Aptos threads for face lifting – a modern effective way of rejuvenation

From this article you will learn:

  • the best threads in cosmetology – rating, reviews,
  • what is face and neck reinforcement,
  • face lift with threads – price for 2022.

In cosmetology, there are 3 main types of threads that are used to correct age-related changes in the soft tissues of the face and neck - these are mesothreads, reinforcing and lifting threads. The same threads can be used not only on the face, but also to correct age-related changes in the skin on the body (for example, to tighten sagging abdominal skin, breast lifting). At the same time, most patients have only heard about the so-called mesothreads, although in comparison with other types of threads, they give the weakest effect.

Mesothreads (synonym - biostimulating threads) do not achieve a lifting effect, and are intended only to improve the appearance and slightly increase the density of the skin. Those. This type of thread will not allow you to reduce the depth of wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face or get rid of jowls or a double chin. Only so-called “lifting threads”, which are capable of moving soft tissues and holding them in a new position, can radically cope with these problems. This type of threads was developed in 1998 by the domestic surgeon M.A. Sulamanidze, and now they are used all over the world.

Examples of different types of threads -

Well, the last type of thread, which in its effect occupies an intermediate position between meso- and lifting threads, is the so-called “reinforcing threads”. The classic technique of installing these threads can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and folds, as well as significantly improve the firmness and appearance of the skin due to the production of collagen. But with a more complex installation (the “loop” technique), this type of thread also acquires moderate lifting properties. This will allow, for example, with a mild degree of gravitational ptosis, to slightly tighten the tissues to the zygomatic-parotid region (including increasing the volume of the cheekbones and cheeks).

In this article we will primarily talk about the use of reinforcing threads for the face, because... Reinforcing the face with threads is a borderline type of thread lifting that most cosmetologists can perform. Installing reinforcing threads is much more difficult than installing mesothreads, and that is why most cosmetologists work only with mesothreads, which do not require complex manual skills. As for the installation of lifting threads, this is the most difficult thing in thread implantology and, in our opinion, they should only be installed by cosmetologists with a surgical background (for example, with experience in maxillofacial, thoracic or plastic surgery).

Reinforcement of the face with threads –

If a thread facelift with mesothreads is intended to prevent aging, and lifting threads allow for the correction of pronounced age-related changes, reinforcing threads are intended for both prevention and moderate correction. Reinforcement threads are much thicker than conventional mesothreads (the latter are the thickness of a human hair), they are more tensile, and also always have notches for reliable fixation in tissues. Reinforcing threads are installed mainly in patients under 55 years of age who have a slight or moderate degree of soft tissue ptosis.

What is the reinforcing effect? ​​The reinforcing effect is achieved due to 2 factors. Firstly, the threads themselves, until the moment of their resorption, act as a kind of stiffening ribs, i.e. reinforcing frame, which performs the function of tissue fixation. Secondly, threads (especially from polylactic acid) stimulate the production of type 1 collagen, as a result of which so-called “fibrous couplings” of collagen are formed around the threads. The latter persist for some time even after complete resorption of the threads, and continue to serve as a reinforcing frame (Fig. 4).

The reinforcement procedure is performed with the patient's body in a horizontal position. In this position, the soft tissues (according to the direction of the gravity vector) smooth out on their own, and the introduction of reinforcing threads at this moment allows the soft tissues to be fixed in this position. When the patient assumes a vertical position, significant tissue displacement to the initial position no longer occurs. The result is smoothing of nasolabial, labio-mental, and other folds and wrinkles. Thus, by creating a thread reinforcing frame, the primary result of the procedure is achieved.

The secondary result of reinforcement occurs due to the biostimulating effect of threads on tissue. The degree of this effect depends primarily on the chemical composition of the thread. Threads containing polylactic acid have the most powerful effect. The gradual resorption of such threads occurs with the release of active molecules of polylactic acid, which has been proven capable of stimulating the production of collagen by fibroblasts. Moreover, the greater the concentration of polylactic acid the thread contains, the more strongly it will stimulate collagen production.

Below we will look at the best types of threads for reinforcement, including threads made from 100% polylactic acid (PLLA). The threads are simpler - they consist of a combination of polylactic acid and caprolactone (PLLA + PLC), which makes their cost noticeably cheaper. But the vast majority of manufacturers use even cheaper materials - polydioxanone (PDO) or pure caprolactone (PLC), which have virtually no biostimulating effect on tissue.

In addition to the chemical composition of the threads, there is a second important criterion that affects the severity of the reinforcing effect. This criterion is the biodegradation period of the threads. Practice shows that when the threads break down too quickly, “fibrous couplings” of collagen do not have time to form around the threads. Threads made from 100% polylactic acid have the longest biodegradation period. Average values ​​are for threads made from a copolymer of polylactic acid and caprolactone, but the biodegradation of threads made from PDO and pure caprolactone will occur much faster.

