Carbon peeling is an effective way to rejuvenate and cleanse the skin

Laser carbon peeling is an effective hardware procedure that cleanses the skin and improves its condition. It consists of two stages: first, a special carbon-based gel (with microparticles of coal) is applied to the face, and then the surface is processed.

Under the influence of radiation, the composition cleanses pores and stimulates the removal of dead cells of the stratum corneum. At the same time, the laser warms up the dermis and thus activates the production of protein compounds to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

general description

The procedure is one of the most effective ways to eliminate acne, blackheads, impurities, and facial wrinkles. Compared to chemical peeling, it has a gentle effect on the skin and practically does not cause complications.

The cosmetic product contains nanoparticles of carbon dioxide. They penetrate the epithelium and absorb keratinized epidermis, sebaceous gland secretions, and dirt like a sponge.

Under the influence of the laser, the bound particles come out and evaporate to form water and carbon dioxide. In addition, a slight increase in temperature and warming stimulates the synthesis and production of collagen and elastin, and skin elasticity returns.

Which peeling to choose – carbon or chemical?

It is better to look for the answer to this question not on your own, but together with a cosmetologist. Both options are effective; they help quickly and noticeably improve your appearance. All types of peelings make the skin more “responsive”: after a course of procedures, all kinds of effects for rejuvenation, prevention of aging, and improvement of the condition of the skin will be especially effective. In all cases, metabolism, blood circulation, and regeneration are stimulated.


Carbon peeling cleanses the face, neck, décolleté, back and other problem areas.

The effect of a laser device in combination with a gel mask is multifaceted:

  • enhancing tissue regeneration;
  • destruction of pathogenic flora;
  • removal of contaminants;
  • cleansing of dead cells and fat particles.

The skin acquires a healthy color, the greasy shine disappears. After completing the full course, a good result is visible, which lasts for a long time.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The main difference between carbon peeling and laser peeling is the absence of overheating of the skin. The beam acts exclusively at the depth of the applied gel mask, which is better absorbed into oily skin. Accordingly, carbon peeling does not pose any danger to patients with dry skin.

How it works?

If during laser peeling the beam directly affects the layers of the epidermis, with carbon peeling it is first absorbed by the nanogel. This gray-brown substance is applied to cleansed skin before starting the procedure. And only when the nanogel dries well does the cosmetologist begin treating problem areas with a laser, which, as is known, reacts well to pigment.

Light radiation is actively absorbed by the resulting dark mask, reminiscent of mud, then the light is converted into heat, which penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and begins to act on fibroblasts - the tissue cells responsible for the production of collagen.

Operating principle of laser carbon peeling

The main functions of carbon dioxide are detoxification and skin lightening. It actively absorbs sebum and dirt, which are removed through open pores, as well as dead horn cells. The laser beam helps restore metabolism in the epidermis, enhance blood circulation, and destroy pathogenic microflora. We can say that a “two in one” effect occurs: the skin is not only deeply cleansed, but processes are launched in it that contribute to the appearance of a visible lifting effect.

Indications for use

Peeling is recommended for patients suffering from certain skin problems:

  • acne and post-acne;
  • early signs of aging;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • the appearance of pigment spots;
  • excessive production of sebaceous gland secretions;
  • enlarged pores;
  • uneven skin texture;
  • comedones (blockage of the mouth of the hair follicle);
  • decreased elasticity.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Carbon peeling is also effective for the appearance of vascular spots, including those due to sunburn. Due to the action of the laser on small vessels, their walls are strengthened, which is why they become invisible through the skin.

Why do you need peeling?

Peeling is the procedure for removing the top layer of skin. It starts a faster regeneration process. The fact is that with age, the rate of natural skin renewal decreases. More and more dead cells remain on its surface. This leads to dull complexion, the appearance of wrinkles, inflammation and other imperfections. With regular exfoliation, all of these problems can be eliminated or prevented from occurring. Peels are:

  • Physical (use abrasive particles, for example, scrubs);
  • Chemical (use chemicals, such as acids);
  • Hardware (use laser systems or ultrasound).

