Facial muscle lift as a modern way of rejuvenation

External attractiveness and the search for ways to preserve youth are among the interests of any woman. Poor environment, sedentary and nervous work, irregular diet and age inevitably have an impact on health. The oval of the face becomes less toned, wrinkles appear around the eyes and on the forehead, and the skin loses its former elasticity.

What processes occur in the skin when it loses elasticity?

Young skin is elastic and elastic. It does not deform under mechanical influence. If you squeeze or stretch it, it will retain its structure without damage (elasticity) and quickly return to its original shape (elasticity).

Why does this happen?

The dermis, its supporting layer, which is located between the epidermis and subcutaneous fat, is responsible for the firmness, elasticity, and strength of the skin. The dermis is a connective tissue that consists of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

These substances are the main components of youthful skin. Collagen and elastin are proteins that form a natural framework in the form of intertwined fibers. Hyaluronic acid creates a moist environment for them.

  • Collagen fibers
    work like the spring frame of a mattress: they return the tissue to its original shape after compression.
  • Elastin fibers
    run diagonally at different angles and thus hold the dermis together, keeping its components from separating.
  • Hyaluronic acid
    provides skin hydration, which is also necessary for smoothness and elasticity. It helps moisture retain in the skin in the form of a kind of gel. One molecule of hyaluronic acid is capable of attracting and holding up to 10 molecules of water in the intercellular space so that it does not all come out (through the pores of the skin we lose up to half a liter of liquid per day). In addition, hyaluronic acid protects against toxins.

But over the years, the structure of the dermis is disrupted. What leads to this?

  • Blood circulation slows down,
    the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells deteriorates, and their metabolism is disrupted.
  • Lymphatic circulation suffers,
    excess fluid accumulates in the tissues of the face, it swells, and the skin becomes loose.
  • At some point, a hormonal factor comes into play:
    the level of estrogen – “beauty hormones” – decreases. The number of fibroblasts - cells that participate in the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid - directly depends on them.

All this is reflected on the skin:

  1. In the dermis, the renewal of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid worsens (due to a reduction in the number of fibroblasts).
    The quality of available fibers deteriorates. Elastin becomes fragile and breaks, collagen loses its properties.

    Result: the skin loses firmness, elasticity, strength, ability to retain moisture, and becomes defenseless against toxins.

  2. In addition to hyaluronic acid, the hydro-lipid mantle is responsible for skin moisture and its protection from the environment.
    This is a film that covers the top layer of skin. It consists of the products of the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands (located in the dermis). Over the years, this water-fat layer becomes thinner as the activity of the glands decreases. Result: dryness and dehydration.
  3. Changes also occur in the deepest layer of the skin - subcutaneous fat (hypodermis).
    It becomes thinner, while the area of ​​the skin remains the same, that is, part of the integument turns out to be “extra.” Result: sagging skin.
  4. In addition, the dermis is penetrated by blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve endings, sebaceous and sweat glands. The deterioration of their condition also affects the loss of skin elasticity.

Non-surgical methods for lifting facial muscles

Any operation is a risk and serious stress for the body. Every woman can resort to surgery. However, surgery is not always required to achieve the desired result in muscle tightening.

Women can fight time in more harmless and gentle ways. It is worth noting that surgery in some cases may even be contraindicated.

You can create an oval shape with the help of cosmetologists, which will significantly save money compared to surgery. Hardware facial muscle lift is a fairly common procedure.

Lifting is one of the most popular hardware methods in cosmetology. At the moment, there are a large number of directions that help tighten the face (correct oval shape, get rid of excess skin). Let's talk about the most famous ones.

Cryolifting is a muscle tightening method that is based on the effect of temperature shock. The procedure is carried out using special equipment, the hardware nozzle of which has a temperature of up to -20 ° C. Due to the fact that the skin is exposed to low temperature, facial swelling subsides, collagen is produced faster, and capillary activity is stimulated. The maximum effect is achieved during the course (from six to ten procedures).

Ultrasonic SMAS lifting is a muscle tightening method that has an obvious effect immediately after the first session, is consolidated over the next three months, and the result lasts up to five years. Using the influence of ultrasonic waves on muscles and ligaments (deep layers of the skin of the face and neck), the cosmetologist achieves the desired changes. The tightening mechanism works on the principle of an ultrasound machine. In real time, a specialist watches on a monitor how soft tissues change and which layer is affected by the device.

