Removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen - cryodestruction


Kulova Zhanna Borisovna

Head of the Center for Cosmetology and Preventive Medicine


until March 31

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Cryodestruction is a method of removing tumors on the skin, which is based on the use of liquid nitrogen. Often considered as a tool in aesthetic cosmetology and dermatology, allowing you to get rid of:

  • warts;
  • papillomas;
  • condylomas;
  • keratome;
  • hemangiomas;
  • unwanted moles (nevi).

This method is successfully used in other branches of medicine - gynecology, surgery, oncology. The method of cryodestruction successfully removes tonsils and treats cervical erosion. Using endoscopic methods, doctors have learned to use cryodestruction to combat tumors of internal organs.

Removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen in Moscow: features of the technique

Cryodestruction is the removal of skin lesions using liquid nitrogen. Why do we use this particular method? The fact is that nitrogen is a component of atmospheric air. In order to remove papillomas using cryodestruction, it is necessary to obtain liquid. Nitrogen changes from gaseous to liquid at a temperature of 200C. The technological process is quite simple and proven: nitrogen needs to be cooled, converted into a liquid state, in which the substance is poured into flasks and stored under certain conditions.

Liquid nitrogen - good or bad for our skin?

In modern medicine, the procedure for removing various skin formations using LIQUID NITROGEN, the so-called CRYODESTRATION or tissue freezing, has become widespread.

The essence of the procedure is as follows: liquid nitrogen is applied to the formation using a special cotton swab or an aerosol jet. The whole procedure takes from 1 to 3 minutes. The tissues are frozen to temperatures of -190 °C, the treated area turns white, hardens and loses sensitivity, the blood supply is disrupted, the tissues of the area are damaged, and then regenerate over the next 3–6 weeks.

Impact on the wart with a special “reed” with liquid nitrogen

Freezing a wart with liquid nitrogen, as seen in the first seconds after the procedure

The advantages of this method are quite prosaic:

  • accessible procedure, low cost,
  • no stitches or dressing changes required,
  • fast and virtually painless,
  • no special instruments or sterilization are required.

But there are also disadvantages :

It is impossible to remove the formation so that it is possible to obtain a section of skin for histological examination. At the time of treatment, we cannot know how deeply the tissues have frozen, so the formation may not go away, in which case a repeat procedure will be necessary. But there is also “the other end of the stick”: with excessive contact of nitrogen with the skin during the procedure, there is a very high risk of getting a cold “burn”, which is accompanied by the appearance of a painful bubble at the site of exposure (in some cases it may contain blood), and it is necessary will then be opened, leaving the tire behind. The process is not for the faint of heart, not for everyone.

I am sure that whoever experienced this method on himself, endured this pain during healing, and as a result did not get the expected result - the formation did not go away or recurred, will never (if it is possible to use other, more advanced and controlled methods of removal, even more expensive ) will not recommend him to friends.

To be honest, I think this method has already become obsolete, despite its widespread use, it is not that good. After several unsuccessful attempts to use it, most patients still come to us for laser removal, with already grown disturbing huge and permanent formations, a widespread warty process, ring-shaped warts (when they were cauterized in the center, but remained on the sides, because the papilloma virus is aggressive responds with aggression, therefore actively thickens the thickness of this ring).

When I do not recommend using cryodestruction:

  1. To remove bulky skin formations (such as keratomas, papillomas, fibroids...), as a rule, the discomfort associated with healing after the procedure is enormous, and the formations “sat” in their places and remain, they do not go anywhere even after healing, but the surrounding the skin takes a long time to recover. Believe me, it is much easier to remove with a laser, everything is removed for sure and immediately, nothing remains on the skin except the wound, there will be no painful hemorrhagic blisters, the healing process will be minimal in duration, the inflammation of the wound is much less pronounced and goes away very quickly.
  2. This method is strictly prohibited for removing pigmented skin tumors (nevi), since partial freezing can lead to their malignancy.