Advantages and disadvantages

The procedure has its positive and negative sides, the details are indicated in the table below.

  • Elimination of several problems with one laser exposure
  • No pain
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Destruction of bacterial flora that can cause a pathological process
  • Carrying out the procedure at any time of the year
  • High-quality cleansing
  • Sometimes black spots from the gel remain in the pores, which disappear in 2-3 days
  • The use of decorative cosmetics is prohibited for 3-4 days
  • Doesn't remove scars
  • Relatively high cost of the full course

Tips from rehabilitation and skin care specialists

After the session is completed, a gel is applied to the patient’s skin, creating a protective shell and softening the skin.

Each person's skin reacts uniquely to laser cleaning. Sometimes, on areas of the face after treatment, phenomena such as:

  • Irritation accompanied by tingling and itching;
  • Swelling;
  • Slight hyperemia;
  • Minor peeling;
  • In rare cases, minor pain in the treated area.

Carbon peeling involves a two-week health and recovery regime. During the first days, the patient’s skin is especially sensitive to any external influences, even the most insignificant ones. In order to avoid unnecessary consequences, you should follow several recommendations from a cosmetologist:

  1. The skin must be regularly moisturized and should not remain dry. It is necessary to moisturize your face with a suitable cream.
  2. It is imperative to avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin of the face. All cosmetologists strictly prohibit staying in the direct rays of the Sun and going to the solarium. You need to use sunscreen emollient creams, lotions and other products before going outside. It’s much easier in winter - solar activity decreases.
  3. Throughout the first week, you need to gently cleanse the skin - you cannot use homemade scrubs and other abrasives for cleaning; cosmetic soap is perfect here. To wash your face, use simple micellar water and exceptionally soft foams.
  4. You should avoid using cosmetics during this period in every possible way, as it can lead to severe irritation and even infection.
  5. Do not touch the treated area of ​​the face with dirty hands and do not rub it with clothing.
  6. It is recommended to take care of your facial skin using creams that contain aloe gel or panthenol.
  7. Try not to expose your face to sudden changes in temperature.
  8. The second week of the rehabilitation period involves adhering to more loyal rules. Use skin cleansers, you can already start using cosmetics. Scrubs and other substances containing abrasive particles should not be used for more than one month.
  9. Remember that ultraviolet radiation is extremely dangerous. You can sunbathe only in the early morning and in the evenings, avoiding direct sun. The sun can burn the sensitive dermis.

What equipment is used to perform

The most popular are two types of equipment - ReAura from Philips and Lasertech H101 PRO.

The first option includes three intensity levels, is small in size, and wireless. It can be used by persons over the age of 25, regardless of gender. The result lasts up to 8 weeks; all manipulations must be carried out in courses.

Lasertech H101 PRO is a device that is much more often purchased by salons for professional facial cleansing.

It is used not only for carbon peeling, but also for other procedures:

  • removal of tattoos and permanent makeup;
  • polishing scars;
  • elimination of comedones, acne, rosacea;
  • face whitening.

The device includes several attachments that can be used to remove various pigments, glasses, cases, and carbon nanogel in containers.

Carbon laser peeling for pigmentation, blackheads, pimples: reviews from doctors and cosmetologists

Marina, cosmetologist:

“Carbon peeling is an excellent procedure. I recommend it to every girl and woman, since the technique is considered universal. It is also suitable for those representatives who have young, oily skin and fine wrinkles.”

Cosmetologists have only positive reviews

Karina, cosmetologist:

“Very often I recommend this technique to girls with facial skin problems. All problems, such as increased oiliness, acne, inflammation and scars, will disappear literally after two procedures.”

Svetlana, cosmetologist:

“The carbon procedure is very soft. It suits almost everyone. I recommend it to those women who live in large populated areas, since their skin is constantly under stress, as a result of which it becomes sluggish and pale.”


