Face mask with kelp: homemade recipes and opinions on their effectiveness

Kelp is a brown algae that is primarily rich in iodine. A face mask with kelp “works” quickly and effectively - it evens out color and texture, tightens and rejuvenates.

According to reviews, a face mask made from kelp (specifically, dried algae) is an ideal option for flabby, aging dermis. It is also a good helper in solving oily skin problems: it removes grease, cleanses pores and gets rid of acne and blackheads.

Laminaria is called “sea ginseng.” Using this type of algae, you can improve the condition of your face and cure acne, lose weight, remove cellulite and strengthen your immune system.

The benefits of algae masks for facial skin

The substances that make up the algae thallus can be listed for a very long time. Here are vitamins, minerals (especially iodine, bromine and boron), amino acids. All of them are contained in the most bioavailable forms, so they quickly penetrate the skin layers, nourishing the epidermis and dermis at the cellular level. This is why the product is so popular in cosmetology.

The following medicinal components of kelp are especially important for the skin:

  1. Iodine. This microelement affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands. If the skin is oily, thanks to iodine it stops shining, the number of pimples and blackheads decreases. Iodine gently moisturizes dry skin, but does not make it oily. The epidermis becomes soft and smooth, without flaking.
  2. Vitamin C. This is one of the best antioxidants, like vitamin E. Both of these components are indispensable for the skin - they must be added to anti-aging products. Antioxidants slow down aging and reduce the severity of age-related skin changes (flabbiness, swelling, ptosis, etc.).
  3. A nicotinic acid. It is necessary not only for healthy hair, but also for improving skin condition. With a sufficient supply of niacin, the complexion becomes even, pigmentation lightens, and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  4. Choline. The substance has an antibacterial effect, so it helps get rid of rashes, inflammation and irritation on the skin. Choline also regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reduces oily sheen.
  5. Potassium. This component is important for metabolism. With sufficient potassium intake, the skin does not dry out and remains moisturized and nourished.
  6. Calcium. The mineral improves the elasticity of the epidermis, tones and smoothes the skin. This is especially important for women facing wrinkles and other signs of aging.
  7. Iron. The substance is indispensable for normal blood circulation. If there is little iron in the body, blood circulates poorly in the skin. As a result, the skin becomes pale, its tone decreases, which makes wrinkles more visible. Iron helps improve blood circulation and accelerate the penetration of nutrients into the epidermis and dermis.

Starwest Botanicals, Organic Fucus Powder, 1 lb (453.6 g)


859 rub.

More details

Regular use of masks with seaweed will help:

  • remove swelling;
  • reduce dark circles under the eyes;
  • tighten the skin;
  • reduce double chin;
  • smooth out facial and age wrinkles;
  • improve facial tone;
  • remove oily shine;
  • nourish and moisturize the skin;
  • get rid of acne and inflammation;
  • reduce irritation of the epidermis.

Seaweed masks are suitable for women of all ages, but cosmetologists especially recommend doing procedures with seaweed for those over 40. It is at this age that the skin rapidly begins to age, and kelp for the face will help slow down this process due to its high antioxidant content.

Laminaria for the face - composition of algae

The popularity of using algae in cosmetology is explained by its composition. It contains:

  • Beta-carotene: as an antioxidant, it participates in oxidative processes and promotes regeneration
  • Vitamins: groups B, E, C, K, PP. They improve the condition of the epidermis and stimulate metabolic processes. How antioxidants fight age-related changes, smooth out wrinkles, and strengthen contours
  • Choline – relieves inflammation, soothes irritated skin
  • Potassium – stimulates metabolism, retains moisture in cells
  • Calcium – smoothes wrinkles, has a tonic effect
  • Magnesium – increases elasticity, slows down aging
  • Iron – improves blood circulation, maintains skin tone
  • Iodine – normalizes sebum production: dry skin becomes more hydrated and smooth. Oily pores become narrower and the number of sebaceous plugs decreases
  • Zinc – maintains the elasticity of the epidermis, promotes cell restoration
  • Phosphorus – increases the production of elastin and collagen

Note: kelp for skin is suitable for any skin type. Gives a noticeable effect after 30 years - slows down age-related changes, strengthens the contour and smoothes out wrinkles.