In what cases should you try cryotherapy:

  • For viral warts (especially plantar warts). In order for a wart to go away, it is enough to create extreme conditions for the skin on which it is located, to give it, so to speak, stress. Liquid nitrogen will help us! In response to freezing, the body increases its antiviral defenses, and the wart resolves itself without any scarring. That is, for this you do not need to burn it out completely, as is the case with the above formations (keratomas, papillomas, etc.), only a small impact is enough. To increase the effectiveness of this procedure, I recommend preparing the wart in advance by reducing its thickness using baths and cleaning its surface. I’ll say right away that this method is not effective for all patients; for some, the immune system is activated, and for others it is not.
  • Well, when I am FOR liquid nitrogen, it is its use in cryomassage procedures, cryopilling, in cryosaunas - these are really cool worthwhile procedures that affect the tone of our blood vessels and the body, improving the quality of the skin, by normalizing and improving blood supply, nourishing the skin, but their benefits for us are not limited to this... But this is a separate topic for conversation, I will write about this later. . .


In the cryosauna

In the cryosauna

So, it’s up to you to choose the cryotherapy method for removing formations or any other!

Take care of yourself! Health is our greatest value.

Be healthy and happy!

Oncodermatologist Olga Nikolaevna Vyshar.

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What is the difference between cryodestruction of papillomas and warts?

Both papillomas and warts can be classified as skin formations, the removal of which is recommended by doctors. They are similar in structure and resemble slightly elongated, flat or thread-like protrusions. These are benign formations caused by the papilloma virus. Over time, they do not transform and cannot become malignant, but, nevertheless, they cause a lot of inconvenience: they look ugly, cling to clothes, and can be damaged.

The method for removing warts and papillomas is the same: you need to freeze the intracellular structures of benign formations, as a result of which the virus will die, and the skin can be cleansed painlessly. The cryodestruction technique in Moscow is no different from the removal mechanism in other cities: this method has long been tested and does not cause side effects. But by doing cryodestruction of warts at a competitive price at the SkinLaser clinic, you not only save, but also receive high-quality and prompt care, as well as preliminary professional consultation. The nitrogen exposure itself occurs quickly: 30 seconds for each formation. If the papilloma or wart is large, exposure to liquid nitrogen can last 1-2 minutes.


  • Pregnancy
  • Infectious and viral diseases
  • Rash near the site of exposure
  • Epilepsy
  • Angiospasm
  • Individual nitrogen intolerance

Recommendations after the procedure

  • After cryodestruction, a bubble forms that should not be opened independently.
  • After 4-5 days the bubble will burst on its own
  • After opening the bubble, this place of nitrogen must be treated with an antiseptic
  • A bactericidal patch should be applied to the site of the bubble.
  • Swimming after the procedure is not prohibited - this can be done from the first day

Removal of benign tumors with liquid nitrogen

Fibroepithelial polyps

Fibroepithelial polyp (papillomas) are benign neoplasms on the skin in the form of wart-like growths, rising above the level of the skin, with a wide base or on a stalk, grayish or brown in color, with a diameter of 0.3 - 1.5 cm or more, round or irregular in shape. Most often they are located on the neck (along the lateral surface) and in large folds. The surface of papillomas is villous or covered with easily detachable horny masses.

Fibroepithelial polyps occur in 50% of the world's population, and in women during pregnancy they increase in number and size. In pregnant women, these tumors often appear on the nipples, which is dangerous for breastfeeding for the unborn child.

Seborrheic keratosis

Seborrheic keratosis (syn.: seborrheic wart, senile wart, basal cell papilloma) is the most common benign skin tumor. Usually develops in middle and old age from the epidermis. Its pathogenesis is unclear, but it is believed that this lesion develops from cells of the basal layer of the epidermis or keratinocytes of the most superficial part of the hair follicle and is not associated with human papillomavirus. In accordance with modern ideas, there is no connection with solar radiation. It occurs predominantly in elderly and senile people, but is often observed in young people, equally often in men and women.

The tumor develops very slowly, sometimes over several decades. Initially, a limited spot of yellowish or brown color appears, which gradually increases, sometimes reaching 4-6 cm or more in diameter. The surface of the stain is gradually covered with greasy crusts, which are easily removed. Over time, the crusts become denser, but often retain a greasy surface, riddled with cracks. The thickness of the crusts can reach 1-2 cm. The tumor becomes yellow-brown, dark brown or black. Localization can be very diverse. Lesions can be single or multiple. In rare cases, keratoses can become malignant.

