What is Xeomin and how does it differ from other botulinum toxin preparations?

The drug Xeomin is botulinum toxin type “A”. Its main features: high degree of purification - the drug does not contain complex protein impurities, safety and effectiveness of use for smoothing out deep expression wrinkles in the areas of the forehead, eyes and nasolabial triangle. Unlike other drugs, injections with Xeomin do not create the feeling of a mask on the face and allow you to completely preserve the facial muscles' facial capabilities.

Xeomin has been produced since 2001 at the factories of the German pharmaceutical company Merz (Merz Aesthetics), one of the leaders in the field of aesthetic medicine. The drug is registered and used to rejuvenate and tone the facial skin in many European countries.

Benefits of Xeomin

Xeomin has a number of undeniable advantages over similar products:

  • fills wrinkles and folds, while maintaining active facial expressions;
  • minimizes the likelihood of complications and allergic reactions in patients;
  • guarantees a fairly quick result (already 2-3 days after the injection), a noticeable effect within a week;
  • practically does not create local edema;
  • Conveniently packaged: there are 50 individual ampoules in a box; the product is always opened in front of the patient, which guarantees safety.

Comparison of the composition of various botulinum toxins –

Below you are presented with table No. 1, which shows that the drug Xeomin contains botulinum toxin molecules with a molecular weight of only 150 kDa. This is a big plus, because... several times increases the resistance of botulinum toxin molecules to denaturation, for example, when a cosmetologist makes mistakes when diluting and mixing the drug with saline. Botulinum toxin molecules are very delicate, and therefore too rapid introduction of saline solution into the bottle or subsequent vigorous shaking of it leads to partial denaturation of the toxin molecules and a decrease in its effectiveness.

Table No. 1 – (comparison of the composition of drugs for botulinum therapy: Xeomin, Dysport, Botox, etc.)

Also, a number of scientific studies indicate that the small molecular weight of the toxin is one of the factors that facilitate the diffusion of the solution into tissues after injection (i.e., the spread of the solution in the tissues). But this factor is considered only secondary, and the degree of diffusion is more influenced, for example, by the anatomical features of the injection zone, as well as the volume of solution removed at each point. For example, if you remove 0.05 ml of a solution containing 2 units of botulinum toxin at each point, then the degree of diffusion will be less than if at each point you remove 0.1 ml of a solution also containing 2 units of toxin.

In addition to the possibility of storing the drug at room temperature, cosmetologists' reviews of Xeomin are positive due to the almost complete absence of complexing proteins (from which botulinum toxin molecules are technologically very difficult to get rid of during their production). For example, in the first versions of the drug Botox® there were 2 times more complexing proteins than in the modern version of this drug. Currently, Botox contains only 4.6 ng of protein, and Xeomin contains only 0.6 ng. This is important because the amount of complex-forming proteins affects the rate of development of the body's resistance to botulinum toxin.

What problems does the drug solve?

The injection rejuvenation procedure using Xeomin is indicated for patients with problems in the following areas:

  • Forehead area to the bridge of the nose - botulinum toxin helps smooth out vertical folds between the eyebrows and horizontal folds on the forehead.
  • Area around the eyes (outer corners) – injections help get rid of the so-called “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes.
  • The middle zone of the face (lips, nose, nasolabial triangle area). With the help of botulinum toxin, you can smooth out nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the mouth (“smoker’s lines”) that appear with age. The areas where injections are made are the muscle responsible for the mobility of the upper lip, the smile muscle, the area of ​​the wings of the nose and the orbicularis oris muscle.
  • Neck – Xeomin corrects vertical folds and fine wrinkles, and is also used to smooth out “necklace” lines in tandem with other drugs.

Resistance to botulinum toxins –

Resistance (insensitivity) to botulinum toxins can be primary or secondary. Primary resistance is indicated by the complete lack of effect even on the first use of the toxin (if you do not take into account that you may have been injected with a denatured toxin). According to statistics, primary resistance to botulinum toxins occurs in less than 5% of cases. If your Botox or Dysport injections have always been effective, but over time you notice a decrease in the effect, we are talking about the gradual development of secondary resistance.

