Ointment for subcutaneous acne: 6 budget products from the pharmacy

  • 2597
  • 02-09-2021
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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Subcutaneous acne on the face is a problem from which no one is immune. It is useless to try to squeeze out such a pimple, since it is “not ripe” for this. Waiting until the right moment comes is also difficult, as redness and unpleasant pain occur.

To get rid of subcutaneous acne, you can use various folk recipes in the form of applying plantain, celandine juice or a compress of herbal decoction. But it’s better to entrust the problem to pharmaceutical products that have been tested and work accurately.

We have collected the top most effective remedies for subcutaneous acne from the pharmacy, which are inexpensive.

The best creams and gels for acne.

October 22, 2022



  • Why do acne appear on the face?
  • How to choose an acne cream
  • 10 best creams and gels for acne
  • Zenerite
  • Delex-Acne
  • Baziron
  • Klenzit-S from Glenmark
  • Differin
  • Juniper from Mi&Ko
  • Clearasil Ultra
  • Lumene Nordic Girl! Clear It Up!
  • Skinoren
  • Effaclar Duo + by La Roshe-Posay

Thanks to modern acne treatments, you can quickly and permanently solve the problem. We have created a selection of the best creams and gels for those with problem skin.

Both women and men experience pimples and acne, and at any age.

Why do acne appear on the face?

Among the causes of acne are such non-obvious, but very possible, as lack of vitamin D, stress, poor environment, use of sunscreen, and long conversations on the phone.

Now let's look at the common causes of acne on the face.

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
    Typically, acne appears in women during PMS, in teenage girls and in pregnant women. This is due to the fact that the level of steroid hormones in the blood increases - the sebaceous glands begin to work more intensely. Due to hypersecretion of sebum, the protective abilities of the skin are reduced. The skin secretion thickens, the ducts become clogged with plugs that block the sebaceous glands.
  2. Follicular hyperkeratosis.
    In this case, the cells with hair follicles are poorly renewed. The stratum corneum of the hair follicles becomes thicker, which prevents the outflow of secretions from the sebaceous glands.
  3. Excessive proliferation of propionic bacteria.
    There are millions of different microorganisms on the human skin and mucous membranes. But sometimes they begin to multiply uncontrollably, and inflammation is possible. Pimples appear because such bacteria feed on the sebaceous plugs of the hair follicles.
  4. Lack of zinc in the body.
    When there is a lack of zinc in the human body, the skin produces an excessive amount of sebum - hence pimples and acne.
  5. Improper skin care.
    If you use skincare products that are not suitable for your skin type or use low-quality decorative cosmetics, it is quite possible that you will develop acne.
  6. Poor nutrition and gastrointestinal problems.
    The appearance of the skin often depends on the health of the internal organs.
    Therefore, with diseases of the intestines and stomach, acne may appear. A balanced diet (less sugar, fast food, baked goods) is also important. Read also Vitamins for hair loss: 10 of the best Review of the best vitamins for hair.

Prevention of subcutaneous acne

  1. daily cleansing with delicate compositions without alcohol and oil, with optimal PH;
  2. removal of negative factors (fighting stress, eliminating allergens);
  3. giving up bad habits, switching to proper nutrition, maintaining a drinking regime and healthy 8-hour sleep;
  4. drug treatment of diseases of internal organs and generally careful attitude towards one’s health;
  5. using cosmetics that suit your skin type;
  6. regular visits to a cosmetologist.

How to choose an acne cream

When treating acne and pimples, an integrated approach is required, so just cream or gel is not enough. To choose the “right” remedy, you need to determine the cause of the rash. By the way, it often happens that one specific cream does not solve the problem, so you need to try several products. For acne, pharmaceutical creams or gels are usually prescribed, which contain anti-inflammatory components:

  • acids (azelaic, salicylic, kojic). They relieve inflammation, cleanse pores, and make skin tone more even.
  • essential oils with anti-inflammatory and calming effects (green tea, tea tree, aloe vera, eucalyptus, calendula).
  • absorbent minerals that absorb secretions from the sebaceous glands, as well as natural antibiotics (zinc, camphor, sulfur).
  • hyaluronic acid (for deep skin hydration).
  • retinoids, demethyl sulfoxide - for healing damage, regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • cosmetic oils that help regenerate the skin (grape seed, olive, peach).

