10 best creams for stretch marks during pregnancy – which cream for stretch marks should a pregnant woman choose?

One of the most “popular” reasons for the formation of stretch marks in women is, as you know, pregnancy. Typically, stretch marks appear in the second trimester of pregnancy (in most expectant mothers or after childbirth due to severe stretching of the skin.

However, it is worth understanding that the appearance of stretch marks is most often associated with genetic characteristics (not all expectant mothers are prone to stretch marks), and with proper self-care, these unsightly “scars” can be completely avoided.

How to choose the right cream for stretch marks during pregnancy?

In the process of bearing a child, significant changes occur in the mother’s body, many of which create the basis for the appearance of “scars”.

How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

Stretch marks - or, as they are called in medicine, stretch marks - are essentially tissue tears (namely, collagen and elastin fibers) that appear in the form of stripes on the skin. They can be of different lengths, depths and widths, and be pink or red in color.

Over time, stretch marks acquire a blue tint, then turn white, and then remain in the form of scars - or, if small in size, become almost invisible.

The main areas of manifestation of stretch marks are the abdomen, chest and thighs with buttocks.

There are many reasons for the appearance of stretch marks, but the main one remains genetic.

Causes of stretch marks

Stretch marks, or stretch marks, are actually micro-tears as a result of strong stretching of the skin. Striae occur most often on the thighs, abdomen and chest due to rapid and serious weight gain, in the event of hormonal changes or failure, during puberty. In this case, the natural elasticity of the skin may not be enough. When a microtear occurs, the skin begins to repair itself and a scar is formed. The scars acquire a bluish or pinkish tint, but fade over time, but do not completely disappear.

The appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy does not cause pain, but can upset the expectant mother. In fact, any woman wants to recover as quickly as possible after childbirth: lose excess weight, restore beauty and elasticity to the skin, improve nutrition, start playing sports again and live a full, active life.

In addition, the following factors influence the formation of striae:

  • Highly dry skin.
  • Rapid weight gain or, conversely, rapid weight loss.
  • Hormonal "jumps".
  • Prolonged stretching of the skin.
  • A small amount of elastin fibers with collagen. The older the expectant mother, the higher the risk of stretch marks.
  • Humidity level. The more intensely the collagen fibers are hydrated, the higher their elasticity and the lower the risk of stretch marks.
  • Medicines taken.
  • Age of the expectant mother.

Many manufacturers promise naive mothers 100% results after using stretch mark cream. But you should understand that no cream gives such guarantees if you are genetically predisposed to the appearance of stretch marks.

However, a woman is quite capable of reducing the risk of their occurrence, or at least reducing the intensity.

Prevention of stretch marks

Some measures will help prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy or reduce their number. You need to start taking care of this issue from the first weeks of bearing a child.

  • Weight control. During the entire period of bearing a baby, it is not advisable for a woman to gain more than 10–12 kg, since too rapid weight gain often leads to the rapid formation of stretch marks.
  • Use of special bandages. During advanced pregnancy, when the belly is already very large, it is recommended to use bandages, corsets, and support bras.
  • Massage. Properly performed, regular skin massage increases blood circulation, helping to improve the health of skin cells and reducing the likelihood of scarring. Hydromassage has an excellent effect.
  • Application of moisturizing creams. With regular use of such creams, you can not only prevent stretch marks, but also solve the problem of dry skin, which is often the cause of their occurrence.
  • Cold and hot shower. It powerfully increases blood circulation in the body and can have an excellent effect on the condition of the skin.

Proper nutrition

One of the most important conditions for preventing stretch marks is proper nutrition throughout pregnancy. By following certain rules and introducing certain foods into your diet, you can significantly reduce the risk of these unwanted skin defects.

  • Proteins play a huge role in this matter. Thanks to them, the body actively produces elastin and collagen, the purpose of which is to help the skin stretch without tearing the connective tissue. It is better for a pregnant woman to get proteins from nuts and legumes. For example, walnuts are very rich in plant proteins and can provide the body with the necessary supply of protein.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. Be sure to include foods containing a lot of fiber in your diet.
  • Reduce to a minimum or completely avoid fatty, floury and heavy foods. The amount of salt consumed should also be reduced.
  • Liquids should be drunk from 2 liters per day unless otherwise instructed by the gynecologist. Mineral water without gas, all kinds of fruit drinks and compotes, as well as green tea are good options. It is better to avoid highly carbonated drinks during this period. In addition, it is not recommended to drink a lot of liquid before bed to avoid the formation of edema.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the body receives the entire complex of microelements and vitamins that are vital for a pregnant woman. Vitamin E is especially important, since only thanks to it are harmful toxins removed from the body, the accumulation of which weakens tissues and deteriorates the condition of the skin.