Possible harm and contraindications

The benefits of algae in cosmetology are beyond doubt. But there are also side effects.

It is not recommended to make kelp masks more than once a week. Sea kale contains a huge amount of iodine and ascorbic acid. If cosmetic products with kelp are used too often, irritation or burns will occur on the skin, and such an individual reaction is possible even in people without an allergy to iodine or vitamin C.

You should not apply the algae mixture if there are wounds or pustules on your face. The product improves blood circulation in the skin layers, which can cause inflammation to worsen. Girls with rosacea should also not make masks from seaweed, otherwise the vascular network will become more noticeable.

A serious contraindication is the presence of problems with the thyroid gland. If the doctor has forbidden you to take iodine and eat seaweed, you should not use it externally either. This applies to pregnant women. Before using seaweed, you should consult your doctor, since all substances from the mask enter the child’s body.

Allergy sufferers need to do a test before using cosmetics based on kelp thallus. To do this, apply a small amount of the mixture to the crook of your elbow or wrist. If after 10–15 minutes there is no itching or redness, the product can be used.

Content of useful substances in kelp

Seaweed contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, which allows it to have such a wide range of effects. It includes:

  • vitamin complex (A, B, C, D and E) - preserves skin cells;
  • group B12 and B1 – reduces the intensity of age spots and evens out skin tone;
  • iodine – treats minor wounds and inflammations, soothes the skin;
  • organic acids – improve collagen production, restoring skin elasticity. They also cleanse the skin, eliminating comedones;
  • nicotinic acid – provides skin nutrition, prevention of dermatitis;
  • copper – normalizes elastin production;
  • zinc - allows you to treat inflammation, providing an antibacterial effect;
  • iron – promotes rapid transport of nutrients;
  • potassium – prevents dry skin, maintains skin water balance.

General recommendations for preparing masks

To maximize the cosmetic effect of the procedure, the algae mixture must be prepared correctly. To make a mask, you need to buy dried powdered or granulated seaweed. It is usually sold in pharmacies. If you come across algae in the form of a dry whole thallus, it can also be used, but before that it must be crushed using a pestle and mortar or a coffee grinder.

When preparing a face mask from kelp at home, it is important to pay attention to some nuances:

  1. The first stage of preparing a mask is mandatory soaking. Take 1 tsp. algae powder per glass of water. It should be clean and cool. You cannot use hot water, otherwise the algae will curl and all the beneficial components will disappear. There will be no benefit from such a mask. For additional effect, you can replace water with milk, green tea or decoctions of medicinal plants.
  2. You need to keep kelp powder in water for at least 1.5 hours. The seaweed should swell. After this time, take gauze, wrap the seaweed in it and squeeze it thoroughly so that there is no excess liquid.
  3. If you made a mistake with the amount of powder and you get too much kelp slurry, fill it with water again and put it in the refrigerator. This seaweed can be used within three days. Then just squeeze it out and mix a new mask.

Now Foods, Organic Kelp, Plain Powder, 8 oz. (227 g)


943 rub.

More details

Before the procedure, you must wash your face with foam or gel, or you can apply a scrub. This will open the pores and improve blood circulation, which means that beneficial substances will penetrate the layers of the skin faster.

After applying the kelp mask to the skin, it is better to lie down, otherwise the algae mass will pull the skin down. Instead of a lifting effect, you will get ptosis, and this is not at all the expected result. Moreover, products with seaweed glide over the face and can drip onto clothes in the first minutes after application. So lie back, relax and feel like you're at a spa.

The average mask exposure time is 20 minutes. After this time, rinse the mixture off your face with cool running water. There is no need to use cleansers. Now gently pat your face dry and apply nourishing cream.

The optimal frequency of using kelp-based masks is once every 7-8 days. This is enough to nourish the skin with useful substances without fear of an overdose of iodine and ascorbic acid. Procedures with seaweed can be alternated with moisturizing and cleansing masks.

Laminaria for the face - indications for use

The beneficial properties of seaweed are such that they have a beneficial effect on the skin at any age.