Result of reinforcement: as a result of the above processes, the depth of wrinkles and folds decreases, and thus the reinforcement will outwardly appear as a moderate lifting (although reinforcing threads do not have a truly lifting effect, which consists of moving tissues and holding them in a new position). A small exception to this rule is the installation of reinforcing threads with so-called “loops” in the zygomatic area. During the formation of the loops, a pronounced tension of the threads occurs, and they pull the soft tissues to the cheekbone area.

The main stage of thread implantation

First of all, the doctor takes pictures of the patient in five projections for subsequent comparison with the results of using thread technology. Next step by step:

1. The patient’s hair is tucked under a cap, and the skin is cleaned of cosmetics and other contaminants. Next, thoroughly treat with an antiseptic solution (betadine, chlorhesidine, etc.) to disinfect the skin.

2. Now it comes to anesthesia. Lidocaine cream or ultracaine solution is used for long-term anesthesia.

3. The doctor marks with a marker the points where the threads will be inserted.

4. The package with threads is opened. This is done in front of the patient.

5. The thread is implanted using a microscopic needle puncture - it is inserted under the skin to a depth of 2 - 3 mm and removed through another puncture.

6. To fix the fabric with notches, the thread is pulled.

7. The needles are removed from the skin, the puncture sites are inspected, and cooling packs are applied to them.

8. After some time, the skin is once again treated with antiseptics.

Indications for reinforcing threads –

The most common indication for the use of reinforcing threads is the correction of age-related changes in the cheek-zygomatic area. In addition, reinforcing threads are the best option for correction in the areas of the shoulders, chest, hips, abdomen, buttocks and hands, and they are many times more effective than conventional mesothreads, the effect of which you most likely will not see at all. In the facial area, there are the following indications for their use:

  • reducing the depth of nasolabial and labiomental folds,
  • correction of mild ptosis,
  • prevention of age-related changes in the middle and lower third of the face,
  • optionally – increasing the volume of the cheekbones and cheeks.

There are also schemes for installing reinforcing threads for forehead lifting and eyebrow lifting. But we generally do not recommend that you do either reinforcing or lifting threads for these indications, because... the result is quite controversial, and the trauma is quite large. A much better and longer-lasting result will be achieved by endoscopic forehead lifting/surgical brow lifting.

Important: an important point - the use of reinforcing threads on the neck is completely pointless, and although specialized literature describes neck reinforcement techniques, the result of such techniques tends to zero. As a rule, reinforcing threads on the neck are recommended by those cosmetologists who simply do not know the techniques for installing lifting threads. In addition, reinforcing threads are not suitable for patients with “heavy faces” and significant tissue sagging. Only a slight degree of soft tissue ptosis is acceptable. Also, this type of thread will not be effective for correcting the oval of the face, or if you are planning to remove jowls or get rid of a double chin.

Pros and cons of reinforcing threads –

As you already understand, lifting threads have the most powerful lifting effect, but they have several disadvantages, for example, after the skin is stretched, folds temporarily form in the parotid area. Such folds decrease in about 2-3 months, but if the patient wishes, they can be removed in one procedure through minor surgical correction. In turn, the use of reinforcing threads does not lead to the appearance of such folds. Plus, after installing reinforcing threads, the rehabilitation period will be shorter - about 1.5-2 weeks (for lifting threads - 2-2.5 weeks).

An important point is that the use of lifting threads is, in principle, only possible in patients with thick skin (with moderate or low elasticity). In patients with loose and/or elastosis-prone skin, the effect of lifting threads will be extremely short-lived, and in order to install lifting threads in such patients, you will first have to undergo a course of mesothreads to increase skin density. In turn, for the installation of reinforcing threads, the density and elasticity of the skin do not matter.

The disadvantages of reinforcing threads include the fact that they can only be used with a slight degree of soft tissue ptosis. This is due to the fact that the design of the threads and the technique of their installation do not imply their fixation to fixed anatomical structures (ligaments, aponeuroses). The introduction of reinforcing threads in patients with “heavy faces” will further increase the mass of soft tissues and intensify the phenomena of gravitational ptosis. Therefore, it is very important to strictly follow the indications for their installation.

But if a patient with a deformational (edematous) type of aging is clearly determined to use reinforcing threads, then in some cases this still becomes possible. For example, after a preliminary course of mesotherapy of the face and neck with vascular drugs and lipolytics. These groups of drugs will activate blood supply and lymphatic drainage, remove swelling and pastiness, activate lipolysis and, thus, reduce the volume of fat deposits.

And also nanothreads?

You may have also heard other names for biodegradable threads:

  • nanothreads,
  • bioniths,
  • thread lifting threads,
  • mesothreads

They are all made from polydioxanone. They are inserted into the skin using a guide needle quickly and easily, so even local anesthesia is not required.

Using a special technique for placing threads, our surgeon creates a soft but elastic framework in the skin that gives greater definition to features and provides support. Mesothreads are suitable for both the face and neck area. They are also used on the knees, arms, elbows and inner thighs.

Mesothreads correct wrinkles and atony of the skin on the forehead and around the eyes, remove crow's feet, reduce nasolabial folds, increase elasticity and skin turgor. After about three months, they dissolve, leaving connective tissue. Even at 50 years old, mesothreads improve your appearance, making your neck and face more well-groomed.

