Grapeseed oil for the face: benefits and effectiveness in cosmetology

Grapeseed oil is obtained from fruit seeds using solvents heated to a certain temperature or by cold pressing. The product obtained by the second method is considered the most valuable for use in cosmetology, since it retains all the beneficial substances of the natural fruit.

Grape seed oil is valued for its light consistency and high concentration of vitamin E. It is a light yellow, slightly lemon-colored product, without a distinct odor and with a very light microtexture. Unrefined grape seed oil is used as a facial treatment.

Natural grape seed oil is rich in nutrients that are extremely beneficial for the face and body. The product contains: stearic, oleic and linoleic acids, flavonoids, lecithin, vitamins E, A, PP, C, B, mineral compounds.

general description

It is a vegetable oil obtained by hot extraction. After the winemaking process, the seeds become an excellent raw material for extracting valuable cosmetic liquid. Organic solvents are used that are heated to a certain temperature. When the seeds are mixed with acids, the top layer of the seeds is destroyed, which makes it easier to extract the oil.

The most economical method, but when heated, most of the useful elements are lost. The best method, from the point of view of preserving cosmetic properties, is considered to be the cold pressing method. This oil has regenerating, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

Widely used in cosmetology to solve a whole range of aesthetic problems. Effectively used for oily, problematic, dry, mature, dehydrated skin. The valuable composition nourishes, restores lipid balance, strengthens thin blood vessels. There are several types - refined, unrefined, and also cosmetic, which is a mixture of oils and extracts.

It has a light texture, light yellow color with a lemon tint, and practically no aroma.

Note! It is economically used despite the oily consistency, moisturizes without clogging pores.

Grape oil for skin rejuvenation

Grapeseed oil is a completely natural product. As part of many anti-aging facial care products, it is useful for getting rid of fine expression lines and deep age wrinkles. Compared to analogues, this substance has several advantages:

  • complete composition for nourishing and moisturizing the skin;
  • light texture - the oil is quickly absorbed into the deep layers of the skin;
  • low risk of developing allergies.

Wrinkles occur when the blood supply and nutrition of certain areas of the skin are disrupted. Most often they appear in those areas that gather into small folds when the facial muscles move. Over time, the situation worsens because wrinkles compress blood vessels and skin folds deepen.

A little history

Grapes are one of the most ancient crops distributed throughout the world. In Ancient Greece there was a cult of the vine; cheerful, noisy festivals praised the god Dionysius. Juicy berries were widely used in ancient Eastern medicine.

All parts of grapes were used in the treatment of various diseases. According to one version, one of the winemakers came up with the idea of ​​squeezing berry seeds; he simply felt sorry for throwing away so much valuable raw material.

The beneficial properties of oil were known back in the Middle Ages. A French perfumer created an elixir based on grape seed oil for his beloved to strengthen and shine her hair.

How to get it yourself

You can make your own grape seed oil at home. To do this you need:

  1. Dry the dark variety seeds in an oven or dryer at a temperature of 40-50 degrees, stirring occasionally;
  2. After this, grind them in a meat grinder, blender or coffee grinder. The crushed mass should be placed in a glass jar and filled with refined sunflower oil;
  3. Over time, the stone mass will absorb oil, so it needs to be added periodically. So that the oil covers the grounds by 1 cm;
  4. After a day, put the jar in the refrigerator for a week. Every two days the mass needs to be stirred;
  5. After 7 days, strain the seeds through cheesecloth or thin cotton cloth and refrigerate for three days. A green layer will accumulate on the surface, which is what we need. Carefully remove it, place it in a dark container and store it in the refrigerator.

The process is labor-intensive, but you can be completely sure that the product is natural.

Beneficial features

In cosmetology it is used as a hormone of youth, as it has a unique balanced composition. The oil is easily absorbed, does not leave an oily sheen, and gives the skin a well-groomed, radiant appearance.


