Removing warts - is it necessary to do it? How to properly remove a wart?

Celandine for warts must be used with extreme caution due to the highly toxic properties of the plant. The alkaloids that make up the extract have an aggressive effect on all layers of the skin, activating the processes of exfoliation of neoplasm tissue, but if they come into contact with healthy areas, they can cause burns, irritation and itching. To effectively remove warts with celandine, you should adhere to the correct treatment tactics and take into account the duration of therapy at home.

  • Wart removers
  • Solution
  • Cream
  • Ointment with celandine
  • Drops and extract
  • Infusion for internal and external use
  • Contraindications and possible harm
      Use of celandine for children
  • What are the most common warts?

    Most often (up to 70% of all cases), patients report warts that bother them, and the majority of patients are school-age children. Warts are also found in 20% of students. Plantar warts are more common in adults (34% of cases), as opposed to flat warts, which are again more common in children (4% of all warts).

    An experienced dermatologist can easily determine the type of wart during a consultation. However, in rare cases, especially if the wart is injured, it is difficult to diagnose it only by examination, and then the doctor can perform a biopsy of the derivative and histological examination.

    General contraindications to the use of celandine:

    • increased sensitivity;
    • bronchial asthma (BA);
    • epilepsy;
    • unstable angina;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • children's age (with caution).

    Author: Ekaterina Solovyova

    Please note that the information presented on the site is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended for self-diagnosis and self-medication. The selection and prescription of medications, treatment methods, as well as monitoring their use can only be carried out by the attending physician. Be sure to consult a specialist.

    Can warts cause complications?

    Warts usually do not cause complications unless they grow, become painful when walking, and cause psychological discomfort for aesthetic reasons. In rare cases, injuries can spread to adjacent areas.

    Patients with a significant defect in the immune system (for example, immunodeficiency of various origins) retain the theoretical possibility of malignant formation of a simple wart, although this does not occur in everyday practice. This is in contrast to genital warts, which can also be caused by oncogenic types of human papillomavirus (HPV). Thus, to avoid the complications listed above, radical removal of warts is recommended in all cases.

    Other useful uses of celandine

    Since the healing power of celandine also lies in its above-ground part and roots, you can collect it not only to get rid of warts, papillomas or condylomas, but also from other problems associated with the condition of the skin and mucous membranes externally , and also use it with the permission of a specialist it orally or topically according to After all, this medicinal plant has antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antituberculosis, immunosuppressive, sedative, antispasmodic, analgesic, diuretic, choleretic, hypotensive, antiallergic effects, etc.

    Based on this, celandine is used for:

    • angina pectoris and hypertension;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
    • gout, rheumatism, polyarthritis;
    • periodontal disease;
    • tuberculosis;
    • various skin diseases;
    • colpitis, endocervicitis, etc.

    In city pharmacies you can find a ready-made medicinal product - Mountain celandine (made from the milky juice of celandine). As for SuperClean and SuperClean, these products have nothing to do with this plant and are cosmetic liquids based on alkalis. Be vigilant and attentive when choosing medications.

    Wart removal

    Although scientific literature suggests that with a good immune system, warts can disappear on their own within a few years, medical practice shows the opposite. The main problem with treating warts is that there is currently no method or medicine to remove the virus itself, so a doctor cannot guarantee a 100% cure. All treatment is aimed at removing the wart itself, but does not prevent HPV recurrence.

    Basic ways to remove warts:

    • Laser;
    • Cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen;
    • Medicines;
    • Removing warts surgically.

    Ideally, wart removal should be carried out by an experienced dermatologist, since incorrectly prescribed treatment may not only not help, but also worsen the situation. Warts are treated only by radical removal, which, as already mentioned, can be carried out with a surgical laser, liquid nitrogen or special drugs.

    Our center uses any of the above methods for removing warts. In each case, the treatment method is selected individually.

