The effectiveness of therapeutic cryomassage of the scalp

Services Doctors Results Reviews

Expert tested

Sharubina Karina Petrovna

Trichologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: October 10, 2022

Review date: November 16, 2022

Although on average there are about 140 thousand hairs on the head, the norm for daily natural hair loss is considered to be from 50 to 100 hairs. Of course, none of us will count the hairs remaining on the brush, but if visually there are a lot of them left after combing, you need to urgently take action - start professional treatment with a trichologist.

There are several types of hair and scalp problems:

  • hair loss (alopecia);
  • the appearance of dandruff and seborrhea;
  • degeneration of hair shafts (breakage, thinning of hair, appearance of split ends);
  • fungal infections.

Principle of operation

Cryomassage is a physiotherapeutic procedure aimed at treating or healing a specific area of ​​the body, a characteristic feature of which is the use of cold reagents as the main physical factors affecting the body's cells. A special feature of cryomassage is the instant cooling of skin cells, which is allowed by their cryo-resistance, without changing the processes of thermoregulation (frostbite).

When the body is exposed to cold, a protective reaction occurs, expressed by two factors:

  1. An initial slowdown in blood flow and an increase in its viscosity. Under the influence of cold, small capillaries, arteries and vessels narrow, the blood becomes thicker and incapable of rapid circulation. Due to this, metabolic processes are significantly dulled, the process of absorption of nutrients and oxygen is suspended. This reaction helps fabrics reduce heat transfer and retain heat much longer.
  2. The process of restoration to a normal state. When the upper layers of the epidermis freeze, the main brain gives a command to produce a large number of biologically active substances aimed at expanding the vascular tissue. This reaction of the body can be observed in the form of severe redness of the skin due to a decrease in muscle tone, the so-called axon reflex. When body temperature is restored, the access of oxygen to tissues and the transport of nutrients doubles, which helps improve metabolic processes and normalizes the functioning of the endocrine glands.

Consequently, blood circulation in tissues improves, and, accordingly, the transportation of all nutrients necessary for their health and youth. When it comes to the scalp, hair growth is stimulated due to the active saturation of hair follicles with nutrients.

Note! Cryomassage helps restore the acid-base balance of the skin, pH 5.5.

A little about plasma lifting for hair

Plasmolifting of the scalp is the introduction into the skin of plasma isolated from the patient’s own blood. Blood plasma contains active platelets and substances necessary for the body to function properly. Plasmolifting prevents hair loss, accelerates hair growth and increases thickness, reduces dandruff and rejuvenates the skin. A course of plasma lifting can overcome even complete baldness.

Before the procedure, venous blood is taken from the patient and the tube is placed in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from other blood elements. Sometimes, for greater effectiveness, drugs that stimulate hair growth are added to the plasma.

Blood for plasma extraction is collected into test tubes coated with gel on the inside. This coating prevents blood components from mixing after centrifugation and preserves the composition of the plasma, ensuring the quality of the drug for injection. Plasma is injected into the skin with needles that create microscopic punctures, or with a syringe with replaceable needles.

Indications and contraindications

Self-prescription of this procedure is very dangerous, since the body’s reaction can be unpredictable.

If you begin to notice any problems related to hair (weak growth, fragility, intense hair loss) or dermatological manifestations on the skin, you need to contact a dermatologist and trichologist. It is these specialists who will be able to prescribe the optimal course, if necessary.

As a rule, the main indications for cryomassage include:

  • seborrhea - excessive secretion of sebum;
  • dry and brittle hair;
  • rapid loss of volume, thin and thin hair;
  • androgenetic alopecia - active hair loss caused by a variety of disorders in the body;
  • baldness at an early age, which is caused by poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and microelements, hormonal imbalance;
  • alopecia alopecia - partial hair loss (more common in men);
  • increased sensitivity of the scalp;
  • the formation of dandruff, which cannot be treated with cosmetics;
  • itching, tightness of the scalp.

Cryomassage of the head is also used to enhance the effect of other medical procedures and is carried out half an hour before them.

But still, this type of therapy has some contraindications:

  • allergic reaction to cold, causing itching and severe burning;
  • presence of active herpes viruses;
  • frequent suppuration of the skin in the head area;
  • fungal or infectious dermatological diseases;
  • migraines, systematic headaches;
  • epilepsy, mental disorders.

How cryotherapy works in a beauty salon: the main stages of the procedure

Cryotherapy in beauty salons and beauty salons is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, the patient is required to undergo a comprehensive examination by a cosmetologist, the purpose of which is to exclude the presence of contraindications to the procedure. The specialist must also choose the type of cryotherapy and draw up a work plan.
  2. At the second stage, the skin is prepared for the main procedure.
  3. Next, the patient is given local anesthesia and waits for the effect of the drug to appear.
  4. When the anesthesia has taken effect, a special mixture is applied to the skin in a thick layer. It is hypoallergenic and has no contraindications, perfect for any skin type.
  5. Liquefied nitrogen is applied on top of this product using a specialized nozzle.
  6. After cryotherapy is completed, the skin is treated with moisturizing and caring creams.
  7. The specialist must assess the patient’s condition and give him the necessary instructions.

The cryotherapy procedure in a beauty salon lasts a maximum of 20 minutes, and its effect lasts for several years.

Most experts believe that rehabilitation is not necessary after cryotherapy. Therefore, patients are not given sick leave. Also, after the procedure there is no need for repeated visits to the beauty salon. It is only important to remember that for a whole week after cryotherapy, large amounts of decorative cosmetics and creams that will clog the pores should not be applied to the skin.

It is also not recommended to stay under the scorching sun for a long time, expose the body to excessive physical stress and visit the sauna. After skin restoration, patients can return to their normal lives. Rehabilitation after cryotherapy in beauty salons lasts differently for each patient: for some, 3 hours, for others, more than a week.

