Soft chancre on the shaft of the penis
Hard chancre (syphiloma): how does it appear, signs, types, localization, how to treat?
A chancre is an inflammatory dense accumulation of cell mass, blood and lymph, on the surface of the chancre
radio wave removal of moles
Radio wave removal of papillomas and moles with Surgitron
Verified by an expert Kuznetsova Ekaterina Olegovna Dietitian, gastroenterologist, cosmetologist Date of publication: March 11, 2022 date
Comfoderm and Advantan are glucocorticosteroids widely used in the treatment of skin diseases
Elidel and corticosteroids: allies or rivals?
Comfoderm and Advantan are glucocorticosteroids widely used in the treatment of skin diseases. Medicines
Pyruvic peeling is carried out
Pyruvic acid (green) peeling – freshness and beauty of your face
Pyruvic acid peeling (its features) One of the most popular pyruvic acid peelings is “Cosmoteros”. Other known
Curiosin. Instructions for using facial ointment in anti-wrinkle cosmetology, effectiveness, price of gel, reviews
Curiosin. Instructions for using facial ointment in anti-wrinkle cosmetology, effectiveness, price of gel, reviews
As the body ages, the skin fades and becomes wrinkled. To cope with age-related changes,
A face mask made from sour cream is widely used in cosmetology as a tonic and rejuvenating component for skin care.
Sour cream for the face: benefits and harm, recipes for masks for dry and oily skin
Perhaps every girl dreams of perfect facial skin. Clean, smooth, radiant with health. And often
Autohemotherapy for acne, or how to get rid of rashes
The essence of autohemotherapy Under such a complex name, a very simple procedure is hidden. A venous sample is taken from the patient
Review of Dermalex brand fillers and the purpose of their use
Despite the fact that most fillers for injection contouring have the same composition, reactions
How long does it take to fully recover after blepharoplasty?
Rehabilitation (recovery) after blepharoplasty
Blepharoplasty is an operation aimed at eliminating age-related changes in the upper and lower eyelids or their
Composition of pharmaceutical cosmetics
Rating of medicinal pharmaceutical cosmetics 2022: recommendations of cosmetologists
The main differences between pharmaceutical cosmetics and ordinary pharmaceutical cosmetics or cosmeceuticals are highly concentrated products designed to
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