Speaking about secondary resistance, we immediately discard those cases where the absence or decrease in effect after the administration of botulinum toxin is associated with gross violations committed by the cosmetologist. But in most cases, patients’ complaints that Botox suddenly “didn’t work” for them, or its effect was not so pronounced or not so long-lasting, is not due to the development of resistance, but simply to poor-quality services provided. In the article at the link below you can read about how we are deceived in beauty salons by giving botulinum toxin injections.

→ Why Botox may not work

But if we talk about the development of real secondary resistance to botulinum toxins, then it increases only gradually, and not sharply. It is associated with the formation of special neutralizing antibodies by the immune system. Such antibodies do not cause allergies, but they block botulinum toxin molecules. The more complex-forming proteins the drug contains, the higher the risk of developing resistance. But in addition to the concentration of such proteins in the drug, other factors also influence the development of resistance (see below).

The main factors for the development of resistance are

  • The presence of complex-forming proteins – we described them in detail above.
  • Introduction of too high doses - according to a clinical study conducted by Klein AW, secondary resistance more often developed in patients in whom 40 or more units of Botox were used per zone (for example, forehead) per zone. Accordingly, for Dysport this figure will be 100-120 units per zone.
  • Frequent repeated courses - the optimal time interval between courses of injections is considered to be at least 3 months. If your previous visit to a cosmetologist was not very successful, and the effect lasted only 1-2 months or less, then you should not do the next injections before 3 months have passed. By the way, the practice of some doctors to carry out additional correction of insufficient results (with small doses of botulinum toxin after 2-3 weeks) has not been properly studied, and it is not yet clear to what extent this can stimulate the development of secondary resistance.

Therefore, the general trend among botulinum toxin manufacturers is now towards a decrease in the content of complexing proteins.
To achieve a high degree of purification of neurotoxin from protein impurities, very complex technologies are required, and therefore not all manufacturing companies can achieve high levels of neurotoxin purification. But what should we do for patients who actually develop secondary resistance to botulinum toxins in the future? And there is an answer to this. Nowadays, basically all commercial drugs are made on the basis of botulinum toxin type A. These include almost all the drugs that you have heard about. But there are also botulinum toxins type B, on the basis of which, for example, the American drug for botulinum therapy called “Myoblock” is made. It is very important that if you have primary or secondary resistance to botulinum toxins type A, you will not have resistance to botulinum toxins type B.

→ Xeomin: instructions for use (download PDF)

Xeomin: view of the bottle and video of the procedure

* Further in the section: Which is better, Xeomin or Botox - you can see another video in which the differences in therapeutic effectiveness between these drugs (or rather, the lack thereof) are clearly visible.

Xeomin injections

Xeomin injections are injections of a new generation drug into the patient’s problem areas. It is mainly used to effectively eliminate facial wrinkles. Many women have heard about Botox, and some have even personally experienced side effects from using this drug. Xeomin is an improved product, a follower or successor to Botox, but without its disadvantages. Xeomin also contains botulinum toxin, but does not have protein impurities or preservatives. Due to the absence of unnecessary harmful substances, the drug becomes extremely effective and absolutely safe - it does not cause allergic reactions.

The use of xeomin in cosmetology has become popular due to its positive qualities - the face after injections does not acquire the effect of a “mask”, does not lose its liveliness, naturalness and mobility.

How the drug works

When it gets under the skin, the drug blocks the movement of neuromuscular fibers. The muscles are paralyzed for a certain time and are not used when the skin moves. At the same time, their nutrition and blood supply are not disrupted - the muscle tissue is simply relaxed, but does not stop working. As a result, facial wrinkles not only do not appear again, but also gradually smooth out on their own.


The composition effectively solves visual problems and defects on the skin, which, unfortunately, can appear at the age of 25-40 years:

  • Small wrinkles near the eyes - “crow's feet”
  • Cheek correction
  • Marionette wrinkles
  • Wrinkles on the chin
  • Wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the forehead
  • Folds near the mouth
  • Nasolabial wrinkles
  • Hands
  • Skin problems on the décolleté and neck.

How does the procedure work?

First, a preliminary meeting will be required, at which the cosmetologist will examine the patient, make sure that there are no contraindications for the procedure, assess the situation and, based on the data obtained, tell you how much of the drug will be needed to eliminate the problem. Together with the client, the doctor agrees on the areas for correction.

