The effectiveness of facial threads in cosmetology: expert opinion

Moving the skin on the face that is beginning to “fall” with your fingers, it seems: how nice it would be to straighten it a little here, and tighten it here. Threads help move, tighten and secure tissues in a higher, more youthful position. Although a certain amount of skepticism regarding them remains (this is “a little bit” - “a little bit”), “cutting to hell” is not relevant today. If there is a slight excess of tissue, thread lifts can avoid plastic surgery. In addition, according to some surgeons, they are an excellent prevention of age-related changes.

The threads presented today on the cosmetology market can be roughly divided into non-absorbable, absorbable and combined, smooth and with protrusions. Some of them are used independently, others are also used in combination with plastic surgery. The durability of thread lifting depends on the material, the shape of the thread, the depth of its placement, the method of application and fastening in the tissues.

Advantages of our center

  • When you come to us, you can count on a high level of cosmetic services and maximum efficiency and safety of all procedures .
  • The Center's specialists have undergone multi-stage training in working with biothreads and have all the necessary diplomas and certificates.
  • The materials used in the work have been repeatedly tested and tested , purchased from reliable suppliers and stored in the right conditions .
  • The problem of each patient in our center is treated with maximum concern - we do not prescribe unnecessary procedures and always give recommendations that will help solve your particular problem, without unnecessary procedures and “universal” solutions.
  • At the GMTClinic medical center you will find high service and fair prices .

Experts' opinion

Facelift, “thread lifting” is one of the most effective and safe, and, as a result, most recommended by cosmetologists for patients of almost all ages. At the same time, each patient must clearly understand: effectiveness depends on the correct choice of threads and the method of their introduction, and the thread lifting procedure itself requires high skill and considerable experience from the doctor. And therefore, the choice of a clinic and a doctor should be approached with maximum responsibility. Both your beauty and your health depend on it.

Mesothreads and Aptos threads: what is the difference?

Mesothreads based on the surgical suture material polydioxanone were developed by Korean doctors. And Aptos threads, created from caprolactone containing L-lactic acid, are the brainchild of Russian-Georgian specialists. Both threads have been successfully used for a long time to correct the shape of the face and restore the skin, but the lifespan of the threads is different. Threadlifting performed using mesothreads guarantees results for up to 1–1.5 years. The effect of using Aptos threads lasts slightly longer - up to 2 years when using biodegradable threads, and up to 5 years when using surgical ones. There are a number of other differences, particularly in price. Like other medical interventions, the introduction of any of these bioreinforcement materials is possible only after consultation with a specialist. During the consultation, the doctor will help you choose the best option, taking into account all factors.

Tissulift threads, or Serdeva threads

The author of this non-surgical facelift technique, which has existed since the mid-90s, is the famous Bulgarian plastic surgeon Nikolai Serdev. The Tissulift thread lift uses smooth, non-absorbable threads. They consist of fibers woven and twisted together with different compositions: silicone, polyurethane and polyamide, which do not cause a rejection reaction. They are arranged in the form of a loop that holds and lifts sagging tissue. In addition, unlike previously described technologies (Aptos, etc.), they are necessarily attached to fixed bone structures (dense fascia, periosteum). The thickness of Tissulift threads varies and depends on what area or part of the body they are used on. According to doctors, a Tissulift lift done on time (before 40 years of age) is an excellent prevention of age-related changes. It allows you to maintain the proportions of your face and body as they were in your youth.

Advantages of Tissulift thread lift:

  • Eliminates most manifestations of facial ptosis. The technique allows you to lift the corners of the eyes, eyebrows and lips. Increase the volume of the cheekbone area. Smooth out the nasolabial fold. Change the shape of the buttocks by redistributing your own tissues.
  • The level of the threads is the deep subcutaneous layer (on the face – the SMAS level). This allows for greater tissue lift to be achieved. The severity and duration of the effect is also influenced by the fastening of the threads in dense structures.
  • A feature of the Tissulift thread lifting is the ability of the threads to stretch and reverse elasticity due to a special type of weaving. The material is able to retain the properties of the ligature for a number of years (on average 4-5 years).
  • If a problem occurs, smooth threads are easily removed: the skin and soft tissues are not injured.

Disadvantages of lifting with Tissulift threads:

  • The technique requires incisions
  • With powerful tissue mobilization, a hypercorrection effect is possible that lasts from 2 weeks to 2 months.

Conditions for the procedure: The lift is performed in the operating room under local or general anesthesia. What kind of anesthesia is used depends on the area and volume of the area being restored.

Rehabilitation time: 2 weeks.

Effect: lasts on average 3 – 4 years.

Cost: Facelift - about 35,000 - 50,000 rubles.

Advantages of mesothreads and Aptos threads

  • The threads activate the production of your own collagen and help smooth out the skin layers.
  • Special notches provide a strong frame and do not allow the threads to “move out”.
  • The procedure is atraumatic due to the technique of insertion through cannulas.
  • Violations of facial expressions and blood supply to the skin are excluded.
  • The threads cannot be seen under the skin with the naked eye.
  • It is possible to model tissue in any problem area of ​​the face and décolleté.
  • Reinforcement with Aptos threads and mesothreads guarantees a quick result, noticeable immediately after the procedure.
  • Thread reinforcement by a professional means a high level of safety and a low likelihood of complications.
  • The skin smoothing effect will be noticeable immediately after the procedure, and the maximum result will reach 30–45 days after the procedure.

