Secrets of effectively smoothing nasolabial folds from Nicole Kidman and Angelina Jolie

From this article you will learn:

  • how to remove nasolabial folds,
  • reviews, before and after photos,
  • side effects and complications.

Having nasolabial folds is normal human anatomy, but these folds can become deeper with age. Deepening of the nasolabial folds occurs primarily due to age-related changes in the skin and subcutaneous fat, gradually leading to gravitational ptosis (drooping) of the soft tissues of the buccal area. Additional influences include exposure to the sun, active facial expressions, and smoking. Patients note that pronounced nasolabial folds give the face a tired look, and ask to make them less noticeable.

The most effective and safe way to make them less noticeable is contouring with fillers based on hyaluronic acid. The method involves injecting a gel based on stabilized hyaluronic acid into the base of the fold. The gel smoothes out the area of ​​soft tissue depression due to the fact that it is able to maintain its volume in the soft tissues for a long time. Depending on the type of filler, the effect can last from 6 to 18 months.

Nasolabial fillers: before and after photos

Correction of nasolabial folds with fillers based on hyaluronic acid is the simplest option for facial contouring, which is not too complicated even for novice cosmetologists. A much more complex correction option is the use of semi-permanent and permanent fillers (for example, based on microspherical particles of calcium hydroxyapatite or particles of poly-L-lactic acid), i.e. drugs such as Radiesse or Sculptra. Working with such fillers will require experience, as well as specialized training in working with such drugs.

But there is a large group of patients in whom correction with fillers will be completely ineffective. Firstly, we are talking about patients with a deformational (edematous) type of aging, who, due to impaired venous outflow and microcirculation, develop increasing interstitial edema of soft tissues (mainly due to subcutaneous fatty tissue). And secondly, in patients with pronounced fat deposits in the cheek area. You can read what to do in these situations below in the “Complicated cases” section.

1st method: hyaluronic acid

If nasolabial folds have just begun to form, injections of hyaluronic acid will help. If this is not enough, then it is additionally possible to introduce drugs based on hyaluronic acid for injection contouring. They can recreate the missing volume in the zygomatic area, and this in turn will lead to a decrease in the severity of the nasolabial fold. The components included in the injected products activate the production of their own components (collagen, elastin), an insufficient amount of which causes the appearance of wrinkles. Contour correction with hyaluronic acid not only smooths out wrinkles, but also prevents their appearance.


What is the essence of removing nasolabial lips with fillers?

The procedure (called contour plastic surgery) involves injecting a rather dense gel, based on hyaluronic acid, under the skin of the resulting fold. As a result, the integumentary tissue lifts and the skin fold disappears. It is important that it looks natural, without the effect of a subcutaneous “harness” or a “frozen” facial expression. Injections are performed once, and the effect lasts 6-12 months (this depends on the activity of intradermal enzymes).

What is hyaluronic acid, which forms the basis of fillers? This is a substance that is found inside the skin of each of us. It is needed so that the integumentary tissue:

  • was hydrated;
  • had a certain volume;
  • did not wrinkle under the influence of facial muscles, which at one end are woven into the dermis;
  • could function normally - since the necessary metabolic reactions will occur in it;
  • did not sag - since with a sufficient amount of hyaluronate, a sufficient number of intradermal fibers are produced that hold the skin frame.

But with age, as well as under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the amount of hyaluronic acid begins to decrease. And in places where frequently working facial muscles are located, this causes creases to appear. This becomes especially noticeable at age 40 or a little earlier. With some congenital features, nasolabial folds can appear up to 30 years of age.

Fillers that allow you to remove creases without surgery are hyaluronic acid. Its chemical structure is no different from that found in the skin. But it is still different: it contains many molecules, and they are connected in such a way that the enzyme that breaks them down cannot recognize and break down hyaluronate for a very long time. When he finally “sees” the filler, he cannot split the entire structure. It begins to “pinch off” individual molecules, and they, entering the skin, lead to its deep hydration and restoration of the inner radiance of the integumentary tissue.

2nd method: hardware method

Hardware cosmetology can perfectly cope with fine wrinkles, says Karina Musaeva, chief physician at the LazerJazz clinic. For example, the Motif IR attachment is designed specifically for facial wrinkles in the area of ​​nasolabial folds. One procedure is carried out once a month, and to completely get rid of the problem you will need a course of 4-6 procedures. The attachment itself includes a combination of diode laser and RF energy and is aimed at removing old collagen in skin cells and forming new one. Thanks to this, wrinkles become less noticeable. Good effectiveness of the effect on nasolabial folds is shown by the use of special attachments ELOS Triniti Plus. Directed waves work only on problem areas of the skin, eliminating existing defects.


Review of the best anti-wrinkle cosmetics

Which cosmetic product to choose?

The record holders for the content of substances beneficial for youthful skin are natural herbal products: oils, squalanes, balms, hydrolates. They are rich in vitamins, acids, microelements, and antioxidants.

Natural herbal cosmetics are, by definition, anti-aging. There is no need for any “innovative formulas”, everything has already been invented by nature.

Therefore, the Beauty365 brand has relied on 100% natural cosmetics made from high-quality plant materials. All of it helps to rejuvenate the skin and smooth out wrinkles


Go to and choose what suits you:

  • Beauty365 Coconut Oil.
    Indispensable for the care of dry and mature skin. It is distinguished by a high content of antioxidants - the main components of anti-aging cosmetics. Relieves irritation, redness, inflammation. Cleans well.