A balanced diet helps control body weight. If you eat right, weight will be gained evenly, which will prevent sudden stress on the skin.

These preventive measures are effective, but often only special creams designed to prevent scars can help maintain normal skin.

Anti-stretch mark cream – how does it work?

When the skin stretches for a long time, the degree of hydration of the dermal layer of the skin . After all, the full hydration of collagen fibers and, of course, elastin will depend on the presence of moisture in the dermis. Minimal hydration leads to loss of elasticity and, as a result, to the risk of fiber breakage.

The purpose of the stretch mark remedy is...

  1. Intensive skin hydration.
  2. Acceleration of metabolic processes and blood circulation.
  3. Retains moisture in the skin.
  4. Increasing elasticity, softness and firmness of the skin.

Prevention is the best remedy for stretch marks during pregnancy

In the morning -

If you use an oil- or lanolin-based skin moisturizer for stretch marks throughout pregnancy, you can reduce the stress on collagen fibers caused by excessive stretching of the skin. This cream for stretch marks during pregnancy will actually help somewhat reduce the risk of their occurrence.

During the day -

Constantly moisturizing your skin from the inside is another way to prevent stretch marks. Sufficient intake of clean water internally (6-8 glasses per day), plus a well-chosen moisturizer for stretch marks - reviews indicate that the number and size of stretch marks are sharply reduced

In the evening -

Every evening, especially during the last trimester of pregnancy, it is best to apply a regenerating cream for stretch marks during pregnancy, which restores collagen in the skin. The main components in such a cream should be antioxidants, vitamins A, E, C and B5, as well as hyaluronic acid.

Such products will allow you to very quickly and with good results restore damaged collagen matrices at night. At night, new collagen is produced, which restores skin thickness and strength. These properties of the skin help prevent stretch marks because the stronger the collagen fibers in the skin, the greater the tensile force that can be applied to it without any damage to the collagen fibers.

The composition of the cream for stretch marks - what should it be?

Naturally, first of all, it should include components whose task is to intensively moisturize the skin , deeply saturate it with moisture and retain this moisture in the epidermis.

  • Natural oils – one of the most popular components of the cream. Oils penetrate perfectly through the intercellular substance, but only to the depth of the epidermis (note - they cannot penetrate through water near the basal layer, lacking the ability to dissolve). Oils increase the hydrophobic layer, protect against moisture evaporation, retain water in the dermis, and help increase the number of cells in the epidermis.

    When choosing an oil for stretch marks, pay attention to the composition. It is advisable that he:

  • was hypoallergenic and without fragrance (it can provoke an unwanted skin reaction and increase toxicosis);
  • contained ingredients of natural origin;

  • was tested on volunteers under the supervision of dermatologists (for example, look for the phrase “safe for mom and baby”).

Mustela stretch mark oil is certified organic, contains 100% ingredients of natural origin and meets all the above characteristics.

  • Glycerin and silicones. Components that have properties similar to oils, however, are not capable of nourishing the skin. In addition, long-term use of creams with silicones can lead to certain unpleasant consequences.
  • Vitamins. They are necessary in creams to stimulate metabolic processes in the skin, accelerate the maturation of new cells, and increase the hydrophobic properties of the epidermis due to its thickening.
  • Hyaluronic acid. A component that works to increase hydration.
  • Hydrolyzed proteins. They also work in the epidermis to retain moisture.
  • Retinol ***. Needed to stimulate skin regeneration, heal weakened epidermis, activate the synthesis of components that are responsible for improving skin elasticity.
  • Plant extracts. Safe and effective components with various properties.
  • Essential oils. Needed to increase skin elasticity and metabolism, nutrition, care. For example, jojoba or shea butter, wheat germ oil or apricot kernel oil.
  • Elastin with collagen. One of the most important components responsible for the elasticity of fabrics.
  • Algae extracts. Needed to enhance the regeneration of weakened or damaged areas of the skin, to nourish it, and to accelerate metabolic processes.
  • Antioxidants.
  • ***It is worth noting that there are two types of retinol: fat-soluble vitamin A and water-soluble provitamin A, a carotenoid.