  • stearic acid protects the epidermis from the effects of aggressive factors, restores water-lipid metabolism, transports nutrients to the deep layers of the dermis, has moisturizing properties, prevents peeling and dryness;
  • oleic acid is a powerful antioxidant, promotes cell regeneration, preserves membrane structures, restores water-fat balance, improves skin structure, is effective for the prevention of wrinkles, ptosis, normalizes the condition of problematic dermis, relieves inflammation, narrows pores;
  • linoleic acid will help restore stressed and dehydrated skin, calm inflammation, cope with acne, it also preserves collagen fibers, prevents the appearance of sagging, wrinkles, is quickly absorbed, softening dead skin cells of the epidermis;
  • flavonoids improve the general condition of the skin, normalize intracellular metabolic processes, strengthen blood vessels, are effective in preventing rosacea, have an anti-inflammatory effect, stop the proliferation of pathogenic flora, and help fight acne;
  • lecithin is necessary for cell structure, participates in regeneration processes, protects cell membranes, transports vitamins and minerals to deep layers, neutralizes the effects of free radicals, improves the absorption of fatty acids
  • Vitamin E slows down skin aging, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, maintains firmness and elasticity, accelerates the restoration of damaged dermis, normalizes lipid balance, and activates cell renewal;
  • mineral compounds prevent swelling and sagging skin, are responsible for the elasticity of capillaries, and a beautiful even tone.

The composition of essential oil, or why does it deserve our love?

To understand that such a simple product as grape seed oil deserves a place of honor in your cosmetic bag, just look at its composition! It is a storehouse of elements beneficial for our skin: it contains vitamins E, A, B, C, as well as potassium, calcium, iron and much more.

In addition, it contains a flavonoid called proanthocyanidin, one of the most powerful antioxidants.

But the greatest benefit comes from the high content of fatty acids: Omega-6 linoleic acid (about 70%), Omega-9 oleic acid (up to 25%), as well as stearic, palmitic and some others.

It is these elements that explain all the benefits of this product and its popularity among the fair sex.

Indications for use

Grape oil is suitable for all skin types, normalizes the condition of tired, dehydrated, aging dermis. Also recommended for inflammation, frequent rashes, acne and comedones.

Restores sensitive, thin skin, prevents the appearance of spider veins. For cosmetic purposes, an unrefined product is used. Oil that has undergone several degrees of purification is used in cooking.


  • has antioxidant properties, prevents the formation of folds and wrinkles;
  • restores a healthy tone, relieves redness, and is effective in combating inflammation;
  • normalizes the synthesis of sebaceous secretions, is used to prevent the formation of acne and pustules;
  • increases the elasticity of blood vessels, effective in cases of rosacea;
  • activates the processes of regeneration, healing after traumatic procedures, mechanical and chemical damage to the integument;
  • has immunomodulatory qualities, neutralizes the influence of aggressive environmental factors, restores water-lipid balance;
  • stimulates the synthesis of collagen fibers, improves elasticity and firmness;
  • softens, cleanses the dermis, removes toxins, improves color, restores dense structure.

Where is the best place to buy

For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use unrefined oil, the composition of which contains the maximum number of components. It is better to purchase at a pharmacy, you can also find it in an online store. It is recommended to choose in a glass container, not plastic, with a dispenser or dropper pipette. Cost from 80 to 200 rubles. depending on the manufacturer.

It should be stored in a closed bottle, protected from direct sunlight, at room temperature for 6 to 12 months.

Important point! Spoiled, old oil can be recognized by the appearance of rancid notes. A good, high-quality product does not have a pronounced aroma.

General recommendations for use

Universal oil can be used throughout the year. It can be used for dermatitis, as well as other skin diseases, and for problematic, porous dermis. If you follow the basic recommendations, you can achieve a pronounced, lasting effect of well-groomed, radiant skin:

  • used throughout the year, in summer it prevents the appearance of pigmentation and dehydration, in winter it protects against low temperatures;
  • to improve penetration, the oil must be heated in a water bath before use;
  • goes well with other base oils and esters, can be added to creams, emulsions, including for delicate eyelid skin;
  • Just a few drops of valuable liquid are enough to moisturize the entire surface of the face; it can also be applied to the neck, décolleté, hands and entire body;
  • recommended to be included in daily care for oily, problematic, dehydrated skin prone to rosacea;
  • has a cumulative effect, the longer the valuable product is used, the more noticeable the transformation of the integument;
  • You need to apply it an hour before going to bed or going outside, so that the oil has time to be absorbed, leaving no greasy shine;
  • can be used to cleanse the skin of decorative cosmetics, to enrich finished cosmetic products, to prepare ointments for acne; it can also be used effectively in its pure form.

Directions for use on the face

Has a wide spectrum of action for aesthetic purposes. One of the few oils that can be used not only to nourish and moisturize, but also to cleanse the skin.

Instructions for use:

  1. To cleanse the face, the oil must be heated to 35–37° in a water bath.
  2. Moisten a cotton pad and wipe the surface of the skin, moving along the massage lines.
  3. Pay special attention to the eyelids; it removes waterproof mascara perfectly.
  4. Afterwards you can use a gel for washing or gommage. A delicate cleansing method allows you to maintain the water-lipid balance.