A couple of months after the introduction of mesothreads, you may feel a slight tingling sensation in the skin - the result of stimulation of neocollagenesis. But this will not interfere with facial expressions and will not cause pain.

Schemes for installing reinforcing threads –

The simplest method of installing reinforcing threads is a fan-shaped installation pattern in the cheek-zygomatic region (without passing the threads through the nasolabial or labio-mental folds). This technique will not give any lifting effect, and is aimed more at preventing age-related changes in this area. However, if threads made from 100% polylactic acid are used, this will give the effect of significantly increasing the volume of the cheekbones and cheeks, and this effect will be better than after any filler.

Simple variants of the fan technique -

But for threads with 90% polylactic acid content, the effect of increasing tissue volume will be much more modest. Let us remind you that polylactic acid has the property of stimulating collagen production (the Sculptra filler consisting of polylactic acid also works in the same way). Thus, threads with 100% polylactic acid are especially suitable for patients with a small amount of soft tissue in the cheekbones and cheeks. But if the patient already has a large amount of soft tissue in the cheekbones and cheeks, then his face will become even rounder.

More complex installation techniques are when long threads are installed through the nasolabial fold and, thus, the end sections of the threads will be located in the tissues of the body of the upper lip. If this arrangement of threads is combined with the “loop” technique, then it is possible to achieve the effect of lifting the upper lip and even invert the upper lip - as a result of which it will acquire visually greater volume (you can see this effect in Fig. 8-10). But in general, this technique is much more complicated, because if the cosmetologist’s manual skills are not good enough, the ends of the threads can pierce the mucous membrane of the upper lip from the oral cavity (24stoma.ru).

Reinforcement technique with a loop - this technique is a simplified analogue of the “Gruzdev loop”, which is used when installing lifting threads. The purpose of this technique is to give the reinforcing threads an additional lifting effect. It works especially well with a fan-shaped arrangement of threads, provided that the location of the threads should not be limited to the cheek-zygomatic region itself, but they should pass through the nasolabial fold, as well as to the labio-mental fold. The technique is that when the cannula is almost completely removed from the injection point in the zygomatic area, a loop is made that tightens the thread. And so on when installing all the pieces of thread.

The tension of the thread leads to movement (lifting) of the soft tissues, and the loop, located subdermally in the malar area, acts as an anchor, maintaining tissue tension. It is this technique that will better increase the volume of the cheekbone area, as well as smooth out the nasolabial and labio-mental folds - compared to the technique of installing reinforcing threads without loops. In addition, this technique allows you to achieve lifting of the upper lip. Please note that in the before and after photos you can even notice the effect of eversion of the red border, which is usually achieved when injecting fillers into the lips.

Reinforcing threads for face lift: before and after photos

The patient had Resorblift® threads with 90% polylactic acid installed. A more complex technique with loops was used, in addition, the ends of 4 threads on each side were fixed in the tissues of the upper lip. What we see in the photo: 1) an instant increase in the volume of the cheek-zygomatic area due to a slight upward movement of tissue, 2) a decrease in signs of soft tissue ptosis and an improvement in the oval of the face, 3) lifting of the upper lip with eversion of the red border. These are the effects that are visible immediately after the procedure. After about 2 months, it will be possible to notice the biostimulating effect of the threads.

Mesothreads: negative reviews, photos

Experienced cosmetologists and plastic surgeons who have the skills to implant reinforcing and lifting threads almost never use ordinary thin mesothreads in their practice. The latter are widely used in cosmetology only because of the simplicity of the procedure, while the installation of reinforcing and lifting threads is too complicated and ideally requires a doctor with a surgical background.

Therefore, most cosmetologists do what they can do (without requiring complex manual skills), namely mesothreads. Therefore, if you want to install lifting threads rather than meso-threads, you should only contact plastic surgery clinics for this. As for reinforcing threads, their installation can be done either traditionally or using the “loop” technique, which can give this type of threads lifting properties. In the latter case, it is probably also better if the threads are installed by a plastic surgeon rather than an ordinary dermatocosmetologist.

Mesothreads: pros and cons... based on experience, only less than 10% of patients are satisfied with the results. Most often you see the following picture: trying to see the result of thread implantation, the patient looks at himself in the mirror with doubt on his face, while the doctor persistently repeats: “Well, you see how good it has become.” Most patients claim that the lifting and rejuvenation effect was either completely absent or was so implicit that it was not worth the money spent.

All you can count on when implanting mesothreads is an improvement in skin color, turgor and skin hydration (and then only if you preferably have a fine-wrinkled type of aging). For comparison, below we have posted photos of patients before and after installation of reinforcing/lifting threads -

Scheme of the thread reinforcement procedure –

If you want to perform the thread reinforcement procedure to prevent age-related changes, then the preparatory stage can be sacrificed. However, if threads are installed to correct changes that have already occurred, patients are usually recommended to undergo a preparatory course, which will not only improve the condition of the skin in itself, but will also increase the effectiveness and duration of the thread reinforcement procedure.

