How to use shea butter for the face against wrinkles: use in its pure form and the recipe for the most effective mask + reviews from women

A spreading tree, long-lived, native to West Africa, which has gained worldwide fame thanks to the oil obtained from the fruits, which appear only after this plant reaches the age of 50 years - such a question could be asked in one of the TV quiz shows. We're willing to bet that many of us know the correct answer. This is the Shea tree, better known as Shea. The extremely popular oil also bears the same name. But despite the obviousness of the answer, what do we really know about this African visitor?

Beneficial features

Benefits for the skin:

  • nourished and hydrated;
  • protection;
  • stopping the influence of free radicals;
  • UV protection;
  • slowing down aging;
  • restoration of elasticity;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • softening;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • stimulation of regeneration;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

When used as a cosmetic product, you can achieve improved complexion, restoration of relief, smoothness and velvety.

Does it help with wrinkles on the face and around the eyes?

Essential, vegetable and cosmetic oils are very beneficial for the skin. Of course, you need to choose a product for cosmetic procedures based on your skin type, age, skin condition and many other facts.

Shea butter is a unique natural anti-aging agent that can be used to eliminate wrinkles.

Everyone knows that wrinkles are formed as a result of decreased elasticity. That is, when collagen synthesis slows down.

It activates the production of this substance, which is essential for skin elasticity, improves cellular metabolism and activates the process of cell and tissue renewal.

The result is that wrinkles are smoothed out naturally.


A big plus is that it can be safely used around the eyes, because this area of ​​the face is often covered with a fine network of wrinkles.


Concluding our story about the properties and use of Shea butter, we will add that Shea butter is no less popular in cosmetology than among herbalists and among fans of independently experimenting with herbal ingredients at home. Cosmetic Shea butter is included in many anti-age creams, sunscreen cosmetics, hair care products and is an additional moisturizing component in the production of hygienic lipstick. Shea butter is a universal soldier, guarding our beauty and youth, with which the skin will always feel comfortable and be under reliable protection.

Active substances and principle of action

The properties of shea butter depend on how it is extracted..

It is obtained by cold pressing and also manually.

The composition is quite complex, about half the volume is fat, less than half is carbohydrates, and only 10% is protein:

  1. Unsaturated fatty acids nourish the skin, improve blood circulation, saturate cells with energy, and relieve inflammation.
  2. Caritesterols help protect tissues from harmful environmental factors, including ultraviolet radiation, stop the aging process, reduce the depth of wrinkles, and prevent skin aging.
  3. Latex – absorbs ultraviolet rays.
  4. Terpene alcohols – maintain the elasticity of the epidermis, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and neutralize free radicals.
  5. Vitamins A, E, D - participate in the life support of tissues and cells, affect regeneration.

Expert opinion

Dmitrieva Elena Yurievna

Gynecologist-endocrinologist, 40 years of experience

Shea butter is a very good skin care product. Dermatologists use it to treat various skin diseases, as it perfectly heals small wounds and has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antiseptic effect. Cosmetologists use the oil no less actively, adding it to creams and masks, anti-aging and protective cosmetics. Shea butter works great on scars and scars and relieves puffiness. This product has found its application in other branches of medicine - it is used to relieve pain from sprains, myositis and joint diseases.

general description

Shea butter, exotic in origin, is considered a valuable cosmetic additive, which is obtained from the seeds of the tree of the same name. The culture is widespread in Africa, where it grows in the wild. The fruits of the shea tree (shea) contain nuts that contain kernels. It is from them that useful oil is extracted. In African countries this is a whole ritual.

Women collect raw materials. After this, they separate the pulp and grind the solid part of the fruit into powder in mortars. Then the resulting mass is fried, brought to a paste-like state and mixed with water. Everything is mixed by hand. The paste is placed in a container of hot water and boiled. During this, a light foam forms on the surface, which is removed and cooled, obtaining a paste-like consistency - this is shea butter.

Attention! On an industrial scale, the product is obtained by extraction using a solvent. Typically this component is hexane.

Residents of Africa widely use shea butter to care for dry skin, treat dermatological ailments, heal wounds, and also for food purposes. It is believed that the beneficial properties of shea were highly valued by Cleopatra herself, to whom this product was delivered in clay jugs. Among Europeans, the first to learn about the production of oil and its healing qualities was the explorer of central Africa, Park Mungo (late 18th century). A Scottish traveler noted the taste and shelf life of shea butter.

In Russia they started talking about this ingredient a little later - in the mid-19th century. Since 1940, full-scale research began to be carried out, which proved the value of the oil as an additive to cosmetics. Today, the exotic component is found in skin care products from many companies (for example, the French brand Loxitan, etc.).

Shea butter most often goes on sale in its original, solid form. This form is called batter. The product melts at the temperature of the human body, you just need to hold a small piece in your hands for a while.