Then, during the session, the specialist will disinfect the injection area and make several injections into the correction area. This is almost imperceptible, but if the patient has a low pain threshold, the doctor may apply a local anesthetic to the skin. In terms of time, the correction procedure with xeomin takes no more than half an hour. After the session, the patient can go home or to work. No rehabilitation required.

Number of procedures and frequency

To obtain excellent results, as a rule, one procedure is sufficient, especially if there has been prior agreement with the doctor. Depending on the patient’s age and skin condition, the results obtained last from four to six months. As for the initial age threshold for correction, you can start xeomin injections at almost any age, because the drug can also be used as a preventative against the appearance of wrinkles.

What results can you expect from Xeomin injections?

Xeomin injections are made using very thin needles. They help to introduce the drug into any hard-to-reach area, which is not always possible with other procedures. (or: The thinnest needles allow you to introduce the drug into any hard-to-reach area, which is not always possible during other procedures). Xeomin injections will help you get rid of any wrinkles in the shortest possible time - both minor and deep skin creases.

With the help of injections, you can correct the oval of the face, remove folds on the neck and décolleté, in the inner corners of the eyelids and “crow’s feet”. Expression wrinkles disappear, and the face does not take on a “frozen” appearance. The effect can last up to six months.

About the drug

Xeomin is one of the latest innovations in the field of beauty cosmetology. This is an effective anti-wrinkle remedy that can compete with other conventional drugs. And thanks to its advantages, it is ahead of them in terms of effectiveness.

Why us

Our regular customers are already accustomed to the fact that we are happy to surprise them with new products in the field of skincare cosmetology. For new clients, we inform you about the main advantages of performing procedures in our clinic:

  • The Xeomin we use in our work is an absolutely high-quality, safe, certified drug. It is guaranteed to be effective in use.
  • The high qualifications of our cosmetologists will allow you to get the intended result. We will help your dream of an eternally youthful face and beautiful skin come true.
  • Comfortable atmosphere, friendly clinic staff - all this makes a visit as comfortable and enjoyable as possible for clients.
  • An individual approach to each patient, tact, and friendliness in communication are the credo of our clinic. And most importantly, the safety of the services provided for the health of clients.
  • Affordable prices for services, high quality of our work - this is not what we say about ourselves, but the feedback from our clients.

Contact our clinic and you will personally learn about the advantages of procedures and techniques.
Rest assured - you will definitely like it with us! Read more

How is the procedure done?

The procedure is a subcutaneous injection of the drug into the area requiring correction (this point is discussed in consultation with a cosmetologist).

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the correctly selected dose and the individual characteristics of the body.

The dosage is determined by the number and depth of wrinkles, their location and other factors.

The injection is made with the thinnest needle, so the risk of microdamage is minimized . The duration of the procedure is from 30 to 60 minutes.

Procedure steps:

  1. First, all makeup is removed from the face.
  2. The doctor applies markings, i.e., places injection points.
  3. At the patient's request, local anesthesia is performed in the form of applying a special cream to the skin. The product is left for some time to take effect.
  4. Next, Xeomin is administered directly, which takes about 15-20 minutes. Before the injection, the patient may be asked to smile or relax the facial muscles so that facial wrinkles are more accurately identified.


Botulinum therapy is a serious trend in cosmetology, which involves the injection of botulinum toxin into muscle tissue.
Remember that such procedures must be carried out by highly qualified specialists with higher medical education! Xeomin or any other neuroprotein in inexperienced hands can harm not only the appearance, but also the health of the patient. Before carrying out the injection procedure, a responsible, experienced doctor will definitely collect an anamnesis, carry out the necessary procedures, make prescriptions, if any, and eliminate all risks. Injections are indicated for absolutely healthy patients; if there are signs of acute respiratory viral infection or any other cold, the procedure is not performed. Also, the procedure is impossible during the period of exacerbation of any chronic diseases. It is imperative that the skin at the injection sites be free of any inflammatory processes or wounds.

One hundred percent contraindications include the following factors: - the patient’s age is under 16 years; — pregnancy and lactation; — allergies to medications, individual intolerance; - fever, ARVI and any other infectious diseases; — chronic diseases of the nervous system; — chronic diseases of the circulatory system; - oncological diseases; - diabetes; - the presence of inflammatory processes on the skin (ulcers, wounds and other injuries) - taking antibiotics and other potent drugs; - various lung diseases.

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