The process consists of three stages: preparation, the peeling itself and the healing period followed by aftercare.

The first stage involves examination and consultation with a doctor, testing sensitivity to the components of the carbon gel and preparing the surface (removing makeup, treating with antiseptics).

How it goes

The cosmetologist performs a certain sequence of actions:

  • dries the skin from disinfectants;
  • applies the gel evenly;
  • leave the product for several minutes to harden;
  • heats with laser;
  • carries out photothermolysis;
  • removes gel residues;
  • applies a soothing mask.

The patient does not experience pain, only a slight heating of the skin is felt.

Course duration

The session lasts about 40-60 minutes. To achieve maximum effect, you must complete the course. On average, 4-5 procedures are recommended with breaks of 5-14 days.

The amount is selected by the doctor, taking into account the skin type and severity of the disease.

Healing period

Short-lived, no significant damage to the skin is observed. It is necessary to actively use moisturizing creams and masks, as well as a filter cream, to reduce the damage from ultraviolet radiation and reduce the risk of negative consequences.

How is the carbon peeling procedure performed?

The procedure can be divided into five stages:

  • preparing the skin for the procedure (cleansing and disinfection);
  • placing special protective glasses in front of the client’s eyes;
  • application of carbon nanogel;
  • laser skin treatment;
  • removing the gel after the procedure with warm water;
  • applying a restorative soothing mask.

The entire procedure takes about 30 minutes. There is no pain during peeling. The client only feels warmth from the device.


Special and long-term rehabilitation after peeling is not required. The skin is restored very quickly, and the very next day the girl can safely go outside.

However, there is a certain list of recommendations compiled by cosmetologists. It includes:

  • ban on visiting beaches, swimming pools, saunas and baths;
  • the use of panthenol for rapid tissue restoration;
  • refusal of decorative cosmetics and skin care products containing alcohol;
  • applying a filter cream to protect the epithelium from ultraviolet rays.

All advice is temporary and must be followed for at least 3-5 days after the procedure.

Laser carbon peeling – how long and painful is it?

Let us note right away: you will not feel pain - unpleasant sensations in the form of warmth and slight tingling, if they occur, cannot be called such.

In terms of time, facial cleansing can last from half an hour to an hour, depending on which area is to be treated. Peeling includes the following stages:

  • Makeup removal and skin treatment to degrease it.
  • Apply a thin layer of nanogel to absolutely clean and dry skin - this is done gently, using a brush. Waiting for the substance to dry is from 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Eye protection with special glasses. Setting the necessary parameters on the device.
  • Exposure of the skin, covered with a gray-brown mask, to a short-pulse laser, which has a destructive effect on carbon (together with the nanogel, dead horn cells, dirt and skin secretions are removed, which carbon dioxide will pull out of the pores) and warms up the skin. The distance between the laser handpiece and the skin should be 6-7 cm, which is absolutely safe for the skin. The handpiece is periodically cleaned of carbon dust so that the laser efficiency remains high.
  • Removing carbon residues with a napkin - most of it will be removed under the action of a laser beam.
  • Applying sunscreen to the skin.

The effect that is observed in the near future on the skin that has undergone such a cleansing is often called by patients the “porcelain doll” effect - the skin in the treatment area becomes so smooth, smooth and radiant.

Photo 1. Before and after

Photo 2. Before and after

Precautionary measures

In general, the product is not dangerous for humans, but the development of individual intolerance or an allergic reaction cannot be ruled out.

To identify it, cosmetologists apply a small amount of the product to the elbow area. After 10-15 minutes, the gel is washed off and the skin is examined.

If severe redness, swelling, itching, burning and other symptoms appear, the procedure is contraindicated and a different cleaning method must be chosen.

Side effects

Undesirable reactions occur if the patient ignores the specialist’s recommendations or the cosmetologist performed the procedure incorrectly. An individual reaction of the body is also not excluded.