As for acne creams with antibiotics and hormones, they act faster, but they should be prescribed exclusively by a dermatologist. Treating the skin with such drugs is only allowed for a short period of time. If you use hormonal or antibacterial agents uncontrollably, unwanted side effects such as withdrawal syndrome or skin atrophy may develop.

Causes of acne

Photos from open sources

Types of acne marks

Acne marks most often involve hyperpigmentation (normal areas of the skin alternate with darker ones). Stagnant red spots, enlarged pores filled with sebum, or pathological scars may also appear. When the excretory duct of the sebaceous glands is blocked, atheromas (cysts filled with fat) or milia (whiteheads) develop.

Old scars and scars after purulent acne are divided into the following forms:

  1. dimples, isolated fragments of skin (atrophic);
  2. lumps, convex lesions accompanied by erythema (hypertrophic);
  3. certain areas of the skin have increased pigmentation (dyschromia).

Most often, post-acne appears in the form of atrophic scars. They can be round, square or chipped in shape. The first two types can be eliminated quite easily. And chipped ones are the most problematic, since their base is localized deep in the dermis.


One of the most popular remedies for acne and acne, which contains an antibiotic (erythromycin) and zinc salts. Erythromycin prevents the growth of bacteria, and zinc salts work as an antiseptic. If you have been prescribed "Zinerit" for acne, remember that it is not advisable to use it often and for a long time, because addiction develops and the drug simply stops working.

Astellas Pharma Europe, Russia

Zenerite powder for solution preparation (external use), 30 milliliter bottle - a medicinal product for the treatment of acne.
Resistant to cosmetic products. from 533

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This gel works well if you have mild to moderate skin breakouts. "Delex-Acne" is also prescribed for demodex (skin mites). An excellent product for home daily facial skin care, it is also used for the active treatment of acne as part of complex therapy. Delex-Acne contains sulfur, calendula and nettle. The acne gel does not contain hormones, antibiotics or alcohol, and therefore has no age restrictions for use. If you choose this gel, then it is optimal to combine it with lotion from the same series. You should use Delex-Acne gel no more than several times a week so as not to dry out the skin. The disadvantages of the product are that the smell is not very pleasant and that you can’t buy Delex-Acne in every pharmacy.

, Russia

The gel is characterized by anti-inflammatory, absorbable, antibacterial and sebostatic (drying) effects.
The drug in gel form is considered optimal for use in case of oily seborrheic skin, since the use of creams and ointments can increase the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. from 150

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Ichthyol ointment

A remedy that has been successfully used for decades to treat ulcers and boils is ichthyol ointment, made from petroleum jelly. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, quickly penetrates into the middle and deep layers of the dermis.

This drug is used to eliminate large, deep ulcers, the maturation of which under normal conditions will be very long and painful. Ichthyol is also useful in cases where other tried anti-acne remedies have failed.

The drug is applied to previously cleansed skin, to the head of the purulent rod and the reddened skin around it. After 1.5-2 hours, the remaining ointment can be removed with a damp cotton swab, otherwise the risk of getting a skin burn increases.

An important advantage of ichthyol ointment is the prevention of the formation of scars at the site of a pimple. Disadvantages include:

  • presence of a pungent odor;
  • contraindications (allergy to the components of the product, use of iodide salt or alkaloids).

For the first few days, treatment of ulcers is carried out once a day, then once every 2 days.


Acne gel "Baziron" exfoliates dead skin cells, which often “clog” pores, which is why pimples and blackheads form. The drug contains benzene peroxide and green tea, which dry out inflamed skin, normalize its cellular respiration and reduce secretions from the sebaceous glands. "Baziron" helps well with blackheads and subcutaneous pimples. The product perfectly moisturizes the skin.

Baziron AS
Galderma, Switzerland

Baziron AS is an allergy-resistant drug; the composition of this drug has been thoroughly tested for allergens, which ensured that the risk of an allergic reaction when using it is minimized.
The product has been dermatologically tested to identify any side effects that may irritate the skin, suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Does not contain alcohol. It also has anti-comedogenic properties, that is, it opens the fullicles and removes comedones (blackheads) on the nose. from 571

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Klenzit-S from Glenmark

This acne gel contains the antibiotic clindamycin, which fights acne by reducing inflammation. And adapalene (a derivative of vitamin A) moisturizes and regenerates the skin. If you find a pimple on your face in the evening and smear it with Glenmark Clenzit-S gel, the pimple will be gone in the morning. You can use the product for no longer than three months (once a day), because addiction may develop. Improvement in skin condition occurs after a week of using Klenzit-S. During treatment, peeling, burning and redness of the skin are possible. But after three weeks the skin gets used to it. It is better to wash your face with gentle, soft products at this time. During pregnancy and frequent exposure to the sun, you cannot be treated with Klenzit-S gel.

