4 effective ways to get rid of bulldog cheeks

What is a fringe?

The term jowls describes sagging skin on the cheeks. It usually goes down to the jawline or below. Because of them, a person looks much older than his age, so everyone strives to get rid of this sign of aging. Jowls may be less pronounced in people with thick skin or high fat content. They are also less noticeable if there is enough collagen in the cheek area. Some lucky people may never experience ptosis due to genes, environmental factors or lifestyle.

Jowls are not dangerous to health; they disturb their owners precisely from an aesthetic point of view, because of which self-esteem can suffer greatly.

In the early stages, recognizing jowls can be quite difficult. You don’t see much of a difference in appearance until your cheeks sag so much that it’s impossible not to notice. Do you doubt it's time to take action? Then do an experiment: take a photo of yourself ten years ago and compare it either with a recent photo or with your reflection in the mirror. Do you see the difference? Has your jawline gotten lower? Then it's time to correct the situation.

Reasons for appearance

Despite the fact that there are many reasons for the appearance of jowls, the main one is still aging. As we age, the skin decreases in certain compounds that help it maintain its shape. These include fat, connective tissue proteins, elastin and collagen.

The skin also becomes drier and thinner, which also affects its ability to maintain its shape. Due to all these factors, it becomes more vulnerable, it is harder for it to resist gravity, and it begins to sag.

The second most popular cause of cheek ptosis is back problems. Slouching and the head falling into the shoulders lead to drooping facial tissues. And all because this position shortens the neck and disrupts its correct statics. The condition of your neck largely determines how your face looks.

Incorrect posture leads to impaired blood and lymph flow, which is why the neck, and therefore the facial skin, does not receive enough nutrients.

What other causes of sagging could be:

  • Exposure to sunlight. Ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin and destroy collagen and elastin. This is why it is necessary to use sunscreen with SPF.
  • Genetics. Everyone will have jowls - that's a fact. But how expressed they will be depends to some extent on genes. If your parents have noticeable ptosis, there is a good chance that you will have it too. Don’t rush to give up, because you can get rid of jowls or delay their appearance. Start taking proper care of your skin now.
  • Dramatic weight loss. Sudden and rapid weight loss leads to sagging skin all over the body, including the face.
  • Smoking and alcohol.
  • Dehydration.
  • Stress.
  • Diets low in antioxidants, healthy fats and other essential nutrients.
  • Inappropriate cosmetics.

Causes of jowls

Ptosis of the cheeks (jowls) is formed due to age-related changes. The fact is that collagen production decreases with age. It is its fibers that form the frame that holds the soft tissues of the face. But with age, when there is not enough collagen, this framework loses strength, and the tissues sag, wrinkles and ptosis appear.

Another possible reason is excess weight, because the cheeks and chin can be called a place where adipose tissue accumulates; here it accumulates especially intensively. Other reasons for the formation of jowls include:

  • hormonal changes;
  • weight gain, and then sudden weight loss;
  • aggressive action of ultraviolet rays;
  • bad habits;
  • swelling.

The combination of these factors increases the likelihood of cheek ptosis and tissue changes.

Jowl removal is one of the common procedures at the SM-Clinic plastic surgery center and is carried out using cosmetic procedures or surgery.

How to remove jowls in 14 days

There are different ways to get rid of jowls. You can take a risk and go to the salon. Cosmetologists now offer many procedures. They help some, make things worse for others - luck and professionalism play the main role here, because entrusting your face to another person, even a doctor, is quite a risky business. Or you can remove jowls yourself by establishing beauty rituals: choosing good skincare products and regularly doing self-massage.

Fighting jowls with the help of cosmetologists

Ultrasonic lifting.

In hardware cosmetology, this method is considered the most effective. Ultrasound affects the deep layers of the skin, activating the production of collagen and elastin. To achieve long-term results, it is recommended to attend several procedures.


This procedure is carried out in the early stages of sagging skin. Biocompatible absorbable and non-absorbable threads are implanted under the skin. They are carried out from the folds of the chin and fixed behind the ears. After about six months, these threads are eliminated from the body naturally. They promise that the effect will last up to four years. After this procedure, it is impossible to avoid the appearance of swelling and bruising, as small blood vessels are injured. Patients feel such pain that they cannot eat or speak calmly. Even several months after the procedure, “tingling” sensations may be felt inside.

Botulinum therapy.

The cosmetologist injects botulinum toxin type A into the muscle tissue. It is aimed at removing the tone of the depressor muscles, thus facilitating the work of the muscles that lift the face. You will be lucky if the effect lasts for at least five months and there are no side effects. And these can be hematomas, swelling due to damage to blood vessels. Often the face of girls who have injected Botox becomes doll-like, not expressing emotion. And this is only a small part of the possible consequences.

Contour plastic.