However, algae-based masks are most suitable in the following cases:

  • Loss of elasticity and blurring of contours
  • Excessive sebum secretion
  • Dry skin with signs of flaking
  • Acne and inflammation
  • Enlarged pores with comedones
  • Pronounced age spots
  • Dull, gray skin color

Anti-wrinkle masks

The smoothing and toning properties of seaweed are the main reason why the ingredient is used in anti-aging cosmetics. Seaweed is rich in antioxidants, which slow down the natural aging of the epidermis, and by improving blood circulation, masks with seaweed improve the effect of using other skin care cosmetics for those who…

We have collected several excellent recipes for rejuvenation that are suitable both for those who have experienced the first age-related changes and for older ladies.



  • kelp - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • unsweetened yogurt - 0.5 cups.

Oatmeal is rich in vitamins and microelements, which are easily absorbed and quickly begin to act. This ingredient nourishes and tones the skin, yogurt softens, and kelp makes the face soft and smooth. To prepare a biomask, you need to mix all the ingredients and apply to your face.

Keep for 20 minutes.



  • dry parsley - 1 tsp;
  • kelp - 1 tsp;
  • olive and almond oil - ½ tsp each;
  • vitamins E and A - 1 ampoule each.

The kelp mask contains base oils and is ideal for dry, aging skin. Antioxidants tocopherol and retinol slow down skin aging, increase its elasticity and help smooth out wrinkles.

The first stage of preparing a biomask is soaking dried kelp. Mix dry seaweed with parsley and add lukewarm water. Leave for 7–10 minutes, squeeze lightly and add oils and vitamins to the mixture. You can use the finished drug AEvit instead of separate ampoules with retinol and tocopherol. Place the mixture in a water bath and heat it up a little. Apply the warm mixture to a clean face and then rinse with hot water.

Keep for 35–40 minutes.

With red clay


  • kelp - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • red clay - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • low-fat kefir - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lavender oil - 3-4 drops.

A universal version of a facial product with kelp against wrinkles is suitable for both dry and oily skin. The preparation of the product is very simple: it does not require soaking the seaweed. Mix the clay with kefir: you should get a homogeneous paste without lumps. Add seaweed and lavender oil. Do not add more than 4 drops of essential oil, otherwise a burn may occur. Mix the biomask thoroughly and apply to the face.

Keep for 15–20 minutes.

Another good recipe in the video:

Laminaria face mask. SUPER EFFECT!

Homemade mask recipes

Sea kale is used cold and warm. This is an accessible and inexpensive component of home cosmetics; it can be bought at any pharmacy and health store, or found on the Internet.

Beneficial properties can be enhanced with additional components to obtain the desired effect or compensate for some undesirable property.

You can add familiar products to the masks that can be found in any refrigerator.:

  • egg white and yolk;
  • sour cream and kefir;
  • fruits and vegetables: cucumbers, apricots, apples, lemon;
  • oatmeal;
  • coffee;
  • aloe vera;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • matcha tea;
  • honey;

Some necessary components will have to be looked for specifically. This list will include:

  • clay;
  • charcoal;
  • various oils from the pharmacy: avocado oil, peach kernel oil, coconut oil;
  • substances that give the mask structure and protect it from drying out or spreading.

How to prepare seaweed base from dried seaweed powder

The base for the mask is prepared from dried kelp. It is sold chopped into pieces or whole plates. To extract the maximum amount of active substances, seaweed must be turned into powder. This can be done before soaking - using a coffee grinder or mortar, or after soaking, using a meat grinder or blender.

The powder is poured with warm water for an hour or two, but no more. Proportions - 1 tablespoon of chopped kelp per 100 ml of water. Hot water and boiling water should not be used so as not to destroy the biologically active substances of kelp. The structure of the algae disintegrates from boiling water, and the composition becomes useless.

Brown algae anti-wrinkle mask

The high content of omega acids and vitamin E turns the mask into a time machine that restores youth to the skin of the face. The depth of wrinkles decreases, the relief is smoothed.