Moisturizing cream

Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes, eliminates dryness and flaking. It is a universal remedy for all skin types. It has a low level of comedogenicity and is suitable for oily, problematic dermis. There are classic combinations that allow you to enhance the effects of the oil, taking into account the characteristics of the skin:

  • for dry, mature, chapped dermis, tandems with wheat, avocado, and olive oils are used;
  • to tone tired, stressed skin, as well as to prevent rosacea, you need to add 2-3 drops of sandalwood or orange ether to 5 ml of grape oil;
  • for severe sagging, ptosis, deep wrinkles, a composition with esters of cinnamon, ginger, cloves is used; it can be used not only as a cream, but also as oil compresses;
  • to treat blackheads, acne, pustules, and get rid of oily shine, 10 ml of oil will require 2-3 drops of tea tree ether, lemon or bergamot;
  • For a lifting effect, as well as eliminating puffiness and wrinkles around the eyes, a cream based on grape and almond oil, taken in equal proportions, is used.

Mode of application:

  1. Clean your face with washing gel.
  2. Moisturize with thermal water.
  3. Distribute the mixture along the massage lines.
  4. After half an hour, blot the surface of the face with cosmetic wipes.

Enrichment of ready-made funds

The components are mixed immediately before use. You need to measure out a single dose of the finished product, add 2-5 drops of grape oil.

After mixing thoroughly, spread a thin layer on the surface of the face, neck, and décolleté along massage lines.

In this way, you can supplement the composition of a moisturizing, whitening, sunscreen cream, emulsion, lotion, washing gel or scrub.

Anti-wrinkle mask

Effectively fights flaking, a feeling of tightness, and normalizes water-fat balance. Regular use allows you to restore the elasticity and firmness of the skin; the natural product will give you a healthy, even tone.


  • 5 ml grape oil;
  • 2 drops of sandalwood ether;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 10 gr. oatmeal

Grind the oatmeal into powder in a coffee grinder and mix with the yolks. Separately combine nourishing and essential oils, then add the rest of the ingredients. Clean your face and apply the mask in a thick layer, avoiding the eyelid area. After 15 minutes, rinse off, and you can additionally apply moisturizer.

Acne mask

Helps stop the spread of pathogenic microflora and accelerate acne healing. Application eliminates pigmentation and traces of inflammation. Not only the color improves, the structure of the integument is evened out.


  • 5 ml grape oil;
  • 3 drops of grapefruit essential oil;
  • 5 gr. plantain herbs;
  • 5 gr. henna.

Grind dry plantain leaves in a mortar to a powder consistency and mix with henna. Dilute with mineral water or warm green tea to obtain the consistency of sour cream. Then add stone and citrus oils, mix the ingredients thoroughly. Pre-clean and steam your face. Apply a thick layer to problem areas of the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. Leave to act for half an hour, rinse with cool water.

Eye mask

An effective home recipe will help get rid of traces of insomnia, stress, and give radiance to your eyes. You can use it regularly to eliminate swelling, bruises, and crow's feet. The natural product fights the signs of aging, allowing you to prolong the youth of your skin.


  • 5 ml grape seed oil;
  • 5 gr. sour cream;
  • 5 ml parsley juice.

Using a press, squeeze out the parsley juice, combine with sour cream and moisturizing oil. In the evening, after cleansing the skin of makeup, distribute the product from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. Leave it overnight and remove the residue with a damp sponge in the morning.

Advice. Carry out skincare procedures in courses for 2 weeks, repeating 3 times a year.

Tonic for all skin types

It will strengthen capillaries and restore the protective functions of the skin; it is also recommended to use an effective remedy when preventing rosacea. Regular use will give you a beautiful healthy tone, moisturizing, and saturation with nutrients.


  • 10 ml grape oil;
  • 50 ml chamomile decoction;
  • 50 ml linden decoction;
  • 2 drops of ginger ether;
  • 3 drops of cajeput ether.

Prepare a decoction of chamomile and linden separately, strain and mix the liquids. Pour into a prepared glass jar, add seed oil, as well as the essential composition. Shake the prepared tonic thoroughly before use. Moisten a cotton pad and wipe the surface after washing and before applying moisturizer. Use regularly morning and evening.