Removing warts with liquid nitrogen

Warts are small, usually painless growths on the skin caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).

More than 100 types of HPV are known. HPV affects the top layer of skin and usually enters the body through damaged skin. The virus causes the top layer of skin to grow rapidly, forming warts.

Most warts, but not all, are usually harmless and will disappear on their own within a few months or years. Warts can grow on any part of the body. They are most common among children and young adults - so liquid nitrogen removal is especially effective for hard-to-reach wart habitats.

Sometimes warts can be disfiguring, especially if they grow on the face or hands and cause psychological discomfort to their owner, and some of them also cause itching and pain.

Warts can appear at any age. Infection occurs through the shoes of an infected patient (plantar warts), in swimming pools, baths, gyms with exercise equipment, and in hairdressing salons through manicure accessories (periungual warts).

Vulgar warts

Warts vulgaris are the most common type of wart in humans. Other names are simple or common warts.

Remember: the cause of the appearance of vulgar warts is the already known Human Papilloma Virus (type 2).

Infection occurs in childhood. The virus gets onto injured skin (abrasions and scratches are common in children) and penetrates the skin. While in the body, it gradually multiplies in the basal layer of the skin and after a few months ordinary warts appear.

The clinical manifestations of the disease are simple. Rounded elevations ranging in size from 3 to 10 mm, no more, appear on the skin of the fingers and on the back of the hands and feet. A characteristic feature of this disease is the multiple nature of the rashes. That is, next to one simple wart on the hand, a second, daughter wart may soon appear, then another one nearby, etc.

Another sign characteristic of vulgar warts in most cases is the so-called kissing warts. This is their location when two simple warts appear on two adjacent fingers, opposite each other, touching each other when the fingers are closed.

Flat warts

Among all neoplasms caused by the human papillomavirus, flat warts are considered the most harmless. But this is only at first glance, sometimes leaving the problem without proper attention, a person gives the green light to further development, contributing to the spread of flat warts over a much larger area of ​​the body. Flat, or juvenile, warts usually grow on the face, arms, or legs. They are small 1-5 mm, have flat tops in irregular nodules, and can be pink, light brown or light yellow in color. They occur mainly in children and adolescents. During the treatment of warts, the feet can and should be washed, because treatment with liquid nitrogen is not traumatic, does not open tissue, and does not release the virus. It is advisable to use liquid soap with tea tree oil. After warts on the feet are rejected, it is necessary to disinfect shoes, get rid of slippers, socks, and stockings to avoid reinfection.

Genital warts or genital warts

Transmitted sexually in 60% of cases through contact with an infected partner. This is the most common HPV infection (HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18, 42, 44, 54). Externally, genital warts are moist, soft, cauliflower-shaped nodules. They often ulcerate, turning into foul-smelling sores. Favorite localization is the genitals (mucous membranes and skin folds). Removal of warts with nitrogen is a painless removal without anesthesia followed by healing without scars.

During the treatment of benign epithelial tumors of the skin and mucous membranes, after a blood test for HPV, the use of immunomodulators and antiviral drugs is indicated both on the skin and mucous membranes, and, if necessary, orally.

What happens after cryodestruction?

After exposing a wart or papilloma to liquid nitrogen, changes will occur due to which the skin will become smooth and clean, and the formation will completely disappear from its surface.

Within 24 hours after the procedure, a blister forms at the site of the wart or papilloma. If it is not there, this may indicate that the procedure needs to be repeated, or that nitrogen has affected a small formation. It is best not to touch the bubble: if you pierce it yourself, the risk of infection is too great. But if this happens, it is necessary to treat the skin with chlorhexidine, and then apply a bactericidal patch to the site of the bubble. After the bubble bursts - without intervention this can happen on the 4th day - a crust forms in its place, which subsequently disappears. As a result, after 7-10 days after exposure to liquid nitrogen, the skin will become absolutely smooth and even.

Acne treatment.

Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen gives good results

in cases of various forms of acne and oily seborrhea of ​​the face in combination with general treatment methods. The use of liquid nitrogen is especially indicated for severe and widespread forms of acne (phlegmonous, spherical, keloid acne). In this case, liquid nitrogen is used in the form of extinguishing and deep freezing of inflammatory infiltrates.

Shading is carried out with a large-diameter applicator, for which a cotton swab 7-10 cm long (in the form of a “reed”) is tightly fixed to the end of a wooden stick. The applicator is moistened with liquid nitrogen

, positioned parallel to the surface of the treated area and with continuous rotational movements, under light pressure of the right hand, move over the affected surface until a quickly disappearing whitening of the skin appears. The patient feels a feeling of cold and burning.

After the burning sensation disappears, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times for 5-10 minutes. After 5-6 hours, persistent hyperemia of the skin appears, which lasts 24-36 hours, and then the skin gradually darkens, on the 3rd day lamellar peeling appears, and after 5-6 days the darkened layers of the epidermis are completely rejected.

Individual large inflammatory infiltrates of acne, suppurating atheromas and hypertrophic scars are additionally treated with liquid nitrogen

for the purpose of deeper freezing.

On lesions that have undergone additional application, blisters often form, followed by the formation of crusts, which are rejected after 8-10 days. Subsequently, treatment sessions are carried out 2 times a week with less exposure, causing weaker phenomena of reactive inflammation of the skin. 10-15 procedures are prescribed per course. In the process of treating acne, oily seborrhea of ​​the face with liquid nitrogen

The patient is prescribed at home to wipe the skin with 2% salicylic alcohol and dust the areas of peeling with talcum powder. Along with this, general treatment methods are also carried out: immunotherapy, oral administration of a complex of vitamins, sulfur preparations, antibiotics, etc.

When treating rosacea, cryomassage with liquid nitrogen

carry out lighter movements over the entire affected surface of the facial skin. Individual nodular and pustular elements are additionally frozen with a short-term exposure of up to 10-15 seconds. Sessions are repeated 1-2 times a week; the course requires 10-15 procedures, depending on the extent of the process. Facial skin care during treatment consists of wiping it with disinfectant lotions.

Benefits of cryodestruction

Cryodestruction is a method that has a number of undeniable advantages:



Thanks to the cryodestruction method, you can remove all warts that are on the body. If there are quite a lot of them, you can start by removing 80% of the formations, and then repeat the procedure and remove the remaining part.


Our specialists work quickly and competently: during the procedure you will not feel any discomfort or pain. Although much depends on individual sensitivity, our patients report that the procedure is painless and comfortable.


The optimal prices for cryodestruction are due to the availability of liquid nitrogen and the presence in our clinic of professional specialists who will perform the work not only inexpensively, but also with high quality.

Treatment of some forms of alopecia.

In case of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp with hair behavior phenomena, as well as in cases of alopecia alopecia, liquid nitrogen has a beneficial effect, subject to the simultaneous use of general methods of influencing the body as a whole (restorative treatment, vitamin therapy, etc.). Liquid nitrogen in these cases is used in the form of a scalp massage. In this case, the applicator is placed parallel to the surface of the skin and with light rotational movements the scalp is massaged down the partings. The duration of treatment of each area is 3-5 seconds until a small skin settlement; at the end of the cryomassage, persistent erythema appears. The procedure takes on average 10-20 minutes (cryomassage of the entire scalp).

With nesting baldness

Only the area of ​​baldness is treated with liquid nitrogen intermittently for 1-2 minutes. The procedure is repeated after 2-3 days, the course requires 15-20 procedures. After a month of break, the course of treatment must be repeated. In total, patients receive 2-3 courses. It should be remembered that the low temperature of liquid nitrogen causes dryness and brittle hair, so during the treatment you should carefully monitor the condition of sebum secretion. In addition, when performing cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, it is necessary to take into account the general condition of the patient. Hypertension, epilepsy, vasospasms are contraindications for cryotherapy on the scalp, face, etc.

The liquid nitrogen treatment method is simple, accessible and can be successfully used in cosmetic and dermatological institutions. The great advantage of the method is that liquid nitrogen does not cause the formation of keloid scars, is low in pain, and has high therapeutic efficacy.

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