Visually, high-quality butter looks like melted butter. It is yellow or cream in color, with a pleasant nutty smell. Refined shea butter is white in color. If the product has been further refined, it has no characteristic odor. The liquid form is less common.

You can watch videos with testimonials and reviews of shea butter from different manufacturers, as well as the process of obtaining the product. For example, there is a sufficient amount of such content on YouTube.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • absolutely natural remedy;
  • wide range of applications;
  • can be used at any age;
  • easy to apply and perfect as a base for a variety of masks;
  • can be used as an independent cosmetic product,
  • does not dry out;
  • when heated, it quickly becomes liquid;
  • does not require any special storage conditions;
  • minimum number of contraindications.

Opened shea butter can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6 months; sealed shea butter will not lose its beneficial properties for a year and a half.


  • cannot be used as a stand-alone product for oily skin;
  • may lead to undesirable consequences if the oil is used incorrectly;
  • cannot be used on an ongoing basis, only in courses;
  • after heating, the product must be used immediately, otherwise it will quickly harden;
  • may contribute to an allergic reaction in case of individual intolerance;
  • expensive.

Precautionary measures

In addition to the fact that oil can provoke the formation of comedones on oily skin, it can cause a feeling of dryness in the dermis. This often happens due to improper use of the product. If shea butter dries out your skin, you probably don’t moisturize your face before the procedure.

Like any other oily liquid, shea only retains existing moisture, so it should not be applied to completely dry epidermis. This applies not only to the face, but to the entire body.

Another reason why oil causes discomfort and can cause harm is individual intolerance. Be sure to test the product before regular use to understand whether it can be smeared on your skin. An allergic reaction is the main contraindication to the use of shea butter. Also, do not apply oil to open wounds, pimples, blackheads and skin prone to comedones.

Opinions about the comedogenicity of shea butter are controversial, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Moreover, judging by the reviews, there are still examples of clogged pores after using oil.

Basic application rules

Use on the faceThe first step is to wash your face well and cleanse your skin of impurities, then apply a mixture of mala and other ingredients to it with a cotton swab, paying special attention to problem areas.
Use around the eyesApply the oil or a product based on it under the eyes, hold for no more than 15 minutes, blot off the residue with a napkin, and wash with warm water.
ScrubsMix with other scrub ingredients, apply to facial skin and massage lightly for 3 minutes. Then rinse with water. It is recommended to avoid the area around the lips and eyes.
Frequency of useIt is advisable to use it a couple of times a week for 30 days, then be sure to take a break for 1-1.5 months.

Experts' opinion

Cosmetologists recommend applying shea butter to sagging skin with age-related changes. The product is well suited if the skin is dry, thin and sensitive. But owners of combination and oily skin should use the product with caution: no more than once a week and only in combination with other ingredients.

If the skin is dry or flabby, it is better to use oil products 2-3 times a week. The skin needs to be prepared before the procedure:

  • clear;
  • tone with lotion;
  • additionally moisten before applying the oil composition with hydrosol, thermal water, etc.

It is worth remembering that even the best product does not provide comprehensive care. The use of different cosmetic ingredients and reasonable alternation of procedures help keep the skin healthy and youthful. In addition, the effectiveness of a particular component decreases with prolonged use. Therefore, after 1-2 months it is better to interrupt the course and temporarily replace the remedy with some other one.

Tips for women

Masks with shea butter should be prepared only immediately before use; prepared formulations cannot be stored..

Before preparing the mask, you need to melt it in a water bath. If you plan to use it in its pure form, you need to take a small piece of oil in your hands, wait for it to melt and then apply it to your face.

If you are making a one-component oil mask, you need to apply the product in a thick layer..

Before use, you can massage your face a little to improve blood circulation and ensure deeper absorption.

User reviews

The benefits of shea butter have been appreciated by many women suffering from various problems: dryness, flaking of the skin, the first signs of aging, etc. The author of this review is very pleased with the product and the variety of ways to use it.

The next girl replaced her hygienic lipsticks with shea butter, which she never regretted.

The girl who left this opinion uses karite during illnesses, but at the same time notes its heavy structure.

The author of the following review uses shea in various ways. I try not to apply it to my face very often.

Another girl noted that shea butter procedures take a lot of time. In addition, the product may not be suitable for every skin.

Despite some nuances, there are still more positive opinions about shea butter than negative ones. Women often doubt the quality of products from different manufacturers, but still note its effectiveness. Use shea in moderation, without fanaticism, and do not forget to take breaks between courses. Following simple rules will reduce the risk of an unwanted reaction of your skin to the oil and ensure noticeable results from using an exotic product.

Mask recipes

There are many recipes. The most effective ones will be presented below.