SMAS facelift: pros and cons

Pros of facelift

  • The rejuvenation is so pronounced that after the operation they don’t believe your passport age;
  • Long-term effect;
  • You do not experience pain during the operation. Even after the intervention, they are not very pronounced - the face does not hurt, and discomfort can be reduced with the help of ultraphonophoresis and painkillers;
  • You can reduce swelling after a facelift and shorten rehabilitation using a lymphatic drainage massage procedure;
  • The effect will be pronounced even in patients with full faces;
  • In one operation you can cope with all aesthetic imperfections.

Cons of facelift

  • There are strict contraindications (including anesthetic ones);
  • Need preparation;
  • Not the easiest and fastest rehabilitation;
  • Risks of surgery (damage to the facial nerve);
  • The price of the operation is higher than that of the procedure with mesothreads.

Introduction of mesothreads and Aptos threads

Threadlifting with mesothreads and Aptos threads is performed according to the same scheme, which is preceded by a doctor’s examination. After the consultation, the specialist identifies problem areas and marks the places where the threads are inserted. For people with a low pain threshold, the doctor may offer local anesthesia.

The next stage is the beginning of setting the threads. Micro-punctures are made in the skin, where a cannula or needle with material is inserted. Next, following strictly outlined lines, the needle goes to the surface of the tissue, leaving biothread in the thickness of the skin. After installing mesothreads and Aptos, the punctures are treated with an antiseptic, and cold can be applied for 15-20 minutes to prevent complications.

The time of the procedure depends on the location of the correction. Thus, lifting and shaping the face contour can take up to 1.5 hours, and eliminating wrinkles of the nasolabial triangle will take no more than 30 minutes.

Thread lift “Happy lift”

Biodegradable “Happy lift” threads are made from polydiaxone (PDS) treated with polylactic acid. They are approximately 2-2.5 times thicker than a hair. And in design they are similar to the Aptos method - counter notches are applied to the center on the periphery of the thread. Although the thread itself dissolves on average in 6-9 months, thanks to polylactic acid, a fairly dense fibrous capsule is formed around it. After performing the function of a thread for some time, after one and a half to two years the capsule undergoes destruction. “Happy lift” threads are installed in a parallel direction: this eliminates the risk of generalization in case of inflammatory reactions (infection).

Advantages of “Happy lift” thread lift:

  • Biodegradability. After resorption, no foreign substance remains in the tissues.

Disadvantages of “Happy lift” thread lift:

  • The effect is short-lived. Threads made of absorbable material already have greater stretchability, and notches weaken the thread even more.

Conditions for the procedure: installation of threads is usually carried out under local anesthesia and takes 30-40 minutes.

Rehabilitation time: 7 – 10 days.

Duration of effect: 1.5 – 2 years.

Cost: a facelift on average costs from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles.

How to prepare for the procedure? Recovery period

Be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking any medications. Two weeks before bioreinforcement and for two weeks after, you should refrain from serious physical activity, visiting the solarium and sauna. The day before you should not drink alcohol, coffee, strong tea or nicotine.

During the first three days of thread lifting, you should not use cosmetics or sleep on your stomach. It is also necessary to avoid overly active facial expressions.

The use of mesothreads and Aptos threads is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, people with blood clotting diseases, patients during exacerbation of chronic diseases and on critical days.

Thread lifting: pros and cons

If there are certain medical indications (skin quality, severity of age-related changes, face without excess adipose tissue), a cosmetic procedure can be a worthy alternative to plastic surgery.

Pros of thread lifting

  • minimally invasive, scar-free cosmetic procedure;
  • enough to eliminate mild grade I ptosis of the oval face, remove nasolabial lines and wrinkles;
  • local anesthesia;
  • a temporary alternative to surgery if you are not ready for it;
  • the price of a facelift with threads is lower than that of plastic surgery;
  • minimal contraindications (suitable for patients with decompensated diabetes mellitus);
  • short rehabilitation.

Cons of thread lifting

  • short-term result;
  • If you decide to have SMAS in the future and have previously had non-absorbable threads installed, the plastic surgeon will have to remove them during surgery;
  • less pronounced effect;
  • not so beneficial in the long run.
  • not suitable for overweight patients and over 60 years of age.

Related procedures

Along with the introduction of mesothreads and Aptos, it is recommended to carry out other cosmetic procedures to ensure a comprehensive effect. Radiofrequency lifting, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, and botulinum therapy go well with thread correction.

Threads in cosmetology: patient reviews

As in any field of cosmetology, one of the decisive factors in a patient’s choice of a clinic and a doctor is reviews. “Threads in cosmetology” is no exception here, so let’s speak to those who have already made their choice in favor of thread lifting.

