Relief ointment for wrinkles (on the face, around and under the eyes): application, cosmetic effect, price and reviews

The instructions for use of Relief ointment, intended for the treatment of proctological diseases, do not say a single word about the anti-aging properties of the drug. It is written that the medicine has a local anti-inflammatory effect, stops bleeding, and constricts blood vessels. However, enterprising adherents of non-standard treatment methods found another use for the popular remedy for hemorrhoids and began to use it against wrinkles. This article will discuss the reasons that prompted the use of ointment for cosmetic purposes, as well as the effectiveness of this method and how it works.

  • 2 Cosmetic properties of the drug
  • 3 How to apply Anti-Wrinkle Relief

    3.1 Preparatory activities

  • 3.2 Two application methods
  • 4 Indications and contraindications for the use of the drug and possible side effects
  • 5 Precautions
  • 6 How to replace Relief

      6.1 Table: analogues of Relief anti-wrinkle ointment
  • 7 7 pharmacy anti-wrinkle products
  • 8 Experts’ opinions and user reviews about Relief for rejuvenation
  • Description, release form, composition and price of Relief

    The remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids Relief is available in the form of an ointment or cream for external and local use in an aluminum tube with an applicator of 10, 15, 24, 30 or 50 grams, as well as a suppository in foil for rectal administration. The cost of the medicine varies on average from 300 to 500 rubles, depending on the form of release, volume, composition and concentration.

    Relief is also available in the form of rectal suppositories, which can be melted and used for facial rejuvenation

    Thanks to the unique combination of powerful natural ingredients in its composition, Relief has become a worthy competitor to popular anti-aging cosmetics.

    The main components of the miraculous ointment:

    • Mezatone (phenylephrine). It has the effect of adrenaline - it narrows and tones the walls of blood vessels, and starts the process of restoring damaged cells.
    • Creeping thyme oil (thyme). Eliminates irritation, relieves itching and destroys pathogenic bacteria.
    • Vitamin E (tocopherol). A powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation of malignant cells and tumor growth. Acts as a conductor of vitamin A, helping it better penetrate the body. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
    • Corn oil. It is a source of the previously mentioned vitamins A and E. It also contains B vitamins, linoleic acid, important macro- and microelements - iron, magnesium and potassium. Corn oil accelerates the regeneration process and prevents cell mutation.

    The base for Relief ointment is a mixture of petroleum jelly with other emollients - mineral oil, glycerin, beeswax. The drug also contains other excipients (stabilizers and preservatives).

    The cosmetic effect of the drug Relief is due to the presence of shark liver oil in the composition

    Some Relief preparations contain benzocoin, which acts as a local anesthetic, as well as valuable shark liver oil, which contains a rich complex of beneficial microelements and vitamins A, E and D. It promotes cell renewal, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and has a local immunomodulatory effect.

    Cosmetic properties of the drug

    The rejuvenating effect of Relief ointment is due to the action of its main components. The powerful influence of vegetable oils helps reduce wrinkles and replenish collagen deficiency, moisturize and increase the density of the epidermis. Additional ingredients help consolidate the results and maintain optimal moisture levels.

    The effectiveness of the drug is manifested in the form of the following positive changes:

    • the skin becomes tightened, elastic and smooth;
    • the oval of the face takes on a clearer contour;
    • puffiness and dark circles under the eyes noticeably decrease, and sometimes disappear altogether;
    • complexion takes on a fresher and healthier look;
    • Signs of dryness disappear, inflammatory processes heal.

    Having decided to use Relief ointment for problem areas of the face, it is worth remembering that it was borrowed from the arsenal of proctologists, and therefore it should be used rarely and only as an aid, and not on an ongoing basis. For example, if there is a need to quickly get yourself into proper shape before any significant event. Experts in the field of cosmetology, who have adopted the anti-aging effect of the drug, warn that it can be used extremely carefully - only once a day and no more than two weeks.

    How to use Anti-Wrinkle Relief

    Before first use, you should definitely make sure that the components of the ointment are well tolerated by the body and will not provoke further allergies. To test the reaction, apply a small amount to a small area of ​​skin where it is most sensitive - your wrist, inner elbow, neck or earlobe. Wait 24 hours, and then, if unpleasant symptoms such as itching, burning, swelling, redness or an allergic rash do not appear, you can begin to conduct experiments.

    Preparatory activities

    It is very important to deeply cleanse problem areas of makeup first, using mild products that do not contain alcohol. You can steam your face and do a light peeling with a scrub.

    Thoroughly cleansed facial skin is the key to the success of any cosmetic procedure.

    Wash your hands with soap. And only after that begin the rejuvenating procedure. Prepare one of the remedies: ointment or candles, melted in a water bath until creamy.

    Two application methods

    Typical use involves performing the following steps step by step:

    1. The prepared product is applied to a cleansed face using a cotton swab or fingertips.
    2. Distribute along the thinnest lines, that is, from the center of the forehead towards the temples, from the bridge of the nose to the upper cheekbones, from the middle of the chin towards the ears.
    3. To ensure that the mask is well absorbed, application is accompanied by light patting and stroking movements.
    4. After half an hour, carefully remove the remaining ointment with a soft and clean cloth.

