How to behave after peeling to avoid side effects. Is it possible to go to the bathhouse?

  • Types of peelings
  • Carbon peeling
  • Price

Peeling is a procedure aimed at exfoliating dead skin.
One of the most effective peeling methods is acid peeling, since this procedure cleanses various layers of the skin: superficial, superficial-medium and middle. Acid peeling effectively solves problems such as acne and post-acne, scars, wrinkles, signs of aging, age spots, decreased turgor, dull skin color. Depending on the acid included in the peeling, it can be fruit, almond, retinol, salicylic, pyruvic, glycolic, lactic, etc.

Is it possible to go to a bathhouse or sauna after a retinoic peeling cleansing and when to go?

For the first 12 hours after peeling, any water procedures for the face are prohibited, this even applies to regular washing. The duration of restoration of the skin depends on the depth of exposure to one or another cleanser. Retinoic (yellow) peeling is a method of superficial skin cleansing using retinoic acid.

Its main advantage lies in obtaining an effective result and a short recovery period: on average, its duration is from 4 to 7 days.

Preparing for peeling

Peeling is preceded by a preliminary consultation, during which the doctor determines the patient’s skin type and selects the most suitable type of peeling. Also during the consultation, the doctor finds out whether the patient has any possible contraindications for the upcoming cleansing procedure. Contraindications to acid peeling are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic diseases;
  • oncology;
  • skin diseases,
  • skin damage;
  • recurrent herpes.

If the patient is taking antibiotics, hormonal agents and other medications, he must inform the doctor about this, since this information must also be taken into account when choosing the type of peeling and assessing the admissibility of the procedure.

Features of facial skin care after exfoliation: can you wash your face, etc.?

There are a number of rules for restoring the skin after peeling , depending on the depth of exfoliation. In addition, the individual characteristics of a person are taken into account:

  • age;
  • skin type;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • tendency to allergic reactions.

Each type of exfoliation has its own characteristics of care during the rehabilitation period.


Medium peeling is an aggressive and traumatic procedure that affects not only the surface of the skin, but also its middle layer. After such cleaning, the recovery period is of great importance. At this time, it is important to create all the conditions for rapid regeneration and healing of the skin. For the first 12 hours after the end of the procedure, the following is prohibited :

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  • wash;
  • touch the treated skin with your hands;
  • use cosmetic compositions for the face;
  • going out.

On the 4th day after peeling it is allowed to use:

  • cleansing foams;
  • gels;
  • moisturizing creams containing panthenol.

Important ! When going outside, you must use glasses and hats that can protect your face from direct sunlight.

During the first 2 weeks after peeling, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • use only those skin care products prescribed by a specialist;
  • avoid the use of decorative cosmetics;
  • cancel your visit to the bathhouse, sauna, solarium, swimming pool, etc.

It is forbidden to tear off the crusts that form on the surface of the skin, under which the processes of cellular renewal and regeneration take place, since their disruption may leave scars on the face.


Superficial cleaning is more gentle : during the process, only the top layer of the epidermis is removed. In this regard, care after such a procedure is less intensive, and the recovery period is only 3 to 5 days. To speed up healing and rehabilitation, you need to follow several rules:

  • 2 hours after peeling, apply Panthenol spray intended for wound healing to the skin;
  • on day 2, it is permissible to use a regular cleanser that does not contain abrasive particles;
  • use "Panthenol" during the entire rehabilitation period with a frequency of 4 times a day.

On the second day, the skin will begin to fall off; under no circumstances should you speed up this process by tearing it off.

Important ! If redness persists on day 7, you should consult a specialist.

Why is it forbidden to visit the bathhouse after

Cosmetologists prohibit performing skin steaming procedures, including visiting a bathhouse after any type of peeling (chemical, retinoic, mechanical, etc.). The reasons for this are as follows.

Risk of infection entering the skin due to increased humidity and air temperature

Such factors create favorable conditions for the entry, development and activity of harmful microorganisms. In addition, the skin can become infected due to increased sweating. Sweat gets onto the post-peeling wound, thereby causing irritation and sometimes a purulent process.

