Facebuilding - pros and cons, before and after results, instructors, exercises at home

The skin on the face needs daily care and cosmetic procedures because it is more sensitive and thinner than on other parts of the body. Only muscles that maintain its tone can guarantee firm, elastic facial skin. Like other muscle groups located throughout the human body, the facial muscles also need regular physical activity. Face building is a natural, completely free way to prevent facial aging and fill it with a healthy glow.

Facebook building: all the pros and cons (benefits, harms of gymnastics)

First, let’s define what Facebook building is. Facebuilding is a practice aimed at training the muscles of the face, neck and décolleté, combined with their massage. The concept is similar in meaning and functionality to bodybuilding (body building). Facebuilding combines facial exercises of varying levels of complexity, performed at home.

The facial muscles are the smallest in size, due to this they are quickly amenable to training. Moreover, the effect of training is noticeable on the thin skin of the face more than in any other part of the body.

Let's figure out whether face-building helps to effectively correct age-related defects and preserve youth for many years.

The benefits of Facebook building, its advantages

  • Correction of facial contour using natural methods;

This gymnastics restores the necessary tone to the muscles of the face and neck. At the same time, it is completely painless due to muscle efforts, without resorting to anesthesia, surgical interventions and other unpleasant moments.

  • Prevention and reduction of existing wrinkles;

During exercises in combination with massage, there is intensive blood supply and skin nutrition. The facial cells of the upper layer of skin are regenerated, which visually transforms the appearance, filling it with energy.

  • Restoring freshness and healthy complexion;

Effective exercise during training increases the flow of lymphatic fluid and blood through the capillaries. This allows you to get rid of bags and dark circles under the eyes in a short period of time. Additionally, this is an excellent prevention of skin sagging.

  • Health safety;

Non-ecological hardware techniques, subcutaneous injections, and surgical plastic surgery can cause complications, but face building is relatively harmless and does not have serious contraindications.

  • Obtaining a quick visible result, which is noticeable after seven days of regular exercise;
  • Saving;

Unlike expensive cosmetic procedures, gymnastics can be done at home, standing in front of a mirror, or in any convenient place for free. No machines or additional equipment are required to perform these exercises - this is another significant argument.

  • Relaxing areas of high muscle tension such as the forehead, between the eyebrows, around the eyes, mouth, cheekbones;
  • Rapid rehabilitation for facial neuromuscular palsy.

From another point of view, there is a negative side to any theory or practice. This technique has skeptics and opponents who insist on the negative effect of gymnastics.

Disadvantages or what harm Facebook building can cause

  • Intensive exercise can pump up muscles that are already in hypertonicity due to emotional psychological reactions, thereby aggravating problems in appearance.

In this regard, methods that use muscle relaxation and normalize their tone are less dangerous: Revitonics, Osmionics, Faceforming and Cantienics.

In addition, like any practice, face building has contraindications for practice in certain cases.


  • If there are bacterial or fungal infections of the face and neck;
  • If the function of the immune system is reduced;
  • When there are open wounds on the skin;
  • After recent surgical procedures to tighten the skin, as well as after laser skin resurfacing;
  • For various dermatological diseases of the face;
  • In the presence of severe rashes, acne (gymnastics can aggravate the situation);

In other cases, it is allowed to practice using this method. Facebuilding does not involve any complex manipulations, so it can be done even during pregnancy.

Skin care tips

In addition to gymnastics and massage treatments, it is important to properly care for the delicate skin of the neck and face.

  • Every day, tone your skin with ice cubes made from herbal infusion. This will give your face a fresh look and blush. Ice perfectly prevents facial wrinkles.
  • When using the cream, do not rub it on the skin or stretch it. It is much more effective to apply the cosmetic product with your fingertips using patting movements.
  • Do not rub your face with a towel after washing, pat lightly - this will be enough.

How to learn face building and become an instructor or coach

In search of a way to regain the former beauty and freshness of their skin, women are ready to do a lot. There are thousands of fans of fejbuilding, who prove the real positive results of the exercises. There are no scientific studies that refute this.

Despite all the contradictions, interest in this technique is growing and it is gaining popularity. Now anyone has the opportunity to become a face-building trainer and teach in this area. In order to obtain an instructor certificate, you must take training courses from qualified specialists. Typically, training lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. This makes it possible to acquire not only new professional skills, but also to see first-hand the effectiveness of the program.

Anastasia Burdyug is learning Facebook building from Carol Maggio

Facial massages and skincare treatments.

Myofascial, buccal, Japanese, Spanish, French, hardware and many, many other types of massage, a huge variety of moisturizing, nourishing, lifting cosmetic procedures stand guard over the youth and beauty of the face. There is no need to study training systems, buy webinars, or perform daily manipulations of contraction, relaxation, “combing,” and stretching. You can simply trust a specialist. However, all these wonderful procedures are effective only in one case - you need to go to them.