1) Preparatory stage –

If you want to increase the effectiveness of face/neck reinforcement, it is important to prepare the skin for thread implantation. We are talking about injection techniques - this can be a course of mesotherapy or a course of biorevitalization. Depending on the initial condition of the skin, at least 4 mesotherapy sessions may be required (the full course is 10-12 procedures) - with intervals of 7 days between procedures. If we are talking about a more expensive biorevitalization technique, then 3-4 procedures are usually sufficient - with intervals of 14 days between procedures.

The difference between these methods lies in the composition of the drugs used. Biorevitalization procedures use more concentrated and stronger components (compared to mesotherapy preparations). You can learn more about these methods and learn about the differences between the drugs in the reviews using the links below.

→ Mesotherapy regimens → Preparations and biorevitalization regimens

As for the preparation immediately before installing the threads, if there are no contraindications, 2-3 days before the procedure, a drug to increase blood clotting is prescribed (usually Dicinon, 1 tablet 2 times a day). This will reduce the risk of developing hematomas and bleeding. In addition, it is advisable to prescribe an antiviral drug for herpes, such as Acyclovir or Valaciclovir, 2 days in advance. On the day of the procedure, you should not apply any decorative cosmetics to your face.

2) Procedure for installing threads -

The duration of the thread reinforcement procedure will average about 1 hour. Installation of reinforcing threads should be carried out only in a treatment room, with careful adherence to asepsis and antisepsis. There must be a sterile table, the doctor and the patient must be dressed in sterile gowns, and only sterile gloves must be used. The “surgical field” must be carefully processed (as is done during surgical operations).

Anesthesia is very important, especially if the threads will be installed through the nasolabial fold and the ends of the threads will be fixed in the tissues of the upper lip (this area is the most painful). If the threads are installed only in the cheek-zygomatic area and the patient does not have a very high pain threshold, sometimes it is enough to inject an anesthetic directly at the point of skin puncture. If the ends of the threads are fixed in the perioral zone, then cannula anesthesia is necessary.

Cannula anesthesia means that a long cannula (fixed to a syringe with an anesthetic solution) is inserted through a puncture point in the skin. But ordinary dermato-cosmetologists rarely perform anesthesia with a cannula, because... it is more expensive, preferring to prick with a regular needle as the threads are installed. We will omit how anesthesia is technically carried out, and how the anesthetic solution is prepared. The choice of anesthetic in patients at risk is important - patients with diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, vascular pathology, and an allergic history.

How to install reinforcing threads for the face: video

Technique for installing threads on the face

Next we move directly to installing the threads. For this purpose, long cannulas with a blunt end are used. The thread is located inside the cannula, and only its tip protrudes slightly from its spout (Fig. 11). The cannula moves into the tissues, subdermally, i.e. approximately at a depth of 2 to 4 mm. The depth of advancement of the cannula in the tissues should not be too great - otherwise there will be no biostimulating effect on the dermis. It is also impossible to be too superficial, because... otherwise the thread may contour through the skin.

Moreover, in different parts of the face, the depth of the cannula should be different, because this can allow us to either increase the volume of tissue in the cheekbone area, or, conversely, press voluminous fat packets to the bone, making them less noticeable. The depth of advancement of the cannula should also be different for natural folds, for example, where there is more tissue in the area of ​​the fold, the cannula is passed more superficially, where there is retraction of the tissue, deeper. This technique will reduce the severity of the fold.

The tip of the cannulas is not punctured at the end points. Let us remember that the free tip of the thread dangles at the tip of the cannula, and therefore, when the blunt end of the cannula reaches the end point, we simply press our finger on the skin in the area of ​​the tip of the cannula, after which we begin to slowly remove it. Due to the fact that there are notches at the tip of the thread, the cannula comes out, but the thread remains in place. The effect of reinforcement and its duration will be strictly proportional to the number of threads installed.

For the entire cheek-zygomatic area with correction of the nasolabial and labio-mental folds, 9-10 pieces of thread are usually required (on each side of the face). The optimal distance between threads depends on the zone and ranges from 0.5 to 2.5 cm. The installation scheme for reinforcing threads for correcting only labio-mental folds is 3-4 threads on each side of the face. It is basically impossible to correct the corners of the mouth with reinforcing threads, because... this is only possible when using Spring Thread elastic threads.

It is also possible to install reinforcing threads to raise the outer edges of the eyebrows. But the effectiveness of such a technique leaves much to be desired (you can only count on a small degree of correction), with a relatively high price tag.

Correction of hands and abdomen

Reinforcing threads show high efficiency when correcting hands, especially if threads with a high content of polylactic acid are used. The latter can not only improve the condition of the skin, but also significantly reduce the severity of wrinkles and increase the thickness of the dermal layer of the skin. There are several techniques for arm reinforcement, with threads passing above or below the superficial veins. The first option is preferable, because in this case, the veins are not compressed by the threads.