After the procedure, any thermal exposure is not recommended. This can lead to various consequences.

Therefore, it is necessary to follow all recommendations given by the cosmetologist.

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Zhikhoreva Inna Viktorovna

6 years experience

Slowing down the regeneration process of injured epidermis

This can be explained by increased air humidity, which causes deterioration and softening of the surface layer of the dermis.

Development of rosacea, thinning of vascular walls

Complications arise due to exposure to high temperature. As a result, subcutaneous hemorrhages, bruises, persistent erythema, and swelling occur.

Receiving an even greater burn than after peeling, the development of allergic reactions

If acids are used during the procedure, its particles remain inside the dermis even after peeling. Under the influence of elevated temperature, they are activated, which provokes a repeated effect on weakened tissues. As a result, an extensive burn of the dermis is formed, and an allergic reaction develops.

Cosmetologists do not recommend visiting a bathhouse after peeling.

This is due to the vulnerability of the skin during this period, which increases the risk of infection, a slowdown in the regeneration process due to high humidity and increased post-procedure burns.

To summarize, it can be noted that a bath after superficial or deep peeling is not only harmful, but also dangerous, as it causes serious visible defects.

What to do if side effects occur?

Conventionally, complications after peeling are divided into 2 types: expected and unexpected:

  • The appearance of the former is an absolutely normal phenomenon, while the latter indicates a malfunction in the body, as well as mistakes made during the procedure or during the recovery period.
  • If unexpected complications occur, you must immediately contact a specialist.

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This phenomenon usually occurs on the 3rd day after peeling and lasts approximately 7 to 10 days. The following rules will help speed up the process of getting rid of peeling:

  • use non-carbonated mineral water for washing;
  • regularly moisturize the skin;
  • do not touch your face with dirty hands;
  • treat the skin with restorative agents;
  • stop using lotions, scrubs and tonics for the entire recovery period.

The following remedies accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis:

  • "Retinol";
  • "Bisabolol";
  • "Panthenol";
  • antioxidant serums with vitamins C and E;
  • creams containing hyaluronic acid or plant extracts;
  • soothing gels and hydrogel masks.

The use of these products helps to quickly get rid of peeling.


A reaction to the cleaning procedure, in the form of swelling, appears a few days after it is carried out. As a rule, a similar effect is observed after yellow (retinoic) peeling using trichloroacetic acid. To prevent the appearance of edema, you need to correctly select the concentration of acidic agents for the procedure.


Redness after peeling is considered normal and usually goes away a few days after the procedure. To speed up this process, it is recommended to follow several rules:

  • proper skin care;
  • proper nutrition, including avoidance of carbonated drinks, as well as fatty, sweet and salty foods;
  • drinking up to 3 liters of drinking water per day;
  • use only hypoallergenic cosmetics.

Important ! To eliminate redness, it is recommended to use only hypoallergenic cosmetics and avoid using powder and foundation.

Types of laser resurfacing devices

There are several main types of laser resurfacing, each of which has a special laser model. The choice of laser installation is made in accordance with the problem to be solved and the skin type. The names of lasers determine the type of active medium in which the beam is generated:

  • Carbon dioxide CO2 devices - radiation is formed in carbon dioxide with a high concentration, has a long light wavelength, which allows the device to affect the depth of the skin, inaccessible with other types of radiation. Not suitable for correcting areas with delicate and thin skin; it is used to remove old cells, eliminate stretch marks, deep wrinkles, scars, tumors and spots, and provides a noticeable lifting effect. The rehabilitation period averages 2 – 4 weeks, during which time traces of the intervention disappear. Complete skin regeneration takes up to six months.
  • Erbium devices - devices generate several microbeams that heat tissue in the desired location, without capturing nearby surfaces, the wavelength is limited - the effect is on the upper layers of the epidermis. The device is suitable for polishing sensitive skin of the eyelids and neck, eliminates medium-depth wrinkles, fights signs of pigmentation, evens out skin tone and provides a lifting effect. The rehabilitation period takes about 1 week.
  • Fractional devices - have a targeted surface effect, do not injure healthy tissues, as a rule, a series of procedures is required to achieve maximum effect. Radiation promotes the renewal of aging skin, triggers the production of collagen, but does not “evaporate” the keratinized dermal layer and is not able to correct serious age-related changes. Complete tissue restoration occurs in 4–10 days.