RF lifting . The essence of this method of muscle tightening is the effect of radiofrequency pulses on the skin of the face. During the procedure, the epidermis warms up, thereby contracting collagen fibers and muscles. After the fourth session, the changes are obvious: the skin on the face becomes denser and tighter. Thanks to the cumulative effect, after a couple of months the result will be even better.

Fractional photothermolysis is a technology for tightening facial muscles using laser correction. Existing collagen is eliminated under the influence of radiation, awakening epidermal cells, facial muscles and promoting the production of new collagen in the shortest possible time. Due to this cell activity, the skin acquires a pleasant color, glows and smoothes. To achieve the effect, at least three procedures are required.

Acupuncture lifting – acupuncture. For this procedure, special needles are used, which are applied to biologically active points located on a person’s face. Using this technique requires certain skills. You need to know the location of the required points. As a result of this muscle tightening, the facial contour becomes clearer as a result of the activation of muscle fibers.

This method has obvious advantages:

  • Safety. There are virtually no side effects or complications, unlike other methods of muscle tightening.
  • The fastest visible results.
  • Acupuncture has a positive effect on the body (internal organs, muscles) due to its effect on nerve endings (biologically active points) on the face.
  • The method promotes relaxation and has an anti-stress effect.
  • You can combine acupuncture lifting with other cosmetic procedures. With an integrated approach, longer lasting results are achieved.

Read material on the topic: Modeling the oval of the face: methods, possible effects, advantages of the procedure

Why does facial skin lose elasticity?

Skin elasticity decreases with age. The processes begin at the age of 25-30. During menopause (+/- 50 years), when the level of estrogen in a woman’s body drops, they accelerate. The skin becomes flabby and thin, becomes covered with wrinkles, and sags.

You can go through this quarter-century-long journey in different ways, when the prerequisites for skin aging already exist, but hormones have not yet delivered their verdict: “There is no reproductive function, there is no point in being attractive to a partner.”

How you go this path depends 99% on you, your lifestyle and habits. You can look 50 at 35, and vice versa. Choose what you like best.

What factors influence the loss of elasticity in facial skin?

  1. Poor posture
    What is the connection between your posture and the elasticity of your facial skin? Very strong connections. Poor posture is a hunched back, hunched shoulders, a forward head, a tight and shortened neck. And this whole structure of chronically tense and stiff muscles prevents blood from flowing to the face, lymph from draining from it, and facial muscles from being in healthy tone.

    The skin becomes flabby, sagging on the cheeks and eyelids, a double chin forms, and the oval of the face floats down.

  2. Excess ultraviolet radiation
    Passion for tanning (sun, solarium) leads to photoaging of the skin. It hits on several fronts at once, but the loss of skin elasticity is mainly affected by a blow to collagen and elastin. Ultraviolet light penetrates the dermis, promotes the formation of free radicals, which, in turn, destroy collagen and elastin fibers.

    According to one version, 70% of the skin ages not from age, but from exposure to sunlight. Their harmful effects accumulate in the body almost from childhood.

  3. Excessive physical and mental stress
    Stress, overwork, nervous exhaustion, lack of sleep, physical overexertion - all these are prerequisites for a sagging face.
  4. Unhealthy nutrition
    Your skin is harmed by “food waste,” overeating, aggressive diets, lack of nutrients, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
  5. Fluid deficiency
    In order for moisture to be retained in the dermis, you need not only a sufficient amount of high-quality hyaluronic acid, but also an uninterrupted source of water. The liquid enters the body in the form of a drink. If you do not drink enough clean water (less than 2 liters per day), the skin will become dry and flabby.
  6. Smoking and alcohol
    Nicotine, tar, and alcohol poison the skin with toxins, dry it out and deprive it of its protective properties. This also applies to cigarette smoke: passive smoking also steals youth from your face.

    The skin becomes thin and dry, like tissue paper. Elasticity is the ability to withstand mechanical stress. If you crumple such paper, it will never straighten itself out again.