Injection cosmetology (fillers, botulinum toxins, mesothreads) requires a highly qualified doctor and is not possible for home use. Among the undeniable advantages are the ability to hide something and embellish something, as well as low time costs.

Thus, there is a large selection of methods and means of preserving the youth of the face, its beauty and attractiveness. There is no panacea for this. What to prefer? “Pump” the muscles or relax, prick or massage? The answer is surprisingly simple. Do something! Your face needs attention. Give him as much attention as possible.

In fact, these methods are not antagonistic. They have one goal - to keep their face young for as long as possible. Each person has individual characteristics. Every person has age characteristics. As well as the characteristics of the habitat, nutrition and others. A competent cosmetologist can take them all into account and draw up a life plan for preserving youth. But the implementation of the plan depends entirely on you! Are you ready to do gymnastics and work out emotional tensions every day - face-building and revitonics will help you! If you notice that the situation is developing according to the fitness subscription scheme (there is a subscription, but there is no fitness), come to the cosmetology clinic more often. Specialists will do everything for you.

And be sure to remember that the main decoration of the face is a kind smile! Now add to her a proud posture, a graceful gait and sparkling eyes and get ready to receive compliments!

Popular face-building complexes from famous trainers

Facebuilding from the famous Carole Maggio “Aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face” is an effective strength exercise for a facelift.

Online training with Evgenia Baglyk is convenient and effective. There is an opportunity to learn professional skills using her system.

Classes with Anastasia Burdyug, the most popular face-building trainer in Russia.

Facebook building results in before and after photos

Facial gymnastics gives excellent results for different age categories. There is a wide range of exercises that involve different muscle groups. When choosing them, it is very important to take age into account.

For example, under the age of 25, you can practice light courses of facial gymnastics, which are more aimed at preventing the appearance of wrinkles. As for classical gymnastics for wrinkles, it can be performed by anyone over the age of 26.

Facebuilding for the face after 50 years offers a more complex workout aimed at restoring lost skin elasticity. It allows you to significantly tighten the oval of the face and transform its contours.

Reviews of the visible results from Facebook building in the photo confirm the effectiveness of the technique:

Deep wrinkle lines on the forehead became less pronounced, and the nasolabial fold decreased significantly. The face acquired a healthy appearance.

Figure 1: Result of 4 week training

Correction of the tear trough when performing face-building is noticeable after 2 months of training. The jawline has become clear.

Figure 2 Result after 8 weeks of regular exercise

In 1.5 months of training, the oval of the face was tightened, the line of the lips and eyebrows became expressive. The tear line has decreased.

Figure 3 - After 6 weeks of classes

The muscles and contour of the neck have changed greatly. The loose skin has tightened to a large extent.

Figure 4 - After 3 months of classes

Muscle pain

During face training, you will feel tension around the mouth and cheek area. The next day you will feel mild muscle pain. Thanks to regular exercise, you will have firmer skin and a fresh complexion. In the long term, exercise will slow down the aging process.

Of course, Facebook building will not make you a new person - it will not completely get rid of deep wrinkles, especially if you are over 45 years old. Although some videos and pictures try to guarantee this. But your skin will acquire good tone and become elastic after a couple of sessions - this is true. Also, these workouts will help reduce facial swelling due to the active work of lymph.

General rules and features of performing Facebuilding exercises

  • The best time for these exercises will be in the evening, because there is no need to rush anywhere, you can enjoy a relaxing workout;
  • Buy a good moisturizer or special oil for a specific skin type, apply every time you exercise;
  • Before starting, wash your face well, wash your hands (ideally after a shower, when the skin is better hydrated), apply a natural nourishing cream;
  • Start slowly, gradually increasing the load so that the muscles are prepared. This will help avoid any damage to the skin or muscles, because this would have the opposite effect;
  • Exercise at least twice a week during times of stress to relieve tension;
  • To enhance the effect of the massage, apply a mask according to your facial skin type after face building. This is a very favorable time for the skin to absorb all the necessary beneficial substances from the mask due to the stimulation of blood circulation;
  • It is better to practice outdoors so that the skin cells are enriched with oxygen;
  • For effective visible elimination of wrinkles with the help of face-building exercises for the face, rejuvenating exercises must be carried out regularly, at least 2-3 times a week.

