Causes of papilloma under the breast and how to get rid of it

What is intraductal papilloma

The ducts of the mammary gland are lined with epithelial tissue. Like all breasts, they are sensitive to the level of sex steroids in the blood and their fluctuations. In some cases, a section of tissue inside the duct begins to actively divide, which gradually forms a papillary outgrowth - papilloma.

It has a delicate structure, is well supplied with blood, so if damaged it bleeds easily. Papilloma grows slowly, so it cannot always be felt through the thickness of the mammary gland. The size of the neoplasm rarely exceeds 1-2 cm, more often it is limited to a few millimeters.

Intraductal papilloma can have a central or peripheral location. In the first case, it is located shallowly in one of the main ducts of the breast, which opens at the nipple. Usually the distance from the areola to the papilloma does not exceed 5 cm. With a peripheral location, the papilloma can be much deeper.

The type of papilloma affects its behavior. Central neoplasms are usually solitary and rarely malignant. Peripheral ones are usually multiple and eventually develop into papillary breast cancer.

Causes of papillomas under the breasts

Papillomas under the mammary glands occur after infection with HPV. Human Papillomavirus is widespread in the human population. According to statistics, about 60-70% of the world's population is infected with papillomavirus.

HPV is transmitted in three ways:

  1. Contact household (through towels, soap, toothbrushes, washcloths).
  2. From an infected mother to a newborn during the birth canal.
  3. Sexual transmission occurs after unprotected sexual contact.

The virus remains dormant for a long time.
Under the influence of unfavorable factors, it is activated. Papillomas appear on the neck, under the mammary glands, in the armpit; the following reasons contribute to HPV activation:

  1. Excessive sweating provokes a weakening of local immunity. Sweat irritates the sensitive skin under the mammary glands. A man scratches his chest area. Sores appear on it. The latter act as an entry gate for a dangerous virus.
  2. Wearing tight, uncomfortable underwear leads to chafing and damage to the skin. Through skin defects, the infection penetrates into the epidermal layer.
  3. Using someone else's bath accessories can result in a healthy person becoming infected with various diseases. Through washcloths and wet towels, the papillomavirus penetrates the skin and multiplies inside epithelial cells.
  4. Excessive passion for tanning and cosmetic procedures negatively affects the work of local and general defense mechanisms of the body.
  5. Bad habits (alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction), poor nutrition, hypovitaminosis affect the condition of the skin and suppress local immunity. Growths of various etiologies appear under the breasts.
  6. Problems with the endocrine and digestive systems are a favorable background for the activation of human papillomavirus infection.
  7. The appearance of papillomas can be triggered by hormonal changes in the body (during pregnancy, lactation, menopause, before each menstruation).

Causes of intraductal papilloma of the mammary gland

Most breast tumors appear due to hormonal imbalances in the female body. But the exact reason why intraductal papilloma, cyst or breast fibroadenoma develops is unknown. Research has identified a number of factors that increase the risk of dishormonal pathologies:

  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • chronic adnexitis;
  • multiple abortions;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus and thyroid pathology;
  • chronic stress.

The main significance in the development of breast tumors is the relative increase in estrogen levels. At the same time, its concentration in the blood remains within the age norm, but deviates from the correct ratio with progesterone. This hormone has a restraining effect on estrogens, which cause proliferative processes in the breast and stimulate cell division. Therefore, women with intraductal papilloma need not only to remove it, but also to eliminate the cause of the hormonal imbalance.

Papilloma can appear at any age. Adolescents are at risk for unstable menstrual cycles associated with immaturity of the hypothalamic-pituitary system and high levels of estrogen. The likelihood is especially high in girls who are overweight. Adipose tissue is a hormonally active organ; additional conversion of androgens into estrogens occurs in it, which leads to disruption of the endocrine organs.

Most often, intraductal papilloma is diagnosed in women of reproductive age. With the onset of menopause, the frequency of detection of pathology decreases. After 50 years, malignant breast tumors come into first place, the substrate for which can be a neoplasm that was not treated in youth.

And what danger can neoplasms on the breast pose?

The female body is an amazing biological system, which during pregnancy faces enormous stress and not only successfully overcomes all challenges, but also transforms and transforms, adapting to any needs of the baby. It’s great when the period of bearing a child passes easily, without such unpleasant surprises as papillomas during pregnancy.