Options for masks to reduce wrinkles:

  1. Mask based on algae seeds containing collagen. The seeds are poured with boiling water and left to cool. The resulting jelly is applied to cleansed facial skin. It is advisable to completely relax your facial muscles and lie down for 30 minutes. The mask removes signs of premature aging, whitens and smoothes.
  2. A mask with kefir intensively moisturizes and nourishes, smoothes the surface and fights deep wrinkles. Kefir supplement is especially good for aging skin with enlarged pores: they will tighten, the skin will become smooth and velvety. To prepare, add a little kefir to the soaked seaweed and beat with a blender until completely smooth. The liquid mass spreads a lot, so a cloth will come to the rescue: several layers of gauze are soaked in the beneficial liquid, squeezed out a little and applied to the face. For the area around the eyes and mouth you need to cut holes.

Smoothing eye mask for crow's feet based on honey and peach kernel oil

Many beneficial substances that were found in the composition are fat soluble. For example, vitamin E, like beta-carotene, can only be extracted from kelp into an oil base. Sea kale in combination with honey has a moisturizing effect, reducing wrinkles and tightening pores. To prepare, add a teaspoon of honey to the swollen seaweed. Candied honey can be melted in a heated water bath or mixed thoroughly until completely dissolved. If the skin around the eyes is dry and very sensitive, add a teaspoon of peach seed oil to the mask. This composition will stop the development of crow's feet near the eyes and remove swelling.

Rejuvenating clay mask

Clay is not only a delicate absorbent, it contains a large amount of minerals in an easily digestible form. Clays come in different shades: white, blue, red, you can try any one.

In order to prepare a rejuvenating mask, add a tablespoon of clay and 2-3 drops of essential oil to 100 grams of soaked kelp. The mask will cleanse and refresh the skin.

Whitening mask with lemon

Lemon juice is an aggressive component for home cosmetics, but its effect is difficult to replace. Whitening and peeling smooth the skin and stimulate renewal processes. In order to use the beneficial properties of lemon juice without harming your face, the following composition is suitable:

  • kelp powder and rolled oats - 3 teaspoons each;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - teaspoon;

Soak the oatmeal and seaweed, add juice and oil. Apply the resulting mass for 10 minutes, except for thin skin around the eyes, massage and rinse. The effect will be noticeable after 2-3 applications - smooth, radiant skin.

For acne and redness with aloe

To achieve maximum effect, you need to prepare aloe leaves. The lower leaves of the plant are cut off at the base, wrapped in dry cotton cloth and left in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks with the cut side up to prevent the juice from leaking out. Under unfavorable conditions, the aloe leaf releases a huge amount of bioactive substances. The plant tries to cope with the damage, but all substances with healing properties are not consumed, but are stored in the aloe gel.

For the mask you need:

  • part of warm spring water.
  • 2 parts kelp powder.
  • 1 part aloe vera gel. In order to get the gel, you need to cut the aloe leaf lengthwise and scrape off its transparent core with a spoon - that very gel.
  • If desired, you can add a drop of lavender oil.

Mix the ingredients into a paste and let it brew for no more than an hour. Apply the resulting mass to cleansed skin and massage gently. After 10-15 minutes, rinse off and carefully remove any remaining residue with a damp cloth.

Glycerin for normal and combination skin

Even manufacturers of luxury cosmetics use the moisturizing properties of glycerin in their formulas. It’s surprising that a valuable component of famous creams and serums costs 20-30 rubles at the pharmacy around the corner.

It is indispensable if you need to quickly refresh dry skin, recover after a long flight or several hours in the wind and scorching sun.

For masks, glycerin is diluted in half with clean water. Then a tablespoon of the mixture is added to the prepared kelp mass. The peculiarity of glycerin is that it does not dry out. The mask does not need to be constantly refreshed and adjusted, so you can calmly take a nap for 15-20 minutes. Then wash and wipe your face with a cotton pad or napkin. The result is visible after the first use - a fresh, rested face, soft, delicate skin.

How to make seaweed scrub

The scrub is suitable for use on the face and any part of the body. The effect is amazing: dead cells are removed, polished skin begins to breathe, and your health instantly improves.


  • 1 tablespoon dry seaweed powder
  • 1 tablespoon finely ground sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil, if desired, you can add a couple of drops of aromatic oil.

The ingredients are mixed and applied to damp, heated skin. The ideal time for a scrub is a bath after the first entry into the steam room. The face is massaged along the massage lines, then the scrub is washed off. Afterwards use usual care.

