Castor oil and 15 more remedies for papillomas: safe ways to get rid of the problem

Moles are present on every person's body. Most of them do not cause discomfort to their owners, but if the nevus is large and located, for example, on the face, many people want to get rid of it. The same situation is with birthmarks. The formations can be removed either through surgery or through traditional medicine using castor oil.

Castor oil has long been featured in folk remedies for the treatment of nevi.

What are papillomas and warts

These are small growths with a rough skin texture caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).
Appearance depends on their location on the body and the thickness of the skin. They can grow in groups or singly and have a rough surface. Sometimes a black spot is visible in the middle. They are usually not dangerous. But they are extremely unpleasant in appearance and can be painful if located in areas of friction or pressure. Warts are more likely to occur in people with weakened immune systems. Regular ones appear on the hands, and flat ones appear on the face. Warts on the soles of the feet are called plantar warts. They can also be painful. When the fingernails and toenails are affected, they are called subungual and periungual warts.

Another place where they appear is in the intimate areas. They can develop on the genitals, near the anus, and also on the inner thighs. Before treating papillomas with home remedies, be sure to consult your doctor. There have been no special studies on the effectiveness of these products, and if used incorrectly, they may well be unsafe. However, their incorrect use can be unsafe (traumatization of papillomas can lead to their malignant degeneration). In addition, all formations of this kind must be checked for cancer potential.

Be careful!

  1. Any suspicious-looking moles should be examined by a doctor to determine if they are malignant. No one should use a home mole removal method instead of a medical evaluation.
  2. It is important to note that home remedies will not be effective for cancerous moles. Anyone who has a suspicious-looking mole or wants a mole removed should first see a doctor. The doctor can check whether the mole is cancerous and can discuss options for removal.
  3. You should be careful when using mole removers purchased from pharmacies or stores.
  4. People who have problems with tissue healing, such as in the case of diabetes, should definitely consult their doctor before doing anything to the mole.
  5. You should stop using any home remedy that causes an adverse reaction - redness, swelling or any other side effects.

How to remove papillomas with castor oil

This substance has an antiviral effect, so many believe that treating papillomas with castor oil will be effective.
In addition, the oil also has anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in antioxidants, it moisturizes and soothes irritated skin. The method of using castor oil for papillomas is simple: rub the affected area with cold-pressed oil for several minutes and leave on the surface.

Apply two or three times daily. It may take a few weeks to a month to be effective, but you can certainly get rid of them.

Precautionary measures

Patients should not use castor seed oil if they have:

  • damage to the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​papilloma;
  • skin diseases at the location of the growth.

It should be remembered that external use of castor oil increases the absorption of substances applied to the skin at the same time. Therefore, before using medicinal mixtures, a sensitivity test must be carried out without fail, even if there is no allergy to individual components.

Apple vinegar

This remedy has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties.
The organic acid in apple cider vinegar destroys tissue. Soak cotton wool in vinegar and apply it to the wart. Use an adhesive bandage to hold it in place. Discard the cotton the next morning, leaving it overnight. Repeat this simple remedy for several weeks. After a few days they will begin to turn black and very soon fall off, leaving a small mark that will gradually disappear.

Tea tree oil

It contains a natural antiviral compound that can be used.
It is easily absorbed by the skin and kills the virus. Dilute the essential oil with water (a few drops with 2 tablespoons of water) and apply to the affected area. Let it dry. To see results, use it 5-6 times during the day and before bed for several weeks.

Release form

Castor oil has a light color, a specific smell, and a liquid consistency. After application to the skin, it tends to be quickly absorbed by the skin without forming a film.

Composition of castor oil:

  • Palmitic acid – gives castor oil viscosity;
  • Oleic acid – activates natural cell restoration processes;
  • Ricinolenic acid – softens the skin and helps eliminate damaged skin cells;
  • Linoleic acid – moisturizes and stops epidermal cells;
  • Stearic acid – promotes rapid penetration of beneficial substances into the epidermis;
  • Vitamins of group E – actively act to brighten and cleanse the skin.