“I visited the Total Charm clinic for the first time in 2022 and was made an appointment with E.G. Azizyan. Performed a thread lift procedure. Since then I only turn to him. E.G. a true professional in his field, attentive and neat. I believe that the most important thing in a relationship with a doctor is the patient’s trust in him. The doctor has a surprisingly light hand. The procedure is quick and painless, which is important.”

(Bogomolova Angelina Aleksandrovna, doctor Azizyan Eric Grigorievich)

“I really love this clinic. Responsive and attentive staff. Many thanks to Dr. Azizyan Erik Grigorievich for transforming my face. From consultation to procedure, everything is at the highest level.

Thank you!!!"

(Natalia Petrovna Polityko, doctor Eric Grigorievich Azizyan)

“I was very pleased with the Total Charm clinic on Chistoprudny Boulevard, everyone is very attentive and courteous. I really liked the cosmetologist Ilona Valerievna, she treated my wishes with understanding, in the end everything turned out great, I’m happy with the result. I will definitely come to Ilona Valerievna again"

(Rodina Svetlana Aleksandrovna, doctor Toriya Ilona Valerievna)

How much does the procedure cost?

The price for the procedure for introducing mesothreads and Aptos threads consists of a number of factors. These include the level of the specialist, the type of threads and the amount of material used, the correction area and other components. The doctors of our center will calculate the specific amount for you during the consultation.

Discover the possibilities for the most youthful and toned face, neck, and décolleté. Call the phone number listed on the website, or fill out an online application and schedule a consultation with our specialists.

If mesothreads or Aptos threads, then definitely go to GMTClinic!

Types of threads

  • Smooth - they are located in the deep layers of the skin, so they provide a pronounced tightening effect. This type of thread lifting involves the use of non-absorbable threads, so it can be used to correct severe sagging skin.
  • Mesothreads dissolve over time, so they are perfect for correcting skin imperfections in women aged 35-40 years. The threads remain under the skin for a year, during which time a special fibrous tissue is formed at their location, due to which the effect of supporting the skin continues even after the disappearance of the threads themselves. Mesothreads can be smooth or in the form of springs - the latter option provides better support for the skin.
  • With notches - such threads have the effect of better fastening in fabrics due to the small “notches” that are applied along their entire length. Thanks to the notches, the effect of such thread lifting usually lasts for a longer period.
  • The classic threads made from caprolactone and polylactic acid traditionally include Aptos, Silhouette lift, Resorblift, Dermafil Happy lift threads. They can be either absorbable or non-absorbable - the choice is made by a cosmetologist individually for each patient.

Complications -

Usually, after thread reinforcement, there are no hematomas and no significant tissue swelling. This is due to the fact that work in the depths of the tissue is carried out with a blunt-pointed cannula, which pushes the vessels and nerves apart, rather than cutting them like a sharp-pointed needle. In addition, the installation of reinforcing threads is carried out subdermally, and at this depth there are simply no large vessels that can be injured. Therefore, immediately after the procedure, as a rule, you will not see any hematomas or swelling, but there will be slight redness of the skin.

However, if the doctor inserts the threads too deeply, then injury to the vessels is still possible even with a cannula, and in this case the bleeding may be severe enough that it may require stopping the procedure. But in small hematomas along the threads there is a big plus. The fact is that sclerosis of such hematomas leads to an increase in skin density and, thus, the effect will be better (no matter how strange it may seem).

If there are technical errors (deep insertion of threads), the integrity of various formations, for example, the excretory duct or the capsule of the parotid salivary gland, may be damaged. Most often, inexperienced cosmetologists injure the duct, which leads to the formation of salivary fistulas and many problems that require elimination. If the doctor inserted the threads too superficially, there may be persistent retraction of the skin along the thread (thread contouring). If the threads are inserted too deeply, there may be, on the contrary, protrusion of the tissue.

Incorrect cutting of the ends of the threads at the point of skin puncture can lead to skin injury and the development of inflammation. The inflammation may appear as a small inflamed bump (papule without pus). There may also be severe infectious complications, such as abscess and cellulitis, which can occur due to violations of sterility during the procedure, damage to the salivary gland duct, improper cutting of the ends of the threads, and lack of proper wound care on the part of the patient. Another complication is exacerbation of herpes.

Cost of thread lifting with Kogi threads

The price of the procedure is determined individually depending on the severity of the problem and the expected effect. The cost of one Kogi thread is 2200 rubles. Accordingly, if five threads are required to achieve the result, the price will be 11,000 rubles. The cosmetologist will be able to tell the exact price of the service only after consultation and examination of the patient.

Prices for threadplasty

NEEDLE 2G (2 strands) mental area36,000 rub.
NEEDLE 2G (2 threads) middle zone36,000 rub.
SPRING (4 threads) wrinkles of sadnessRUB 21,500
THREAD 2G (2 threads) eyebrows35,000 rub.
THREAD 2G (2 threads) mental area35,000 rub.
THREAD 2G (2 threads) middle face area35,000 rub.
VISAGE 10 threads 2 zones38,000 rub.
Mesothread thread lifting1,200 rub.
KOGI threads (1 piece)2,200 rub.
KOGI threads (5 pcs)11,000 rub.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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