    If a person receives a fat-soluble vitamin from products of animal origin, from which it is immediately absorbed by the body, then the carotenoid supplied with vegetables, fruits and herbs is absorbed only after it is processed in the human gastrointestinal tract and converted into ready-made vitamin A.

    Consequently, an overdose of vitamin A is possible only when it is consumed in a fat-soluble form, and in the case of a carotenoid, an overdose is practically impossible - the body absorbs it as much as required and no more.

    An overdose of this vitamin is especially likely if a pregnant woman uses it in the form of a pharmaceutical oil solution - or when using cosmetics containing pure vitamin A, retinol, for a long time.

    Stretch marks - the whole truth

    What it is

    Stretch marks are also called stretch marks. They appear in any area of ​​the body, but most often occur in places where there is a large amount of fat. Most common places

    : chest, stomach, armpits, shoulders, thighs, back and buttocks.

    Stretch marks look like stripes on the skin, and their color changes over time. “Fresh” stretch marks are pinkish-red in color, the skin on them is slightly convex. Gradually, the striae increase in length and width, become bluish-purple, and eventually become discolored. This happens because at first there are still blood vessels inside the stretch marks, which is why the stretch marks initially have such a bright color. Then the blood supply at the site of the stretch marks stops, the vessels become empty, the resulting skin defect is filled with connective tissue and the stretch marks become white. Since there is no pigment in the connective tissue, stretch marks remain white even when exposed to sunlight. Moreover, against the background of tanned skin they become more noticeable.

    Why do they occur?

    It seems that the reason for the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy is clear at first glance: the expectant mother’s belly grows, the skin stretches, and stretch marks form. Why then do they not occur in all expectant mothers? And is their appearance related to weight gain? After all, it has been noted, for example, that the likelihood of stretch marks does not depend in any way on the size of the abdomen during pregnancy.

    Stretch marks may appear in a woman with a small belly, while a woman expecting twins will not have this problem.

    Why is this happening? Several factors are at work here. Yes, indeed, one of the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks is weight gain, but what is important is not so much the number of kilograms gained, but how quickly the woman gained them: the faster the expectant mother gains weight, the higher the risk of stretch marks. This is why even with a slight weight gain, stretch marks can appear. The second reason for the appearance of stretch marks is hormonal imbalance. During pregnancy, the amount of estrogen and cortisol decreases, resulting in a disruption in the synthesis of skin proteins and connective tissue - collagen and elastin. Namely, with the help of these proteins, our skin can stretch well and restore its elasticity.

    If there is not enough collagen and elastin, then the skin becomes fragile and thins out faster, in the end, it tears in some areas, and then scar connective tissue forms in places of tears


    But here’s how the expectant mother’s body will behave during pregnancy: whether there will be sudden changes in weight and hormonal imbalance (which means whether stretch marks will appear or not is impossible to predict).

    What to do?

    Let’s say right away that the treatment is 100% effective

    and there is no prevention of stretch marks. For example, most creams, lotions, and gels for the prevention of stretch marks simply contain moisturizing components and help soften the skin, but do not affect the balance of hormones. Consequently, these remedies cannot prevent the appearance of stretch marks if hormonal imbalances have occurred. And after childbirth, various laser procedures, peelings and resurfacing will not get rid of stretch marks completely, they will simply make them more invisible.

    But this does not mean that you should give up and do nothing. You can do a lot of things: even if you don’t achieve 100% effect, there will still be benefits.

    Watch your diet

    and avoid sudden weight fluctuations. Don't forget to eat protein foods - protein, along with zinc and vitamin C, stimulates the production of collagen, which gives the skin elasticity. If you don’t want meat yet, include fish, dairy products and legumes in your diet - these are also sources of healthy protein.

    Avoid sweets

    – sugar inhibits collagen renewal, the skin loses elasticity and water, becomes dry, sluggish, and its elasticity decreases.