    Additional recommendations:

    • for the first time, it is worth diluting the minimum amount of Relief with moisturizing cream in a 1:1 ratio;
    • It is preferable to carry out a rejuvenation session in the evening, since the product, despite its seemingly light texture, takes a long time to be absorbed and the skin becomes oily;
    • the course of treatment of wrinkles with Relief should be 1 week with a single daily use, in no case increasing either the duration of the procedures or their frequency;
    • For people who are predisposed to acne, cosmetologists advise to thoroughly cleanse the skin before the procedure and a few hours after it, otherwise the oily layer of ointment will clog the skin pores, which will provoke the appearance of inflammatory processes.

    The second option involves applying a thicker layer of undiluted product and only to problem areas. To ensure deeper penetration, try to fill every wrinkle with the ointment. Smooth out the most pronounced wrinkles and secure them on top with a cosmetic plaster so that it is straightened.

    By fixing treated wrinkles with a cosmetic patch, you will increase the effect of the anti-aging product

    After 30 minutes, the patches are removed, and excess Relief is removed with a napkin.

    Instructions for use

    Of course, the product has a package insert that tells you how to use the hemorrhoid remedy. But there’s not a word about the face, which is not surprising. Cosmetologists have long developed their own instructions.

    Before applying, you must wash and cleanse your face with alcohol-free products. Ideally, you should steam your face in a hot bath to open the pores. This way the drug will be better absorbed and effective.

    Further, experts recommend applying a small amount of ointment only to problem areas. If too much product has been applied, the residue can be removed with a napkin.

    Indications and contraindications for the use of the drug and possible side effects

    Relief is successfully used not only in the treatment of hemorrhoids, but also at the first signs of skin aging, the presence of inflammation and minor abrasions, if there is pathological dryness and a tendency to peeling. The drug is recommended by cosmetologists to eliminate visible signs of fatigue, moisturize and saturate the facial skin with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

    Like any medicine, Relief has medical contraindications for use:

    • decrease in the content of granulocytes in peripheral blood;
    • thromboembolism;
    • allergy to the drug or its components, as well as individual intolerance;
    • children under 12 years old.

    The drug is used with great caution for arterial hypertension, problems with urination, diabetes mellitus and hyperthyroidism, during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, it makes no sense to use the medicine on the skin of the face or neck for young people under 20–25 years of age.

    The most common side effects are allergies in the form of rash, redness, peeling and swelling. And only if Relief has not been tested beforehand.

    An excess of biologically active substances has a negative effect on the skin, leading to the opposite result - loss of elasticity and deepening of wrinkles.

    Cosmetologists' opinion

    The opinions of experts on the use of the drug Relief in cosmetology are ambiguous. Some cosmetologists do not deny the possibility of using the drug for the face against wrinkles. Others consider this method of rejuvenation ineffective and dangerous.

    Karpova Kira Yurievna, cosmetologist

    “I believe that using Relief cream against age-related changes is inappropriate. Still, the mucous membrane of the rectal area and the skin of the face have a different structure. Yes, the drug contains many nutrients and substances useful for the epidermis. But in pharmacies and specialized stores you can find skincare products with a similar composition. Moreover, most of them are cheaper than medicine for hemorrhoids.”

    Korshunov Dmitry Alekseevich, cosmetologist

    “I don’t see anything wrong with using Relief to combat age-related changes on the skin. Many cosmetic anti-aging creams do not have such a rich and beneficial composition as this medicine. But you need to use Relief cream for other purposes with extreme caution and first make sure there are no contraindications.”

    How to replace Relief

    Almost all drugs have analogues that are similar in composition or action. In this case, Relief is no exception. If the main purpose of using the product is to combat signs of wilting, then the best replacements will be the drugs listed below.

    Table: analogues of Relief anti-wrinkle ointment

    Drug namePricepharmachologic effectMode of application
    Heparin ointment29 rub.Anti-clot agent (anticoagulant)Apply to clean, oil-free facial skin 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days.
    Troxerutin52 rub.Gel with venotonic and anti-edematous effectRub a small amount into cleansed skin, massage, then apply regular care cream once a day for 1–2 weeks.
    Tromblessfrom 250 rub.Gel for the treatment of edema and hematomasApply to cleansed facial skin 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days.

    The listed medications are intended for the treatment of proctological diseases, varicose veins, and thrombophlebitis. Each has its own contraindications.

    Comparative characteristics with some analogues in cosmetology

    The variety of anti-wrinkle products from the pharmacy is quite large. Each of them is effective in its own way and has a number of special advantages and disadvantages. You can only understand how suitable a particular product is for you during use. If there is no result, it is better to resort to another product. The Relief ointment discussed above has its pros and cons over other drugs.

    Table: comparative characteristics of pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle ointments

    NamePrice, rubPresence of odorConsistencyReaction to UV raysUse for the skin around the eyes
    Relief400–450Has a pronounced fishy smell.Very dense, oily texture.Absent.Perhaps with caution.
    Retinoic ointment150–300Without smell.Oily, quite heavy.Increases the skin's photosensitivity, so it is not recommended to use before going outside.Forbidden.
    Zinc ointmentfrom 16Does not have (flavorings may be added).Very thick.Prevents skin photoaging when exposed to direct UV rays.Not recommended.