Depending on the depth of the beam, non-ablative, ablative and fractional laser rejuvenation is distinguished. The non-ablative method (more often referred to as erbium resurfacing) does not injure the skin surface, involves light heating (42° - 45°) or coagulation (45° - 60°) of tissue, and there is practically no rehabilitation. Ablative laser rejuvenation involves a continuous impact on the entire surface of the skin; as a rule, it means carbon dioxide resurfacing. During fractional rejuvenation, the laser beam is scattered into many microbeams; depending on the adjusted depth of the device’s impact, this type of intervention can be classified as either ablative or non-ablative.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

In order not to delay the process of epidermal regeneration, experts recommend strictly following the rules during the recovery period :

  • refuse to visit baths, saunas, swimming pools and physical education and sports;
  • exclude the use of decorative cosmetics;
  • For facial care, use only products prescribed by a cosmetologist;
  • If there is the slightest deterioration in your skin condition, consult a doctor immediately.

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Peeling is an effective way to help eliminate almost all blemishes from the face. However, the success of this procedure depends not only on the qualifications of the specialist, but also on how accurately the patient follows the rules recommended after the procedure. Only with a competent approach will the cleansing take place without complications, and the skin will look absolutely healthy.


Preparation for acid peeling begins several weeks before the procedure itself. The doctor informs you about the rules of the preparatory period during the preliminary consultation:

  • 14 days before peeling, do not visit the solarium or sunbathe naturally, limit trips to the sauna and bathhouse;
  • 7 days before peeling, do not apply scrubs containing large solid particles or acid-based cosmetic preparations; use sunscreen 35+ SPF every day;
  • eliminate existing inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • if there is herpes on the skin, it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs.

If peeling is carried out to eliminate pigmentation, it is recommended to start using products with a whitening effect a week before the procedure.

Other recommendations after Botox injections

The list of prohibitions includes:

  • drinking alcohol (even light);
  • taking antibiotics;
  • taking antidepressants (in some cases, be sure to consult a specialist);
  • lack of facial expressions (the opposite is recommended: actively use it so that the muscles work and contract);
  • do fitness;
  • use cosmetics (24 hours).

A general but important recommendation after Botox on the forehead: do not rub, do not knead, do not scratch. Such an active effect on the injection area, unfortunately, will not have the best effect. Refrain from using masks, do not try to smooth your face manually, over time the drug will do its job and you will be amazed at the magical effect. Do not be alarmed by the inability to move your face as before, this is normal, this is a side effect of the drug, in fact, for which they choose Botox. How to behave further after the procedure? Come for an appointment with your cosmetologist in the coming days. He will check how the exposure process is going and give you further advice.

Superficial skin peeling

Peeling, in which peeling occurs within the stratum corneum of the epidermis and is often not even noticeable to the eye. Peels are carried out once every 7-10 days.

The most popular group of peelings.

  • Used for a number of indications : correction of age-related changes (all manifestations of aging, including wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity, etc.), acne, skin with increased oil content, to even out skin tone with hyperpigmentation.
  • Superficial peels include AHA-based peels (containing glycolic, lactic, and mandelic acids). The concentration of acids may be different, but they do not penetrate deeply, while actively stimulating cell renewal.
  • They are most popular because... effectively combat imperfections, while having a minimal risk of complications and a comfortable rehabilitation period. It will take 5-7 days for the skin to recover.

Protective cream with SPF

Be sure to use sunscreen for 3-7 days during the daytime.

Delicate cleansing

It is selected according to your skin type; it is not necessarily an oil-based product in the form of milk, as with medium peeling. However, it is worth excluding products based on aggressive surfactants with abundant foam formation.