    – From the first days of pregnancy, constantly nourish

    moisturize your skin
    use creams, gels, lotions with collagen, elastin, as well as vitamins C and E. The main thing is that these drugs must be approved for use during pregnancy. Before buying this or that product, carefully read the instructions and composition of the drug. Find out the mechanism of action of biologically active substances of a cosmetic product from a sales consultant. If you have any doubts, consult your obstetrician-gynecologist. Look into your wallet and make a choice.

    – If finances allow, do salon treatments

    to moisturize the body, those allowed during pregnancy (algae wraps, for example), if not, limit yourself to regular skin moisturizing, it is also effective.

    Take contrast showers

    : it tones and strengthens the skin, and problem areas receive the blood flow they need. You can massage individual areas of the body alternately with a cold and warm stream. Just don't point the stream directly at your stomach.

    – After a shower, do not wipe your body dry, but simply pat it dry with a towel. You can do light pinch self-massage

    using moisturizing creams or natural vegetable oils (for example, olive or flaxseed). Massage helps remove excess fluid and activates the work of blood vessels - they quickly distribute nutrients throughout the body. Important: when massaging, go around the abdomen and chest, massage only the sides, hips and legs.


    : the contrast in water and air temperature, active physical activity also help prevent stretch marks.

    Wear special bras during pregnancy

    , they will support enlarged breasts and prevent the skin from overstretching.

    Even if stretch marks appear, don’t be upset. It has been noticed that if you immediately begin a set of preventive measures (moisturizing the skin, proper nutrition, water treatments), then stretch marks often do not spread further. And if you start prevention from the first days of pregnancy, they may not appear at all.

    REMINDER for mothers

    Start attacking stretch marks as early as possible: the younger they are, the less money and time it will take to eliminate them.

    1. Watch your diet and try not to gain weight suddenly.
    2. Moisturize and nourish the skin daily, not only of the abdomen and chest, but also of the thighs, buttocks, and legs.
    3. Lead an active lifestyle: walk in the fresh air, play sports, swim.
    4. Take a contrast shower, do self-massage.
    5. Wear the right underwear: a maternity bra is especially necessary for expectant mothers with large breasts

    On a note:

    It is impossible to predict the appearance of stretch marks. Even if during the last pregnancy there were no stretch marks or, on the contrary, there were stretch marks, there is no guarantee that the situation will repeat in the next pregnancy

    You can make your own composition for stretch marks.

    Here are the oils that will suit you:

    • Jojoba oil is the most effective remedy: it is used for the prevention and elimination of skin stretch marks during and after pregnancy, as well as for weight gain and sudden weight loss.
    • Rosewood essential oil helps improve skin elasticity and also helps resolve small scars.
    • Almond oil is especially effective for caring for areas of the body where skin elasticity is reduced.
    • Grape seed oil has a strong regenerating effect and increases skin elasticity.
    • Peach oil has a regenerating, softening effect on the skin, restores elasticity, and rejuvenates sagging skin.

    You can use mixtures of these oils in any combination, for example: jojoba + almond oil, or jojoba + grape seed oil.

    Before using any oil, read the instructions and pay attention to contraindications. Try the oil or composition on a small area of ​​skin and monitor the reaction throughout the day. If discomfort or allergies occur, discard this product.

    What are the dangers of retinol during pregnancy?

    1. Teratogenic effect on the internal organs of the fetus - kidneys, liver, heart. A child may be born with pathology in the development of these organs.
    2. Negative effect on the central nervous system and brain of the fetus.
    3. Causes pathologies in the development of the child’s limbs.
    4. Excess vitamin A leads to improper development of the genital organs of the unborn child.
    5. Chronic overdose of vitamin A causes vitamin D deficiency.

    But it is also worth understanding that fears of overdosing on vitamin A should not lead to the other extreme - completely excluding it from a pregnant woman’s diet. The lack of this vitamin entails even more serious consequences for the mother and unborn child.

    There is only one way out - take vitamin A only with food, focusing on freshly prepared and raw vegetables and fruits. Any vitamin intake should be agreed with your doctor. During pregnancy, it is better not to use cosmetics containing pure retinol - look for carotenoids on the labels of cosmetics for pregnant women, but not retinol. Trust only certified products, buying them in specialized stores or pharmacies.