  7. Lack of physical activity
    Movement is not only life, but also youth. Lack of movement means slower blood circulation, worsening metabolism, poor cell regeneration and loss of skin elasticity.
  8. Sharp fluctuations in body weight
    Gained weight - the skin stretched, lost weight - the skin sagged.
  9. Hormonal disorders
    The “beauty hormone” - estrogen - determines the production of fibroblasts and the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid with their help. If the level of female hormones drops, the skin loses its “youthful” characteristics. Naturally, the amount of estrogen decreases after menopause, but hormonal disruptions can also occur during reproductive age.
  10. Poor environment and aggressive natural factors
    In addition to the sun, dirty and dry air, frost, wind, and dust also harm the skin.
  11. Punitive cosmetology
    Any external invasion - surgical methods, threads, Botox injections, contouring - is stressful for the skin. In addition, tissues wean themselves from working independently. When the effect of the procedure subsides, all the negative processes that were happening inside burst out. The skin becomes sluggish, flabby, thin, dry, wrinkles and creases multiply and worsen.
  12. Improper cosmetic care
    If the skin does not receive sufficient cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition, it ages prematurely. Also a challenge for her is the abuse of decorative cosmetics.
  13. Pathologies
    The condition of the skin can worsen due to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular systems, gastrointestinal tract, etc.

We have counted 13 main reasons for skin loss of elasticity. And this is the best tip for those who want to delay and minimize the aging of their face.

Contrary to numerology, we suggest you make our top 13 the basis for your work on yourself, so that all misfortunes and failures will bypass your skin.

Read below in which directions you should move.

Why regular skin care is important

In a person over 30 years of age:

  • the body stops accumulating certain nutrients;
  • the amount of elastin and collagen produced decreases.

Therefore, cell restoration processes slow down. As a result:

  • the skin becomes flabby and loses tone;
  • swelling appears;
  • The first wrinkles form.

If you rarely take care of the skin, the blood will not be distributed in the body. The dermis will receive less oxygen, the metabolism will slow down. The skin loses its firmness and elasticity. Therefore, you need to take care of your skin both after 30 years and at an older age, every day. She needs help constantly, not only to protect, but to moisturize and restore.

Aging is a natural process that exists in nature. It can be slowed down; for this you need to know how to care for your skin and what procedures to carry out. For example, lead a healthy lifestyle, wash your face, tone, nourish and moisturize.

Prevention of loss of facial skin elasticity

Do you want to prolong the youth of your face?

  1. The first piece of advice is to watch your posture.
    How do you sit at the computer: do you slouch, pull your head forward, lean your elbows to one side?

    Do you like to read while lying down?

    Do you sleep on a soft mattress and high pillows, on one side or face down?

    How much time do you spend on gadgets, hunched over and pressing your chin into your chest?

    All this is harmful to your back, shoulders, neck and, as a result, to the elasticity of your facial skin.

  2. Do not overuse sunbathing and solariums.
    Limit your time in direct sunlight. Use creams with UV filters, sunglasses, and wear hats with large brims.
  3. Move a lot
    An adult needs 30-60 minutes of moderate-intensity activity every day. Medium is one in which the heart rate increases, but can be maintained for more than 10 minutes. The most accessible option for such a load is walking (at least 7,000 steps per day).

    We also run, jump, swim, ride a bike, and play sports games.

    All this is necessary to ensure that the muscles are in healthy tone, blood and lymph flow through the vessels without delay, and no excess fat or swelling puts pressure on the musculoskeletal system and does not pull the facial tissues down.

  4. Follow food and drinking regimes
    Eliminate “food waste” from your diet, don’t overeat, don’t starve, ensure that you get all the necessary nutrients, fiber, vitamins, and microelements from your food.

    For youthful and elastic skin, it is useful to consume foods containing silicon, iron, selenium, zinc and the entire list of vitamins from A to P.

    Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day - this will create the basis for your skin and muscles to be elastic and hydrated.

    By eating right, you will also eliminate weight fluctuations that are harmful to skin elasticity.

  5. Give up bad habits
    Do not smoke or abuse alcohol - do not allow toxic substances into your body that lead to dehydration, thinning of the skin, loss of turgor and elasticity.

And some tips for caring for your skin.

What useful habits should you develop to keep your skin elastic for as long as possible:

  1. Take care of your face with cosmetics twice a day.
    Morning and evening, cleanse, moisturize and nourish.

    To cleanse, use mild products that will not dry out your skin. The ideal option is to wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in hydrosol (plant distillate).

    To moisturize and nourish, choose natural products: oils, balms, squalane. They contain many useful, anti-aging components.