But if epidermal tumors do appear, the expectant mother faces an acute question regarding the removal of the growth and its effect on the development of the baby. Indeed, is it possible for pregnant women to remove papillomas and why, while expecting a baby, do warts choose the breasts of the expectant mother?

Symptoms of intraductal breast papilloma

In the initial stages of the disease, it is impossible to detect a tumor on your own. It does not hurt or cause discomfort. As the disease progresses, a woman may notice bloody discharge from the nipples. they may appear after massaging the breasts or self-examination at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

The color of the discharge ranges from ichorous, transparent with a yellowish tint, to brown, dark red. Sometimes it's drops of blood on your laundry.

Sometimes, near the areola, some patients independently feel small nodules or a nodule. When pressed, it may hurt a little, and the discharge from the nipple intensifies. But most often, intraductal formation is detected by chance during a routine examination by a doctor.

Intraductal papilloma on ultrasound and other diagnostic methods

An examination by a mammologist and medical history cannot reliably confirm that this is intraductal papilloma. A complete examination is necessary for an accurate diagnosis. The doctor will refer a woman under 40 years of age for an ultrasound scan. If the patient is older, the main diagnostic method is mammography. This is due to changes in breast tissue density with age.

In order to see intraductal papilloma on an ultrasound, you need to use high-resolution devices that provide a high-quality image. But in most cases, ultrasound is not very informative and only helps to judge the condition of the surrounding tissues and, based on indirect signs, rule out cancer.

Discharge from the nipples is taken for cytological examination. The doctor gently presses on the nipple to get a small amount of discharge and places a glass on it. The study determines the type of cells and allows us to judge the malignancy of the process.

If it is highly likely that it is not cancer, ductography is performed to accurately diagnose the location of the papilloma. A conductor - a thin tube through which a radiopaque substance is supplied - is carefully inserted into the mammary duct through the nipple. After this, a picture is taken in which it is clearly visible what shape the duct has and where the papilloma is located.

Ductography is not performed for confirmed breast cancer. Under the pressure of a contrast agent solution, some of the tumor cells can be pushed into the depths of the breast, which will lead to the appearance of early metastases.

Possible complications and precautions

The danger of human papillomavirus infection is the development of serious complications of the disease. These include the following conditions:

  1. Bleeding from papilloma under the breast occurs after damage to the formation.
  2. Tight underwear and mechanical combing provoke a violation of the integrity of the growth.
  3. Injured formations are an easy target for bacterial and viral flora. Suppuration of the growth is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: pain, itching, local increase in body temperature.

Preventive measures help prevent infection with papillomatosis:

  1. Daily body hygiene prevents the colonization of the skin by viruses.
  2. Timely treatment of wound defects with antiseptic agents prevents HPV from entering the body.
  3. Treatment of chronic and acute diseases in the early stages prevents weakening of the immune system.
  4. Taking vitamin supplements as recommended by a doctor increases the body's resistance to infectious agents.

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Treatment of intraductal papilloma

After confirmation of the diagnosis, treatment of intraductal papilloma should begin as early as possible. Considering that the pathology can degenerate into cancer, conservative therapy and traditional methods of treatment are not used. The only way to get rid of intraductal papilloma is surgery.

Mammologists at our Surgery Center are proficient in modern techniques and use high-quality operating equipment, which allows the procedure to be performed efficiently and without complications.

Removal of intraductal papilloma

For surgery to remove intraductal papilloma, the following minimal examination is required:

  • clinical blood and urine tests;
  • examination for infections - HIV, hepatitis, syphilis;
  • ECG.

To determine contraindications to intervention and anesthesia, you need to consult a therapist. It is worth postponing surgery if a chronic disease has worsened, blood glucose levels are significantly elevated and cannot be corrected, or there is a serious blood clotting disorder. Surgery is performed for women who have suffered thrombosis. Surgical treatment is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Removal of intraductal papilloma is performed under anesthesia. Sectoral resection of the mammary gland is considered the world standard. In this case, part of the tissue that contains the duct with the tumor is removed.

An alternative to this method is ductlobulectomy. The essence of the technique is that the pathologically altered duct is marked with a special dye, so the doctor has the opportunity to remove only it without affecting healthy tissue.

What to do after surgery for intraductal papilloma

Breast surgery lasts about 30-40 minutes. All incisions are made in such a way that there is no visible scarring after healing. Complications are rare. It is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations, carry out dressings or visit the clinic for this purpose.

