How to remove old scars: is it possible to get rid of them quickly?


The unifying name we use does not convey the full scope of the problem. Violation of the integrity and structure of the epidermis occurs for completely different reasons and has different consequences. That is why it is first necessary to determine the species. The correction option that the doctor ultimately chooses depends on this: from surgical intervention to a visit to a cosmetologist. Some will have to use absorbable ointments, while a number of patients will undergo gentle procedures.

Normotrophic scars

People often perceive such irregularities as traces of damage that once existed on the skin. Such defects, as a rule, are light, but do not differ significantly from the general tone of the epidermis, do not protrude above the surface of the skin, and do not “sink.”

Atrophic scars

As a rule, their owners call them “deep”, the level of damage is below the general surface of the skin. This is a consequence of a connective tissue defect, a lack of collagen and elastin, as well as other proteins that form the internal framework of the skin. Their color is lighter than the general tone of the epidermis, sometimes almost white, and sensitivity in the area of ​​damage, as a rule, decreases. Often this is a consequence of scratching itchy areas on the skin, the formation of pustules where there was acne. Considering that about 30% of cases end in complications, this is a very pressing problem. Doctors pay attention to the location: the back and chest, there may also be changes in pigmentation, and dark spots appear. During therapy and searching for an option, be prepared for the fact that a specialist will carry out manipulations aimed primarily at leveling the relief, and this can be achieved in different ways.


As a rule, damage of this type occurs after injury or surgery. They do not go beyond the initial violation of the integrity of the skin, do not occupy a larger area than a surgical incision or an accidental cut, but are clearly visible, can rise above the surface, and differ in color. These injuries cause psychological discomfort, which is why patients with hypertrophied scars regularly ask how to remove old scars on the body. Often people with such problems have immunity disorders, inflammation that occurs after damage, or the addition of a secondary infection. But most often they do not cause severe physical discomfort.

Keloid scars

If the wound healing process does not follow the “wrong” scenario, a keloid may form. Outwardly, it resembles a tumor, usually grows beyond the initial damage, and the process is extended over time and can last quite a long time. Unfortunately, this type of damage causes great discomfort to patients, causing itching and a feeling that the skin is tight.

It is important to remember that some people are prone to what is called keloid disease, where large defects form spontaneously in the absence of injury. Sometimes they can form at the site of a bruise or compression. The clinical picture depends on many factors - the patient’s age, location, area of ​​injury (if present), and so on.

Rehabilitation period after scar resurfacing

The photo above shows the skin before and after laser scar resurfacing.

The recovery period after the session lasts 5–7 days.

At this time, it is important to follow the rules recommended by cosmetologists:

  • For three days, do not lubricate the scar area with creams and ointments. You can only use restorative compounds prescribed by a specialist.
  • Do not scrub or peel the damaged area for three weeks.
  • Do not comb the treated area or remove scabs.
  • For a month after laser resurfacing of acne scars and other damage, it is necessary to treat the scar area with a protective cream before each exposure to the sun.

It is important to know how the skin will behave after the procedure. The first three days there is redness and swelling, after which there is peeling. However, these are not negative effects or a specialist mistake, but a natural reaction that should pass.

If the doctor performed resurfacing according to all the rules and used high-quality equipment, then the most serious side effect may be the formation of dark spots near the scar. This often happens if the patient has been in the sun for a long time after the procedure, neglecting the advice of the cosmetologist.

Next, we will look at reviews of the laser method, as well as photographs of scars before and after resurfacing.

Read material on the topic: Laser biorevitalization of the face without complications and side effects

Reasons for appearance

The first thing that comes to mind is a wound, a cut, a surgical operation. These are the most common violations, after which defects remain on the skin. But they are not the only ones; there can be many options. That is why, before answering the patient’s question whether it is possible to get rid of scars, the doctor must understand how they arose and why they acquired this or that appearance.

If the integrity of the outer integument is damaged, the body tries to “repair the damage” as quickly as possible. When the injury is minor, we talk about a scratch (it goes away without a trace). When the wound penetrates deeper into the subcutaneous layers, a scar is formed as a result of healing.