Abdominal correction with reinforcing threads is an alternative to surgical abdominoplasty. A typical patient portrait for abdominal reinforcement is a woman 28-45 years old, thin, has given birth, with a small thickness of subcutaneous fat, who likes to walk with an open stomach in the summer. In this case, the patient has signs of ptosis (drooping) of the skin and changes in the oval of the navel from vertical to horizontal. Installing reinforcing threads in this case will give a lifting effect and make the navel area more attractive. The effect will last about 6-8 months.

Reinforcement of the mammary glands and buttocks

With the help of reinforcing threads, you can solve the problem of moderate ptosis, asymmetry or an aesthetically unattractive shape of the female breast. In this case, reinforcing threads act as an alternative to surgical breast lift. Their installation is carried out without cuts. The pronounced effect usually lasts about 8 months, but a small effect will still persist for life - due to the formation of connective tissue strands along the threads (they will serve as stiffening ribs for the tissue).

In turn, a breast lift with lifting threads gives results for 3 years, but their installation is more traumatic, because the threads on one side will have a rigid fixation to the collarbones. In addition to the not very long-lasting effect, another disadvantage of thread breast reinforcement is the high consumption of threads (accordingly, the issue price will be high). Another indication for reinforcement is ptosis of soft tissues and sagging skin of the buttocks. The average duration of the effect of reinforcing threads for these indications will be about 2 years, the maximum – about 5 years.

Recovery period

APTOS thread correction methods are constantly being improved, so the side effects and complications that were observed when installing first-generation threads are now virtually eliminated.

The duration of the recovery period varies depending on the anatomical features, individual anamnesis and the type of threads used.

The rehabilitation period after the installation of threads lasts from 2 days to a month, in some cases – up to 3 months. Patients under 50 years of age usually recover quickly and return to their normal lifestyle within a few days. On average, the stage of “psychological discomfort” lasts 7 days. The final aesthetic effect of the correction is fully manifested and consolidated in the post-procedure period: from 2 to 6 months after the lift.

Recommendations after the procedure –

  • Avoid active physical exercise for 1-2 weeks
  • refrain as much as possible from sudden facial and chewing movements after the procedure (for 12–24 hours).
  • for 2-4 weeks you need to refrain from visiting the solarium, bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, beach, and you should not take too hot a shower or hot bath,
  • it is advisable not to use creams that resolve hematomas (since sclerosis of the resulting hematomas increases the elasticity of the skin in the places of their formation),
  • Rarely, after installation of reinforcing threads, it may be necessary to wear a compression mask.

A short excursion into the past

Not so long ago, the use of so-called “golden” threads, which fix soft tissues in the desired position, was considered an advanced, revolutionary rejuvenation technique. Although in fact there was no talk about gold other than the name, the cleverly thought-out PR move had its effect.

Today, a more modern variation of this procedure has already appeared in the arsenal of plastic surgeons and cosmetologists, which provides not only a lifting effect, but also all the benefits of mesotherapy.

The “3D Mesothreads” method of face lifting and wrinkle elimination came to us from South Korea - it was originally developed specifically for the thin and sensitive skin of women in East Asia, but, thanks to its high efficiency and low trauma compared to surgical techniques, it instantly gained popularity in Europe among both women and men.

What do mesothreads consist of and how do they work:

Mesothreads are threads made of absorbable materials (caprolactone, polydioxanone, polylactic acid), attached to the finest needles made of high-quality steel, or located inside a guide cannula.

When placing threads, two main effects :

Mechanical lifting is observed immediately upon installation: the soft tissues of the face and body are tightened and fixed in the desired position. At the same time, both age-related wrinkles (which have formed over time) and structural ones (which are a feature of the facial structure) are equally effectively eliminated.

Further, under the influence of the skin’s own enzymes, the threads gradually dissolve. The period of biodegradation of threads is different and depends on the materials from which they are made, from 4 months to one and a half years. And in their place, a kind of connective tissue frame is formed, which maintains the result of the tightening for 2-4 years. After this period, a repeat procedure will be required.

Histological lifting is rejuvenation at the cellular level, as after conventional mesotherapy (hence the name) - during the resorption process, they release biologically active substances that activate skin cells to produce their own collagen and elastin, improve tissue oxygenation and, as a result, skin turgor and elasticity increase, the skin begins to “glow from within.”


Not all types of threads can provide the effect of mechanical lifting.

Let's find out why? If you think that any thread can give lifting, then you are mistaken.

There are true lifting threads in the lines of threads Dermafil Happy Lift, Aptos, etc. They are distinguished by the ability to create using virtual loops - reference points - thread fixation points, so the thread does not “float” freely in the tissues, but is firmly fixed in them, which allows maximum effect of mechanical lifting. In addition, the advantage of the threads is their thickness and the strength of the notches. Each notch is attached to the thread separately, and is not “cut” from the thickness of the thread itself, thereby thinning it. Thanks to this, the notches firmly “cling” to the fabrics, preventing them from “slipping” to the bottom.

Reinforcing threads are threads that do not provide lifting, but only help create a strong frame in the skin and improve its quality. These include linear mesothreads - the threads with which the “era” of thread lifting began. As well as their various derivatives - braids, springs and so on - due to the fact that the threads are thick and have an “uneven” texture - they give a more pronounced reinforcement effect.

