of the fetus and does not cause pathologies. However, it is necessary to identify the causes of the disease and eliminate them, since the health of the mother depends on the health of her baby.

The main treatment in such circumstances will be restorative methods. Doctors categorically prohibit the ingestion of decoctions of medicinal herbs, especially St. John's wort, sage, and oregano. Interferons are used to strengthen the immune system, but they should be taken with caution so that your own protective functions do not decrease even further. Multivitamin complexes are often prescribed.

When the disease develops, pregnant women should pay attention to their diet and do special gymnastic exercises. For those who are concerned about itching, doctors recommend treating the rash with vegetable oil, chamomile infusion, and calendula decoction. It is very important to avoid stress, which has an extremely negative effect on the body, including causing pityriasis rosea.

Zelenka: indications for use

Since brilliant green has shown itself to be an active antiseptic, it began to be used in the treatment of wounds and abrasions. Later it turned out that applying the solution to ulcers and acne of bacterial origin reduces the severity of the rash, and soon completely clears the skin of papules.

In this regard, brilliant green is used for:

  • mechanical damage to the skin (abrasions, cuts, deep wounds);
  • rashes caused by insect bites, in particular mosquito bites;
  • weeping allergic rash;
  • chickenpox infection;
  • fungal infections of the mucous membranes;
  • the threat of joining and spreading superinfection.

Zelenka, in addition to its ability to destroy pathogenic flora, also has a drying effect, so it is often used for weeping rashes and wounds.

The solution is used strictly topically; it is not intended for oral administration. Zelenka is used to treat the edges of deep wounds; it is applied to abrasions, covering, if possible, the entire damaged surface. For rashes, use brilliant green in a targeted manner, applying it only to the papules with a cotton swab.

Causes of pityriasis rosea

Currently, the exact cause of the pathology is not clear. Many representatives of the medical community believe that the development of pityriasis rosea occurs under the influence of the herpes virus, but this opinion has not yet been confirmed. It is believed that the disease can be triggered by taking certain medications.

Risk factors also include:

  • Decreased immunity due to acute respiratory viral infections, sore throat, colds;
  • Presence of chronic diseases;
  • Stressful situations;
  • Disruptions in the metabolic process;
  • Illiterate skin care;
  • Allergic manifestations;
  • Hypovitaminosis;
  • Injuries and damage to the skin, including insect bites.

Pityriasis rosea develops due to hypothermia or as a consequence of vaccination. Sometimes the cause is pathologies of the digestive system.

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Why use brilliant green for chickenpox?

Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by chickenpox. This is a type of herpes virus. The disease manifests itself as specific rashes on the skin. The elements of such a rash contain fluid under the skin; rupture of the papule is dangerous for infection, therefore it is highly undesirable.

It is not difficult to recognize a child suffering from chickenpox - he is usually covered with brilliant green. Since the prosperity of Soviet medicine, it has been customary to treat each papule with brilliant green, despite the fact that this process has nothing to do with the direct treatment of chickenpox.

Chickenpox is caused by a type of herpes virus that acts from the inside. The appearance of a rash indicates that the body has begun to fight the pathogen. Dead microbes release toxins, which in turn cause a rash. It is by the nature of the rash that you can determine whether the disease is progressing or not. This is exactly what brilliant green is used for.

While the immune system fights the virus, new elements of the rash appear. Zeleka, due to the fact that it is not washed off from the skin for a long time, helps to monitor the appearance of new papules. As soon as new elements stop appearing, you can start counting 9 days, after which the patient ceases to be infectious.

In addition to its marking function, brilliant green has a certain protective effect. It is due to the fact that the chickenpox rash is watery. If a patient sweats profusely due to high temperature, the skin begins to itch. It is easier for an adult to endure and not itch than for a child. Young patients quickly succumb to instinct and scratch the rash, subcutaneous fluid comes out, and the closed vesicle becomes an entry gate for a bacterial or fungal infection.