  • Immediately after damage to the skin or deeper tissues, inflammation begins in this place.
  • Active cells - fibroblasts produce additional collagen and elastin, structural proteins.
  • Their fibers are denser in composition than the rest of the matrix. This is why scar tissue is less elastic and noticeably different from nearby areas.
  • Over time, the difference evens out and the defect becomes less noticeable.

Healing proceeds this way if all processes proceed normally. And then the question of how to quickly get rid of the scar is no longer worth it - over time it will practically not be visible.

Some processes may go wrong. For example, collagen fibers will begin to be produced too actively or fibroblasts, which influence the formation of new tissue, will not die in time. This leads to the formation of pathological scars. They occur more often in young people. With age, cell activity decreases, and the likelihood of exaggerated reactions to damage becomes less likely.

Pressotherapy and massage in the treatment of scars –

Pressotherapy involves the use of compression bandages.
The fact is that mechanical pressure exerted on the scar leads to compression of the capillaries in the scar tissue and accelerates the maturation of the scar. Compression bandages have been used for many years as the standard of care for the treatment and prevention of severe burn scars. Unfortunately, compression garments can be uncomfortable and unsightly, making it difficult for patients to adhere to treatment. Pressotherapy should begin to be used at an early stage of the scar maturation period, and pressure on the scar should be applied for at least 23 hours a day (for at least 6 months) - while the scar maturation period lasts. However, such treatment can be started no earlier than the wound is completely epithelialized. Compression “garments” can take the form of bandages, elastic sleeves, gloves, stockings and suits.

Massage of scars and scars - can be effective especially on post-operative scars, and will be a good addition to topical products based on silicone and/or onion extract. It is believed that massage accelerates the maturation of collagen, promotes the restructuring of scar tissue, and also leads to an increase in the elasticity of the scar. You can start massage only after complete epithelization of the wound (when the last crusts fall off). But keep in mind that the massage should not be harsh, because... The strength of scar tissue is inferior to that of intact skin.

Remove or leave

There are a number of myths that are not always true:

  1. The scars will sooner or later disappear on their own. This opinion is wrong: not all defects become invisible. If there were any disturbances during their formation and the affected area is very large, then visible damage may remain and be noticeably different from the surrounding tissues.
  2. The marks left after acne heals are not harmful to health. You can leave them without correction. This is not entirely true: the protective function of the skin also suffers. In particular, the likelihood of reoccurrence of the same acne even increases.
  3. You can sunbathe (for example, in a solarium), and this will be the solution to the question of how to get rid of dark scars. In fact, tanning not only does not mask defects, but can also cause additional damage in the form of hyperpigmentation. The darker areas will be persistent and you will have two problems to solve.
  4. To correct the situation, you will have to undergo surgery, which is often painful and long; there are no other options. This is fundamentally wrong. Some defects can only be corrected by a surgeon, but not all. A number of problems can be treated conservatively; for this, there are options for physiotherapy, medications, and gentle methods.

So the question of whether it is possible to get rid of old scars, so as not to expose your appearance to additional risks, should not scare you. We recommend that you consult a doctor and find out what methods can help you get rid of the damage.

Aesthetic discomfort

Modern medicine believes that the fight against skin defects does not apply only to the therapeutic or cosmetological field. In the literature one can find the opinion that specialists in several areas can deal with this issue: cosmetologists, dermatologists, surgeons, rehabilitation medicine doctors, as well as medical psychologists. After all, problems cause real aesthetic suffering, reduce the quality of life, and force you to constantly think about how to get rid of scars. As a result, this can even lead to neuroses.

Separately, it should be said about stretch marks (stretch marks), which often appear in boys and girls during puberty. Changes in appearance coincide with the difficult period of adolescence, and this causes special problems.


Scars cause many patients not only psychological discomfort, but also pain. After all, it is not ordinary skin cells that form in this area, but dense tissue, which means that a person experiences unpleasant feelings.

  • itching;
  • feeling of tightness;
  • pain caused by healing occurring at the site of the nerve;
  • impaired tissue sensitivity.