Kogi - despite the fact that they are called lifting threads, they are not classified as such. They can be called pseudo-lifting - thanks to the notches, they allow you to “pick up” tissues and move them in the desired direction. The “pseudo-lifting” effect is observed for 1-2 months due to the presence of post-traumatic edema and slight tissue movement. But when the tissue is completely restored, the lifting effect “evaporates.” And here’s why - these threads do not have fixation points in the tissues, they are freely located in them and the second important factor is “weak notches”, they are carved on the thread itself, like “notches on a tree trunk”, which significantly reduces their ability to firmly fix fabric and, moreover, the thread itself becomes thinner and less durable. As a result, fabrics, especially heavy ones, happily “slide” to the bottom.

The advantage of these threads is that, thanks to the notches, they cause greater tissue trauma compared to monofilaments, and, accordingly, a greater tissue response. Therefore, the effect of the so-called vector lifting is “A+”.


There are a number of techniques used by specialists at our center that make it possible to prolong and make the mechanical lifting effect more durable even with this type of thread. True, a significant disadvantage of this is the lengthening of the rehabilitation period.

Reinforcing threads in cosmetology: rating

Below we list the best reinforcing threads for a facelift - reviews of which are most positive among dermato-cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. The facial threads are arranged in a rating, which we believe reflects their effectiveness in relation to each other. In addition to the indicated reinforcing threads, there are a large number of others that are not included in this rating, and which we (for one reason or another) do not consider to be sufficiently effective.

RESORBLIFT threads (France) –

There are several options for threads from this manufacturer. The best option is threads made from 100% polylactic acid, which have the most powerful biostimulating effect on fabrics (compared to threads from any other manufacturer). The threads have multidirectional notches and are installed using a cannula. The big disadvantage of these threads is their high price. The cost of the package alone will be about 35,000 rubles (the package contains 4 threads of 26 cm each).

For example, the cost of the second version of Resorblift threads (consisting of 90% polylactic acid and 10% caprolactone) will be about 24,000 rubles. The price is indicated for a package containing 8 threads of 25 cm. Thus, pay attention to how much cheaper threads made from 90% polylactic acid are (compared to threads made from 100% polylactic acid). It would seem that there is only a 10% difference, but this difference greatly affects the severity of the biostimulating effect. However, even this thread option is very good, and we find it more effective than the options below.

Threads DAR-VIN “Invisible” (Italy) –

The old name of this type of thread is SOFTLIFT Invisible, which occurred due to the change in the name of the manufacturer to DAR-VIN. This type of thread consists of 80% polylactic acid and 20% caprolactone, has multidirectional notches, and is installed using a cannula. There are 2 types of packaging. The first option is a package of 8 threads of 25 cm each (with the threads all packed together), and the cost of such a package is about 14,000 rubles. The second option is 10 threads of 20 cm each, with each thread sterilely packaged separately from the others. The cost of such packaging will be about 26,000 rubles.

APTOS Excellence Visage (Russia) –

These are threads from the Russian manufacturer – APTOS. This type of reinforcing thread consists of 75% polylactic acid and 25% caprolactone. The threads have multidirectional notches and are inserted using a cannula. APTOS is a very high-quality and responsible manufacturer of threads, so you can confidently trust these products. The APTOS “Excellence Visage” reinforcing thread set contains 10 threads of 19 cm each, each of which is preinstalled in an individual cannula.

The disadvantage of these threads is their length. For example, for each long pass you need about 12 cm of thread (especially if you are also making a loop). Therefore, a 19 cm thread is only enough for 1 long pass with a loop, and 1 short piece without a loop. There is also a packaging option “Excellence Visage Soft”, which also contains 10 threads in individual cannulas, but the length of the threads here is even shorter - only 11 cm. It turns out that 1 such thread is used entirely in just 1 pass, and even then it is not enough (if the face large).

The fact that APTOS threads come in individual cannulas is their big advantage. However, the chemical composition of these threads (and, as a consequence, the severity of the biostimulating effect) is inferior to the threads of previous manufacturers, which have a higher content of polylactic acid. In addition, a shorter length of threads significantly increases their cost (in terms of the number of installed thread segments).

Interesting fact: by the way, we can proudly say that in the development of threads of the Italian company DAR-VIN (SOFTLIFT), the Russian surgeon D.A. Gruzdev, who is both the president of the Russian “Society of Thread Technologies”, as well as the leader and practitioner a specialist from his own clinic. The developer of APTOS threads is plastic surgeon M.A. Sulamanidze, well known to thread lifting specialists around the world, who also sees patients in one of the Moscow clinics.

Stages of the procedure

Thread lifting, like any lift, requires certain preparation. The cosmetologist begins with a consultation: he talks in detail about the technique, the material used and provides certificates for it, how many threads are needed.

The specialist examines the client’s medical history, asks him about existing diseases, the presence of allergic reactions, whether he has had operations, what cosmetic procedures he has undergone. In some cases, it may be necessary to undergo additional tests - this is necessary to prevent undesirable consequences and predict the timing of rehabilitation.

