Papilloma on the eyelid: causes and treatment
Eyelids. Protective system of the eye. A thin layer of skin that protects against dust, sweat and outsiders
Relief ointment for wrinkles (on the face, around and under the eyes): application, cosmetic effect, price and reviews
The instructions for use of Relief ointment, intended for the treatment of proctological diseases, do not say either
Acid facial peeling: lactic, hyaluronic or mandelic acid? What is the difference?
Peeling with lactic acid is a good way to quickly tidy up your face and make it
Fitzpatrick scale: how knowing your skin phototype can help protect against cancer
September 30, 2021 Renowned dermatologist, MD Thomas Fitzpatrick, who worked on treatment methods
Herpes on the fingers: symptoms, causes, methods of treatment
Home → Useful information → Herpes on the fingers: symptoms, causes, methods of treatment Herpes
Diprospan is a broad-spectrum hormonal drug
Diprospan is a broad-spectrum hormonal drug
The hormonal drug Dirospan is a ready-made medicinal suspension. It can be purchased in ampoules
Solcoseryl ointment
Solcoseryl ointment: unique ingredients and application features
The uniqueness of the composition of solcoseryl The ointment has a uniform greasy texture, the color can vary from deep white
Rosemary essential oil: recipes for facial skin care
Rosemary oil (English: Rosemary oil, Latin: Rosmarinus oleum) is an essential product that is produced
condylomas on the female genitals
Removal of female genital warts
Condylomas in women on the small lips occur for various reasons. The causative agent of this disease
Radevit cream: instructions for use
Relieves anti-wrinkle ointment. Instructions for use, recipes, reviews
11178 09-10-2020 Author: Mysekret Team 0 Pimples, blackheads and blackheads are familiar to every person.
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