    Celandine: medicinal properties

    Even in ancient times, the juice of the plant was used to cleanse the skin of pigmentation, acne and various growths. That is why the grass is popularly called “yellow spurge” or “warthog”.

    The therapeutic properties of the plant reach their maximum during flowering time - from May to June. It is at this time that it is recommended to harvest the herb for medicinal use.

    Celandine extract has the following beneficial properties:

    • antimicrobial;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antiseptic;
    • painkillers;
    • antihistamine.

    The above effects make it possible to use celandine juice in the treatment of lichen, calluses, papillomas, warts, and purulent wounds at home without constant medical supervision. However, it is important to remember that a wart is a papule with infected fluid inside. The surface layers of the tissue die off as a result of the influence of the virus, but new cells continue to grow above the existing source of infection.

    Laser wart removal

    The procedure is performed under local anesthesia after the doctor has administered painkillers. Depending on the size of the derivative, laser removal of warts takes up to 15 minutes. After the procedure, a bandage is applied and medications are prescribed to lubricate the wound as it heals.

    Laser wart removal

    The main advantage of laser wart removal is that just one procedure is enough to make the wart that bothers you disappear forever. In addition, this treatment method is the most common among patients and has the best reviews, since laser warts are removed from:

    • faces;
    • palms and feet;
    • genitals.

    What is celandine as a plant?

    Greater celandine (Chelidonium majus L.) is a plant that is a perennial herb of the poppy family. Popularly, celandine is also called warthog, chistukha, chistolot, etc. Its flowering begins in May and ends in autumn. All components of the plant are poisonous.

    In almost the entire European part of our country, celandine grows as a weed. Small groups of this plant can be found under fences near homes, in garden and summer cottage plots, city parks and other places. Celandine is also cultivated. By the way, as a means to get rid of warts, celandine was brought to the USA by colonialists in 1672 and is widespread there to this day.

    Removing warts with nitrogen

    This is an alternative to laser wart removal. The method is also quite popular, but usually requires several procedures, they are quite painful, and after cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen a painful bubble forms. Therefore, removal of condylomas with liquid nitrogen is recommended only for older children and adults.

    Removing warts with nitrogen

    Cryodestruction is repeated every 2-3 weeks until the final disappearance of condylomas. Usually 6 sessions of liquid nitrogen treatment are sufficient, but if the wart still persists, other treatment options are considered. In addition, destruction with liquid nitrogen is not suitable in cases where the wart affects the area of ​​the fingers and thighs.

    What pharmaceutical products can be used to cauterize?

    You can buy several analogues at the pharmacy, whose names are similar. These include:

    1. "Altai celandine" . A relatively safe medicine that can get rid of old growths. It also helps in removing growths that have formed on the feet. Use is contraindicated for children under seven years of age.
    2. "Mountain celandine" . The product is more powerful than the analogue of the Altai extract. Available in the form of a balm or tincture. In addition to the perennial plant included in the composition, there are extracts from kakali and gentian.
    3. "Super celandine" . It contains alkali, which can cause skin burns. Available in pencil form.
    4. "Superclean" . Sold in the form of a solution in small bottles with an applicator. It contains: water, potassium hydroxide, toxic sodium, salts and sodium bicarbonate.

    All of these drugs are available without a doctor's prescription.

    Treatment of warts is a complex process, which may not lead to getting rid of them in all cases. In medicine, they are classified as benign formations, but there is a risk of degeneration into malignant. After all, the virus will not disappear from the body, but if the immune system weakens, it may remind itself again. Because no method of removal has a 100% guarantee that there will be no relapse.

    Removing warts with medication

    Destroying acids such as salicylic acid, trichloroacetic acid, urea and other special medicines are also wart removers. Any pharmacy offers a fairly wide selection of such drugs.

    Salicylic acid, urea softens the top layer of the wart, in addition, stimulates the local immune response, and hence the disappearance of the wart. But when choosing to treat warts with medications, you need to be patient, because even if you use the product in strict accordance with the instructions, the effect becomes noticeable only after a few months.

