How to get rid of wrinkles after 40: what you can do at home and why go to the salon

Taping improves blood circulation

One of the common causes of facial wrinkles is hypertonicity of the facial muscles. Facial taping helps reduce the mobility of the muscles responsible for the appearance of glabellar or nasolabial folds. The method works like Botox, but without penetrating the skin. It's simple: the procedure requires a special patch - kinesiology - or just tape. It is attached to certain areas of the face for several hours (according to a special diagram that comes with the kit).

Pros: in addition to the obvious - smoothing out wrinkles, taping has a lymphatic drainage effect: after the procedure, blood circulation returns to normal, the skin looks fresh and rested.

Cons: Tapes are not recommended for use on the skin around the eyes. In this area it is very thin and stretchable, so the procedure may have the opposite effect.

Masks against wrinkles around the eyes

Homemade masks against wrinkles around the eyes have a lot of useful properties :

  • prevent dryness;
  • have a rejuvenating effect;
  • help accelerate cell turnover;
  • raise tone;
  • saturate with all microelements;
  • protect the skin from harmful external influences.

You should start using masks at the age of 25-27 years, before the first wrinkles appear , in order to prevent their formation.

Important! Masks should consist exclusively of natural ingredients so as not to have a traumatic effect or irritation.

Such homemade products have a complex effect.

Revitonics works the facial muscles

These are special facial exercises against wrinkles, they are also called facelifting. By working the facial muscles, the skin will gradually even out. There are many video tutorials, but the first thing you need to do is warm up your facial muscles with a moisturizer. Then let them prepare for a stronger impact - slightly pull in different directions. And only then start training: strain certain muscles in different ways, helping yourself with your hands. It is recommended to repeat each exercise 10 times. In total, allocate 30 minutes a day for training three times a week.

Pros: simple exercises are completely safe. Sometimes they look like grimaces, which make you smile and lift your spirits.

Disadvantages: revitonics is ineffective against irreversible age-related changes in the skin, when deep furrows have already appeared on the face. In addition, the result will be noticeable only after a month.

There is also the so-called lazy Facebook building.
These are microcurrents - special muscle stimulation using low voltage current. But this is already a salon procedure. Ekaterina Borisova Cosmetologist-esthetician

Save face. How to take care of your skin if you are over forty

At the age of 40, it is possible to look 30 or even less. Just look at many famous women who seem to have turned back time. Experts explain what basic beauty products and procedures will help your skin prolong its youth.

Amina Berdova, dermatologist, cosmetologist

On your own: At the age of 40+, creams certainly take first place among cosmetic products. Do not forget that daytime and nighttime teams set different goals for themselves. If the tasks of the former include hydration and protection from negative environmental factors, such as, for example, solar radiation, then the latter are necessary for effective care, improvement of the condition of the epidermis, and anti-aging effects (lifting). It is very important that the night cream contains vitamins, in particular magnesium, oils (shea or argan), silicone to smooth out wrinkles, and elastin.

During the daytime, the most relevant components for the skin are hyaluronic acid and urea, which are responsible for moisturizing, aloe - it also moisturizes well and also protects the skin from microtraumas, betaine, retinol, lanolin from dryness, peptides that improve elasticity and fight aging , vitamins and minerals. To achieve the greatest effect, it is important to apply the cream correctly: with light massaging movements along the massage lines of the face - from the nose to the temples, from the middle of the forehead to the temples, in the lower third of the face - from the middle of the chin up, trying not to stretch the skin in the corners of the mouth.

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You can enhance the effect of creams with the help of special serums that allow you to solve various rejuvenation problems: they help cope with wrinkles, pigmentation, enlarged pores, and puffiness under the eyes. Serum is used in tandem with cream: first apply it, followed by your usual skincare product. The cream allows the active components contained in the serum to reveal themselves, so using the serum on its own is unacceptable.

In a specialist’s office: Among cosmetic procedures today, injection techniques occupy a special place, which allow solving many problems without resorting to a surgeon’s scalpel. Biorevitalization, for example, is intended to significantly improve the quality of the skin and reduce the skin flap.