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, India

A preparation for external use for the treatment of acne.
Before use, you should consult your doctor. from 486

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Liniment Vishnevsky

Widely known for its unique properties, Vishnevsky ointment is useful in the treatment of many diseases, including purulent rashes on the face or body.


  • has a local irritant effect (increases blood circulation);
  • antiseptic effect helps destroy harmful bacteria (on the surface and deep in the skin);
  • accelerates metabolic and regeneration processes;
  • promotes the rapid release of the purulent core to the outside.

To remove small ulcers, it is enough to treat the skin 1-2 times a day. To remove a large purulent core, you will need to make an application.

To do this, apply a thick layer of ointment to a small piece of gauze or a cotton pad, and then attach it with a band-aid over the pimple. It is best to do this before going to bed, and in the morning wash with clean water, removing any remaining drug.

The only drawback of Vishnevsky ointment is its unpleasant aroma. But if you endure, the results are worth it.


The active ingredient in this gel for acne and pimples is adapalene (retinoid). Differin is indicated for people with combination and oily skin. Judging by patient reviews, this drug really works, although it is inexpensive. An important advantage of this gel is that it removes acne and scars on the skin. You can use Differin for a long time because it does not contain an antibiotic.

Laboratoires Expanscience, France

A drug for the treatment of acne, for external use.
from 624

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Streptocide ointment

Streptocide cannot be classified as an antibiotic. But it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial effect, although it does not accelerate the release of pus. This ointment is useful for small ulcers accompanied by severe redness of the surrounding skin.

The product is applied over the rash at night, or compresses are made from it. A reduction in hyperemia becomes noticeable already on the 2nd day of use, however, to consolidate the results, it is necessary to continue treating the skin for 5-7 days.

Juniper from Mi&Ko

Acne cream perfectly fights acne and other imperfections of problem skin. “Juniper” can be applied not only to the face, but also to other areas of the body where there are rashes. Use the cream morning and evening. The drug relieves inflammation and destroys bacteria, nourishes the skin, moisturizes, and reduces sebum production. Juniper cream is suitable for both teenagers and those who have pimples and acne due to hormonal imbalances or with age. According to customer reviews, the cream smells nice, has a comfortable texture, is not tested on animals and is inexpensive.

Types of skin rashes

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Juniper from Mi&Ko cream
MiKo, Russia

Face cream Juniper consists of 24% organic raw materials. The new formula contains lavender hydrolate and boswellia extract, which instantly improve complexion, eliminate dryness and inflammation, and protect the skin from stress. A unique extract of wintergreen leaves eliminates rashes and stimulates skin renewal. With Juniper cream, your skin will be healthy and smooth, which will be the key to self-confidence!

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Clearasil Ultra

Clearasil cream is sold in almost any store or pharmacy. Contains salicylic acid, cocoglycosin, allantoin, aloe extract, glycerin, lavender extract, Italian immortelle extract, cistus Montpelient extract. The product relieves inflammation well, is applied precisely and quickly solves the problem of acne and acne. The instructions say that the Klerasil cream will remove a pimple in 4 hours! The drug has a slight mattifying effect. And although the tube of cream is small and not cheap, Klerasil is used very sparingly, so it will last for a long time.

Clearasil Ultra
Reckitt Benckiser, Netherlands

Active components relieve inflammation, redness and irritation, normalize the structure of the epidermis, and promote exfoliation of dead cells.
Thanks to AcceladermTM technology, the cream enhances the effect, allowing the active ingredients to penetrate deeply into all layers of the skin. from 205

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Lumene Nordic Girl! Clear It Up!

This acne cream tightens pores, removes oily shine and is great for spot application. Featuring Lumene Nordic Girl! Clear It Up! There are no dyes, parabens or mineral oils, so the product is suitable even for sensitive skin. The cream contains salicylic acid, arctic plantain extract and vitamin B3. The product relieves pain from subcutaneous inflammation, cools, evens out skin texture, and removes acne scars. The cream is absorbed well and does not leave a film, so it can be applied both under and on foundation.