    Removing warts with medication

    In addition, constant use of the drug is required according to a special scheme in compliance with certain skin care rules. Sometimes it causes discomfort to the patient and also the medicine has side effects such as skin irritation, redness, etc.

    Therefore, many patients make a better decision - see a dermatologist and remove warts in faster and safer ways.

    Treatment tactics

    The main task of using celandine-based products is to act on the wart throughout its entire depth. Stimulation of the removal process should take place not only above the surface of the skin, but also directly on the stem of the growth. Otherwise, there is always a risk of a new condyloma developing in place of the previous one, especially if we are talking about formations in the nose and neck, and treatment will be pointless.

    Experts recommend taking certain factors into account for effective and safe treatment.

    Plant juice

    Celandine includes more than 20 types of various toxic substances and alkaloids that aggressively affect all layers of the skin. They activate keratolytic processes in dead cells that make up the wart, gradually drying it out.

    The growths are reduced layer by layer and, as a result, are completely peeled off from the epidermis. However, if it comes into contact with healthy areas of the skin, the plant sap can cause irritation, redness, burns and itching.

    The emergence of neoplasms

    With regular exposure to clean areas of the skin with celandine juice, there is a risk of the formation of new warts and papillomas.

    In order to prevent the spread of infection, it is necessary to apply the product only in a targeted manner, carefully, trying not to get on healthy tissue.

    Features of application to various parts of the body

    Removing warts on the face and neck with pure celandine juice is not recommended, as this may leave scars. It is better to use a cream with glycerin or petroleum jelly, after treating the healthy skin around the growth with an emollient.

    In order to prevent damage to the mucous membranes of the nose or genital organs, you should avoid treating growths in these areas using liquid celandine-based products.

    Removing warts in the nose and intimate places is shown using a Celandine pencil. It gently dries formations without irritating the skin or spreading to healthy areas.

    Duration of therapy

    It takes at least three weeks to use the active components of celandine juice to have an effective effect. If this condition is met, exfoliation occurs not only of the upper, but also of the deeper layers of the wart.

    Modern doctors have proven that the local use of celandine to remove warts will not have a positive result without complex therapy. The main emphasis in treatment should be on eliminating HPV. A combined course of antiviral and cauterizing agents will help get rid of the problem forever. Otherwise, it is inevitable that


    Some herbalists believe that liquid celandine for warts can be taken orally. Healers advise drinking the juice of the plant diluted with water. It was stated above that the product contains about two dozen toxic compounds that can cause general intoxication of the body. The likelihood of severe events is especially high if you overdo the dosage. Treatment with celandine taken orally is extremely unsafe, so this should be practiced only if there are recommendations from the treating qualified doctor, as well as justification for the need to choose this particular approach.

    Healers, telling how to use celandine for warts, may advise preparing a medicinal decoction with this plant. It can be used for local treatment of extremities. For one and a half liters of boiling water, take a large spoonful of the dried herb of the plant, boil for a quarter of an hour, then remove from the heat and cover with a lid, wrap in a woolen shawl. It is necessary to let the medicine brew for eight hours. The finished product is used for compresses at night: a gauze bandage is soaked in liquid, applied to the sore area and secured, and in the morning the area is removed and thoroughly washed. You must first ensure that the composition is well tolerated. If warts appear on the soles, you need to steam the limbs before applying. This way, the active components will penetrate deep into the tumor faster and more effectively, causing the death of the virus.

    Is it long or short?

    No one can say in advance how long it will take to cauterize a wart with celandine in a particular case, but one thing is certain: the process is not quick. In especially mild cases, of course, only a few days are enough, during which the area is processed at least three times, but this is the exception rather than the rule. More often than not, the duration of a treatment program is several weeks, and its success largely depends on how carefully a person uses the chosen remedy, how often and on schedule he uses it.