Zelenka, having a drying effect, prevents severe itching, and also disinfects already opened elements of the rash. Pediatricians say that to prevent itchy skin, the child needs to be washed. The prohibition against swimming in case of chickenpox applies exclusively to prolonged stay in water. This suggests that you should not put your child in the bath for 15-20 minutes. But after sweating due to hyperthermia that often occurs, it must be washed with soap to remove sweat, salt and sebum from the surface of the skin.

Pityriasis versicolor (tinea versicolor): symptoms

The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of spots of different shapes, sizes (usually with uneven edges) and colors (white, red, brown, etc.);
  • the spots become scaly and may sometimes itch;
  • under the influence of the sun, spots can change color and intensity;
  • as the disease progresses, the spots increase and unite into large groups;
  • Sometimes, if the source of the spot is the scalp, the hair may fall out.

Localization of spots is the chest, back, groin area, arms, legs, less often the face, scalp and genitals. The incubation period ranges from two weeks to several months; in children, the first signs may appear earlier.

Pityriasis versicolor (colored, multi-colored or solar) lichen: causes of occurrence

The main cause of the disease is a fungus that gets on human skin. But there may be several factors that can provoke the active proliferation of this fungus and the appearance of such characteristic symptoms of pityriasis versicolor as multi-colored spots:

  • individual (genetic) predisposition to dermatomycosis;
  • skin type and/or disruption of the normal functioning of the stratum corneum;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diabetes mellitus, excess weight, vegetoneurosis;
  • increased sweating;
  • reduced immunity;
  • chronic diseases;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as liver and pancreas;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • severe stress and constant nervous tension;
  • frequent changes in climate and time zones;
  • uncontrolled use of medications and cosmetics that are unsuitable for your skin type;
  • disturbances of hormonal levels and the functioning of the genitourinary system in women.

The reasons may also be external factors: hot weather or the use of antibacterial personal hygiene products (gels, creams, etc.). But, whatever the cause and no matter how the disease develops, if there are signs of any intensity, you should consult a doctor.

When contracting any skin disease, it is very important to treat not the symptoms, but the causes, while simultaneously getting rid of the existing factors that provoke the disease. This type of lichen may not go away for a long time, and accordingly, treatment may take a long time.

How to treat solar lichen (colored, pityriasis versicolor, multi-colored) and cure it, securing the result for a long time, dermatologists


Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to get rid of the disease and prevent its relapses. An individual course is selected for each patient and maximum attention is paid during treatment to ensure comfort in the fight against an unpleasant disease.

Initial appointment

The initial appointment is an examination, studying tests and complaints to identify the causes that led to infection, as well as drawing up a general clinical picture. In some cases, already at the first consultation, the doctor can prescribe treatment and recommend a course of restorative procedures.

But if the case has any deviations or complications, then it is necessary to prescribe additional studies and consultations with other specialists.

Diagnostics includes:

  • skin scraping examination;
  • examination of the skin using a Wood's lamp;
  • consultations and examinations with specialists such as a gastroenterologist
    and psychotherapist;
  • examination of the skin using an iodine test.

What exactly the doctor will prescribe and whether any additional research will be needed depends solely on each specific case, as well as the selected methods and drugs for the treatment of pityriasis versicolor (tinea versicolor, solar lichen) in an adult or in children.

Treatment plan

If a course of treatment was prescribed at the patient’s first meeting with the doctor, then at the secondary appointment the doctor assesses the patient’s condition and the effectiveness of the prescribed regimen.

If the selected regimen and drugs for the treatment of pityriasis versicolor (variegated, colored) lichen do not work, then the doctor can either prescribe an additional examination or adjust the previously prescribed course. The doctor also draws up a treatment plan with an individual schedule for subsequent visits.

What can be included in the course of treatment?

Most often, the doctor prescribes:

  • antifungal drugs;
  • antifungal ointments and gels;
  • special shampoos if lesions are found on the scalp;
  • antibiotics from the tetracycline group for severe forms;
  • topical products with exfoliating and anti-inflammatory effects.