In order to preserve youth as long as possible and slow down the process of skin aging, it is important to follow some recommendations :

  • Get rid of bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • Pay attention to nutrition. You should include more vegetables and fruits rich in fiber in your diet, and increase your protein intake;
  • To ensure that the body does not experience a lack of water, regularly removes toxins, so that the skin does not dry out, you should drink a sufficient amount of clean drinking water;
  • Try to avoid stress (monitor your psycho-emotional state);
  • When applying decorative cosmetics, choose only high-quality, hypoallergenic products;
  • Before applying cosmetics, it is necessary to moisturize the skin well;
  • Use special protective creams against exposure to direct sunlight and ultraviolet radiation;
  • During the cold season, be sure to apply a protective cream against frost and wind on your face;
  • Timely treat various diseases, including runny nose, which can negatively affect the condition of the skin;
  • Use an individual face-building complex, facial aerobics, which helps prevent aging and reduce existing changes;

Following these recommendations allows you to quickly restore the skin's former elasticity and get rid of wrinkles.

Facial changes with age

Preventing the appearance of a double chin: recommendations from ISEI

Collagen, hyaluronic acid, snail mucin are three of the strongest ingredients used in cosmetology to prevent the problem of a double chin. What do Korean cosmetic laboratories offer?

Collagen creams

Naris Cosmetics Shurei Facial Care Cream Collagen

Regenerating cream with collagen from Naris Cosmetics is aimed at actively combating age-related changes, reducing the depth of wrinkles, and providing a delicate lifting effect.

The product is based on collagen - filling the skin from the inside, the active ingredient restores its elasticity and firmness.

Village 11 Factory Collagen Cream

Moisturizing cream with collagen from Village 11 Factory forms a protective layer on the dermis that retains moisture inside the cells and smoothes the skin. An additional function of the cream is to eliminate pathogenic flora - the product removes toxins, fights inflammation, and prevents the appearance of edema.

The product is based on hydrolyzed collagen - an ingredient that can make wrinkles less pronounced and the oval of the face clearer. The action of the main component is supported by the power of niacinamide, which evens out skin color, and propolis, a strong natural antiseptic that increases cellular immunity.

Creams with hyaluronic acid

Missha Super Aqua Ultra Hyalron Cream

Cream from the legendary South Korean brand Missha restores the hydro-lipid balance of the skin, smoothes wrinkles and prevents the manifestation of age-related changes. A complex of 10 types of hyaluronic acid provides the dermis with maximum hydration for 100 hours. Marine collagen helps restore skin elasticity and firmness and prevents sagging.

eChoice Hyaluronic Acid All In One

eChoice Hyaluronic Acid Cream provides long-lasting hydration to the skin, increasing its smoothness and elasticity.

The effect of the main active ingredient is complemented by a herbal complex - arnica flowers, yarrow, wormwood. They increase the turgor of the dermis, refresh and tone the face, and eliminate excess sebum.

Face building for different areas of the face at home

Face building exercises for the face include several stages:

  • Warm-up is the preparation of muscles for more intense physical activity. It helps avoid injury;
  • The basic training part is a change of static and dynamic loads of varying degrees of complexity and intensity, aimed at modeling the facial contour and eliminating age-related changes;
  • Facial massage for wrinkles is an effective method of face-building health therapy based on tactile influence. It perfectly helps muscles recover after physical effort and corrects imperfections.

The figure shows massage lines for the face and décolleté.

Massage lines

  • Relaxation is the final stage of Face building. Increased tone is characteristic of the facial muscles. This leads to the appearance of small facial wrinkles. Facebuilding makes it possible to relax areas of tension that are prone to the appearance of severe wrinkles, and learn to control your emotions.

Now let’s look at the most famous and effective face-building exercises. Each technique is accompanied by pictures to make it easier for you to understand its essence.

Note: You should carefully monitor the placement of your fingers when performing specific exercises.

For youthful lip lines

Make an "O" with your lips and press them to your teeth. Then move your index fingers from bottom to top, starting from the sides of your lips towards your nose. Perform this exercise until you feel tension and a slight burning sensation.

A full range of gymnastics for youthful lips can be studied in the article.

To rejuvenate the eye area

Note: The result will be a reduction in puffiness under the eyes, blue circles and tear troughs.

Place your index fingers right in the middle of your eyebrows, your thumbs at the bottom of your eyes. Close your eyelids. Gently move your index fingers up and your thumbs down, gently pressing both points as your eyes close. Do this exercise for 40 seconds and then rest.

We also recommend studying the entire complex for youthful eyes, which includes techniques for sagging eyelids, exercises for sunken eyes and wrinkles in their corners.

To rejuvenate and strengthen the chin muscles

  • Place your hand at the base of your neck, point your chin up, touch your upper lip with your tongue, turn your head one way or the other;
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds on each side and relax.

Since removing a double chin is not an easy task, we recommend using all known methods for eliminating it at home, as well as other exercises for a double chin.

To prevent forehead wrinkles

Place your fingers above your eyebrows as shown in the photo, lightly press down with your fingertips, and move your eyebrows up in the opposite direction. Hold for 30 seconds and rest.

