After removal, the mole began to itch and hurt: how dangerous is the condition?

Normal healing process

It is considered normal for the mole removal site to hurt for several weeks. If the nevus is large, it will likely take longer to heal. Everything will depend on the specifics of each human body.

Signs of healing

  • Minor pain;
  • Slight redness of the skin;
  • Crust formation.

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If after surgery a person is bothered by any extraneous signs, it is better to go to the hospital in a timely manner to avoid serious complications.

Treatment options

After a few days, a crust appears on the wound, which cannot be wetted or torn off independently in order to avoid infections.

Conservative methods of treating pain after mole removal include:

  • Potassium permanganate;
  • Healing ointments;
  • Sunscreens.

Laser mole removal - price in Moscow

Serviceprice, rub.
Consultation with a dermatologist, candidate of medical sciences2600,00
Consultation with a dermatologist1600,00
Repeated consultation1300,00
Material collection400,00
Course of treatment of various forms of herpetic skin infection11500,00
Course of treatment for dermatitis of various etiologies18200,00
Treatment course for psoriasis23700,00

Those who have decided to undergo laser mole removal are not least interested in the price of the procedure. It happens that you need to get rid of several pieces, or even dozens. There are many factors influencing the cost, since the result can be obtained using several methods and on different equipment. A dermatologist-oncologist can give advice on the appropriate method based on the results of an examination of a particular person.

The cost of the procedure itself depends on the size of the fragment being removed. The larger, the more expensive. Based on their parameters, nevi are grouped into three categories:

  • pigment clusters up to 5 mm in diameter are considered small;
  • medium - in the range from 5 mm to 10 mm;
  • large - everything larger than 1 cm.

Laser mole removal is more often in demand. The cost of the procedure is available for any category of citizens.


Removing a mole is a common manipulation in medical practice, which takes place without complicated consequences. But sometimes a red bump appears at the site of mole removal - an infiltrate that can cause pain.

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This phenomenon is explained by the fact that cellular elements with blood and lymph have accumulated in the tissues. The cause of the disease is:

  • Damage to soft tissues;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Improper postoperative care;
  • Penetration of infection.

Signs of infiltration

The disease does not manifest itself with many symptoms, but among them are:

  • Pain from touching the place where the mole was removed;
  • Local redness of the skin.

If the disease does not provoke inflammatory processes, signs may be completely absent.

Under any circumstances, it is worth visiting your doctor again in order to avoid unpleasant outcomes.

Treatment options

To eliminate infiltration, doctors use:

  • Regeneration therapy;
  • Antibacterial drugs;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.

All medications must be strictly prescribed by a doctor.

Why is it better to remove a mole with a laser in Moscow at the Yuzhny Central Medical Center?

The medical specialist diagnoses and eliminates benign tumors. The center was founded in 1989.

The current license LO-77-01-006224 was issued by the Moscow Department of Health on May 24, 2013.

Cosmetology and dermatology are two of the twenty-four areas practiced in a multidisciplinary clinic. Visitors receive a full range of services:

  • consultation with a cosmetologist, dermatologist and oncologist;
  • laboratory analysis, including histological studies;
  • laser therapy with bloodless excision of tumors;
  • postoperative monitoring and support.

The online registration function at the clinic for laser mole removal is available around the clock.

Thermal burn

When a person decides to remove a mole, he should carefully study each technique and make the right decision. For example, if, after removing a mole, the place where burning with liquid nitrogen was carried out hurts, then this is a thermal burn. It is formed due to the substance entering healthy tissue.

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This method has some caveats and is contraindicated for people who:

  • Infectious diseases;
  • Herpes;
  • Arterial pressure;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Lactation;
  • Pregnancy.

Signs of a burn

  • Burning;
  • Local redness;
  • Edema.

Treatment options

You can get rid of a burn with the help of wound-healing ointments, which should be prescribed by your doctor.

Hypertrophic scar

As a rule, after professional removal of a mole, a barely noticeable scar or no trace remains on the body. Of course, it all depends on the chosen method, including :

  • Laser;
  • Radio waves;
  • Electrocoagulation;
  • Cryodestruction;
  • Surgery.

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But, if healing is accompanied by some disturbances, then a hypertrophic scar appears at the site of the removed mole - stretched skin, causing pain and discomfort.

This disease occurs due to excess collagen produced by multiplied cells. Fibroblasts are cells that are supposed to eliminate excess collagen formation. As a result of these disorders, a hypertrophic scar is generated.