Side effects of carbon peeling include:

  • development of purulent processes;
  • hyperemia, tissue swelling;
  • excessive dry skin;
  • the appearance of pigment spots when exposed to ultraviolet radiation;
  • burn.

If there are any changes, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice.


Home use of carbon peeling is undesirable, as there are a number of contraindications that only a specialist knows about.
The list includes:

  • chronic skin diseases that are in the acute stage (eczema, dermatitis);
  • growth of malignant neoplasms;
  • inflammation on the face, appearance of pustules;
  • cuts, burns and other types of tissue damage;
  • formation of keloid scars.

It is better not to carry out the procedure during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as there is no data on safety for the growth and development of the baby.

What else is good about laser carbon peeling?

In addition to its high efficiency, painlessness, and quick recovery, the advantage of this type of skin cleansing is that it can be performed at any time without reference to the season, as is the case with all other peels, the ideal time for which is the period from mid-October to mid-April .

So, if there is a need to urgently take care of your appearance at another time of the year, it is better to give preference to non-invasive laser carbon peeling.

In addition, carbon peeling has virtually no side effects. It can also be combined with some other cosmetic procedures: applying a peptide mask to the skin, superficial chemical peeling, mechanical cleansing. This is due to the fact that under the influence of carbon, the pores open well and the skin is more receptive to any other means and manipulations.

Photos before and after

Cosmetologists' opinions

Laser-carbon peeling has generated a lot of controversy.

Feedback from cosmetologists about the procedure is generally positive, since:

  • Carbon rejuvenation, for which a person needs to spend only 30 minutes in a relaxing pose, can replace 1.5 years of massages, yoga, balanced nutrition and other procedures.
  • The skin becomes noticeably younger and does not require additional care.
  • The result is not long in coming. A positive effect is achieved in a short period of time.

Service cost

Prices depend largely on the region, the salon providing this service and the materials used by cosmetologists.