    It is worth remembering that the daily requirement of vitamin A for a pregnant woman is 2500-3200 IU. It is this norm that must be relied upon when choosing a menu and vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

    Cream for stretch marks - rules for choosing wisely:

    • Hypoallergenic composition! One of the most important rules of choice is the absence of “harmful chemicals” in your cream. That is, the absence of parabens, fragrances and dyes, and also, preferably, silicones. Remember that the components of the product can penetrate into the blood and be transmitted to the baby.
    • Cream for use after childbirth or during pregnancy? These are 2 different groups of products with different compositions - warning stretch marks or masking them. The first products are used during pregnancy to significantly increase skin elasticity and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. After childbirth, the skin should return to its original state. And the second option should help reduce the intensity of stretch marks that appear after childbirth, make them less noticeable, and lighten them. In addition, there are universal remedies used in both periods.
    • Allergy test. This is a mandatory measure to avoid unpleasant consequences associated with individual intolerance to the components. First, smell the cream and apply a drop of the product to a sensitive area of ​​the skin. If there is no negative reaction, use it.
    • Best before date. Naturally, it should not be violated.
    • Period of use. Read the instructions carefully! If the cream is intended for use after childbirth, then it makes no sense to use it during pregnancy (and vice versa). The specific period of use is also important - for example, “only from the 2nd trimester until childbirth.”
    • Harm to the components of the cream for the fetus. Everyone knows that the baby’s organs in the womb are formed during different periods of pregnancy. And the effect of specific components of cosmetics can become dangerous for the baby’s health and development. In particular, some essential oils can cause serious problems with their constant use (this applies to creams, massages, baths and wraps). Read the ingredients and do not neglect the instructions. In addition, it is important to consult your doctor in a timely manner about the use of a particular product.
    • Regular cream during pregnancy or a special remedy for stretch marks? A traditional moisturizer for an expectant mother is, of course, better than nothing (if it has a safe composition). But stretch mark cream doesn't just moisturize the skin - it helps increase its elasticity and protects against weakening of collagen fibers. The choice is obvious.

    Risk factors for stretch marks

    There are a number of reasons why a woman may be predisposed to developing stretch marks during pregnancy.

    • Hereditary factor. It is much more likely that a woman will have stretch marks if someone in her family has already had them during pregnancy. It must be borne in mind that the volume of the abdomen is not the key point here. Sometimes women, even with a small belly, can experience very noticeable marks on the skin. And vice versa, if a woman does not have a predisposition to stretch marks, they will not appear even with a huge belly.
    • Physiological features. Some women have more flaccid abdominal muscles than others, making them more prone to stretch marks. Skin properties can also be affected by metabolism. If it is violated, the likelihood of scarring on the skin during pregnancy greatly increases.
    • The risk increases with dry skin, as well as if a woman gains weight very rapidly.
    • Food quality. A balanced diet, in which a pregnant woman’s body receives the substances it needs, can reduce the likelihood of stretch marks or significantly reduce their number and size.
    • Woman's age and lifestyle. Young mothers' skin is usually more elastic, so they are less likely to suffer from these problems. The appearance of stretch marks is also influenced by a woman’s physical activity and her tendency to bad habits - for example, smoking significantly impairs the division of skin cells, as a result of which it becomes weaker and more susceptible to connective tissue ruptures.

    How to choose “the one”, your remedy that will really help?

    1. Consider the condition of your skin, age, and allergies to specific components.
    2. Study the composition of the cream - the presence of useful components (their order in the list of ingredients; the closer to the beginning of the list, the greater the percentage of the component in the composition), the presence of harmful components, the presence of components responsible for the strength of collagen fibers.
    3. Study the reviews of expectant mothers on the selected cream.
    4. Find a sample of the product - do an allergy test.
    5. Evaluate the smell of the cream. It may be too intense, and you may need to use it every day throughout your pregnancy.
    6. Read the instructions! If you are pregnant, look for a cream that is used specifically during pregnancy, and not after childbirth, otherwise you simply will not be able to evaluate its effectiveness.

    And, of course, consult your doctor!

    Here are the most effective remedies for stretch marks, according to future and established mothers:

    To eliminate existing

    MeiTan/ Cream “Smooth skin”

    A young Siberian company formed from several enterprises. Founded in 2003 in Barnaul, positioning itself as a union of experts for a beautiful and healthy life. It produces effective skincare cosmetics, health products, functional nutrition, decorative cosmetics, etc.