Madina Bayramukova, plastic surgeon

Do it yourself: Pay special attention to additional skin care at home. Masks are ideal for these purposes; they must be used, of course, according to indications, usually 2-3 times a week on previously cleansed skin.

You should not think that everything in terms of effectiveness comes from price; the main thing is the components and proper use. For example, popular masks based on clay and healing mud may not be very expensive, but still quite effective. Just remember that they work wet until they dry, so always use extra moisture when applying a product like this. Thermal water or regular tonic will do. You also need to wash off such a mask correctly - first, you need to soften the clay using wet facial wipes or the same thermal water.

It doesn’t matter how you apply the creamy and gel mask - with your fingertips or a special brush. The main thing is to do it as if you were at an appointment with a cosmetologist - along the massage lines, and not chaotically.

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The older we get, the more skin care masks we may need. After 40 years, your arsenal should have several skincare products, including masks with a lifting effect, which need to be alternated.

In a specialist’s office: As for cosmetic procedures, they are performed solely according to indications and depend on the problems that the patient had to face. The main thing to remember is that nowadays it is not at all necessary to resort to plastic surgery, because there are a huge number of minimally invasive procedures that can be a good alternative to serious surgery and help correct problem areas. At the age of 40+, this is usually the lower third of the face and chin, as the process of oval deformation begins.

For example, preparations based on polylactic acid, which is an excellent stimulator of neocollagenesis, have a rejuvenating effect. This drug is introduced into the body using injections or threads, which allows you to create a frame to prevent tissue sagging.

Vladimir Plakhotin, plastic surgeon

On your own: Aging begins in the area around the eyes. Thin skin, the almost complete absence of sebaceous glands, the habit of squinting in the sun, insufficient care, hereditary predisposition - all this, including age, are factors that worsen the condition of the skin in this area. Alas, it is rare that any woman aged 40+ does not observe in the mirror the beginning of sagging of the upper eyelid, bruises and bags under the eyes in the morning. The No. 1 product for caring for the periorbital area is still a cream labeled “for the skin around the eyes.” It may sound banal, but many of our women still believe that they can get by with regular face cream, which is a misconception. Let me remind you that eye cream should be applied 1-2 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, you may wake up with swelling in the morning.

Also, for this delicate area, I recommend using special masks with a lifting effect, which contain peptides, snail mucin, snake venom and other components.

In the morning, if you often experience puffiness, you can use hydrogel eye patches, which must be pre-cooled in the refrigerator to enhance the effect. Fabric patches are more suitable for moisturizing the skin, so they do not need pre-cooling.

Nightmare in the mirror. Why do swelling appear on the face and how to deal with it? More details

In the specialist’s office: To get rid of problems in the periorbital area, botulinum toxin injections are used, as well as biorevitalization. Treatments that improve blood circulation - massage, microcurrent therapy and myostimulation - will help deal with bags and bruises.

For rejuvenation, contour plastic surgery with fillers or thread lifting, radio wave lifting, and fractional rejuvenation are also used. These procedures are aimed at tightening the skin. In more complex cases, with pronounced sagging of the upper eyelid and the presence of a hernia of the lower eyelid, which is the cause of bags under the eyes, blepharoplasty is indicated.

Anti-age products provide proper care

After 40, the usual “micellar water - toner - cream” scheme no longer works to get rid of wrinkles. Need anti-age products. Your beauty routine should include at least five products: a serum with antioxidants (vitamin C is a win-win), a moisturizer with SPF 50 during sun exposure and SPF 30 during the rest of the year, eye cream (ideally with coenzyme Q10) , before going to bed - cream with retinol. And don’t forget about moisturizing masks twice a week. Let them contain nutritional components, for example, aloe, avocado, coconut oil, banana, goji berry extract.

Pros: such care is available to each of us.

Cons: the method is completely ineffective if the wrinkles are deep.