CitySalonAddressTelephonePrice in rubles
TyumenNanoestheticianst. Maxim Gorky, 83 +73000-4000
Medicalst. Montazhnikov, 11, st. 1 +73300-4000
SimferopolMesoclinic70 Kirova Ave. / st. Gen.Popova, 2 +71500
LaserClinicKirova St., 29/1 (intersection with Lenin St.), 4th floor, room. 414 8From 1000
TomskNata Mst.
79 Guards Division, 13 a Torgovy, 2nd floor
Clinic of Dr. VarlachevaKirova Ave. 35+7 (3822) 33–02–233500
SaratovWhite sunst. Electronic, 10 "B" +73000-5000
Oceaniast. Rabochaya, 29 +7(8452) 711-1013000-6000
SamaraElixirNovo-Sadovaya, 139, sec. 6, 3rd floor +73500-5000
Laser+AestheticsKirova Avenue, 316+722800-4500
KrasnodarLaser Aestheticst. Yaltinskaya, no. 14, 3rd floor, room no. 301 +7 (861) 240-9-7771500-5000
LaserClinicZipovskaya st., 9, floor 28From 1000
TverTver Center for Laser MedicineVolokolamsky Prospekt, 6+71600-6000
Appearancest. 15 Let Oktyabrya, 52 bldg. 1 +72000-3000
BelgorodEstheticianst. Koroleva, 6 +72200
Cosmetology clinic "East-West"st. Pushkina, 67 +73800-4600
VologdaMakeUpst. Prechistenskaya embankment, 14a +72000
MedEsthetst. Galkinskaya 63a 8-900-535-17-442000-3000
OrenburgQueenNizhny Ave., 8/1+7(3532) 265-8-852000
Wellness TownVostochnaya street, 42/2, room 1+73000-4000
KazanClinic Beauty Academyst. Chistopolskaya, 20/12 +7(843)210-11-442000-5000
Laser Aesthetics Clinicst. N. Ershova, 18 83000-4500
OmskAuroraKarl Marx Avenue 24, TVK Cascade, 3rd floor, office 34(3812) 38-29-492400
LINE LIFE Centerst. Krasny Put 32, TC "Iceberg" (Sibzavod district) +71000-5000
Nizhny NovgorodLinlinest. Vaneeva, 25/88 +71800-3500
Olbia Beauty Centerst. Geroya Shnitnikova, 3 +71100-3200
MinskLesanteZvyazda newspaper avenue, 28+375 (17) 399-43-092700-3300
ShinestIndependence Ave., 181 (Uruchye metro station)+375 (33) 691-10-103100
PermianWorld Cosmetology Clinicst. Ekaterininskaya, 96 +7900-3500
Medical On Groupst. Sibirskaya, 35a +71100-2800
KrasnoyarskMCC "Onegin"st. Vzletnaya, 26G +72500-3000
Novomedst. Vodopyanova, 22 +73000
NovosibirskMarlenest. pl. Karla Marksa, 3, Versailles shopping center, 3rd floor, office 304 82000
Be luckyst. Kirova 32, Roman Quarter residential complex, 1st floor +73800
YaroslavlBeauty formulast. Saltykova-Shchedrina, 44/18 8(4852) 68-26-272000
Constellation of beautyLenina Ave., 35/88+72300
EkaterinburgClinic of health and beauty of Irina Pavlova8 March str. 51, BC “Summit”, 51st floor83000-3500
Aestheticsst. Radishcheva, 33 (entrance from Sacco and Vanzetti streets, 2nd level above the Zvezdny magic) +72950
ChelyabinskMarilynst. Svobody, 32 +73500
GerneticLenin Ave., 6683000-3500
SochiProsest. Ostrovsky, 67 +72990
Health balancest. Navaginskaya, 13, 4th floor, room 42 8From 3000
KemerovoAesthetic Medicine Clinic Irinast. Krasnoarmeyskaya 123 83500
IrkutskNovomedDzerzhinsky street, house 2083600-5000
AshiDeputatskaya st., 2582200
IvanovoElena Sokolova Studiost. Vorovskogo 13a (in the premises of the GODDESS studio) (351) 700-72-531400
KurskCosmo-DentPobedy Avenue, 18+7(4712)38-97-675150
Verbenast. Zapolnaya 60-A +75000-8000
SurgutTokyost. Yugorskaya, 1 82800-6000
Dia-honeyLenin Ave. 16+74500-5000
KhabarovskMedstomUssuriysky Boulevard, 20+71000-4000
FionaK.Marx str., 1418-914-544-66-773500-5000
ButovoLilamist. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 61 +71500-7500
Shockingst. Admiral Lazarev, 55 +7(495) 715-27-413000-3900
OdintsovoBlooming lotusl. Novo-Sportivnaya, building 4, building 1 +73000-4000
SaranskPlatinumst. Bolshevikskaya, 30 building, Business, 4th floor 81000-5000
PenzaCome il fautst. Moskovskaya, 23 (8412) 66-06-071420-3180
UlyanovskBodySpaLeninsky Komsomol Ave., 378 (937) 03 — 885 — 651800-3600
Barcelonast. Bebelya, 45A +73000
ZelenogradEsteDibuilding 1515+71700-4490
BALI SPAst. Youth, building 315 84500
KyivLumenismetro station Goloseevskaya, Goloseevsky Ave., 74 067 362 55 881100-3500
Gold Laserst. Lev Tolstoy, 8 (067) 235 — 71 — 962000-2500
UfaMoleculest. Zaki Validi 73 +7 (347) 286‒23‒003000
Clinic of modern cosmetology “Secrets of Perfection”st. Pushkina, 117 +72500
SevastopolSevKrasotaOctober Revolution Avenue, 20(978) 045-34-651000-2500
LaserBeautyst. 6th Bastionnaya, 40 (Insurgent Square) beauty salon EGO +7(978) 859-03-841500-3200
MytishchiLidamedst. Rozhdestvenskaya, 11 81500-3500
AtmosphereBlagoveshchenskaya st., 4A8(903) 009-32-222000-3500
YeyskSugaring and TattooingYasenskaya 238From 2000
Rostov-on-DonVega plusst. Larina, 47 81500
Olviast. Writers 65/5 +7 (863) 236 35053500-7000
RyazanLaserClinicst. Gorky 59 82000-8000
VolgogradBeauty Factoryst. Tsiolkovskogo, 29 82500-4000
Health resortst. Titova, 10B +71300-1700
MagnitogorskNeost. Tevosyan, 4a (3519) 477-5711500-3000
MoscowSugarst. Tsvetnoy Boulevard, building 19, st. 4 +72000
Girlfriendsm. Oktyabrskaya, st. Krymsky Val, building 3, building 3 “Louis Dor” on the business territory 8800-2500
KirovSolarisst. Maklina, 58A +71700-3500
Ledast. Vorovskogo, 11/1 +72600-3700
ArmavirBRILLARst. Novorossiyskaya 171/1, 2nd floor +7(995)180-58-892000
TulaTalisiast. Veresaeva, 10, bldg. A, entrance from Krasnoarmeysky Avenue +7From 1000
Aesthetic Honeyst. Oboronnaya, 114 +71500-4000
NovokuznetskBora Borast. Sverdlova, 8 +73000
Pulsest. Mira 20 +71000-2500
SyktyvkarBEAUTY HALLPokrovsky Boulevard, 148(8212) 225-777From 1700