    Choose hydrolates, oils, squalanes and balms from the Beauty365 brand at www.beauty365.ru. Find a detailed guide to the means below.

  2. Do gymnastics and self-massage of the face
    Exercises and self-massage can be done at any age: both teenagers and women after menopause. If you are over 30, they should become a mandatory part of your beauty ritual.

    This is the basis for natural rejuvenation, a direct effect on the skin, muscles, blood vessels, lymph without injections or scalpels. The causes of skin aging are eliminated from the inside.

    Make it a rule to knead your face along massage lines for 10-15 minutes a day, reduce swelling and perform simple exercises. At a young age, it is enough to do this 2 times a week.

    If the problem of loss of skin elasticity has already become apparent, classes should be daily, the course should be at least three weeks.

  3. Perform self-massage with a dry brush (drybrushing) and vacuum cups
    The jar and brush improve blood circulation, remove lymph, and tighten the skin. The brush also removes dead scales, which promotes skin renewal.

    It is better to alternate jars and brush. It is enough to perform the procedure 1-2 times a week.

    Choose the Beauty365 Dry Facial Brush, which is made with boar bristles, and Beauty365 glass jars. They can be found at www.beauty365.ru.

    How to perform the procedures?

    Vacuum self-massage with cups.

    Apply squalane or oil to your face for easy sliding of the cans (choose suitable Beauty365 products at www.beauty365.ru) and repeat the technique from the video:

    Dry massage with a brush.

    Rub clean and dry facial skin along the massage lines (indicated on the packaging of the Beauty365 dry facial brush). After the procedure, nourish the skin with cream, oil or squalane.

About skin problems at 30 years old

The age when the first signs of wilting begin to appear. They may still be invisible to others, but a little less elasticity, worse color - everything indicates that age-related changes have already begun. In addition, rosacea and pigmentation may appear during this period. But acne is also not uncommon.

First of all, changes in the skin under the eyes can give away age, since the periorbital area is most severely damaged by the aging process. Reasons why problems may occur:

  • improper protection from external factors;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • eating large amounts of fast carbohydrates and fats;
  • lack of drinking regime;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • lack of vitamins.

Heredity also plays a role - skin aging may begin earlier.

How to restore elasticity to facial skin through surgery

Cosmetologists and plastic surgeons have two main solutions to any problem of facial aging: pricking and cutting.

Also with skin elasticity. How can I get it back? The most effective salon methods are considered to be radical methods - surgical ones.

In fact, they are dangerous to health, destructive to the skin and speed up its withering. Let's figure out why you shouldn't cut the skin.

Plastic surgeons offer to tighten facial skin in two ways: using surgical lifting and thread lifting.

What is the essence of the procedures?

Surgical lift:

excess skin is cut off, the remainder is stretched and sutured.

Thread lifting:

punctures are made in the skin, and artificial threads with notches are inserted into the soft tissues, which dissolve within a year. The effect is achieved due to tissue injury by threads and their subsequent scarring. In place of the threads, a pathological, fibrous frame is formed - “wrong” collagen, overgrown and damaged.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that neither procedure improves the structure of the skin. On the contrary, they only create conditions for its accelerated aging, thinning, loss of firmness and elasticity. Self-regulation mechanisms are disrupted, and all processes deteriorate: from nourishing the cells of the dermis to renewing its “building material”.

Like any surgical intervention, skin tightening and thread lifting are traumatic operations. Complications are possible, including tissue and vessel necrosis, damage to the facial nerve, skin loss, blood clot formation, etc.

In addition to surgery, the following are also offered for face lifting:

  • injection techniques: contour plastic surgery (fillers), mesotherapy, plasma lifting,
  • hardware techniques: laser, radio waves, electric currents, light, cold, etc.

None of them solve the problem of loss of elasticity. At best, it creates a temporary effect, but even this does not always happen. Most likely, the skin condition will only worsen.

What to do then?

Advantages and disadvantages of non-surgical facial muscle lift

Based on numerous customer reviews, a list of advantages has been formed:

  1. The above methods of facial muscle tightening are comfortable and painless. No anesthesia required.
  2. Reducing the risk of complications. No surgical intervention. There are no scars left and infection is excluded.
  3. This method does not require recovery time (rehabilitation) compared to surgery, and does not interfere with the normal rhythm of life.
  4. The ability to perform procedures all year round, since the top layer of skin is not damaged.
  5. High results are achieved. The facial skin becomes elastic and smooth and retains the effect for 1–1.5 years.