Signs of illness

Signs of the disease include:

  • Pain in the affected area;
  • Discomfort of movements;
  • Visible skin changes.

Treatment options

When a scar from a mole hurts, doctors prescribe:

  • Drug therapy;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Radiation therapy;
  • Laser grinding.

Lymph node excision

After the diagnosis of melanoma is confirmed, it is necessary to check the lymph nodes close to the tumor (they are called regional) - perhaps the tumor cells have managed to spread into them. Computed tomography, MRI, PET scan, and fine-needle biopsy of lymph nodes are performed. If they are also affected, they are excised. If, according to the examination, the regional lymph nodes are not affected, a sentinel biopsy, or sentinel lymph node biopsy, can be performed. A radiopharmaceutical or fluorescent dye is injected into the area of ​​the melanoma.

It penetrates the lymphatic vessels and spreads through them to the lymph nodes. The lymph node that receives the dye first is called the sentinel node. It is removed and a biopsy is performed. If malignant cells are found in it, then they most likely have spread to other regional lymph nodes. Sentinel biopsy is especially useful in cases where the melanoma is thicker than 1 mm. It is currently unknown whether a patient can be cured by removing lymph nodes affected by melanoma. At the very least, it helps prolong life and reduce pain and other symptoms.


After removal of the nevus, pain is caused by suppuration, which can be seen by everyone. In case of such manifestations, it is recommended to immediately visit a doctor.

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The consequence of suppuration is:

  • Negligent attitude to the doctor’s rehabilitation instructions;
  • Staphylococcus;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • Various microbes;
  • Chronic inflammatory process;
  • Lack of personal hygiene;
  • Dirty water.

Signs of illness

Signs of suppuration include:

  • Poor wound healing;
  • Local redness;
  • Paroxysmal pain;
  • Heat;
  • Purulent discharge;
  • Swelling.

These signs are evidence of a serious complication that requires urgent and appropriate treatment.

Treatment options

To treat suppuration that has formed at the site of a removed mole, antibacterial therapy is used, including:

  • Antimicrobial ointments and powders;
  • Zelenka;
  • Potassium permanganate;
  • Sometimes, antibiotics.

Should you see a doctor with these symptoms?

If deviations appear after removing a mole, atypical symptoms, pain, even if the symptoms stop spontaneously, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid complications.

There is no need to self-medicate or use traditional medicine methods. You can aggravate the pathological condition and provoke complications after removal. It is forbidden to scratch the postoperative wound.

It is necessary to pay attention to acute symptoms. If certain signs appear, you should immediately contact the dermatology department:

  • atypical discharge from the wound - blood, pus, serous clear liquid - one-time or constant;
  • raising body temperature to 39-40 degrees. Prolonged hyperemia, which is poorly treated with antipyretics and NSAIDs;
  • acute and throbbing pain, difficult to relieve with medications. Taking ibuprofen or aspirin should be avoided: they increase the risk of bleeding from a postoperative wound.

The doctor will determine the nature of the changes, conduct diagnostics, and help differentiate pathological symptoms from normal processes of epithelization of the postoperative wound. If necessary, he will prescribe additional biochemical tests or histological examination of tissue from the surgical area.


Many people are interested in whether it hurts to remove a mole, but few are interested in the consequences, because beauty and comfort always come first. Sometimes, the mole itself becomes the cause of illnesses. But, before you go for an operation to remove it, you should find out the nature of its occurrence and possible consequences.

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Pain after mole removal is caused by melanoma, an oncological disease that is a type of skin cancer. According to statistics, 200 thousand people in the world die from melanoma every year.

Scientists to this day have not been able to find out the exact causes of the disease, but they have been able to identify some factors that contribute to the development of melanoma, which causes pain after mole removal:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Ultraviolet irradiation;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Sunburn;
  • Age category over 50 years.

Signs of illness

Signs of melanoma formation include:

  • Pain at the site of the removed mole;
  • Itching;
  • Burning;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Edema.

Proper removal of a mole is a reliable measure for preventing the disease. Pain and tumor formation can provoke the following cases:

  • Traumatic removal methods;
  • Incomplete removal of a mole;
  • The presence of cancer cells in the body.

Therefore, if after removal of a mole pain appears or the area begins to itch, you should immediately seek advice from specialists.

Treatment options

To get rid of melanoma that causes pain after removing a mole, doctors do a repeat procedure, including:

  • Surgical intervention;
  • Chemotherapy;
  • Immunotherapy;
  • Radiation therapy.

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