In the first few days, it is not recommended to take a hot bath, visit the bathhouse or sauna, or sunbathe. No special diet is required for recovery.

You should consult a doctor if:

  • the operated breast began to hurt;
  • swelling and redness appeared;
  • purulent discharge from the suture or nipple;
  • the temperature has risen.

These symptoms indicate an infection.

After complete healing of the wound, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound of the breast to monitor the recovery processes. Follow-up consists of self-examination every month after the end of menstruation, and for women over 45 years old, annual mammography.

Treatment methods for papillomas under the mammary glands

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Removal of papillomas under the breast is carried out in various ways: pharmaceutical preparations, folk remedies, hardware techniques. Any method should be discussed with your doctor. The specialist will prescribe the most appropriate therapy in each specific case.

Pharmacy drugs

  1. Supercelandine is a pharmaceutical preparation with necrotic properties. Cauterizes pathological growths. Papillomas under the breasts disappear a few days after using the drug.
  2. Papillectum consists of plant and synthetic components. The drug softens the top layer of skin and promotes the destruction of pathological structures. The medicine is available in the form of an emulsion. Apply to the formation using an applicator. After treating the growth, you need to wait until the emulsion is completely absorbed into the skin. The treated area should not be wet for 10 hours.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide helps to get rid of papillomas; it is necessary to treat the growth under the breast with a cotton swab dipped in the medicine.
  4. A drug called Duofilm is produced based on salicylic and lactic acids. Has a keratolytic effect. The solution is applied 1 time per day.
  5. Viferon ointment has two positive effects at once: it blocks the reproduction of papillomavirus and stimulates the body's defenses. You can lubricate the formation under the breast 4-5 times a day. Panavir, oxolinic ointment, has a similar effect.
  6. The drug Malavit acts primarily on flat papillomas. Reduces the symptoms of human papillomavirus infection.
  7. The medicine Stefalin eliminates birthmarks and warts. The product has a necrotizing effect. After a single application of the drug, a burn crust forms on the skin, which disappears over time, leaving a small wound.

Minimally invasive removal methods

  1. Surgical removal of papillomas in the chest area is performed with a scalpel under local anesthesia. Surgical intervention does not require special preparation. The surgeon cuts out the formation and sends it for histological examination. After removal, you should not sunbathe for 1-2 months. Otherwise, you can get an infection.
  2. Cryodestruction is a method of getting rid of papillomas under the breasts using liquid nitrogen. Cooling and thawing of the growth is accompanied by disruption of metabolic intracellular processes. After several procedures, the formations disappear.
  3. Laser removal of growths is carried out with a laser, which burns out the formations. The method does not cause pain, does not leave scars or other skin deformations.
  4. Radiosurgery is a universal method of removing formations with a radioknife. The device cuts off the growths. There is no bleeding or pain.
  5. Diathermoelectrocoagulation is a cauterization procedure using a needle electrode. Small crusts remain on the skin, which fall off within 1 week.

Folk remedies

  1. To treat papillomas under the breasts at home, a mixture of a solution of iodine, boric and acetylsalicylic acids is used. The listed ingredients are taken in a ratio of 1:1:1. Pour in 100 ml of medical alcohol. The resulting mixture is lubricated with the formations several times a day.
  2. An inexpensive lapis pencil is one of the proven remedies for warts and calluses. It contains silver nitrate, which cauterizes the formation. The product is applied 1-2 times a day.
  3. Celandine juice effectively rids the skin of papillomas. The growths disappear within a week. The pharmacy option is the drug “Superclean”.
  4. Benign growths can be lubricated with egg white. When it is completely dry, you need to apply another layer. In 5-7 days, the papillomas dry out.
  5. Grated garlic is mixed with rich cream. The resulting pulp is applied to the formation under the breast.
  6. The juice of wormwood and rowan has a cauterizing effect. The affected areas need to be treated 5-10 times a day.
  7. Some patients report a positive effect from treatment with banana peel. Removal occurs within 7-14 days.
  8. Cologne + dandelion remove growths under the breasts due to its cauterizing and anti-inflammatory effects. The tincture is used to treat pathological areas every 4 hours.
  9. Tea tree oil promotes rapid drying of papillomas.
  10. Daily baths with chestnut nuts help get rid of formations in 2-3 weeks.
  11. You can apply aloe or Kalanchoe leaves to the papilloma. They are attached with a plaster for 4-5 hours.
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