To reduce the risk of general burns

At home, you can quite simply reduce the risk of burns; you just need to follow a few recommendations:

  • Do not leave cooking or already cooked food on the stove unattended;
  • frying pans are placed on the stove with handles towards its back;
  • any hot liquid must be placed out of the reach of children and animals - boiling water is a common cause of thermal burns;
  • Do not store electrical appliances near water;
  • Do not cook in flammable clothing;
  • You should block your child’s access to electrical and gas appliances;
  • Protective caps must be put on sockets that are not in use;
  • you should not smoke at home;
  • smoke detectors require regular maintenance and battery replacement;
  • the house or apartment must be equipped with a fire extinguisher;
  • Chemical burns are caused by chemicals - they must be stored in a place inaccessible to children and animals.

How to remove fresh scar and redness

According to statistics, more than half of all people have at least one noticeable skin defect, as well as several that only they know about. These damages are almost invisible, but, for example, appear on tanned skin. So the question of how to make the wound heal without leaving marks is relevant for most.

There are several simple techniques that can reduce the severity of scars:

  • About a month after the injury, you can start using anti-scar agents.
  • Once the wound heals, you need to use soft scrubs or peeling to smooth the surface.
  • It is necessary to regularly soften the skin using caring cosmetics.

Using cosmetology

Many people think that they will have to go to surgery. However, today there are other methods, including gentle ones. For example, some imperfections respond well to laser correction; a specialist may also prescribe chemical peeling, especially if the scars are small. Plasmolifting helps get rid of traces that remain after pimples and acne. So surgical intervention is an effective, but far from the only way to normalize the situation.

With the help of physiotherapy

Is it possible to get rid of scars with drugs and cosmetics? They can significantly reduce the severity of the defect or even completely eliminate it. One problem is that all these methods are especially effective if they penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. Physiotherapy, including electrophoresis or photophoresis, can help enhance the effectiveness of the remedies. Wave action on the skin increases its permeability to drug molecules.

In addition, the following methods are suitable for getting rid of scars:

  • infrared exposure;
  • mud therapy;
  • paraffin therapy.

Remedies for burns

How to treat a burn, and what kind of surgical assistance can be provided independently in the field or at home?

The use of creams such as Levomikol or Rescuer is guaranteed to help with minor injuries, such as briefly touching a hot pan. Dexpanthenol works very well for first degree burns. If the degree of damage is more serious, creams can only be used as a preventive measure and there is no point in relying on them.

Anti-burn products such as sprays or gels - for example, Burnshield Anti-burn Hydrogel - are more effective because they are dispersed and are better absorbed by the skin. These drugs combine two functions - anti-inflammatory and analgesic.




There is another type of treatment - special anti-burn dressings. They are recommended when the patient needs to be outdoors. Such dressings prevent dirt and dust from entering the wound.

How to quickly remove an old scar

We all like to put off solving a problem. The wound has healed, the integrity of the tissues has been restored, there is no more pain or severe discomfort, but you don’t think about dealing with the consequences. But here, as in any case, it is easier to prevent the situation from getting worse.

If the issue is not resolved in time, then doctors have to work with traces of long-standing injuries. It is important to remember that, even if several years have passed since the injury, you can choose a correction method to reduce the severity of the defect. To do this, we recommend that you consult a doctor who will make a choice in favor of one or another treatment option.

Treatment in cosmetology

Every year, new methods appear in aesthetic medicine that make it possible to cope with scars and scars, including old ones. Among them:

  • lipofilling – the use of the patient’s own fat tissue allows you to remodel the necessary areas and replenish the missing volume;
  • resurfacing – gentle dermabrasion, which a cosmetologist selects for a specific person, taking into account the characteristics of the skin;
  • the use of silicone patches, which act as a compression bandage and prevent the cells at the site of scar formation from becoming severely deformed;
  • X-ray therapy – stops tissue growth;
  • introduction of hormonal drugs and so on.

Medical operations

Surgical treatment, which most patients try to avoid, is used relatively rarely today. However, in some cases, this is the only answer to the question of how to get rid of a deep scar. In particular, surgery has to be resorted to to treat keloids, which are excised, and then the doctor creates special conditions for proper healing again. For example, the wound is thoroughly cleaned, its edges are aligned as accurately as possible, and then stitched with a special thread. However, patients prone to keloid disease should remain under observation for a long time to avoid relapses.