In what situations is the help of a cosmetologist needed?

As a rule, cryotherapy occurs without consequences and does not cause side effects. But there are still cases when you will have to seek the help of a specialist, and urgently:

  • The appearance of severe swelling on the face and dark blue circles under the eyes.
  • Uncomfortable sensations on the skin: itching, irritation and red spots.
  • Increased body temperature not associated with any disease.
  • Appearance of scars.
  • Excessive dryness of the skin.

In these cases, additional treatment will be required, which will be prescribed by a cosmetologist in a beauty salon.

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Devices and technologies for the procedure

Cryomassage of the scalp is performed with liquid nitrogen, which acts as a cold contact reagent. There are two technologies for carrying out this procedure: contact massage and non-contact aero-cryomassage.

A liquid nitrogen

It is the most common and popular; this service is available in almost all modern cosmetology centers and beauty salons. The principle of this procedure is very simple.

First, it is necessary to conduct a cold test of the patient’s skin in order to establish the body’s reaction and determine the cold threshold. This test is called an ice test.

If a person does not experience discomfort, there is no redness on the skin, there is no itching, then there are no contraindications to cryotherapy. No preliminary hair or skin preparation is required!

The procedure can be performed both over the entire head area and locally. The technician takes a special applicator and dips it into a container of liquid nitrogen. With smooth but deft movements, liquid nitrogen is applied to the scalp along the parting lines, avoiding contact with the hair itself.

If a large amount of nitrogen gets on your hair, it can freeze and break off. This application is repeated 3-4 times on each massage line and lasts about 5-7 seconds. In total, the entire procedure will take about 15–20 minutes.

Non-contact aero massage

It has the same principle of operation and is no different from the contact method, except for the technique of execution. The cosmetologist installs a special attachment on the device (a nitrogen cylinder) and sprays nitrogen along the massage lines.

The technique and experience of the specialist play an important role, because excess nitrogen can negatively affect the skin and hair. The procedure also consists of 3-4 repetitions along each line.

Features of the course of treatment

Hair treatment with liquid nitrogen involves a specific course, consisting of several procedures that are carried out at a certain interval. It all depends on the severity of the disease, as well as on the individual characteristics of the person (skin and hair type). A trichologist will be able to select the optimal course, taking into account all the factors of the disease and the recommendations of a dermatologist.

The minimum course consists of 10–12 sessions, which are performed with an interval of one day after each procedure. Cryomassage of the head with liquid nitrogen is a quite affordable procedure, the average cost of which in the regions of the Russian Federation is 900–1000 rubles.

Attention! Most clinics and cosmetology centers offer discounts on treatment courses, thereby significantly reducing the cost of one procedure. Thus, the full course will cost about 8–9 thousand rubles.

Areas of application of cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is mainly used in medicine and cosmetology practice. In addition to the fact that the procedure has a general tonic and strengthening effect on the entire body, it also helps fight a number of diseases:

  • Chronic tonsillitis. The affected tonsils are frozen. This procedure is safe and non-traumatic; it has become an excellent alternative to surgery.
  • Pharyngitis. In this case, cryotherapy is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure can be performed one or more times depending on the severity of the pathology.
  • Rhinitis. Cryotherapy treats catarrhal and allergic forms of the disease, eliminates difficulty breathing and nasal congestion, and removes purulent discharge.
  • Adenoids. Cryotherapy for this pathology is carried out using a special attachment. The procedure helps to reduce the size of formations and normalize breathing.
  • Gynecological diseases , for example, cervical erosion.
  • Skin pathologies.

In cosmetology offices and beauty salons, cryotherapy is used in the following cases:

  • Removal of moles and papillomas. The procedure is absolutely painless. The formations are cauterized with liquid nitrogen. After this, there are no scars or scars left.
  • Cryomassage and cryopilling.

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What effect can be achieved

When exposed to cold temperatures, superficial vessels narrow significantly, slowing blood flow. After some time, the reverse process begins, as the brain gives a command for more active blood supply to the cooled areas.

The muscle tissue relaxes, a pronounced dilation of blood vessels occurs, and the transportation of blood and lymph increases significantly. Due to this, the skin is able to absorb more oxygen.

After the procedure, all metabolic processes of the skin become more intense, the work of the sebaceous glands and endocrine glands is normalized, and the flow of nutrients to the hair follicles increases.

Cryomassage of the head is an excellent therapeutic procedure for the scalp and hair, and positive reviews from satisfied patients serve as evidence of this. Also on various forums and websites of cosmetology clinics you can see photos before and after cryomassage.

Sign up for cryomassage of the scalp in Moscow

In most cases, hair problems are not a cosmetic problem, but a medical problem. Experienced dermatologists at the Kutuzovsky Children's Center will help determine the true cause of the disease and carry out the necessary treatment procedures.

We conduct cryomassage sessions at a time convenient for the client. To make an appointment, find out the prices for cryomassage of the head and consult a specialist, call us or leave a request on the website. Our registrars will inform you on all questions.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Everyone who wants to try this technique for themselves often asks safety questions: can nitrogen damage the skin or the hair itself, and what unpleasant consequences can be expected. It is worth remembering that absolutely all side effects are associated with neglect of the indications and contraindications for this procedure, as well as with violations of the technique of its implementation. Hair treatment with liquid nitrogen is performed by a specially trained professional with experience. Carrying out such a procedure on your own at home is strictly prohibited. This is perhaps the only drawback.

The advantage of this treatment is considered to be the impact directly on internal problems (impaired blood circulation, poor functioning of the endocrine glands, activation of dead hairy areas), while cosmetic procedures only mask the problems and have a short-term effect.

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