    The products meet international production and quality standards.

    Volume: 50 ml

    A special cream for stretch marks and scars on the skin is applied in the morning or evening by applying a thin layer to the problem area, followed by circular movements until completely absorbed.

    Copes with skin problems:

    • accelerates regenerative functions;
    • reduces the depth of stretch marks and scars;
    • improves natural color;
    • evens out the terrain;
    • has a resolving effect;
    • restores firmness and elasticity.


    • water;
    • stearic acid;
    • turmeric;
    • sarsaparilla;
    • him;
    • sandalwood;
    • basil;
    • sodium methylparaben;
    • sodium propylparaben.

    Recommended for use in cases of age-related changes in the dermis, a decrease in its tone, and the appearance of sagging.

    MeiTan/ Cream “Smooth skin”


    • dense consistency;
    • convenient application;
    • good absorbency;
    • efficiency.


    • small volume;
    • the price is above average.

    Customer Reviews: 5 out of 5

    Average cost: 668 rub.

    Boro Fresh/True to Tradition

    Indian manufacturer, the drug belongs to Ayurvedic creams.

    These products were developed by Ayurvedic specialists and are recognized by the World Health Organization as the safest skin care cosmetics for solving emerging health problems. All products are aimed at treating the “root” of the problem, not the symptoms.

    Volume: 25 gr.

    Herbal cream for old stretch marks, scars and other skin problems associated with fatty, postpartum changes.

    Used as a massage product at least 2 times a day, one of which is recommended at night.

    The duration of use depends on the condition of the skin and the “age” of the scars. Minimum period of 2 months. up to six months.


    • sesame oil – nutrition for the subcutaneous layer, protection from UV rays;
    • nimba – healing effect for cracks, relieving itching;
    • Lodhra – also provides tissue healing;
    • manjishta – tonic, smoothing effect, cleansing, softening, adding shine;
    • turmeric – antioxidant effect;
    • Aloe Barbados – rejuvenation and restoration of the skin;
    • tulsi – improves blood microcirculation, removes toxins from the blood.

    Boro Fresh/True to Tradition


    • wide scope of application;
    • natural herbal composition;
    • safe;
    • effective;
    • low price.


    • small volume;
    • individual intolerance to the constituent components.

    Customer Reviews: 5 out of 5

    Average cost: 99 rub.

    Weleda oil

    • Price: about 1000 rub.
    • Used from 1 week to 3 months after birth.
    • Properties: prevention of the formation of stretch marks and reduction of the intensity of existing ones; increasing tissue elasticity; retaining moisture in the skin.

    • Ingredients: almond oil and jojoba oil, arnica flower extract, wheat germ oil.
    • 2 international quality certificates: NaTrue (organic and natural products) and Vegan Label (guarantee of the absence of components of animal origin).

    Cream Sanosan

    • Price: about 500 rub.
    • Form: oil, cream and lotion.
    • Used from 1st week of pregnancy.

    • Properties: protection against the appearance of stretch marks; increasing skin elasticity; correction of existing stretch marks; activation of the regenerating properties of the epidermis; its nutrition, intensive hydration and strengthening.
    • Ingredients: natural lanolin (from sheep wool), milk proteins, wheat proteins (activate the production of your own collagen), chitosan, hibiscus seed extract (increases elasticity), jojoba oil, olive oil, beeswax.

    Cream Mama comfort

    • Price: about 350 rub.
    • Form: light balm-gel and thick cream.
    • Used during pregnancy and also after childbirth.
    • Properties: normalizes the functioning of the epidermis, prevents the occurrence of stretch marks and reduces the intensity of existing ones; increases skin elasticity; deeply moisturizes and retains moisture for a long time; intensively nourishes.

    • The cream contains: Regy-Stretch complex (note - restoration of damaged fibers), hyaluronic acid (increasing collagen production) and olive oil (moisturizing), chamomile extract, tea tree (tonic effect) and horse chestnut.
    • The balm contains: horsetail and green coffee extracts, ivy and nettle extracts, as well as fucus, hyaluronic acid, green tea and meadowsweet extracts, and, of course, the Regy-Stretch complex.

    For pregnant

    Sanosan/Cream for stretch marks during pregnancy

    A cosmetics brand from Germany, specializing in the production of safe skincare products for babies and their mothers.