During treatment, it is very important to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions (take medications on schedule and in the right quantity, follow established rules, etc.), but remember that any deterioration or abnormal reaction of the body must be reported to the doctor so that he can adjust treatment.

Control reception

A follow-up visit to the attending physician's office is scheduled 21–30 days after the start of treatment. This is necessary to assess the patient’s condition after the main course and prescribe a number of restorative and preventive measures. Such measures may include physical therapy, restoration of gastrointestinal microflora, nutritional correction, etc.

Treatment result

The disease can be cured, but the timing of treatment and recovery is individual and is discussed at a doctor’s appointment. Also, if necessary, the doctor prescribes consultations and examinations for all family members, since infections could have occurred through personal hygiene items.


A good prevention of this skin disease is:

  • observing simple hygiene rules in public places (swimming pools, gyms, etc.);
  • maintaining personal hygiene. Personal hygiene items can and should not only be changed frequently, but also constantly disinfected;
  • ironing clothes after washing and before wearing (especially for children's underwear and clothes);
  • wearing and using clothing and personal hygiene items only from natural materials of good quality;
  • temporary avoidance of prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • nutrition correction;
  • hardening and dousing with acidified water;
  • taking vitamins or vitamin complexes;
  • compliance with sanitary standards in the apartment and in the workplace;
  • individual selection of cosmetic skin care products;
  • normal healthy sleep;
  • a properly selected system of physical activity and sports to strengthen the immune system and increase the body’s resistance to external influences.

It is also important to exclude all causes that have led or may lead to a recurrence of pityriasis versicolor (colored, multicolored, solar) lichen. Compliance with minimum standards and taking care of your health will significantly reduce the risk of the return of this unpleasant skin disease, and will also bring your psychological state back to normal.

If the disease returns even after treatment and all the measures taken, then it’s time to think about a serious examination by a group of specialists, since inflammation of the skin may be a consequence of diseases that did not manifest themselves in any way before.

To make an appointment for a consultation or appointment with one of the medical dermatologists, you can use a special online form on the website or the phone number listed at the top of this page.

Why isn't brilliant green used in the West?

Zelenka has long been considered a domestic medicine, despite the fact that it was developed in London. This is due to the fact that Europeans and the British very quickly abandoned the use of coloring medical products. The mentality of residents of European countries does not accept therapy that somehow distinguishes a sick person from healthy ones.

It was thanks to this that the white domestic adhesive plaster in the West acquired a flesh color, and the brilliant green was replaced with colorless antiseptic solutions. Pharmacies and medical institutions do not sell brilliant green solution. It was abandoned even in laboratories and clinics, where it is necessary to process medical instruments, premises and the hands of personnel.

Pityriasis rosea in children

In childhood, pityriasis rosea manifests itself mainly after acute respiratory viral infection. The scales on the rash are usually sparse or absent altogether. The spots most often form in the inguinal folds and armpits. With this disease, the child can continue to live a normal life, the only limitation concerns water procedures. Do not use washcloths or rub the skin with hard towels. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, excessive sweating should be prevented, so physical activity will have to be limited.

It is important to follow all doctor's recommendations. As a rule, drug treatment is not required, but special attention should be paid to restoring the body's immune defenses. In this regard, a balanced diet, room ventilation, and adherence to general hygiene rules play an important role. If there is itching or an atypical course of the pathology, the doctor prescribes medications. But it is not recommended to use folk remedies.

Contraindications to the use of brilliant green

In case of individual intolerance to brilliant green, treatment with brilliant green is contraindicated. In addition, if the skin lesion has a large area, it is not permissible to fill it with brilliant green, especially if the patient is a child. This is primarily due to the fact that using brilliant green in this case will cause severe pain.

In addition, you should remember that brilliant green is alcohol-based. Covering a large area of ​​the child's body with alcohol solutions is contraindicated due to the high degree of absorption. Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream through small superficial capillaries and ruptured vessels, resulting in an increased risk of alcohol intoxication.