    Treating warts is not difficult - it is enough to apply the selected product regularly and generously enough to completely treat the papilloma without harming the surrounding skin. Healers who explain whether celandine removes warts and how it works point out: the more often a person treats areas, the better the effect will be. Throughout the entire treatment period, active compounds that the plant product is rich in will penetrate into the skin. The result will be noticeable when there are enough of them to destroy the virus colony. The more often and more abundantly the product is used, the faster the required volume of substances will be achieved.

    Manufacturers include instructions for all pharmaceutical products containing celandine. It is important to follow the rules described in it in detail so as not to harm yourself. Before the initial application, you should first check the susceptibility and sensitivity, as there is a possibility of an allergic reaction. This can also occur with natural juice, although it is less common.

    Decoction, extract or oil?

    When choosing a method for removing papillomas, you should take into account the location of the warts, skin sensitivity and treatment goals.

    1. The decoction is effective as a complex therapy for papilloma, as it reduces the risk of tumor formation and strengthens the immune defense.
    2. The extract is the most active form of using celandine for papillomas and warts, but there is an increased risk of side effects and microtrauma to the skin. The extract should be used with extreme caution.
    3. The oil has a milder effect compared to celandine extract, but the treatment takes a little longer.

    Cooking with alcohol

    Healers who know well how to remove warts with celandine recommend using an alcohol tincture of the plant. You can prepare this yourself or buy a ready-made pharmacy product. If you decide to make homemade medicine with your own hands, to prepare it you need to collect raw materials during the flowering period of the plant. As soon as the inflorescences begin to bloom, you need to collect fresh leaves, wash each specimen, chop thoroughly and place in a darkened glass container. The jar is filled with medical alcohol and left for two weeks in a dark room. When ready, the liquid is filtered through cheesecloth, then left to stand for another half a month.

    The finished product can be used to treat warts, or you can leave it to infuse for another six months. This aged product has a particularly high concentration of active ingredients, which means the medicine will give a more pronounced effect. The most convenient way to use the tincture is with cotton pads. They are soaked in a small amount of liquid and applied to the diseased part of the body.

    Weather and nature

    It was described above how to treat warts with celandine in the summer season. But what to do if you don’t have alcohol on hand, but you want to stock up on natural and practically free medicine for the whole year? Herbalists recommend making a homemade ointment. For its preparation, glycerin and the plant in question are used. You can also use lanolin, a regular fatty baby cream, as a base. Some people prefer to take natural animal fat obtained from the slaughter of a sheep or pig. You can use fresh juice for preparation. For one part of the product, take four times more base, mix everything thoroughly. An alternative option is to boil a couple of large spoons of the herb in half a glass of clean water. Cook until the liquid has evaporated by half, then strain it and mix it with the ointment base. The components are taken in equal quantities. Finally, you can use the powder obtained by grinding the dried foliage of the plant. For one part of the product take four times more base. Another option is to use the same amount of Vaseline and twice as much lanolin on part of the grass.

    If you decide to use a homemade ointment, you should mix it thoroughly before each new application of the product. To prevent the medicine from deteriorating, it is stored in a dark, cool room. If the base is animal fat, you can store the ointment in the refrigerator for a week, but no more. The product is used daily up to five times a day. No additional heating or compresses are required. Healers advise using the cream for a month, then taking a month-long break, and then continuing to get rid of warts, if necessary.

    Is there an alternative?

    If you consult a doctor to find out how to cauterize a wart with celandine, the doctor will probably offer an alternative option that is faster and more reliable. Modern clinics have several types of equipment that make it possible to rid a person of almost any papilloma and wart in a matter of minutes. They use electricity, liquid nitrogen, radio waves, and lasers. You can do a classic operation, although this option is practically not used these days. Most of the methods are completely painless, leaving no traces or scars. In addition, before removal, the doctor first examines the disturbing area and evaluates it for the risks and dangers of oncological processes. If there is a suspicion of possible degeneration, tissue samples will be taken for a biopsy - but in the case of home treatment with celandine, no one does any checks.

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