In this case, this procedure is aimed at working with the contour of the lower jaw, chin and lower third of the face. This is a method in which hyaluronic acid-based gels are injected under the skin. They are designed to restore the water balance in the dermis and restore the volume of subcutaneous soft tissues. Only now the muscles are forced to carry this burden in the form of a gel on themselves, which is why they lose healthy tone and length. Therefore, they will no longer be able to support the skin on their own. Moreover, fillers stretch the skin, causing it to sag even more after the gel wears off.

Skin tightening of the neck or face.

Another name is rhytidectomy of the lower third of the face. This operation takes place under general anesthesia. Recovery takes from several days to a couple of weeks. The doctor removes fat, tightens muscles and repositions the skin of the neck to clearly define the jawline.

How to get rid of jowls on your face using plastic surgery methods

Cosmetology products and techniques can cope with only minor changes when the formation of jowls is just beginning. But after 50 years, with pronounced age-related changes, more radical techniques are required - plastic surgery. Indications for their implementation:

  • pronounced prolapse of tissue in the lower jaw;
  • loss of a clear oval face;
  • deep nasolabial folds;
  • a large amount of fat deposits in the cheeks, lower jaw and chin;
  • excess skin in the lower third of the face.


In our center, liposuction can be performed using several methods - it all depends on the severity of the aesthetic defect. For example, in the absence of Bisha’s fatty lumps, classic liposuction is recommended.

Fat removal is carried out by a device to which a cannula is attached and inserted under the skin. There are no scars or traces left after the operation.

Endoscopic jowl lift

This is the most gentle and safe surgical method for removing jowls on the face. But it can only be used when there is no excess skin. With the help of the procedure, it is possible to get rid of ptosis of the cheeks, but also achieve a rejuvenating effect.


This includes smoothing nasolabial folds, correcting the shape of the chin and rejuvenating the lower third of the face. The tissues are fixed vertically, excess skin is removed. There are no scars left after the procedure.


The technique, which is also called a short-scar lift, can be performed even with sagging skin and in the absence of normal neck muscle tone. The advantages of the technique are its low trauma, short rehabilitation and quick recovery.

SM-Clinic surgeons have an arsenal of techniques for removing jowls - the choice of the appropriate one takes into account the age, condition, severity of the problem, the anatomical characteristics of the patient and his wishes.
You can make an appointment 24 hours a day by calling the clinic. Information materials on the site are posted for informational purposes, not self-medication. Any plastic surgery is a surgical intervention. When deciding to have surgery, be sure to consult with a qualified professional.

How to deal with jowls at home

Be sure to choose the right cosmetics. It is best to use natural hydrosols, balms and oils, regularly cleanse, tone, moisturize and nourish the skin.

Devote 10-15 minutes a day to gymnastics and self-massage of the face. This is quite a bit, but the result is impressive. Regularity and correct technique are the key to success. And most importantly, this method is safe, unlike salon methods.

Also, massage your face with a dry massage brush every day or a couple of times a week. Be sure to follow the massage lines indicated on the package. Due to this rubbing, blood circulation increases and lymph flow is stimulated. The skin becomes more toned and radiant. Before the procedure, you just need to cleanse your facial skin.

Sign up for the intensive “Face Oval and Chin” so you don’t give up what you started. This intensive is aimed specifically at the lower third of the face. With the help of simple techniques, you will stretch out your platysma, lengthen your neck, get rid of jowls and a double chin, and also restore a clear youthful angle.

The nuances of gymnastics for the oval face from jowls

You can find many ways to tighten sagging cheeks. This includes the use of various masks, for example, lemon or yeast, and a contrast shower procedure, which involves dousing the face with cold and hot water alternately, and gymnastics for the cheeks, and special types of massage. Below are some exercises that will help your cheeks become firmer and firmer again:

  • Take a deep breath, fill your mouth with as much air as possible, puff out your cheeks, and purse your lips tightly. Place your palms on your cheeks and apply a little pressure. You will feel muscle tension. Hold this position for a few seconds and then relax. Do the exercise five to ten times.
  • Place your fingers to your temples and your palms to your cheeks. Try to smile hard and hold the smile for five seconds. Rest for three seconds and repeat the exercise. Gradually increase sets from five to fifteen times.
  • Press your index fingers firmly against the top of your cheeks while smiling. Repeat the exercise ten to fifteen times.
  • Keep your head straight. Lower the corners of your lips and pull them down as hard as possible for five seconds. Then return to the starting position. Do the exercise five times.

Let's look at the features of gymnastics for the chin and oval of the face. It is important to consider the following causes of double chin:

  • individual anatomical features;
  • heredity;
  • posture disorders;
  • excess body weight;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • age.

Jowl massage

To tighten the oval of the face, it is necessary to massage not only the face, but also the head.

Play the head massage video and repeat

  1. Run your fingers over your scalp as if you were combing your hair.
  2. You can hurt your forehead and temples.
  3. Continue this for two minutes.
  4. Then gather your hair into small buns and pull them to the sides.
  5. Massage your scalp in circular motions.

Video “do-it-yourself lifting effect”

  1. Warm up your palms.
  2. Press your palms tightly to your temples.
  3. Hold this position to warm up your whiskey.
  4. Then, using circular movements, begin to massage the temple area, slowly moving towards the hair.

