How to use brewer's yeast for acne? Useful tips for skin
Acne can appear in anyone, regardless of gender, age, or causes.
Face creams with hyaluronic acid: pharmacy and home preparation
Hyaluronic acid is a polymer molecule that consists of small compounds with a carbohydrate structure. Physical properties
The reason for the appearance of papillomas on the neck and recommendations for their removal
Human papillomavirus is an infection that, despite the active development of medicine, is still
Weeping: what it means, what it looks like, why it appears and what needs to be done
Weeping dermatitis is one of the types of skin diseases that develops under the influence of epidermal
Ointment Melanativ
Cream "Melanativ" for age spots: composition, instructions for use, reviews
Effect of the drug The main properties of the Melanative cream include: effective fight against pigment spots on
Activated charcoal for acne
The best recipes for masks and other products with activated carbon for cleansing and acne
Is it possible to get rid of acne? This question is often asked to dermatologists. The specialist definitely recommends first
laser resurfacing
What are age spots and why do they appear?
Pigment spots on the face and body for a woman often become a cause of psychological discomfort and
Laser hair removal: deep bikini - a delicate approach
Bikini hair removal is one of the most popular and sometimes painful procedures. Not many people who
Forms of release of the drug
"D-Panthenol Novatenol" - an expert in healing damaged skin
"D-Panthenol" from Hungarian is a drug that has earned the trust of consumers. At the beginning of 2022, “D-Panthenol” (ointment
Mole on right breast
The meaning of moles on the left and right breasts, under, above, between them, on the nipples - what such a sign can say about a woman
What can tell about a person and what does a mole located on the chest mean?
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