Laser treatment

Patients often turn to cosmetologists with such a problem as a red scar - how to remove imperfections, as well as other types of marks, laser techniques suggest. After all, the collagen that makes up scar tissue can be destroyed if it is subjected to targeted heating, as well as under the influence of a pulsed laser. Thus, modern laser techniques make it possible in many cases to reduce the severity of the scar or, at least, make its tissue more elastic.

Therapy is also carried out in combination with the use of local drugs, which increases its effectiveness.

Treatment with Kurasen

Today, placental therapy and the use of cosmetics based on placenta extract are increasingly coming to the fore. In particular, the dermal biocorrector CURACEN, an injectable drug from the Japanese corporation Japan Bio Products CO., LTD, helps in the correction of skin defects.

As experts note, it influences the basic mechanisms of dysfunctional disorders that occur during aging of dermal cells. It also regulates the enhanced synthesis of damaged dermal structures and restores the healthy appearance of the skin:

  • Levels the terrain.
  • Eliminates dryness and sagging.
  • Helps reduce wrinkles.
  • Harmonizes metabolic processes.
  • Normalizes skin restoration.

The presence of regulatory components in the biological product CURACEN that normalize remodeling processes allows its use in the complex treatment of hypertrophic scars.

Where to sign up for laser scar resurfacing

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!


Whether a mark remains after damage or surgery or not depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. And with surgical intervention - on its volume and severity. Prevention in any case should be aimed at preventing the formation of keloids. In particular, today doctors are trying to perform minimally invasive, including endoscopic, operations that minimize the risk of defect formation. There are also a number of drugs prescribed by a doctor immediately after epithelization of the wound. Their correct and timely use helps to avoid the formation of a rough mark.

We recommend

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Laennec – solution for injection

Bb Laboratories – Serum “Arcanum”

Premium set “Ideal facial skin. Healthy tone"

The main stages of the laser scar resurfacing procedure

Stages of laser scar resurfacing:

  1. Treatment of the affected area with a medical antiseptic.
  2. Using anesthetics on the scar area.
  3. Wearing safety glasses.
  4. Grinding. At the same time, the client feels a slight tingling sensation. Modern cosmetology clinics use advanced fractional lasers Bison More-Xel and DANA medical S-CO2. The price for polishing scars with these devices is quite high, but the effect will pleasantly surprise you.
  5. Treating the scar area with a soothing gel.
  6. Applying an aseptic dressing to the scar site.

Read material on the topic: Laser facial skin rejuvenation: useful tips and recommendations

How to treat so that there are no consequences on the skin?

Proper treatment of burns can reduce the risk of scars and age spots on the skin to a minimum. Therapy should include:

  • Proper first aid. The affected area must be cooled under running cold water for 15 minutes. This will prevent the burn from spreading to deep tissues.
  • Refusal to use traditional methods - applying ointments, oils, alcohol solutions, creams, sour cream, medicinal plants, etc. to a fresh burn. This treatment tactic can lead to infection.
  • Refusal to injure the burned area. Avoid irritating the affected area, piercing blisters, tearing off scabs, etc.
  • Drinking enough ordinary clean water, following a diet and giving up bad habits.
  • Maintaining sterility. A small burn can be left open, but larger skin lesions require a non-stick bandage (available at a pharmacy) or sterile gauze.

For minor burns, the general recommendations described are sufficient to avoid scarring of the skin at the affected sites. Additionally, after epithelialization of damaged areas, medications that affect regeneration processes can be used. For this purpose, it is most often recommended to use:

  • Bepanten. This is a very popular and safe medicine with dexpanthenol (a derivative of vitamin B5). Bepanthen really effectively speeds up skin restoration.
  • Actovegin. This medicine is widely used in surgery, cosmetology and dermatology. Its application allows you to speed up regenerative processes and improve the condition of the skin in general.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. This remedy has been used for many years in the treatment of burns of varying severity, and it can really prevent scarring of the skin.

If we are talking about more serious injuries, they should be treated exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. You cannot do without seeking medical help if the burn is deep or its area is larger than the area of ​​your palm.

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