    Tagline .

    Volume: 150 ml.

    It is enough to apply the product 2 times a day, massaging onto the problem area, every 12 hours.

    The cream is suitable for any skin type. Contains:

    • vit. E;
    • Jojoba oil – moisturizes, softens;
    • chitosan – regenerates, heals;
    • olive oil;
    • milk and wheat proteins – promote the formation of new cells and rejuvenation, protect against negative external factors;
    • Hibiscus seeds – due to vitamins and microelements, increases tone and elasticity.

    Sanosan/Cream for stretch marks during pregnancy


    • does not contain parabens, sulfates, dyes;
    • passed all clinical trials;
    • for hypersensitive skin;
    • affordable price;
    • natural composition.


    • not detected.

    Customer reviews: average rating 4.5 out of 5.

    Average cost: 400 rub.

    Mother Care/It's your body Svoboda/Body cream for stretch marks Svoboda

    The UK brand declares itself as an expert on issues of motherhood and childhood. The company offers products and services to facilitate pregnancy and gain joy from the status of motherhood.

    Volume: 80 ml

    The remedy for stretch marks is intended for use from the first months of pregnancy.

    The composition is based on:

    • shea butter;
    • avocado oil;
    • vitamin A;
    • D-panthenol;
    • collagen, elastin;
    • extracts: chamomile, string, rosehip.

    The herbal composition effectively affects:

    • increased elasticity;
    • improvement of tone;
    • softening, nutrition;
    • strengthening protective functions;
    • maintaining moisture.

    After applying the ointment, there is a feeling of comfort and calm.

    Mother Care/It's your body Svoboda/Body cream for stretch marks Svoboda


    • affordable price;
    • pleasant aroma;
    • price below average;
    • ease of use.


    • small volume.

    Customer reviews: average rating 4.8 out of 5

    Average cost: 202 rub.

    Maternea/Anti Stretch Marks Body Cream

    When producing its products, the company is focused on using environmentally friendly and natural products. Preserving the natural aromas of oils, without adding perfumes.

    All creams are tested by doctors and are hypoallergenic. They are safe for use by both mother and baby.

    Volume: 150 ml

    The cosmetic product will make the skin soft, smooth, giving it elasticity. It also nourishes and moisturizes well.

    It has an accelerating effect on skin regeneration processes and will increase the production of collagen and elastin. It will restore the skin in its deep layers, at the cellular level.

    The main ingredients are:

    • oils: jojoba, almond – add elasticity and comfort;
    • vit. E - creates deep and long-lasting hydration, antioxidant effect;
    • vit. C – participates in the creation of new collagen, stops the aging of scars;
    • Jojoba oil – has the property of sufficiently deep penetration, moisturizes and softens the dermis.

    A remedy for stretch marks on the chest and other parts of the body.

    Maternea/Anti Stretch Marks Body Cream


    • natural fragrance;
    • hypoallergenic;
    • Dermatologist tested;
    • natural composition;
    • safe;
    • fast absorption;
    • free of sulfates and parabens;
    • large volume.


    • individual intolerance to the constituent components


    Customer reviews: rating 5 out of 5

    Average cost: 730 rub.

    Hendel`s Garden pomegranate emulsion

    • Price: about 1200 rub.
    • Used: during pregnancy, when losing weight, after childbirth.
    • Long lasting effect!

    • Properties: acceleration of tissue recovery; stimulation of skin self-rejuvenation; restoration of moisture levels and elasticity of the skin; anti-inflammatory, smoothing and whitening properties; protection against the appearance of stretch marks and reduction in their intensity.
    • Ingredients: pomegranate extract, shea butter, walnut oil, green coffee extract, panthenol, jojoba oil, rapeseed oil.

    Avent cream

    • Price: about 800 rub.
    • Properties: replenishes moisture in the epidermis; deep cell nutrition; strengthening skin fibers; softening and restoration of elasticity; assistance in adaptation to skin overstretching; reducing the intensity of existing stretch marks and protecting against the appearance of new ones.

    • Without parabens, dyes and harmful petroleum products.
    • Ingredients: seaweed extract (for skin elasticity), almond oil (moisture restoration), papaya oil, shea butter, lemon and grapefruit extracts.