Properties and benefits for the skin

The beneficial components and trace elements of grape seed oils for the skin can truly be considered healing. The combination of vitamins, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids nourishes the skin well, saturating it with healing components.

What are the beneficial properties of grape oil?

  1. Anti-inflammatory. The oil regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, reducing acne and inflammation on the face. When used daily, the oily essence promotes wound healing and prevents infectious skin diseases.
  2. Tones. Grapeseed oil increases the elasticity of facial skin, improves color, eliminates puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. Linoleic and palmitic acid, which are part of the oily liquid, promote the production of collagen, which is responsible for the tone of the skin.
  3. Antioxidant property. Improves tissue regeneration, thereby smoothing wrinkles and increasing the protective function of the skin.
  4. Softens the skin. Thanks to stearic acid in grape oil, the skin is well moisturized.
  5. Removes bags under the eyes, eliminates signs of fatigue, and tightens the skin around the eyes.
  6. Strengthens subcutaneous capillaries, thereby saturating the skin with oxygen, which is useful, for example, after prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

Application for lips, eyelashes, eyebrows

Widely used to care for eyebrows and eyelashes. Using grape oil, you can not only remove mascara and decorative cosmetics, but also stimulate growth and strengthen fine hairs. To achieve a pronounced effect, you need to cover your eyelashes with a thin layer every evening using an old brush. It is also useful to carry out the procedure for eyebrows; it can be used in pure form or mixed with other base oils of olive, almond, and macadamia.

Makes an excellent base for lip makeup. Distribute a few drops, and after 5 minutes you can apply gloss or lipstick. Grapeseed oil is also used to create a natural balm. You need to melt 10 grams in a water bath. beeswax and add 5 ml of oil. When the finished product hardens, it can be used to protect against chapping and flaking or as lip gloss.

The oil has excellent moisturizing properties, restoring shine and strength to dry hair. Strengthens hair follicles, activates growth, prevents the formation of dandruff and seborrhea.

TOP 10 funds




Composition: 100% vegetable oil Vitis vinifera L. Release form: 30 ml and 50 ml bottles. Storage conditions: in tightly closed bottles, protected from direct sunlight, out of the reach of children, at a temperature from 5°C to 25°C. Shelf life: 2 years.


  • price;
  • Effect;
  • smell;
  • availability;
  • quality;
  • noticeable results with regular use.


  • There is no pipette or dispenser.


  • Used for skin elasticity and tone.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the condition and appearance of any skin type.
  • Cleanses the skin, prevents pollution and the formation of blackheads, tightens pores, eliminates oily shine, mattifies.
  • Slows down the aging process of the skin, promotes rejuvenation of epidermal cells, increases elasticity, reduces wrinkles.
  • Moisturizes the skin and maintains the necessary level of hydration for a long time.

Contains procyanide, which is suitable for oily and combination skin. It has the ability to regulate sebum production, tightens pores without polluting them.

It has a powerful regenerating, antioxidant, moisturizing and strengthening effect.

Use pure or mixed with other vegetable oils in a 1:1 ratio. As a face mask: apply to face using massage lines. For cleansing. For body massage, including face, neck and décolleté.



Brief description of the product: Product form - 30 and 50 ml. Storage conditions: in tightly closed bottles, protected from direct sunlight, out of the reach of children, at a temperature from 5°C to 25°C. Shelf life: 2 years. Ingredients: 100% Vitis vinifera L. vegetable oil.


  • price;
  • quality;
  • the presence of results with constant use.


  • No

What problems does it solve:

  • retains moisture;
  • removes oily shine, tightens pores, gives the skin a matte tint;
  • removes inflammation;
  • heals small cracks and abrasions, regenerates the skin.

Suitable for all skin types, it perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and, with constant use, noticeably rejuvenates it. It has a healing effect and perfectly cleanses and tightens pores. Consists only of natural ingredients, it can be used either in its pure form or added by mixing with other oils.

How to use:

  1. Used in mixtures with other oils or in pure form.
  2. Applications and compresses.
  3. Massage.



Shelf life: 3 years. Composition : Vitis Vinifera Seed Oil.


  • price;
  • effective remedy;
  • quality.


  • Not detected

Helps cleanse the skin, prevents pollution and the formation of blackheads, tightens pores, rejuvenates epidermal cells, increases elasticity and reduces fine wrinkles. It slows down the aging process of the skin and mattifies it. Apply alone or together with cream.


Product volume - 100 ml.