Cryotherapy starts the regeneration process

Cryotherapy, or simply cold treatment, has actually been practiced for a very long time. Initially, it was used only for athletes: they were immersed in a special chamber where the temperature reached -150 degrees. Such extreme conditions forced the body to activate all its hidden reserves. Later, cosmetologists also appreciated the effectiveness of this method. Specialists perform a massage with a special sponge with liquid nitrogen (or a special cryo-spray), paying attention to problem areas.

Pros: under the influence of low temperatures, the skin quickly rejuvenates, tightens and renews. In addition, the procedure is effective for acne: sebum production is regulated and pores are narrowed.

Cons: Cryotherapy can be mildly uncomfortable. During the procedure, a slight burning or tingling sensation is felt, and then in the places where the applicator stayed the longest, a slight swelling forms, which resolves only on the third day.

Cryotherapy is ideal for oily and combination skin types (it tightens pores well), but for dry skin, on the contrary, it will be a huge stress.
Ekaterina Borisova Cosmetologist-esthetician

Laser rejuvenation stimulates the production of collagen and elastin

The essence of this procedure is that through microdamage with a laser beam, depending on its length, the specialist acts on different layers of the skin - from the superficial (epidermis) to the deep (dermis). The rays stimulate the active production of collagen and elastin - two main “building” materials, which become less and less with age.

Pros: skin color improves, small and medium wrinkles are corrected, bags under the eyes are removed and the oval of the face is tightened.

Cons: despite the fact that the rehabilitation period after the procedure is minimized, it does exist. Even on the third day, reddish spots, slight itching, and peeling of the skin may persist. In addition, there are quite a few contraindications for this procedure, so before you fight expression wrinkles after 40 and 50 using laser rejuvenation, you should consult with a specialist.

Useful tips for preserving youth

  • Regular exercise

Physical activity not only allows you to keep your body in good shape, but also to feel several years younger and maintain a positive attitude towards life. According to recent studies, the body of people who regularly exercise has cells that are 9 years younger than those of those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. You don't have to do hard sports at the gym. You can organize physical activity for yourself in the form of walking, jogging in the park or cycling. One of the easiest ways to increase activity is to get a dog.

  • Grapefruit aroma

This may seem surprising, but the general condition of a person is influenced by surrounding odors. According to an independent study, people who constantly carried a grapefruit-scented object with them looked about 5 years younger than their peers. Well, the fruit itself is very healthy, containing a large amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements.

  • Yoga

In India, regular meditation and yoga are considered the best ways to preserve and prolong youth, strengthen the body and spirit. These are ancient practices aimed at maintaining proper breathing and postures that help reduce stress and calm the nerves. All this together reduces the aging process and helps maintain youthfulness of the body and soul. To get results, it is important to exercise regularly, or better yet, every day. This will not only increase the flexibility of the body, but also give confidence, teach you how to control emotions and conserve energy.

  • Time in nature

In addition to regular fitness, it is important to spend more time in nature, such as hiking. Outside the stuffy walls, the body is enriched with oxygen, a person is temporarily distracted from daily problems. According to experts, it helps improve overall well-being, add energy and slow down the aging process. If you don't have time or desire to exercise at the gym, regular hiking or walks in the park can be a great alternative.

This is interesting!

“How to keep your skin youthful” Read more

  • Smile and positive attitude

Another accessible method of maintaining youth after 40 years is smiling. Back in 2016, a study was conducted, according to the results of which scientists concluded that smiling and optimistic people look several years younger than gloomy ones. Laughter therapy has been gaining popularity lately. With its help, people cope with stress, calm down and keep their body in good shape. And you shouldn’t think that laughter provokes the appearance of new wrinkles - this is a myth.

  • Exercises with heavy weights

According to scientists, both men and women after 40 years of age benefit from lifting weights. To do this, you should keep dumbbells, barbells or strength training equipment at home. The fact is that after 40 years, muscles weaken. It is important to provide them with daily exercise so that their muscles become stronger, their energy reserves and overall endurance increase. When the body is strong and trained, it is easier to fight old age. Even just carrying heavy bags from the store is useful - this is a good muscle workout.

  • Avoiding sweets

Sugar is harmful to the body. Not only for teeth, but also for all organs and systems. Reducing your sugar intake reduces your risk of obesity, high blood pressure, skin problems and signs of aging. In general, the body resists age-related diseases more easily, feels better and looks younger.