Service price

This table shows the average price of carbon peeling in Russia. The cost of services may vary depending on the region, beauty salon and dollar exchange rate.

If you want to undergo comprehensive rejuvenation, then SPA centers may have their own bonuses and discounts.

For a complex procedure, prices must be obtained separately from each beauty salon.

Body areaprice, rub.

There is a lot of information about carbon peeling now. It can be found on the websites of professional beauty salons. This is a truly unique procedure that combines all the delights of mesotherapy and laser removal of old skin.

This is a painless process that does not take too much time, without injections or surgery.

Is the procedure carried out at home?

Now you can buy special equipment, necessary materials and care products at home. One problem remains - experience and professionalism. Without proper knowledge, it is dangerous to carry out such a procedure; there is a risk of developing burns and other complications.

Specialists in salons are trained and perform all manipulations not for the first time, so for hardware cleansing of the skin you need to contact cosmetologists.

Carbon laser peeling for pigmentation, blackheads, pimples: customer reviews

Elena, 38 years old:

“I believe that this technique is the most ideal among those that I have previously used. Past procedures, of course, helped me, but they were unpleasant - they caused a burning sensation, the skin became red. This method of cleansing the skin pleased me and left me with the best impressions.”

Christina, 32 years old:

“I love taking care of my own beauty and constantly use new methods. A friend recommended that I try this procedure to eliminate fine wrinkles in the forehead area. I paid quite a bit of money to the beauty salon, but despite this I am very pleased with the result.”

Opinion of cosmetologists

Professionals often recommend carbon peeling to their patients. Because of its safety and versatility, it is highly valued by cosmetologists and is becoming increasingly popular.

Firstly, the procedure has few contraindications. Secondly, the likelihood of side effects is low if all manipulations are performed correctly.

After 1-2 sessions, it is noticeable how acne marks are removed, greasy shine and age spots disappear. Peeling is also effective for fine expression wrinkles.

Results after carbon peeling

The procedure can cope with a range of problems: enlarged pores, acne and small wrinkles. Results can be seen after the first procedure. However, to achieve a more pronounced effect, 3–7 procedures should be performed. Carbon peeling is a minimally invasive procedure. It only affects the top layers of the skin. This allows him to deal with imperfections quite effectively. However, you should not expect too strong an effect from it, which will remain for years. The safety of the results of the procedure depends on the client’s lifestyle and anatomical features.

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