Ingredients : almond oil, grape seed oil, avocado oil, sunflower oil, jojoba oil, sandalwood oil.
What problems does it solve:

  • Smoothes the surface of the skin and prevents its aging.
  • Nourishes and moisturizes the skin.


  • quality;
  • efficiency;
  • great composition.


  • high price.

High concentration of linoleic acid (58-78%), an essential fatty acid involved in cellular metabolism.
An excellent product for moisturizing and softening, tones and softens the skin well. It is used to protect capillaries, blood vessels, antioxidants. During the massage, apply oil to cleanse the skin. For cosmetic use, apply to clean skin and gently rub in circular motions until completely absorbed.



Product composition: 100% natural grape seed oil. Volume - 100 ml. Skin type - for all skin types. Purpose: moisturizing, regeneration, restoration, relieving irritation, increasing elasticity and strength. Has antioxidant and regenerating properties. Relieves redness and, in general, significantly improves the appearance and microrelief of the skin.


  • pleasant aroma and consistency;
  • quality;
  • bottle with pipette.


  • No

It is a valuable source of healthy fatty acids, among which linoleic acid predominates: thanks to this, the oil is perfectly absorbed and helps restore the hydrolipid balance.

It is used as an independent cosmetic product, as well as for the production of massage mixtures, scrubs, and creams.



Volume - 200 ml. Skin type - for all skin types. Purpose: for removing makeup, for washing.

Ingredients: Grapeseed oil, caprylic/capric triglyceride, sorbet tetraoleate-30, sorbitan sescioleate, flavor, camellia sinensis seed oil, vitis vinifera grape seed oil, rose canina fruit oil, bht.

Removes dirt as the first cleaning step. This leaves a thin oily film that may require additional cleaning with foam or micellar water. After application, the skin is soft, moisturized and does not feel tight.

The hydrophilic oily liquid in the composition removes cosmetics, dirt and dead particles from the upper layer of the epidermis.

Apply to palm using a dispenser, spread over damp skin, massage, remove makeup, rinse with water.



Product composition: 100% natural grape seed oil. Volume - 50 ml. Suitable for all skin types.

What problems does it solve:

  • Eliminates inflammation, restores skin integrity in case of various injuries.
  • Promotes skin regeneration and fights acne well.
  • Tones, refreshes sagging and sagging skin and helps smooth out wrinkles.

Grape seed oil has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal, regenerating, moisturizing, and tonic effects.
It nourishes, tones, refreshes, moisturizes dry skin and smoothes wrinkles. Use pure or in a mixture (1:1). In the form of applications, bandages, lubricants, massage and cosmetic mixtures.



Product composition: grape seed oil, kelp extract, lemongrass essential oil. Volume - 100 ml. Suitable for all skin types.


  • affordable price;
  • efficiency.


  • No

Relieves inflammation and redness, smoothes skin texture and promotes healing of problem areas
Operating principle: Omega-6 and Omega-9, chlorophyll, vitamin A, E, C and B - nourish and restore. Laminaria contains a huge amount of useful substances: microelements and macroelements, amino acids.

To use, apply a few drops of oil with your fingertips to well-cleansed skin. For better absorption, apply with massage movements.



The composition of the product is grape seed oil. Skin type - for all skin types.

What problems does it solve:

  • Rejuvenating effect on the skin, restores its elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, improves skin tone.
  • Fights rosacea.

One of the most powerful natural antioxidants. Helps rid the body of free radicals, has a regenerating and protective effect on the skin. It is used as an independent cosmetic product, as well as for the production of massage mixtures, scrubs, and creams.


Product composition: 100% unrefined, first cold-pressed grape seed oil. Volume - 10 ml. Skin type - oily, mature, combination, normal, problematic, dry, sensitive, aging.


  • affordable price;
  • high quality medicine;
  • effective.


  • Not detected

What problems does it solve:

  • for the treatment of problem skin;
  • for the skin around the eyes and wrinkles.

It has a rejuvenating effect, helps against age spots, as it has a whitening effect. In addition, regular use of this product improves skin immunity and strengthens its barrier functions.
How to use: in its pure form to nourish and moisturize the skin. As face masks.

Internal use

Grape seed oil is also used in cooking as a seasoning for prepared dishes in salads and sauces. It also has immunomodulatory properties and is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • varicose veins;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • dermatological pathologies.

Can be used as a dietary supplement to normalize general condition, as well as in the treatment of the above conditions. The oil is taken on an empty stomach in a volume of 10 ml for 2 weeks. To speed up absorption, it can be diluted in equal proportions with apple juice.