    Prevention creams

    Mustela/Stretch mark prevention cream

    A French manufacturer that has been producing skin care products since 1950. The company's cosmetic products meet all pharmacological standards.

    Volume: 105 ml

    In 96% of 100% use it gives excellent results in the prevention of stretch marks.


    1. herbal ingredients and avocado concentrate - will relieve the feeling of tightness; will increase elasticity, firmness;
    2. oils with beeswax - nourish, moisturize, soften.

    Nourishing texture is quickly absorbed.

    Use morning and evening as a thin layer applied to the chest area in the morning and evening to prevent formations.

    To eliminate - apply directly to the strips.

    Mustela/Stretch mark prevention cream


    • passed dermatological tests;
    • no parabens, no sulfates, phthalates, phenoxyethanols;
    • hypoallergenic;
    • safe;
    • multifunctional;
    • reduces harmful environmental impacts



    • individual intolerance to the constituent components.

    Reviews: average rating 5 out of 5

    Average price: 1408 rub.

    Elancyl/Soins Corporels C01005/ Cream for the prevention of stretch marks

    Elancyl (France) has been producing dermo-care cosmetic products for skin elasticity, beauty, slimness using massages for about 45 years.

    Effective, with a pleasant texture, created with herbal ingredients, cosmetic creams help in the fight for the attractiveness of the female body.

    Volume: 150 ml

    The cream is intended to prevent the formation of stretch marks. Reduces existing ones resulting from hormonal changes or weight fluctuations.

    Suitable for use in ages from 20+ to 40+.

    Apply 1 to 2 times a day with massaging movements on problem areas.


    • B5 vitamins;
    • cartama oil;
    • seaweed extracts;
    • recovery complex consisting of vit. E, hydroxyproline, organic silicon.

    Elancyl/Soins Corporels C01005/ Cream for the prevention of stretch marks


    • intensive hydration;
    • multifunctional;
    • with panthenol;
    • without parabens;
    • hypoallergenic.


    • expensive.

    Customer reviews: average rating 4.5 out of 5

    Average cost: 1466 rub.

    MamaCare/Stretch mark prevention cream

    The products of the Israeli brand meet high standards of safety, high quality, natural composition, ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and versatility. Cosmetics are created to preserve health and beauty.

    Volume: 100 ml, 150 ml, 200 ml.

    The cream increases elasticity, tone, and hydration of the skin. There is an effective prevention of the formation of stretch marks with simultaneous detoxification of tissues and normalization of metabolism.

    With the simultaneous process of enhancing cell division and the formation of new collagen and elastin fibers.


    • oils: shea, shea butter, sweet orange;
    • vitamin F;
    • fucus extract;
    • fruit acids: citric, malic, tartaric, ascorbic;
    • omega acids.

    НMamaCare/Stretch mark prevention cream


    • no dyes;
    • no sulfates;
    • effective;
    • multifunctional;
    • pleasant texture;
    • economical;
    • inexpensive;
    • neutral fragrance.


    • expensive.

    Customer reviews: 94% of 100% of customers recommend for use.

    Average price: 1235 rub. for a volume of 100 ml.

    Emulsion Bepantol, Bayer

    • Price: about 1300 rub.
    • Form: cream and emulsion (emulsion is more effective!).
    • Used from 1 month of pregnancy and after childbirth.
    • Properties: deep skin nutrition; intensive hydration with prolonged stretching of the skin; smoothing and restoration of elasticity; prevention of stretch marks formation.
    • Free from dyes, parabens and preservatives.
    • Ingredients: centella asiatica (stimulation of collagen production), glycerin, provitamin B5, lipids, olive oil, dexpanthenol (note - in cells it is transformed into pantothenic acid), vitamins C and E.

    Cream 9 months

    • Price: about 400 rub.
    • It is used in any trimester of pregnancy, as well as before and after childbirth.
    • Properties: correction of existing stretch marks and protection from new ones; increasing the elasticity of the epidermis, deep hydration; stimulation of blood circulation and tonic effect; prevention of cellulite.

    • Ingredients: lipid system with active soybean and elastin peptides, natural antioxidants, complex of oils (jojoba, shea, wheat germ), natural grapefruit oil, echinacea extract, dimethicone, glycerin, vitamin PP.

    ( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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