After studying the condition of the area where the threads will be implanted, their type, quantity and injection scheme are determined individually.

Facelift with threads: price in clinics

The cost of reinforcing the face with threads is quite high, and in different clinics the price can differ by exactly 2 times. It is worth considering that a high price is never a guarantee of high professionalism of a doctor, but on the other hand, a highly qualified doctor will never have prices lower than the market average. Prices for a facelift with reinforcing threads are indicated for 2022.

Price for RESORBLIFT threads –

  • made of 100% polylactic acid (4 strands of 26 cm each) – from RUB 62,000.
  • from 90% polylactic acid (8 threads of 25 cm) – from 42,000 rubles.

Above we indicated the minimum prices, and on average in the market they are usually 20,000 rubles more. When comparing prices for threads from different manufacturers, pay attention to the length of the threads, because... a thread length of 25-26 cm will allow it to make exactly 2 long passes of 12 cm each (and if the face is not too large, then all 3 long passes).

Price of DAR-VIN Invisible threads –

Installation of DAR-VIN Invisible (8 threads of 25 cm each) will cost you an average of 50,000 - 60,000 rubles. Each 25 cm long thread is enough for 2 long passes, or 3 passes if the face is not large. If a smaller number of threads is installed, then the price is calculated for each thread separately - from 7,000 rubles. We do not recommend saving much on the number of threads, because... the fewer threads there are, the less reinforcing/biostimulating effects there will be.

APTOS Excellence Visage –

The package contains 10 threads of 19 cm each. The average price for their installation is about 54,000 rubles, but the price range can be very large - from 38,000 to 60,000 rubles.

APTOS Excellence Visage Soft –

Here shorter threads are used (10 threads of 11 cm each). The average cost of the procedure will be about 47,000 rubles, but the price range can also be very large.

How to install threads cheaper - the only option to install threads at the price of their cost is to become a model at one of the training centers for cosmetologists. In this case, the threads will be installed for you by participants in thematic seminars, under the guidance of a teacher. The second and final option is that some clinics hold promotions for the installation of threads, and in this case the price may be 20-30% lower (but you must remember that the spread of prices between clinics for the same threads can reach 50-100 %).

Too low prices are usually offered by doctors who do not have much experience in installing threads. It is more important for them to “get their teeth into” than to earn money from this service. On the other hand, too high a price does not indicate high quality of services. If you are installing reinforcing or lifting threads, then do it with cosmetologists who have not just some kind of commercial certificate, but a state-issued “advanced training in thread lifting”, and it is even better and safer to do thread lifting in plastic surgery clinics .

I’ll explain the latter in more detail. Regular dermatocosmetologists have never performed invasive procedures like thread lifting before. Therefore, their manual skills, which are needed for anesthesia in the maxillofacial area, to work deep in the soft tissues of the face and neck, are certainly inferior to the manual skills of maxillofacial and plastic surgeons. In addition, which is very important, dermatocosmetologists have problems with observing the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, to which hospital-trained surgeons are accustomed “from birth.”

For example, if a cosmetologist works without a nurse (and most often this happens) - this is a guarantee that complete sterility a priori cannot be achieved. And if sterility is not so important when installing biostimulating threads, then when installing lifting and reinforcing threads, it is the key to the absence of severe purulent complications. Of course, there are also ordinary cosmetologists who, due to their experience, have quite decent manual skills and observe the principles of sterility, but statistically their number is very small.

Advantages and disadvantages

Thread lifting as a method of rejuvenation has the following advantages:

  • low-traumatic - does not require incisions, and the punctures are very small and, as already mentioned, it is possible to simultaneously insert threads in different directions;
  • there are no scars left, and visible marks from the finest needles heal very quickly;
  • the effect remains for a long time - the period depends on the condition of the skin and the chosen threads;
  • damage to large vessels is excluded;
  • No long recovery is required after the procedure;
  • no traces of intervention are visible - facial features do not change, but are restored to their previous appearance;
  • eyebrows retain natural mobility;
  • carried out quickly on an outpatient basis;
  • reasonable price.

It is important to know: the specialist who performs the thread lifting procedure must be qualified as a cosmetologist and have a certificate confirming training in. You should only contact well-established clinics that employ certified specialists with the appropriate knowledge and experience


The disadvantages of thread lifting include:

  • restriction of facial expressions for 7-14 days after implantation of threads;
  • after the procedure you need to sleep on your back for 5-7 days;
  • Do not go to the sauna or fitness classes for a while.

Complications -

Usually, after thread reinforcement, there are no hematomas and no significant tissue swelling. This is due to the fact that work in the depths of the tissue is carried out with a blunt-pointed cannula, which pushes the vessels and nerves apart, rather than cutting them like a sharp-pointed needle. In addition, the installation of reinforcing threads is carried out subdermally, and at this depth there are simply no large vessels that can be injured. Therefore, immediately after the procedure, as a rule, you will not see any hematomas or swelling, but there will be slight redness of the skin.