Available in liquid form, in dark glass bottles of various volumes. It is recommended to purchase the drug only at pharmacy kiosks to reduce the risk of encountering a counterfeit.


It has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties that fight viral infections.
The allicin content forms strong antimicrobial activity against a wide range of bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. It will easily kill the virus. Peel and crush a few cloves. Rub the paste onto the affected area. You can also consume it orally. If you don't like the smell, you can take the capsules three times a day for a week. Do this daily until it is removed.

Complex treatment

According to patient reviews, castor seed oil is quite successful in fighting small papillomas. It is much more difficult to remove large warts using this therapy. But we should not forget that, no matter the size of the formations, treatment should not be limited only to their destruction.

To date, there are no methods to achieve complete removal of HPV from the patient’s body. Therefore, the main goals of treatment are:

  • remove existing papillomas;
  • prevent the emergence of new formations.

It is impossible to avoid relapse without systemic antiviral and immunostimulating effects. This is explained by the fact that in the human body the virus can exist in two forms: active and inactive. In the first option, the virus multiplies and clinical manifestations of the infection are observed; in the second, it “sleeps.” Putting the virus into a dormant state is the key to successful systemic treatment.

Only the use of drugs that are active against HPV and increase the overall resistance of the patient’s body can lead to the disappearance of papillomas or a reduction in their size. This treatment allows you to reduce destructive procedures or carry them out to a lesser extent.

Castor oil seeds, from which castor oil is obtained

You can use castor oil to get rid of papillomas at home, but you should not start using it without first consulting a specialist. The doctor must, first of all, confirm the benign nature of the neoplasms. For this purpose, dermatoscopy is mandatory: examination and assessment of the formation using a special optical device - a dermatoscope. The second important task of a dermatologist is the competent prescription of antiviral drugs and agents for correcting immunity.

Baking soda

Due to the antiseptic and strong anti-inflammatory properties present in baking soda, it helps fight viruses.
Mix one teaspoon of white vinegar with baking soda to make a thick paste. Apply the paste twice a day, perhaps once in the morning and once at night. Dissolve baking soda in water and soak the affected arm or leg in the solution for about 30 minutes. Do not wipe your arm or leg. Instead, air dry your skin. You can also mix baking soda and castor oil to make a paste. Apply it over the top using a bandage. You can leave the paste overnight and rinse your skin with water in the morning. Repeat this remedy for several days until the formation disappears.


The external use of castor oil has virtually no restrictions. The only contraindication is the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the product included in its composition.

To prevent an allergic reaction, it is necessary to apply a small amount of the product to the inner surface of the forearm before use. The result of the skin test must be taken into account 20–40 minutes after application. If there is no redness, itching, or rash, then the patient can fight papillomas with castor oil.

Thuja oil

It modulates the immune response to such an extent that warts disappear due to antiviral processes initiated by the body.
This remedy works best for lesions that may smell or bleed, on the legs and genitals and is mainly used in homeopathic treatment. After cleaning the area, apply a drop of essential oil and cover with a bandage. Change it every day and reapply a drop of oil while changing the bandage again. Repeat every day until the formation disappears.

Vitamins (A, E and C)

Topical application of vitamin A can shrink warts without leaving scars.
Vitamin A interferes with the process of viral replication and also triggers the body's immune response. Carefully open the capsule and apply the oil to the wart. Leave to absorb. Use fish oil capsules if you can't find vitamin A capsules. Vitamin E oil is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. It speeds up the natural healing process. Remove the oil from the capsule and apply. Cover with a bandage all day and remove it before going to bed. Repeat for several weeks.

The acidity of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) will help kill the virus and reduce the size until it falls off or disappears. Grind two to three vitamin C tablets and add some water to make a paste. Apply the paste and cover it with adhesive tape or tape. Use the home remedy until you see results.


Home remedies for mole removal are poorly studied and contain varying degrees of risk. A person should never use home mole removal methods as a substitute for a medical examination. A doctor can help identify cancerous moles that require different treatments.

For some people, home methods may be an inexpensive solution to removing unwanted moles, but they should research the removal product carefully and be aware that it may not work, may cause side effects, and may even be life-threatening .

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