Any method, along with its advantages, also has disadvantages that you need to know about in order to take them into account when non-surgically lifting the facial muscles.

Procedures are prohibited in the following cases:

  • during the period of activation of infectious skin lesions (acne, etc.);
  • in the presence of chronic diseases, as well as general ones in the acute stage;
  • in the presence of pacemakers and metal implants;
  • in the presence of formations (tumors) at the sites of the procedure;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Read material on the topic: How to shape the contour of the face: all possible ways

Is it possible to restore elasticity to facial skin?

Is your face already starting to look like a slowly deflating balloon? Is your skin loose and uneven? Are the contours blurry? Does gravity pull flaccid and stretched tissue down?

Flabby skin is not a death sentence. You can increase the elasticity and tighten the skin of your face. Moreover, only self-massage and gymnastics techniques will be effective. Only they will eliminate the causes of skin aging and launch the mechanisms of natural rejuvenation. They are safe, and the result will be visible after 2-3 weeks of regular exercise.

It's never too late to start doing exercises. Natural rejuvenation techniques can improve skin elasticity at any age.

The sooner you start taking care of your face, the easier it will be to restore elasticity to your skin and prolong youth.

The result will be even after menopause, when the problem has already been fixed at the hormonal level. You can tighten sagging skin, make the oval of your face clear, get rid of a double chin, bulldog cheeks, ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelids.

Facial muscle lift at home

It is possible to correct the oval of the face and even tighten the skin a little at home. To do this, in the early stages, you can use regular cucumber juice, which you need to freeze, and then wipe your skin with a cube of such ice in the morning. For these purposes, you can use infusions of herbs (wormwood, chamomile, dandelion leaves, etc.).

The temperature contrast technique (alternating use of cold and hot compresses) and gymnastics for tightening facial muscles are effective.

Modern cosmetics contain substances that can slightly correct the shape of the face. So, on the shelves you can see various creams with collagen, protein and amino acids. In addition, they add a large number of plant extracts and oils of plant origin, as well as the well-known vitamins E, A, C. Some compositions include beeswax, hop estrogens, and blue clay.

With the help of alginate masks and serums, you can achieve a quick, but not long-term, muscle tightening effect, since they have a similar composition, but a higher concentration.

Exercises for the facial muscles to tighten the oval at home are widespread. To achieve better results, it is recommended to combine them with massage (you can use a special simulator).

The simplest exercise for tightening the muscles of the face and neck: try to slowly pronounce all the vowels of our alphabet, but only by opening your mouth wide and tensing your muscles a little. Or hold a pencil between your lips and write the alphabet and numbers in the air.

Read material on the topic: Myofascial facial massage - a modern method of rejuvenation without surgery

Review of products to improve facial skin tone

In order not to spoil the results of self-massage and gymnastics, you also need to reconsider your lifestyle, habits, and cosmetic care.

Basic recommendations can be found above, in the chapter “Prevention of loss of elasticity in facial skin.”

A few more tips on choosing cosmetics.

  1. Cleansing
    You should cleanse your facial skin in the morning and evening. From dirt, excess fat, cosmetics. The product should be soft, and ideally also moisturize.

    Hydrolates – plant distillates – are perfect for this. They remove everything unnecessary from the face well and at the same time provide optimal water balance. You can wipe your face with cotton pads soaked in hydrolate several times a day and not be afraid of drying it out. Such products are suitable not only for cleansing, but also for toning and moisturizing the skin.

    Depending on your skin type, you can choose mint, lavender or sage hydrosol from Beauty365 at www.beauty365.ru.

  2. Anti-aging care
    To increase skin elasticity, you need anti-aging cosmetics. A rich cocktail of vitamins and fatty acids, beneficial for youth, contain natural products: oils, squalane, balms.

    For morning care it is better to use squalane. These are light oils that absorb quickly and leave no residue.

    Before going to bed, you can afford a more powerful product: oil or balm.

    In the Beauty365 assortment you will find squalane (sugar cane), coconut oil, camellia sasanqua oil, Verbena hemp balm (oil and oil extracts of hemp, coconut, shea butter, pistachio, calendula, carrot seeds).

    All these products have a rejuvenating effect. They promote moisture retention, nourish, protect, fight free radicals, and activate cell regeneration. In combination with exercises, they increase skin elasticity.