What cosmetologists say Cosmetologists are sure that kelp is noticeably superior in its content of useful components to other available products. Algae affects metabolic processes, penetrating into tissues; to preserve beauty, it must be used both in the form of masks and as a component of healthy nutrition.

Anti-aging masks

These home remedies have excellent antioxidant properties. They not only help smooth out wrinkles, but also slow down the natural aging of the epidermis. This means that new wrinkles do not appear, the skin remains elastic, and the complexion remains even. Some masks are excellent at lightening age spots.

With blue clay


  • kelp - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • blue clay - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mineral water - 1 tsp.

The rejuvenation mask contains only 2 ingredients, and the effect is almost the same as from salon care (of course, subject to regular use). Depending on the type and needs of your skin, you can replace the universal blue clay with any other one.

Mix pre-soaked seaweed with powdered clay, then add a little mineral or regular boiled water. The mixture should have a homogeneous creamy consistency. Apply the mask to the face in a thick layer.

Keep for 15 minutes.

With honey


  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • kelp - 2 tsp.

Honey is a special product. It perfectly nourishes and softens the skin, and the beneficial substances it contains restore elasticity to the epidermis, tone and smooth out the fine network of wrinkles. To prepare the mask, mix 2 components. The volume of ingredients can be changed, but the proportion must be observed: 1 part honey to 2 parts dried kelp. To make the rejuvenating product easy to apply, take liquid honey and preheat the sugared honey in a water bath.

Keep for 15 minutes.

With egg and avocado oil


  • avocado oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • kelp - 2 tbsp. l.

Avocado oil is not a basic oil, but it is ideal for nourishing dry and combination skin. It is better not to use it for oily people: the product is comedogenic.

Preparing a biomask is very simple. Break the egg and separate the yolk from the white. Grind the yolk in a plate with a fork, then add soaked kelp and avocado oil to it. It needs to be poured carefully, keeping an eye on the consistency. It shouldn't be too liquid.

Keep for 15 minutes.

Collagen is an effective anti-aging agent

What do you know about gelatin? Right! This is a substance that is used in cooking and that it contains protein - collagen.

It turns out that the rejuvenating mixture of kelp and gelatin is suitable for everyone, without exception.

Look at expensive anti-aging products, they contain the same components that are in gelatin.

So why spend money on expensive creams, let's make a collagen mixture at home.

Anti-acne masks

Laminaria is great for facial rejuvenation, but it is used not only as an anti-aging agent. For girls suffering from acne, seaweed will help dry out acne, cleanse pores and reduce inflammation. But you can’t use masks if you have a lot of pustules on your face. First we treat them, and then we dry them with kelp.

With aloe


  • aloe juice - 1 tsp;
  • kelp - 1 tbsp. l.

Aloe has strong antibacterial properties, making it ideal for treating problem skin. Sea kale is also good at removing inflammation, and also evens out the complexion and cleanses pores.

We need 1 fresh aloe leaf. Squeeze the juice out of it: you should get 1 tsp. liquids. Add it to the pre-soaked and squeezed kelp and mix. The biomask can be applied to the entire face or targeted to large pimples or places where they are heavily concentrated.

Keep for 15–20 minutes.

With oatmeal


  • kelp - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • oatmeal - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • aloe juice - 1 tsp.

Oatmeal isn't just good for anti-aging products. It perfectly cleanses pores and whitens the face, aloe juice disinfects, and kelp nourishes the epidermis with useful substances and improves metabolism in the skin layers, making acne go away faster.

Soak the kelp in advance and take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mush. Add flour to it, mix thoroughly until smooth. Pour fresh aloe juice there. We apply the mask to the T-zone or to the entire face if there are blackheads on the cheeks, chin and other areas.

Keep for 15–20 minutes.

Clay and kelp mask

The mask evens out the complexion and removes dead cells.


  • 20 grams of dried ground seaweed;
  • 15 grams of clay (blue, white or pink);
  • 5 milliliters of peach seed oil;
  • decoction of linden or plantain.