And this is a video of warming up the masticatory muscles using an amber stick.

  1. Open your mouth wide.
  2. Start rolling the amber stick up and down over the spasming muscles, as if you were rolling out dough.
  3. Now on the other side.

Exercises for a toned and beautiful oval face

This complex is very simple to perform and is suitable even for the laziest. Gymnastics will help lift sagging cheeks and highlight cheekbones, help get rid of a double chin, and give your face expressiveness and sculpture. To achieve a visible positive result, you need to perform these exercises every day for a month.

  • Take a breath. Roll it from one cheek to the other, passing it under your upper lip. You need to perform the exercise until severe muscle fatigue appears.
  • Purse your lips and stretch them as wide as possible into a smile until tension appears in your cheeks. Then quickly pull them forward with a tube, as if preparing for a kiss. Perform these movements alternately until you feel tired in your cheeks and lips.
  • Purse your lips as if you want to say “oh.” Gently massage the inner surface of both cheeks alternately using circular movements of the tongue.

  • Lift your face up, pushing your lower jaw forward and stretching your lips out like a tube, as if trying to say “y.” Stay in this position for a few seconds, then relax and repeat the movement again.
  • Describe your head in a semicircle until it stops 20 times, moving alternately to each shoulder.
  • Throw your head back and lower it forward until it stops at least 20 times.

Useful video about gymnastics for facial contours:

How to tighten your face shape with exercises

We wrote above that the skin of the face and the formation of jowls are greatly influenced by the condition of the back. Therefore, you need to start with it. It is necessary to relax spasmed, tight muscles and restore their natural length and elasticity.

The simplest and most effective exercise: lie on a cushion for five minutes a day and do exercises on your shoulders and neck.

Watch the video on how to do the exercise with a roller correctly:

  1. Place the roller under the shoulder blades.
  2. Stretch your arms up and place your palms on the floor, so that your little fingers touch.
  3. Feet shoulder-width apart, big toes touching each other.
  4. If it’s your first time, lie down like this for at least a minute, increasing the time every day and bringing it to the ideal five minutes a day.
  5. Exit from the side: turn over on your side, lie there for a while, breathe calmly.
  6. Get on all fours, arch your back up like a cat and rise to your feet.

Another exercise to relieve neck spasms “Frame”:

  1. Raise your shoulders and fold your arms above your head in a loose frame, clasping your elbows with your palms.
  2. Keep your back straight and your neck straight.
  3. Raise your shoulders, lengthening your spine.
  4. Lower your head and squeeze the front surface of your neck between your collarbones and chin.
  5. Hold this for 30 seconds.
  6. Then stretch everything that you are holding: press one hand to your collarbone, and with the other, stretch the side surfaces of your neck.

Gymnastics for the neck and oval face

These exercises for the neck help make it more graceful and flexible, prevent the early appearance of wrinkles, prevent the development of osteochondrosis, and correct the shape of the face:

  • Tilt your head back, pressing your tongue against the cusps behind the upper row of teeth (alveoli). Slowly turn your head in different directions.
  • Tilt your head back, pushing your lower lip forward. Slowly lower your head down to your chest five to ten times.

Jowl prevention

  • Watch your lifestyle. Move more and eat right to keep your muscles healthy.
  • Use sunscreen to prevent UV rays from depleting your skin's collagen reserves.
  • Watch your posture. Keep your back straight, try to constantly control its position and posture.
  • Apply moisturizers and drink enough water to stay hydrated both internally and externally.
  • Try to eliminate alcohol consumption.
  • Choose cosmetics that suit your skin type.
  • Try to use your phone less often and keep your back straight when using it so that your skin does not wrinkle or stretch. Be sure to take at least ten-minute breaks when working at the computer.

Do you want to learn more cool self-massage techniques and life hacks for maintaining youth? Then sign up for the “BoldlyNET” marathon. Here you will learn about the best exercises for correcting posture, relieve muscle spasms, work out the muscular frame of the face and regain a toned young face and body.

Causes of sagging cheeks

With age, the skin loses elasticity and tone. As a result, the oval of the face acquires uneven outlines. Sagging cheeks appear, which are also called bulldog cheeks. Reasons for their appearance:

  • Age . Over the years, the skin does not get better; collagen and elastin begin to be produced worse. As a rule, noticeable changes in the oval of the face occur after 30 years.

  • Deposits of subcutaneous fat . If a person gets fat, then all parts of the body increase, and not just one. In this case, removing bulldog cheeks is the easiest way - you just need to lose weight.
  • Volumetric lumps of Bish . With age, the fat found in the cheeks decreases, but some still have reserves. When losing weight, Bisha's lumps are not removed; they can only be removed through surgery.

We recommend reading about the benefits of myofascial facial massage. From the article you will learn about indications and contraindications for myofascial massage, techniques for the face, head and neck, and results after a course of massage. And here is more information about why massage through the mouth is used.

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