How to remove wrinkles on lips: masks, peeling, massage

Decide on a simple 30-minute procedure!

Yes, over time, the skin becomes less and less elastic, less elastic... Especially in places of facial activity - above the upper lip, for example. Vertical folds from the nose to the lip immediately reveal age and disrupt the harmony of the entire face. And it’s hard to paint lips: the line turns out uneven, there is no clear contour... It looks very careless...

How to remove wrinkles above the upper lip? Much easier than you think! In the clinic, this procedure takes only 30-40 minutes, and the result lasts for 1-1.5 years.


Why do wrinkles appear on the lips?

Of course, the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles is age. However, even young girls can notice them on their lips. The culprit may be a lack of vitamins, stress, a hereditary factor, or individual characteristics of skin prone to dryness and flaking.

By the way, it is on lips with dry skin that wrinkles most often form. Moreover, sometimes the situation is aggravated by the fact that, trying to get rid of the unpleasant “crust” on the lips, girls either injure the skin with too rough scrubs, or even tear off pieces of skin, which is why wounds appear.

Which lips are the most attractive?

Lip augmentation using hyaluronic acid injections is a mega popular procedure among girls from 16 to 60.

The goal is not rejuvenation or the fight against wrinkles, let's be honest - it is the desire to make the lips seductive and sexually attractive.

But more often than not, girls get carried away and instead of the desired result they get vulgar lips with signs of obvious correction. Do men really like it?


This question was asked by aesthetician doctor from London Tijin Esho and his colleagues.

A large-scale multi-year study was conducted among men, consisting of 3 stages:

  1. Showing photos of girls and their lips
  2. Survey and explanation of men why certain lips seem most attractive to them, and which ones seem “too much”
  3. Drawing up a diagram of the ideal lip shape according to men


The result may surprise you; based on it, a simple diagram of “ideal lips” was drawn up.

  • The upper and lower lips should be equal in fullness
  • The corners of the lips should be ½ the fullness of the widest part of the lips
  • But the arch of Cupid should not be pronounced

Agree, this is at odds with the canons that most specialists involved in lip augmentation previously adhered to.

Prevention is easier than cure

For normal lip skin, in addition to using decorative cosmetics with a moisturizing effect, it is enough to lubricate the lips with a nourishing cream at night, and also use special balms or hygienic lipsticks during the day.

Those who are predisposed to early wrinkles on the lips, that is, those with dry skin, need not only to diversify their diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits, but also to constantly use lip moisturizers. These are not only balms, but also masks and creams.

It is advisable to select lipsticks and lip glosses for sensitive or dry skin.

Ideally, it is better to remove lipsticks from your cosmetic bag altogether, as they dry out the skin; it is better to purchase moisturizing glosses, preferably with UV filters.

Home peeling

Sensitive lip skin requires not only intensive nutrition, but also scrubbing. Peeling will help exfoliate old epidermal cells and increase skin elasticity. Preparing a scrub for home peeling is as easy as shelling pears; just mix coffee grounds, crushed sugar or ground oatmeal with honey and cosmetic oil. The first three ingredients will act as abrasive particles, the rest will soothe and moisturize the skin.

Lip peeling must be repeated systematically, at least several times a week.

How to remove wrinkles on lips: the best recipes

If you already have wrinkles, this is not a reason to resign yourself to constantly masking them with cosmetics. It’s quite possible to get rid of them, or at least make them less noticeable.

You should begin to intensively moisturize and nourish the skin of your lips to make them as soft as possible. Not only the usual hygienic lipsticks, but also masks will come to the rescue.

For example, this simple recipe will do:

Anti-wrinkle lip mask


  • a few drops of olive oil
  • half a teaspoon of honey

Apply this composition to your lips for ten to fifteen minutes. Rinse with warm water and then apply nourishing cream or balm.

Lip care oils

If you are allergic to honey, you can make masks from a mixture of various cosmetic oils. Especially good:

  • wheat germ oil;
  • peach, apricot;
  • grape seed;
  • rosehip oil.

Simply mix them a couple of drops or apply separately daily for ten to twenty minutes, and the effect will not take long to appear.

Peeling for lip wrinkles

After the skin of the lips has softened, you can proceed to peeling. The product can be purchased at the store or prepared independently.

Suitable abrasive particles:

  • sleeping coffee grounds,
  • ground oat flakes,
  • crushed sugar.

Honey and oils are added to them, everything is mixed and applied with massaging movements to the lips.

Dairy products can also be used as additional ingredients:

  • sour cream,
  • kefir,
  • cream.

Then the composition is left on the lips for five to ten minutes and washed off. Apply cream. Such procedures are repeated periodically - that is, once or twice a week.

Vitamins to nourish the skin of the lips

To enhance the effect, it is useful to take vitamins, for example, Aevit. The contents of its ampoules can also be directly applied to the skin of the lips or added to cosmetic oils for masks.

Don't forget about herbal ingredients. Banana with sour cream or cream, pear puree with olive oil and other options are easy to prepare, since these products are found in almost every home.

Causes of wrinkles around the lips

Purse-string wrinkles are sometimes called smokers' wrinkles, but this is only partly true, because... They appear not only in those who smoke.