To prepare this mask, you need to take dried kelp and pour the herbal infusion into the clay, and leave it to stand at room temperature for two hours. After some time, add oil to the mixture (if the resulting slurry is too thick, you can dilute it further). The mask is applied in a thick layer and left for forty minutes. Then everything is washed off with warm water and a light cream is applied to the face.

Masks for the skin around the eyes

The delicate area needs special care. Ordinary masks cannot be applied to this area: they are too “heavy” and can harm thin skin. But without care, wrinkles and bags quickly appear here, so you need to prepare special cosmetics.



  • kelp - 1 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • peach seed oil - ½ tsp.

This mask is suitable for women with dry skin around the eyes, where wrinkles quickly form. The honey-peach mixture removes swelling, but will not help get rid of pronounced bruises. The product is suitable for girls and older women.

To prepare the mask, mix pre-soaked seaweed with liquid honey and oil. Dip cotton pads into the resulting mixture and gently apply to the area around the eyes. You can use a whole disk, but then you will have to lie down for a while with your eyes closed. Or cut the disc in half and stick it under your eyes. This is a good option if you need to get rid of swelling.

Keep for 15–20 minutes.

With sesame oil


  • kelp - ½ tsp;
  • honey - ½ tsp;
  • sesame oil - ⅓ tsp.

This mask with kelp for the area around the eyes is very similar in properties to the previous one. If you don’t like or don’t like sesame oil, you can use any other one. Mix the ingredients and soak cotton pads in them. Apply to the entire area around the eyes or to the area of ​​large swelling.

Keep for 15–20 minutes.

The best ready-made cosmetics

Cosmetic masks with kelp are called alginate. They contain sodium alginate, a powder extracted from brown algae. Such products are more convenient to use than homemade ones: they do not flow and are easy to apply. You can find alginate masks from different manufacturers on sale. In our opinion, there are several that are most effective.

  1. Kora – moisturizing mask with hyaluronic acid.

    It has a creamy texture and is easy to apply. Active components - thermal water, kelp extract and amino acids - restore the skin's water balance and increase elasticity. Lactic and succinic acids stimulate cell renewal, vegetable oils nourish and soften. The mask prevents dehydration and smoothes wrinkles.

  2. Biotherm Aquasource Everplump Night Mask

    – overnight mask with kelp. Actively moisturizes and protects against moisture loss by cells. With regular use, swelling disappears and the oval of the face tightens. Active ingredients besides algae - sea water, glycerin, castor oil, herbal extracts. It has a gel texture, easy to apply and absorb.

  3. ARAVIA Professional Red-Wine Lifting

    – alginate mask with a lifting effect. Contains kelp and red grape extract. Improves the condition of dry aging skin. Moisturizes, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates swelling. Available in powder, which is easily diluted with water.

  4. TSURURI Mild Sea Clay Pack mask with a complex effect.

    Moisturizes, mattifies, cleanses, whitens. Contains clay, sea salt, algae, sea silt. Active ingredients also include hyaluronic acid, collagen, coral powder, honey, aloe. Helps eliminate pigmentation, tightens pores, exfoliates dead particles of the epidermis.

  5. Enjoli cosmetics

    – mineral mask with a detox effect based on seaweed and green tea. Also contains clay, aloe extracts, chamomile, panthenol, vegetable oils, lactic acid. Thanks to its creamy texture, it is easy to apply and spread over the face. Mattifies, moisturizes, relieves irritation, cleanses pores.

  6. Charm Cleo Cosmetic

    – alginate mask with seaweed and pearl powder. Has a Botox effect: smoothes wrinkles, tightens, moisturizes. Contains chicory extract, several types of algae, calcium, magnesium. Available in powder, which is diluted with water.

  7. Shary ampoule complex mask.

    It consists of an ampoule with hyaluronic acid and kelp, which is applied to the area around the eyes and problem areas of the face. A fabric mask soaked in seaweed serum, herbal extracts, and castor oil is applied on top. The mask smoothes wrinkles and increases skin elasticity.

  8. Librederm Collagen –

    rejuvenating alginate mask. Removes toxins, increases skin elasticity, evens out the oval and complexion. Contains marine collagen, algae extract, diatomaceous earth.