The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

Precautionary measures

For use for cosmetic purposes, the limitation for use is individual intolerance. Before a cosmetic procedure, a small amount of the prepared product or grape oil in its pure form should be applied to the wrist or the bend of the elbow. If within half an hour there is no burning sensation or redness, then it can be used to care for delicate facial skin.

Negative reactions can also occur when using old or adulterated oil. Therefore, you need to carefully study the packaging and pay attention to expiration dates.

How to choose a quality product?

If the oil has a grape aroma, then it is most likely fake. This product has a light nutty aroma.

There are several nuances to choosing a quality product:

  • It is best to choose cold-pressed oil.
  • It is better to give preference to oil in a dark glass bottle. If there is sediment at the bottom, this does not indicate poor quality of the product.
  • You should carefully study the oil label. It must be produced in Argentina, Spain, Italy or France.
  • It is best to purchase oil in a small bottle. This is due to the fact that after opening there is contact with air, which significantly reduces the shelf life of the oil.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the most popular base oils, it has many benefits. The affordable product allows you to maintain freshness, youthfulness of the skin, and is a powerful antioxidant. When choosing a natural product for skin care procedures, you should consider not only the positive properties, but also possible disadvantages.


  • suitable for all skin types, including sensitive, oily, prone to allergic reactions, rosacea;
  • does not have an addictive effect, the result of hydration and rejuvenation is observed even with long-term regular use;
  • can be used throughout the year, protects covers from dry air, gusts of wind, low temperatures, ultraviolet radiation;
  • You can purchase it in a pharmacy or online store; many will appreciate the combination of affordable cost and rich, balanced composition;
  • economical consumption allows you to moisturize the entire surface of the face with a few drops;
  • goes well with other base oils, essential oils, herbs and other natural ingredients;
  • used as an independent care product for the face, body, eyelashes, curls, you can also enrich ready-made cosmetic products - micellar water, makeup remover milk, scrub, gel for washing, moisturizer, eye serum, balms and hair masks.


  • not used in case of individual intolerance.

Reviews from cosmetologists

In professional cosmetology, grape seed oil is often used as part of effective products for the care of different skin types.

The cosmetologist describes the beneficial properties of the peeling, which also includes grape oil, which strengthens the skin's protective barrier.

In the review, the cosmetologist answers the question about the use of a biomask for hands and its beneficial properties. The effective remedy also includes grape, apricot and tea tree oils; natural ingredients quickly revive the skin.

The cosmetologist describes the procedure protocol; cleaning includes the use of milk with grape seed oil.

The review indicates the benefits of a professional sunscreen, in which grape seed oil improves microcirculation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Benefits of grape seed oil for the face

No wonder grape oil is called the “elixir of youth for the face.” After all, its use heals the skin, makes it soft and velvety.

Grapeseed oil can be used for any type of facial skin. It is equally useful for both middle-aged, aging skin and young skin with problems. The product also has a beneficial effect on the oily type of epidermis, which is prone to inflammation, rashes, blackheads and acne.

Grape seed oil for face:

  • saturates the skin with moisture and nutrients;
  • makes the skin more elastic and elastic;
  • being an antioxidant, it prevents the formation of wrinkles and smoothes them out;
  • eliminates looseness and swelling of the skin;
  • restores and heals minor injuries;
  • eliminates redness and inflammation, pimples and blackheads on the face;
  • eliminates tightness and dryness of the epidermis;
  • improves complexion and complexion, regenerates the structure of the skin;
  • increases tone;
  • cleanses and tightens facial pores;
  • It is an excellent base for makeup and is good for removing it.

Reviews from people

On the Internet you can find many positive reviews from people who have already appreciated the effects of grape oil.

The user advises applying the oil to pre-moisturized skin.

The review describes in detail the effect of regular use of the oil.

The user writes about the successful use of the product to remove makeup, only the packaging is of poor quality.

A discussion participant describes the good effect of using it on a mother’s dry skin. But he still doesn’t use it for his combination type, fearing the effect of an oil film.

The user writes about the possibility of using the composition with other oils.

Other reviews can be found at this link

Review of reviews on the cosmetic use of grape oil

Reviews of grape seed oil for the face are mostly positive. A variety of masks are often made from it. Many claim that this product is simply ideal for skin prone to flaking.

Those with oily epidermis are advised to use this product, which helps get rid of unpleasant greasy shine. Among other things, there are reviews about the benefits of grape oil for the face against wrinkles, which are noticeably smoothed out.

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