In addition to this technique, we recommend that you study an article where we have collected the best and most effective exercises for the forehead from different techniques.

For lifting cheeks, cheekbones and facial contours

This technique effectively removes sagging cheeks and models the oval of the face.

  • Take in as much air as possible, holding it in the mouth, inflating the cheeks;
  • Fix the position for 20 seconds;
  • Repeat 15 times.

Find the entire set of exercises for tightening the oval in the article at the link.

For the neck area

  • Take a horizontal body position, grab and press the neck area with your hands;
  • Raise your head up, feeling how your neck and gluteal muscles tense;
  • Hold the pose for 1 minute and then relax.

To get good results from classes, you need to put it into practice at least 3 times a week, although it is preferable to do it every day.

Try to gradually increase the time of approaches so that it takes 10 or 15 minutes a day.

To properly perform neck gymnastics, it is recommended to do it in front of a mirror in order to take the correct poses.

It should be remembered that our appearance and age-related facial changes depend on the statics of the neck and the health of its muscles. Therefore, to maintain her health and improve the condition of her face, it is recommended to perform neck exercises, especially paying attention to exercises for the withers.

How to complement the practice?

It is worth noting that to obtain visible results on the face, it will take at least two weeks to a month of regular practice.

This is due to the fact that muscles have the ability to restore their previous condition.

To achieve a radical result on the face, it is recommended to combine face building with other environmentally friendly rejuvenation techniques.

One of these techniques is biomechanical stimulation of the face and neck, one session of which is equal to twelve sessions of manual massage in terms of the effectiveness of restoring muscle tone.

To maintain the results obtained, it is recommended to perform a cupping massage and apply tapes to the face at night (what it is and how it is used for rejuvenation is described in the corresponding article).

A facial mesoscooter will help complement natural rejuvenation procedures.

In addition to gymnasts and care, one should not forget about regular cleansing of the body, proper nutrition and water consumption of at least two liters per day.

What is a double chin and what are the causes of a double chin?

With a decrease in the elasticity of the dermis in the neck area and a significant weakening of the neck muscles, the layer of subcutaneous fat begins to rapidly increase. The muscles become unable to support the skin - it sags, which threatens local fat deposition.

The reasons for the appearance of a double chin may be related to age-related changes, excess weight, genetics and other factors. Let's take a closer look at why a double chin appears!

  • Overweight

In most cases, a double chin appears simultaneously with weight gain. The fatty layers deposited in the cervical-mental area have an interesting feature - they accumulate quickly, but disappear extremely slowly.

The solution to the problem is to lose weight, but you need to lose weight “smartly.” The usual food restrictions will be powerless here - there is a high probability that with intensive weight loss, the fat will go away, and the skin in the problem area will simply sag.

It is necessary to add physical exercise to your diet. Special gymnastics for the cervical-chin area or yoga will be effective.

  • Genetic predisposition

A double chin may be a consequence of a person's genetic characteristics. If most of your relatives have had a similar problem, then you are definitely at risk.

Don’t despair: you can prevent the appearance of a chin with the help of gymnastic exercises and cosmetic preventive measures. The first method involves daily tapping the chin with the back of your hand (twice a day for 2-3 minutes). The second is the use of special cosmetic products aimed at preventing the appearance of fatty deposits.

  • Age-related changes

Over time, the neck muscles become weak, the dermis loses its firmness and elasticity, and the collagen network becomes thinner. Age-related changes are a natural and irreversible process. Gymnastics and special cosmetic beauty products, which will be discussed further, are designed to prevent the premature appearance of a double chin.

  • Disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland

With a rapid increase in the volume of the cervical-mental area, it is worth checking the condition of the thyroid gland. To do this, it is enough to do an ultrasound of the organ and pass several hormonal tests, which are prescribed by an endocrinologist.

  • Incorrect posture

In 90% of cases, a curved spine will lead to the appearance of a double chin by the age of 40-50. The deformation process may accelerate because The modern world dictates its conditions - we expose the problem area to additional stress when we lower our heads when using a smartphone or computer.

The main thing here is preventative measures. Remember that you need to keep your back and head straight, and devote about 5 minutes a day to walking with a book on your head.

Facebook building on video

To properly learn how to perform all face-building exercises for the face at home, we recommend watching face-building video lessons for beginners:

You will find complete sets of face-building exercises in the original programs of trainers of this technique:

Facebook building by Carol Maggio.

Training with Anastasia Burdyug.

Training with Evgenia Baglyk.

And here are video lessons of face building techniques from the latest fitness trainer.

In addition to face-building, there is another method of natural rejuvenation, the noticeable effect of which is associated with relaxing the facial muscles and tidying up the posture. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most effective gymnastics for the face.

Tags: gymnastics, face building

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