  • Beauty365 camellia sasanqua oil.
    In addition to its anti-aging effect, this valuable Japanese plant also has its own highlight - improving and evening out skin color. The oil can reduce age spots and prevent the appearance of freckles.
  • Squalane Beauty365.
    This is the lightest oil that is made from sugar cane. It is good to use as a base for makeup and for self-massage. This is a favorite product of MelAnnett marathon participants for vacuum massage with cups.

  • Beauty365 Verbena Hemp Balm.
    This is a powerful natural concentrate that combines the benefits of six plants: hemp, pistachio, shea butter, coconut, calendula, carrots. Here you have anti-aging, enhanced nutrition, and an increased SPF factor (yes, it’s good to apply the product before going out in the sun). At the same time, the balm is made on the basis of hemp oil, and it is known for its sebum-regulating and mattifying abilities.
  • Hydrolates of mint, sage, rose, lavender Beauty365.
    These are steam distillates, the lightest products from plant materials. Excellent for gentle cleansing, toning, and moisturizing the skin. This is not just “water”: the products are full of antioxidants, which makes them anti-aging cosmetics.

    Wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in hydrosol (this is much better than regular “washes” and hard tap water). If necessary, refresh and tone your face with hydrosol.

3rd method: gymnastics

Facial gymnastics has recently become very popular. One of the most effective is the original method of Californian cosmetologist Carol Maggio, which includes a set of exercises she developed. To smooth out wrinkles in the mouth area, Carol advises squeezing your lips tightly, trying to hide them as much as possible, and then smile, lifting the corners of your mouth up as much as possible. You should end up with a cheerful “smiley”. Stay in this position for 20-25 seconds, after which you need to return to the starting position. The exercise should be repeated 5-7 times. The more often you make a smile, the more noticeable the result will be.

7th method: mesothread

A relatively new correction method is the introduction of so-called mesothreads . A good effect is achieved by combining threads with fillers. First, the tissues are literally stitched along the tension vectors, and the upper and middle third of the face (cheek-zygomatic region) is treated. New collagen is formed around the threads, the tissues are “stretched”, and then the cosmetologist adds a little filler to the nasolabial folds. To perform the procedure, non-absorbable and absorbable Aptos biothreads, developed from safe materials, are also used. Such mesothreads do not cause rejection and activate natural metabolic processes in the skin.


Photo "Before and After"

All the drugs that are used in our clinic for the correction of nasolabial folds - Teosyal, Juvederm and Surgiderm - are used by cosmetologists from all European countries. They have the ability to self-distribute under skin creases. It turns out that under the most sinking area is the thickest area of ​​the gel, and around it a zone of medium density is formed.

What are the alternatives to hyaluronic fillers?

If you ask a cosmetologist a question about how to remove deep nasolabial folds, he will say that there are various ways to do this. In addition to the introduction of hyaluronic acid fillers, non-surgical methods include laser facial resurfacing and radiolifting. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages:

SignIntroduction of fillersLaser skin resurfacingRadio lifting
What's the basisFilling the subcutaneous space with a natural filler - hyaluronic acidMicro skin burns. This activates the skin cells in the remaining areas and they produce new skin Exposure of the skin to a radio wave field, which simultaneously warms the skin and changes the movement of particles inside it. As a result, new collagen fibers are formed
How many procedures are needed for a lasting effect?13-4 (Applicable only in the least pronounced folds)3-6
How long does the effect last?Up to 1 yearAbout 2 yearsUp to 1 year
Is the procedure painful?There is slight discomfort, a feeling of fullness under the skinIt is performed after pain relief, but is still a fairly sensitive procedure with recovery after the procedure of about 5-7 days.Feels warm, no pain relief required
How long does recovery take?1-2 days until the drug is distributed and slight swelling goes away7 days. The skin after resurfacing is swollen, red, and after 3-4 days begins to peel off Up to a day - until the redness goes away
When to evaluate the effect of the procedureIn a dayAfter 1-2 months or after a course of procedures2 days
Does it allow you to tighten the ovalA littleMaybeMaybe
Is it done at home?NoOnly in the clinicYes, if there are devices for home RF lifting, but their cost is high

Method 11: Radiesse contouring

Radiesse is a new generation injectable drug. This dermal filler provides a powerful non-surgical lifting of the facial skin. The drug is based on an innovative compound of calcium hydroxyapatite, which stimulates the long-term synthesis of natural collagen, which ensures the longest possible rejuvenation effect. Radiesse lifting works only in problem areas, replenishing the lack of tissue in them. The result of the effect is nasolabial folds, the skin becomes elastic again, the aesthetic appearance and youth return.



Therapy is entirely determined by the array of diagnostic results obtained and is etiopathogenetic, i.e. focused on eliminating the cause. Thus, in different clinical situations, anti-inflammatory and/or analgesic drugs, myostimulation, drugs with the effect of stimulating cerebral circulation and nutrition, and many others may be needed. It is unrealistic to list all the therapeutic strategies and regimens practiced today; they are selected strictly according to individual indications, however, in some cases, pronounced facial asymmetry, unfortunately, remains irreversible (for example, as part of the consequences of a stroke). It is important to remember that if any changes are noticed in the usual facial expressions, individual facial symmetry, speech, sensitivity, you should definitely see a neurologist as soon as possible: perhaps this will prevent much more serious problems than a purely cosmetic imbalance.

How do nasolabial folds affect the triangle of youth?

The triangle of youth is a kind of indicator of the beauty and general condition of the shape and oval of the face. At a young age, the base of the triangle is visualized along the line of the forehead, but over time the figure seems to “turn over” due to the aging of the face. The fundamental factor of the “revolution” is the nasolabial folds, which also look like a triangle with a lower base line. Getting rid of nasolabial wrinkles means maintaining the correct triangle of youth, looking like 10-15 years ago and even better.

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