  • Proper nutrition

In adulthood, diet is critical. A balanced diet increases the chances that age-related diseases will bypass you. Healthy foods will fill the body not only with useful microelements, but also give energy.

  • Vitamin complexes

The diet can be balanced and the nutrition exceptionally correct, but this does not exclude the development of deficiencies in the body. After 40 years, what a person gets from food is no longer enough. It is useful for women to ensure a regular supply of vitamins A and E, as well as calcium. Men benefit from vitamin B. But it is important to choose the right complex vitamins; it is better to do this together with your doctor.

  • Body care

After 40 years, a person’s skin becomes more vulnerable due to hormonal imbalance. It is important to pay special attention to care. It is better to focus on natural products with a minimum content of chemicals, allergens, parabens and aggressive components. The fact is that the skin begins to age first in the area of ​​the face, neck, arms and décolleté. It is these areas that need to be looked after most carefully.

  • Correct haircut

Having a beautiful hairstyle and well-groomed hair helps you look younger than your age. Some hairstyles treacherously add age. It's better to avoid these. However, there is no need to strive for overly anti-aging haircuts or coloring. It looks ridiculous. It is better to contact an experienced stylist to make the right choice and look younger with a beautiful haircut and hair color.

  • Full sleep

After 40 years, you should definitely give up night walks and active life at the expense of sleep. However, many often violate their daily routine: they watch TV at night, communicate on social networks, and work on the computer. In the fight against aging, adequate sleep is crucial. With a lack of sleep, the body ages faster than expected. This affects the condition of the skin, memory, functioning of the nervous system, and the ability to concentrate. The person seems to be losing energy. Normal sleep is an indispensable condition if you want to maintain youth after 40 years.

  • Friendly communication

A person ages faster if he avoids friendly communication. This conclusion was made by British scientists who observed thousands of people. It is important to find time for loved ones and friends even in a busy work schedule. It is strong friendship that helps prolong youth. Thus, according to the study, the friendliest Britons had lower cholesterol levels, fewer problems with obesity and blood pressure.

Biorevitalization makes the skin elastic

These beauty injections are considered one of the most effective procedures for skin rejuvenation. The cosmetologist injects with a syringe under the skin (into the superficial and deep layers of the dermis) certain “cocktails” based on hyaluronic acid, often with the addition of vitamins, microelements and extracts of various plants that enhance the effect of the drug.

Pros : complexion improves, skin becomes smoother and more elastic, fine wrinkles disappear.

Cons : the procedure is addictive. The skin adapts to the fact that it does not need to produce hyaluronic acid on its own, which means that if it is deprived of injection nourishment, it will begin to lose elasticity faster and visually sag more.

In addition to biorevitalization, I would advise you to pay attention to mesotherapy.
But with both procedures, it is important that the cosmetologist selects cocktails that will not overload the skin with vitamins and chemicals. Ekaterina Borisova Cosmetologist-esthetician

What happens in the skin after 40 years

1. Disruption of fibroblasts.

Decrease in numbers due to a decrease in their proliferative activity.

A decrease in their activity and, as a consequence, a decrease in their synthesis of the main components of the dermis: collagen fibers, elastin fibers and hyaluronic acid.

Partial loss of sensitivity to growth factors.

2. The destruction of the structural elements of the dermis - collagen and elastin fibers - is activated under the influence of enzymes - matrix metalloproteinases.

3. Violation of cellular renewal - the cell cycle slows down, the differentiation of keratinocytes is disrupted, and their size increases. The ratio of ceramides and other skin lipids changes, which leads to disruption of the skin barrier function.

4. Disruption of melanocytes due to activation of the enzyme tyrosinase in response to stimulation by aggressive external factors. And during menopause, due to a drop in the amount of estrogen, which leads to the appearance of melasma.

5. Impaired blood circulation due to a decrease in the number of venules in the papillary layer of the dermis due to a lack of heparin production by mast cells of the dermis (has angiogenic properties).

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