However, if the doctor inserts the threads too deeply, then injury to the vessels is still possible even with a cannula, and in this case the bleeding may be severe enough that it may require stopping the procedure. But in small hematomas along the threads there is a big plus. The fact is that sclerosis of such hematomas leads to an increase in skin density and, thus, the effect will be better (no matter how strange it may seem).

If there are technical errors (deep insertion of threads), the integrity of various formations, for example, the excretory duct or the capsule of the parotid salivary gland, may be damaged. Most often, inexperienced cosmetologists injure the duct, which leads to the formation of salivary fistulas and many problems that require elimination. If the doctor inserted the threads too superficially, there may be persistent retraction of the skin along the thread (thread contouring). If the threads are inserted too deeply, there may be, on the contrary, protrusion of the tissue.

Incorrect cutting of the ends of the threads at the point of skin puncture can lead to skin injury and the development of inflammation. The inflammation may appear as a small inflamed bump (papule without pus). There may also be severe infectious complications, such as abscess and cellulitis, which can occur due to violations of sterility during the procedure, damage to the salivary gland duct, improper cutting of the ends of the threads, and lack of proper wound care on the part of the patient. Another complication is exacerbation of herpes.

How to fix errors?

Is it possible to do something if the threads are placed incorrectly?

The most radical way to correct errors in this case is to remove threads. However. experienced surgeons can find an alternative if required:

  • Trim the nodules (become visible);
  • Tighten the threads (they began to sag);
  • The face has lost weight and tissue ptosis has increased.

For absorbable Aptos threads, doctors can prescribe physiotherapy procedures that promote rapid biodegradation of the threads.

Perhaps a dermatocosmetologist will recommend additional botulinum therapy or contouring procedures to visually correct the skin texture.

Back to the beginning of the article

Contraindications –

The main contraindications to the facelift procedure with threads:

  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • acute infectious and chronic diseases in the acute stage,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • systemic blood diseases,
  • tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars,
  • taking blood thinning medications (aspirin, anticoagulants); taking such medications should be discontinued 3-10 days before the procedure, be sure to obtain permission to do so from the doctor who prescribed them. We hope that our article was useful to you!

Sources :
1. Additional. prof. author's education on thread lifting (


), 2. Personal experience of clinical application, 3. National Library of Medicine (USA), 4. American Society of Plastic Surgeons (USA), 5. “Thread implantology” (Kodyakov A.A., Fedorov P.G., Aleksandrov V.N.).

At what age should threads be used?

This is perhaps the most frequently asked question.

From the point of view of the law - from 18 years of age. And from an aesthetics point of view, the first indications for thread lifting most often appear around the age of 30: wrinkles deepen, the oval of the face “floats”, and the skin loses firmness and elasticity. However, these processes are strictly individual for each person, and the time for correction can come either at 25 or 40 years.

The concept that thread lifting is indicated only when the face loses its youthful oval and the hated jowls begin to bother everyone, the nasolabial and labio-mental folds are deeply formed, and the face becomes “square” is long outdated.

You need to understand that thread lifting is not plastic surgery, we do not cut off the skin, but only move the tissue, due to which the skin contracts and activates histological lifting.

It takes time to start all these processes.

In this regard, the result should be assessed no earlier than six months later, or better yet, a year later.

Therefore, if you are over 50 and finally decided that it’s time to get threads, and that after that you will look 30, then you are too late. We will not say that there will be no result, it will be, but not what you expect.

In threadlifting, as in many other procedures, there is such a thing as the quality of the source material. The better it is, the more pronounced the result.

Therefore, as soon as the first signs of gravitational ptosis appear or do not appear at all, but you are already over 25, it is time to think about placing threads. This is how you will prolong your youth for many years.

Reinforcing and pseudo-lifting mesothreads.

So, their main differences from true lifting threads are as follows:

Threads consisting of polydiaxonone (PDO)

  • Polydioxanone is a hypoallergenic, non-toxic, pyrogen-free surgical suture material that causes a very weak tissue reaction during resorption.
  • The high rate of biodegradation of mesothreads ensures mild neocollagenosis without compromising microcirculation and tissue vascularization in the installation area. After 180-240 days after the procedure, mesothreads completely biodegrade, breaking down into carbon dioxide and water familiar to the body (100% biocompatibility with tissues). In the area where the mesothread is installed, a slight compaction of connective tissue remains, which continues to perform a “frame” function for 12-18 months.

Due to such a mild and short-lasting effect, we cannot obtain a true lifting effect.

Effects when installing mesothreads:

  • biostimulation (biorevitalization);
  • reinforcement (remodeling);
  • vector lifting.

Photos "before" and "after"

Preoperative markings for thread lifting

Photos “before” and 6 days “after”. Pronounced lifting of the chin, deepening of the neck-chin angle.

Hollywood neck lift using the author's method Andrey Iskorneva. Perfect chin without sagging.

Upper and lower transconjunctival blepharoplasty. Neck liposuction. Thread neck lift. Removing Bish's lumps. Botulinum therapy. Lip contouring with Equio. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.

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