Mimic activity

It is worth saying that hardly anyone would agree to turn off facial expressions in the mouth area, especially among women. But it's not just about speech.

Drinking drinks through a straw, smoking (a separate point about this) , and the habit of stretching your lips with a straw contribute to the formation of purse-string wrinkles and are bad habits. It is advisable to get rid of them!


Promotes the formation of wrinkles around the lips by:

  • Constant facial load - folding the lips into a tube
  • Destruction of vitamin C by nicotine and slowdown of collagen synthesis in the skin in general
  • Toxic effects of cigarette smoke and disruption of oxygen supply to cells

Impact of climate and external factors

Dry cold air , leading to dehydration of the delicate skin of the lips. Or, on the contrary, exposure to high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation . The skin of the lips needs constant protection and care equally and even more than the skin of the entire face and neck.


Thin lips in combination with a strong and active orbicularis oris muscle provoke the earlier appearance of purse-string wrinkles, even without other provoking factors.

Weight loss

The skin around the lips is thinner and more delicate than on the entire face, and with sudden weight loss, wrinkles around the lips appear.

Massage and gymnastics for lips

Massage and facial exercises are suitable as additional means to combat wrinkles.

Lip massage rules

  1. You can massage your lips with your fingers after applying cream or oil to them.
  2. The facial muscles should be relaxed and the mouth should be opened slightly.
  3. Finger movements should not be too strong.
  4. At first it is stroking, then patting, then rubbing, as it were, and it needs to be completed, as in a regular massage, with stroking movements.
  5. After finishing the procedure, do not forget to apply a moisturizer or mask.

Anti-wrinkle lip massage with a teaspoon

A massage with a teaspoon gives a good effect. The actions are similar to finger massage, only in this case it is done with a spoon.

Her cool touches additionally stimulate blood circulation in the massaged area. And it, in turn, accelerates metabolism, promoting skin rejuvenation.

What fillers do we use?

Fillers are preparations based on hyaluronic acid, a natural substance for the human body. They fill every wrinkle and fold, gently smoothing the skin (but without stretching it!). The skin becomes smoother, more even and elastic. Gradually, over 12-18 months, the filler dissolves and the procedure can be repeated.

At the clinic we use the entire line of fillers from leading certified manufacturers:

  • Surgiderm;
  • Restylane (Restyline);
  • Princess;

You can additionally inject filler into the contour of the upper lip - then the result will be more noticeable, namely: smooth skin under the nose + perfectly even contours of the upper lip!

A few lip care tips

Both professional expensive products and some tricks available to every housewife are ready to help the health and beauty of your lips. It is important to remember the basic rule: it is not enough to think about your lips once a year. Taking care of your lips, like your teeth, is important every day, taking just a couple of minutes a day. Regularity is the key to endless youth.

Fortunately, modern medicine, together with cosmetology, can boast a number of professional procedures that will provide emergency assistance to damaged skin and, if necessary, can correct its shape. If you manage to maintain a sense of proportion and not succumb to the temptation to enlarge your lips every time you visit a specialist, you will be able to maintain freshness and youth on your face.

Exercises for beautiful lip shape

This set of exercises will not take you much time, but will serve as an excellent prevention of age-related changes in the skin of the lips. You can do it in the morning before applying makeup or in the evening before going to bed.

  • Pull your lips out and exhale as if you were blowing out a candle. After exhaling, relax your lips. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • As you inhale, puff out your cheeks and begin to exhale - slowly and evenly, starting to push out the air as you exhale. The eye area should be relaxed. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • Articulating as expressively as possible, pronounce the vowels A, I, O, U, Y. Repeat 10 times.
  • Pull your lips forward as far as possible, opening your mouth slightly. Relax your lips and close your mouth. Repeat 15-20 times.
  • Move your lower jaw left and right along with your lips so that the movement begins from the lips. Repeat 20 times.
  • Stick your tongue out as far forward as possible, hold at the extreme point for a couple of seconds, then retract your tongue and relax your lips. Repeat 5 times.

Vitamin boom

To speed up and enhance the effect, do not forget about vitamins. You probably shouldn’t talk about revising your diet, if early wrinkles and peeling appear on your lips, then it’s obvious that your body lacks vitamins and microelements obtained from food. We remind you about the external use of vitamins. Buy an over-the-counter product at the pharmacy (for example, Aevit) and add it to the lip masks mentioned above, or simply rub directly into the skin of the lips.

Quitting bad habits to preserve youthful lips

  1. If your lips are dry, get rid of the habit of moisturizing them with your tongue. This will only make the drying worse. Instead, use moisturizer or chapstick.
  2. Do not expose your lips to direct sunlight. Solar radiation dries out the skin of the lips and can even discolor them. Use lip balm with SPF protection.
  3. Alcohol and smoking are bad for skin health, causing dryness and dehydration. The skin of the lips is no exception. Don't forget that to maintain healthy skin you need to drink enough clean water. The norm is at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. But please note: we are talking about clean drinking water, not tea, coffee or juices.
  4. An unbalanced diet and lack of vitamins in the body can cause unpleasant, long-healing cracks in the corners of the lips. Regularly apply pure shea butter, primrose or rosehip oil to the affected area and follow a diet against dry skin for at least some time.
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