Symptoms of pityriasis rosea

The beginning of pityriasis rosea is the formation of a maternal plaque - a single spot of a fairly large size and a round shape. Its diameter is from 2 cm, the color is pinkish, but gradually the central part of the spot turns yellow. Over time, peeling begins here.

After 7-10 days, multiple oval-shaped spots form on the surface of the skin. They are smaller than the maternal plaque - about 0.5-1 cm in diameter. For the most part, the rash spreads along the back and shoulders, covers the sides of the body, and runs along the lines of skin tension. In the center of all spots, the skin peels off, and a red border appears along the edges of the rash.

The spots that appear do not merge with each other. The pathology may be accompanied by itching. Sometimes the disease manifests itself in an atypical form - without the appearance of a maternal plaque. Pityriasis rosea lasts for several weeks, after which the rash goes away on its own. However, there is also a longer course – up to six months. Pityriasis rosea may be accompanied by weakness and malaise, drowsiness and fever.

Useful information on the topic:

  • Calling a dermatologist to your home
  • Fungal infections
  • Rash on the body
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • How to get tested
  • Wart removal
  • Removal of condylomas
  • Tests for STIs
  • Removal of papillomas
  • Skin rash
  • Pyoderma
  • Skin structure
  • Mushroom tests
  • Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections

Treatment methods for pityriasis rosea

In the typical course of the disease, treatment may not be required, but only a doctor can make such conclusions based on the examination results. In such situations, the patient is recommended to:

  • Hypoallergenic diet;
  • Limiting water treatments (shower instead of bath), using a soft washcloth;
  • Wearing clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • Avoiding activities that cause excessive sweating.

In case of protracted course of pityriasis rosea, antiviral medications, treatment of rashes with salicylic alcohol, and topical antibacterial agents - ointments, can be prescribed. Antihistamine medications are used to reduce itching and can also prevent the spread of rashes. In some cases, treatment with antibiotics is required.

Ointments used for pityriasis rosea

For severe, disturbing itching, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic creams and formulations are prescribed. Ointments are used to treat the disease:

  • Hydrocortisone – has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves itching;
  • Olettrinovaya is an antibacterial drug;
  • Prednisolone - a composition with healing properties that can relieve inflammation;
  • Loriden A - ointment with antipruritic, anti-parotid, anti-edematous effects;
  • Sinalar – eliminates inflammation due to antibacterial properties;
  • Lassara paste is an antiseptic that discolors stains;
  • Rioloxol - antibacterial and anti-inflammatory;
  • Flucinar – effectively relieves itching, eliminates flaking and inflammation;
  • Sulfur – inhibits the inflammatory process.

Tsindol suspension also helps dry the skin, eliminate inflammation and itching. Ointments are applied to the pink plaques in a thin layer in accordance with the instructions and directions of the doctor. The treatment course is 2-3 weeks, the frequency of use of each drug is determined individually. At the same time as using medications, you should be careful with the affected skin.

However, any ointments, like all other medications, should be used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor, so as not to aggravate the situation. In addition, the effectiveness of each of the listed external remedies greatly depends on the patient’s age, the state of his immunity, the degree of spread of lichen, the presence of chronic pathologies and other characteristics of the body.

Prevention of pityriasis rosea

Simple preventive measures can prevent the development of the disease. To protect your body from pityriasis rosea, you need:

  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Avoid synthetic and woolen clothing;
  • Carefully select cosmetics, paying attention to their composition, quality, expiration dates;
  • Adjust your diet so that your diet contains all the necessary substances;
  • Avoid products with artificial colors and additives;
  • Forget about bad habits;
  • Temper yourself;
  • Take vitamins as prescribed by your doctor.

It is advisable not to indulge in strong tea and coffee, fatty and fried foods. At the first manifestations of pityriasis rosea, you need to protect the areas of skin with rashes from direct sunlight and consult a doctor.

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