  9. Cafe mimi

    — a mask with collagen, fucus and kelp extracts has rejuvenating properties. Stimulates regeneration processes, increases skin elasticity and tone, smoothes wrinkles, slows down aging, and moisturizes. Contains avocado oil, shea butter, glycerin, tocopherol.

  10. Planeta Organica Secrets of Kam-chat-ka

    with sea silt and kelp extract. Moisturizes the skin, protects against moisture loss, smoothes wrinkles. Contains several types of algae, elastin, hyaluronic acid, panthenol, silk proteins, tocopherol.

Masks with kelp are an effective skin care product. By choosing the right composition, you can get rid of many cosmetic problems.

From blackheads

Clogged pores are a problem that affects many girls. Most products do not cleanse pores, but only lighten the top of the comedone, without getting rid of the main problem. The active components of masks with kelp penetrate deep into the pores, cleansing them and evening out the complexion.

With lemon and egg


  • kelp - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • protein - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp.

This seaweed face mask not only perfectly cleanses pores, reduces oily shine and disinfects, but also whitens. After the procedure, the skin becomes soft, smooth and clean.

To prepare the product, soak the seaweed in advance. Add lightly beaten egg whites, butter and fresh lemon juice. Mix the mixture thoroughly. It is better to add liquid ingredients gradually so that the mask does not turn out too liquid. Apply a thin layer to the face. The egg may make your skin feel slightly tight, this is normal.

Keep for 15–20 minutes.

Scrub with kelp

It is easy to prepare a product from brown algae that will not only cleanse the skin, but also improve tone, giving the skin a fresh look. Preparing the scrub is simple. Add water to the crushed powder and wait until the composition swells. Then add the same amount of ground coffee.

For dry skin, add a little olive oil to the composition. The procedure will help remove dead cells from the surface of the dermis, thereby refreshing the skin. After scrubbing, apply a cream suitable for the skin.

Masks for dry skin

The dry type of epidermis creates many problems for its owners. Such skin becomes wrinkled faster and becomes very flaky in winter, so you have to use a moisturizer several times a day. Older women with dry skin look older than those with normal or oily skin. The use of special products will help nourish the skin with beneficial substances, moisturize and slow down aging.



  • mango butter - 1 tsp;
  • yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • kelp - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - ½ cup.

The mask contains mango butter, which perfectly moisturizes dry skin, but is too heavy for oily skin. Milk softens well, yolks nourish and eliminate flaking, and kelp replenishes the lack of nutrients.

To prepare the mask, you need to mix kelp and milk. Leave the mixture for an hour, and then squeeze out the excess liquid using gauze. Mix the algae mass with mashed yolks and mango butter. Apply the mixture in a thick layer to your face and lie on your back so that the mask does not spread.

Keep for 40 minutes.



  • kelp - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

The advantage of this mask is that it comes in a huge number of variations. If you often use cosmetic oils, then you know which one is best for your skin. You can take olive, almond, sandalwood, rose or any other. Fill the seaweed with water in advance and then squeeze it out. We add any oil or a mixture of several varieties to the algae mass.

Keep for 20–30 minutes.

With yolk and burdock oil


  • kelp - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • yolk - 2 pcs.;
  • burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Chicken yolk is one of the best natural nourishing ingredients for the skin. This is why it is included in many homemade moisturizers. Burdock oil is too heavy and comedogenic for normal or oily skin, but it perfectly moisturizes dry epidermis, eliminating flaking and a feeling of tightness.

The mask is very easy to prepare. It is necessary to fill the kelp with water in advance, and after an hour, carefully squeeze it through gauze. Lightly beat the yolk with a fork and combine with the seaweed. Add burdock oil and mix, then apply a thick layer to the face.

Keep for 20–30 minutes.

Preparation and application features

The basis for preparing the mask is kelp powder, which can be ordered online or grind a pharmaceutical product in a blender - crushed kelp thallus.

Dried seaweed (1 tbsp) in powder is the basis for masks. It is poured with a glass of water (25-35°C), left for an hour and a half. The mass is thrown onto a gauze napkin and squeezed out. Use freshly prepared and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

For greater product effectiveness, follow the recommendations:

  • pre-cleanse the skin with tonic, foam, lotion;
  • put the mask on your face and wait the specified time while in a horizontal position;
  • remove with a soft cotton pad or tissue (paper) napkin.