    Different Beauty365 oils have their own nuances. For example, Beauty365 coconut oil is better suited for those with dry and sensitive skin prone to irritation and inflammation, and in case of oily skin it should be used with caution. Beauty365 camellia sasanqua oil also works with skin color: it fights age spots and helps prevent the appearance of freckles during the season.

    Go to www.beauty365.ru, study the description of Beauty365 products and choose “your” product.

    At the same time, you can purchase a Beauty365 dry face brush and Beauty365 glass jars. The most effective way to use squalane and oils is before a vacuum massage or after a dry one.

The role of proper nutrition in skin care

Proper nutrition will help fight old age. Some types of foods contain a large amount of useful substances that are well absorbed in the body. They provide the necessary energy. The body does not experience overeating, so it will not:

  • pressure changes;
  • irritation;
  • headaches.

The muscles are relaxed, the face is not tense. Therefore, folds do not appear on it and wrinkles do not form.

Vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of fiber, which normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. It will help remove toxins from the body. In addition, vitamins and nutrients promote protein and collagen production and help maintain skin structure. Therefore, proper nutrition will slow down the aging process and help maintain beauty and attractiveness longer.

Folk remedies for facial skin tone

You can make your own face mask. The simplest and cheapest products that any housewife can find have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Open the kitchen cabinets and take out oatmeal, rice, gelatin, rye bread, potatoes, vegetable oils, honey. Take eggs, lemon, cucumbers, dill, and milk from the refrigerator.

Masks made from these ingredients will help improve skin elasticity. Apply them to your face twice a week, keep for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Folk recipes for masks against sagging skin:

  1. Gelatin mask
    ½ tbsp. spoons of gelatin (dissolve in 3 tablespoons of hot water and cool) + 5 drops of lemon juice + 1 egg yolk.
  2. Potato mask
    1 potato, boiled in its jacket + 1 teaspoon of sour cream + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

    Grind and mix, apply the warm mixture to your face and cover with a towel.

  3. Bread mask
    1 piece of rye bread + 1/3 glass of warm milk + 1 teaspoon of honey.
  4. Oatmeal mask
    2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal poured with hot milk + 1 teaspoon of olive oil + 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream.
  5. Lemon mask
    5 drops of lemon juice + 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil + 1 egg yolk.

Massage and water treatments

Another way to make your skin elastic and improve your overall health is through facial and body massage, as well as water treatments.

Massage stimulates blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the condition of muscles and skin, accelerates cell regeneration, reduces fat accumulation and fights cellulite.

To make facial skin smooth and elastic, it is not necessary to turn to plastic surgeons or invasive cosmetology - mesotherapy, thread implantation or filler or Botox injections. The simplest and most effective way to start the countdown and return normal tone to the skin is a facial massage. Today, the trend for environmentally friendly rejuvenation has firmly taken its place in the beauty market, which has made facelift a must-have element for the prevention of early aging and care for aging skin.

Prevention of early skin aging

It is necessary to show concern for the beauty of the body, starting from the age of twenty. It is recommended to choose a high-quality cream, remove shadows and mascara from the eyes before going to bed, and wash not with soap, but with micellar water or special foams suitable for the type of dermis. Girls love to sunbathe, and this habit is difficult to break. You should use protective products with SPF, this will protect your skin from injury and dryness.

It is also important to visit a professional cosmetologist. The older a woman gets, the more careful care should be. From the age of 35, to prevent premature aging, you must use:

  • cosmetic products containing vitamins A, E, C (not only inside, but also on top of the skin; injections with these vitamins around the eyes are useful);
  • cosmetics containing collagen substances, hyaluronic acid, peptide elements (this will restore water balance and make the skin velvety);
  • peeling products with lactic acid and deep chemical cleansing promote cell renewal and provide a tightening effect.

You should definitely play sports, this will provide elasticity, the skin will be more taut and elastic.

We must not forget to drink clean water, the norm is individual for everyone - one and a half to two liters per day.

Makeup cosmetics should be high quality, foundation with a moisturizing effect (BB).

From the age of 35, it is necessary to carry out moisturizing procedures for the dermis, nourish the eyelids with cream and apply tonic, but do not rub it into the skin, but apply it pointwise, driving it in with your fingers. A professional facial massage will benefit you. This will normalize blood circulation and make the skin fresher.

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