    Zinc ointment protects the skin from the adverse effects of sun rays

    Expert opinion and user reviews about Relief for rejuvenation

    Based on the fact that the cosmetic properties of the medicinal ointment have not been studied by scientists, and the anti-aging effect has not been confirmed by clinical trials, dermatologists and cosmetologists are in no hurry to give official feedback on the effectiveness or safety of using Relief for facial skin. Proctologists have a negative attitude towards such experiments, but this does not prevent the growing popularity of such an extraordinary method of rejuvenation.

    The drug is not able to replace medicinal cosmetics, which are created specifically, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of facial skin.

    User reviews are also quite contradictory. Some praise the product, others are outraged by the fact that the ointment does not contain the loudly advertised shark liver oil. The drug is most often used against puffiness or dark circles under the eyes.

    I think that I will not be opening America if I say that fashion models all over the world have long been using hemorrhoid remedies to combat bags under their eyes. But I somehow didn’t dare use it under my eyes, despite existing problems with my appearance. Until it gets hot. I had an important event coming up, at which I wanted to look 100% perfect, but, as luck would have it, I discovered in the mirror my amazing resemblance to a panda. Something had to be done urgently.

    Having slightly melted one of the suppositories in a warm place, I applied a thin layer of the melted candle to the clean skin under the eyes. Fearing a negative impact, I decided not to wait long and blotted everything that was not absorbed by the napkin. At first I didn’t see any particularly impressive results. But when I applied my makeup, the reflection in the mirror made me incredibly happy, as I hadn’t been happy with for quite a long time. And in the restaurant, in the toilet room, I was pleased to see a fresh face ten years younger. Apparently, it took about half an hour to see the result. Since then, I sometimes use this remedy, in exceptional cases. I read somewhere that if you use it constantly, you can dry out the delicate skin under your eyes and get a “baked apple” effect. I haven’t noticed any negative effects on the skin under my eyes for a year of periodic (about 2-4 times a month), on the contrary, the bags have become almost invisible and the skin is more nourished and smooth, although I am already 40 years old. I would be glad if I help someone look like a million dollars on special occasions or other important moments in their life with the help of a product that costs 250–270 rubles.

    Share your happiness with me

    I bought Relief ointment specifically to care for the skin around the eyes. On the box, the manufacturer carefully wrote that it contains phenylephrine hydrochloride and indicated its beneficial properties for the body. After six months of use, the skin was noticeably moisturized, the “crow’s feet” that had recently appeared were smoothed out, the dark circles under the eyes became paler, and there was no swelling or side effects. I'm happy with the result. I don’t dare recommend Relief ointment as a cream around the eyes, everything is individual. If anyone is interested in this application, I advise you to first smear only the lower eyelid of one eye.



    Rumors of high effectiveness in terms of lifting are exaggerated. The Internet is full of advice on the unconventional use of this product - to combat wrinkles. The ointment is missing the most important component - shark liver. The ointment itself is yellow and greasy, like any other. It does not have a particularly strong odor.

    Some recommended using the ointment once, but someone wrote that a course of 2 weeks is necessary. I chose the longer option. At night I applied the product to my eyelids, around my eyes and the main deep wrinkles on my face. In 2 weeks the result was as follows:

    1. The eyelids lifted slightly.
    2. The skin on the eyelids has become more delicate and pleasant to the touch.
    3. Fine wrinkles around the eyes have almost smoothed out, but not enough to claim that the product is highly effective.
    4. The circles under the eyes were barely noticeable and remained that way - no better and no worse.

    Essentially, the ointment smoothes the skin, and perhaps this is exactly the effect that someone needs. However, it is useless to fight wrinkles with it, because it will only smooth out the most shallow and small ones, and it is a rather weak remedy against deep ones.


    Manufacturers of the drug, unfortunately, do not guarantee complete safety if it is used not for its intended purpose, but for facial skin rejuvenation. But for those who are willing to take risks for amazing effects, this is not an obstacle. The main thing is to act wisely and not forget about basic care, which is the best prevention of premature aging.

    • Author: woman
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    Features of using ointment for the area around the eyes

    Cosmetologists are allowed to use Relief for delicate areas, such as the skin around the eyes. However, in this case, it is necessary to take special care, because getting the ointment on the mucous membrane can cause irritation.

    However, doctors have a different opinion: according to them, it is strange to use an antihemorrhoidal agent as a cosmetic anti-wrinkle cream, because today there are many special products for this. In addition, regarding the skin of the eyelids, doctors justify their negative opinion with the following facts:

    • Most often, the causes of puffiness under the eyes are poor heredity or fluid retention. But Relief ointment does not combat such problems;
    • this ointment is a medical preparation, and its direct purpose is therapeutic;
    • a product intended for proctological ailments is not suitable for the delicate skin around the eyes - it can irritate the thin dermis.

    Cosmetologists allow the use of Relief for the skin around the eyes, but with caution

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