For wrinkles

  • Description . Suitable for aging skin, smoothes out wrinkles well and prevents the appearance of new ones.
  • Cooking . You will need shea butter - 3 g, quail eggs - 2 pcs, fermented milk cheese - 17 g. Grind the cheese mixture with the eggs and add the butter.
  • Usage. Apply a thick layer to the face, hold the mask for 20 minutes, remove any residue with a damp sponge.
  • Result . Replenishing the lack of organic polysaturated acids in the skin, resulting in smoothing of wrinkles and rejuvenation of the face.

For dry skin

  • Description . To restore fluid balance and saturate it with vitamins and minerals.
  • Cooking . You will need shea butter - 4 g, ripe apricots - 2 pcs, oregano essential oil - 2 drops. Remove the pit from the apricot fruit and mash until smooth. Add oils.
  • Usage . Apply to a clean face, leave for 30 minutes, rinse with water and grape seed oil.
  • Result . Well-hydrated, smooth, tightened skin.

For oily skin

  • Description . Cleansing and rejuvenating mask.
  • Cooking . You will need shea butter - 12 drops, yeast - 12 g. Dissolve yeast in black tea, add oil.
  • Usage . Steam your face, apply the composition, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Result . Normalization of the sebaceous glands, relief of inflammatory processes, reduction of the depth of wrinkles.

Cream recipes

Shea butter definitely helps get rid of wrinkles. But how to make a good cream?


  • Description . Suitable for dry skin.
  • Cooking . You will need shea butter - 2 teaspoons, almond extract - 4 tbsp. spoons, lavender ether – 2 drops, chamomile oil infusion – 3 drops. Melt in a water bath, mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Usage . Apply the cream at night.
  • Result . Well-hydrated skin, tender and soft.

With a lifting effect

  • Description . Suitable for aging skin.
  • Cooking . You will need 2 ml each of shea butter, macadamia avocado and jojoba extract, rosemary ether – 2 drops, rose ether – 2 drops. Dissolve shea butter in a water bath and mix with other oils.
  • Usage . Apply the cream to the face and décolleté every evening.
  • Result . Returning firmness and elasticity to the skin.

Nutritious cream

  • Description . Recommended for tired aging skin.
  • Cooking . You will need shea butter - 1 tbsp, banana, natural honey - 1 tsp. Mash the banana, melt the shea butter in a water bath, add honey and banana puree.
  • Usage . Apply to face in the evening, after 15 minutes remove any remaining residue with a damp sponge.
  • Result . Renewed, fresh skin, good rejuvenation effect.

For deep nutrition and hydration

  • Description . Suitable for sagging, wrinkled skin.
  • Cooking . You will need a little shea butter - 1 tbsp, almond and peach seed oil - 1 tsp each. Melt shea butter in a water bath and mix with other oils.
  • Usage. Use as a night cream. Can be used under the eyes.
  • Result . Restoring skin elasticity, tightening the oval of the face, fighting wrinkles.

How to choose

Which product is best to buy depends on many factors. The most common mistake when purchasing is following the advice of friends. The choice must be made independently, based on the individual characteristics of the person. How much a product costs is sometimes not important. Even a budget purchase can lead to a positive result. How to make sure you don’t regret the purchase? It is necessary to take seriously the selection criteria from leading cosmetologists. The list is small, but you shouldn’t ignore it:

  1. Aroma. It should not cause tension or irritation. Let it be neutral or acceptable to you.
  2. Allergy to certain components or individual intolerance. The purchased product does not need to be immediately applied to the most vulnerable areas, which include the eyes. It is necessary to first apply the substance to the elbow bend. Wait a few minutes. If unpleasant sensations do not appear, you can safely use the product to achieve your goal.
  3. Material for making the container. It is advisable to give preference to glass flasks. The composition in such containers is well stored, maintaining its original characteristics for a long time.
  4. Best before date. All experts say in unison that using expired products is strictly prohibited. Therefore, when purchasing a product, carefully study the information on the packaging.

Which company is better to purchase products depends on personal preferences. Here recommendations are not always appropriate. But the question of where to buy a product is not idle.

It is best to visit specialized retail outlets, get acquainted with the offered assortment, new products, communicate with a professional sales manager, get practical advice, and even use samples.

The second option is to order products online in an online store. For many, this method is more acceptable due to saving money and free time, but it is very risky. There is no guarantee that instead of an expensive composition from a leading global manufacturer, you will not receive a cheap Chinese counterfeit, which, at best, will not help achieve the desired effect, and at worst, will cause irreparable harm to the health or appearance of the user.

Recipe for the most effective mask

  • Description . Suitable for removing dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Cooking . You will need shea butter - 1 tbsp, grated raw potatoes - 1 tbsp, milk - 2 tsp, wheat flour - 2 tsp. Mix potatoes with milk, add remaining ingredients.
  • Usage . Apply the mask around the eyes for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Result . Smoothing crow's feet, removing dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.

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