You can use any cosmetics no earlier than an hour later.

Masks for oily skin

The main task of cosmetics for such epidermis is to regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This will immediately remove a whole range of problems: oily shine, blackheads, clogged pores. But the effect will be only if used regularly, so it is advisable to do a course of masks.



  • kelp - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • kefir - 1 tsp.

To prepare the product, you just need to mix soaked seaweed and low-fat kefir. You can regulate the amount of kefir yourself: the mixture should not be too liquid, otherwise it will simply drain from your face. The fermented milk product perfectly moisturizes and nourishes without overloading the skin, and also brightens and evens out its tone.

Keep for 15–20 minutes.



  • yeast - 1 sachet;
  • kelp - 1 tbsp. l.

Yeast has long been used to care for oily epidermis. The product fights inflammation well, eliminates shine and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. To make a home remedy, add cool water to the kelp and warm water to the yeast. Leave the seaweed for an hour, squeeze it out and mix with the rising yeast. If possible, use live yeast, it is sold in briquettes. There will be more benefits from such a component.

Masks for pigment spots

The recipes for such products necessarily contain natural whitening ingredients. They not only make freckles and pigmentation less noticeable, but also even out the complexion. Whitening masks can be used by girls with hyperpigmentation or those who want to get an even skin color without using foundation.

Sour cream and lemon


  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • kelp - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.

Before starting cooking, it is necessary to correctly calculate the percentage of fat content of sour cream. For dry skin, 20% is suitable, for oily skin - 10%. Otherwise, the mask will turn out to be too “heavy” or not nutritious enough.

To prepare a remedy for age spots, take 1 tbsp. l. swollen kelp, add sour cream and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply the mask in a thick layer to a previously cleansed face.

Keep for 20 minutes.



  • kelp - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • protein - 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • vitamin B1 - 1 ampoule.

This mask not only perfectly brightens, but also nourishes without overloading the pores. Suitable for all types of epidermis, but girls with sensitive skin should first do an allergy test. The mixture is very simple to make. Lightly beat the egg white and add to the kelp, mix thoroughly. Now pour in lemon juice and the contents of the vitamin ampoule, and then apply to the face.

Keep for 20 minutes.

Laminaria and honey - a miracle mask

After just one use of this mask, your face tone will become perfectly even, and dry skin will be nourished with healing substances.

You will need:

  • one tablespoon of ready-made kelp composition;
  • 15 ml liquid honey;
  • 25 g starch;
  • 5 ml olive oil.

Combine all ingredients and heat in a water bath. Place in a warm place for twenty minutes. This mask needs to be prepared several days before use, kelp will reveal all its healing properties during these days. This mask is applied to a previously washed face.


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Mask with kelp

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The girls who tried seaweed masks and wraps were delighted with the results. The advantage of home remedies with powdered kelp is the number of available recipes, the ingredients for which can be found in any refrigerator. Algae really helps remove swelling, whitens and evens out skin tone, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

But the authors of the reviews noted that a good effect from face masks with dried kelp seaweed is possible only with a course of use. Be sure to remember that masks with seaweed should not be made often, otherwise the epidermis may only get worse. You can do the procedure once a week for a couple of months, this is the optimal frequency. And don't rely solely on seaweed. A combination of home remedies and properly selected skin care cosmetics will help you achieve lasting results.

Laminaria for the face - important tips for proper use

Masks with kelp are easy to make, you just need to follow the recommendations.

  • It is better to buy algae at a pharmacy
  • Before preparing them, you need to prepare the base
  • To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of algae powder with water at room temperature.
  • Water should be taken boiled or mineral without gas. Stir and let sit to swell
  • You can also use a decoction of herbs, green tea or milk to infuse seaweed.
  • When the mass is saturated with liquid, it should be squeezed out: the resulting pulp is ready for use
  • The prepared base can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 - 3 days. To do this, it should be wrapped in gauze and placed in a plastic bag. There is no need to tie it - there must be air access to the mixture

Important: the finished mask composition with additives to the base cannot be stored. It must be used immediately after preparation.

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