Example : Facial cleansing gel, daily care DermaQuest - enzyme-based cleansing gel for all skin types: quickly removes makeup and impurities, can be used around the eyes. Leaves behind a feeling of cleanliness, hydration and comfort.

Products that restore skin barrier functions

Preparations that have a moisturizing, restorative and anti-inflammatory effect. These can be masks, serums and creams, selected according to your skin type and existing problems.

Choose products enriched with antioxidants to eliminate free radical reactions that inhibit the skin restoration process and can provoke pigmentation.

Active serum for the problem

Superficial peels are minimally aggressive and their effectiveness can be increased by using active serums for the existing skin problem.

Lightening agents

Prescribed if peeling was performed for the problem of age spots. The peeling procedure must be carried out under the cover of 3 types of drugs: antioxidants, lightening agents that block the hyperactivity of melanocytes and products containing photo filters (SPF). It should be remembered that all three types of products must be present in both pre- and post-peel care.

Example: Lightening cream "SkinBright" DermaQuest - lightens age spots, restores and intensively moisturizes, giving the skin a perfectly even tone and radiance. Contains Snow White Lily stem cells, peptides, antioxidants. Does NOT contain hydroquinone or AHA!


In order for peeling to please you with a good result, it is very important to properly rehabilitate the skin. You should definitely take medications prescribed by a cosmetologist and avoid the negative influence of external and internal stress factors. In just a short time, you will be able to enjoy firm, youthful and radiant skin.

After peeling with acids, many clients of beauty salons expect to instantly see soft, velvety skin, freshness and a healthy glow, but in return they receive a red face and active peeling of the skin. How to properly care for your face after a chemical peel to achieve the desired result as quickly as possible? What should and should not be done during a difficult recovery period for the skin?

Beauty injections and sleep, or how to sleep after Botox

No matter how funny this topic may seem, it is no less relevant for those who decide to become younger with the help of botulinum therapy. In fact, regarding sleep, the recommendations are much more gentle, in contrast to the warming processes that we talked about earlier. Any qualified cosmetologist will tell you how long you should not lie down after Botox: 3-6 hours is enough. Accordingly, the same number of hours applies to sleep. Smile if a specialist advises you to sleep these 3-6 hours while sitting or standing. A few hours before the moment when you fall into the arms of Morpheus, the composition should be distributed over certain zones. If you hold your head down or tilt it to the side, the distribution of Botox will be uneven, since gravity has not yet been canceled. For the same reason, when asked how to sleep after Botox injections in the forehead or other area of ​​the face, cosmetologists answer unequivocally: on the back. This applies to the first night. True, it happens that in the exciting anticipation of a wonderful rejuvenating effect, some cannot fall asleep at all.

Who is carbon peeling suitable for?

There are a number of problems for which this procedure is most suitable:

  • rosacea, both pronounced and not severe;
  • presence of rosacea;
  • lumpy and uneven skin surface;
  • enlarged and clogged pores;
  • acne, comedones;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • small scars and marks after acne;
  • increased sebum secretion;
  • patchy pigmentation or freckles;
  • dull skin;
  • small and shallow wrinkles.

Are Botox and sauna compatible?

The answer is clear: no, they are not compatible, but only a week, or at most two, until the composition is fixed in the required areas. Any actions and procedures that have a warming effect are strictly prohibited. This applies to the sauna, hammam, contrast shower and facial steaming. Even active physical sports can have a negative impact, as blood circulation increases and “warms up” the body. High temperature and hot steam act on the blood vessels, expanding them. This threatens the penetration of Botox into the blood and tissues. The consequences of this hit can be very undesirable. In addition, this affects the removal of the drug from the body, which will minimize the desired effect.

But don't be alarmed, these are temporary restrictions. You will be able to visit your favorite sauna just a few days (the period will be determined by your cosmetologist) after the injections. Botox and sauna will work together on your freshness and beauty. The period for excluding warming procedures will be determined by your cosmetologist. It will depend on the individual characteristics of your body and skin, lifestyle and proper care after injections. For basic washing with hot water, the limitation period is much shorter. By the way, even limit the use of a hot air hair dryer for the first days.

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