Lumene Nordic Girl! Clear It Up!
Farmia, Finland

Cream for oily and combination skin Lumene Nordic Girl!
Clear It Up! Oil Free Moisturizer helps control shine while effectively hydrating skin and tightening pores. Helps deal with acne. With regular use, it helps reduce the appearance of blemishes. Consists of 100% plant ingredients. from 535

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General recommendations

If you eat improperly, it is difficult to get the required amount of vitamins and microelements. Cosmetologists recommend:

  • choose a complex preparation to maintain the beauty and health of the skin;
  • exclude products that provoke the appearance of acne and comedones;
  • increase the rate of clean water consumption;
  • normalize sleep, change lifestyle.

It is useful to choose a set of measures to restore skin health. Creams and serums, oils and masks are important to maintain external attractiveness. But the condition of the dermis depends on the internal health of the body. The dermis is affected by the state of the gastrointestinal tract, circulatory system, and excretory system.

Vitamin complexes help influence the deep layers of the dermis from the inside. They increase elasticity, even out tone, and minimize the occurrence of age-related changes.


This cream contains azelaic acid, which helps regulate sebum secretion, fights pathogenic bacteria, and relieves inflammation. “Skinoren” has proven itself well even in advanced stages of acne, although long-term treatment with this remedy is undesirable. Skinoren dries out the skin, so it is better not to use it if you have peeling. Apply the cream morning and evening to the affected areas of the skin and rub in lightly.

Intendis Manufacturing, Italy

Skinoren is a drug for the treatment of acne vulgaris or juvenile acne and hyperpigmentation.
from 349

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Effaclar Duo + by La Roshe-Posay

Cream-gel is indicated for inflammation of the skin, for mattifying and deep moisturizing, prevention and treatment of acne. Effaclar Duo + contains thermal water (moisturizes the skin), prokerad (fights post-acne), lipo-hydroxy acid salicylic acid (renews epidermal cells, regulates sebum production, lightens spots on the skin). An excellent remedy for treating moderate acne. The instructions say that the positive effect occurs within 12 hours after the first use of the cream-gel. Effaclar Duo + is suitable not only for spot treatment of acne, but also for the entire face. The product has a good texture, is quickly absorbed, dries out rashes, does not leave a greasy sheen or stickiness, and does not tighten pores. Can be used as a base for makeup.

Effaclar Duo+
La Roche-Posay, France

Effaclar DUO(+) against the re-formation of imperfections. Light cream-gel EFFACLAR DUO(+) moisturizes the skin for 24 hours and provides a long-lasting mattifying effect. By adding two new active ingredients - Aqua Posae Filiformis and Mannose - the product restores the skin microbiome, which helps reduce the incidence of inflammation. Efaklar DUO(+) contains Prokerad, which prevents the appearance of residual marks from imperfections (post-acne) in the form of red and dark spots. Is an excellent base for makeup.

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Options for dealing with acne marks

The problem of acne marks is solved in various ways. The success of manipulation depends on the age of the pathological elements, their size and shape. Regardless of the chosen treatment method and remedy, you should understand that the process of getting rid of acne marks is not quick. In addition, it is advisable to consult a cosmetologist and dermatologist about this.

First of all, if you have acne marks, it is important to learn how to deeply cleanse the skin and stimulate its renewal. Particular attention should be paid to enlarged pores and wisely select products that regulate sebum secretion. Although skin with post-acne elements needs high-quality cleansing, it is important that it is not aggressive. You need to choose products with clay or acids, without large and sharp abrasive particles.

If dyschromia bothers you after acne, then it is advisable to use peels with acids, as well as cosmetics containing lightening ingredients. The components of such products must be non-comedogenic so that new rashes are not provoked. Acne scars are more difficult to deal with, but it is quite possible, you just have to be patient. In our review, we have collected the best pharmaceutical and cosmetic products for acne marks.

NominationplaceName of productprice
The best pharmaceutical remedies for acne marks1Contractubex1 150 ₽
2Solcoseryl730 ₽
3Skinoren1 450 ₽
4Klindovit380 ₽
5Clearvin98 ₽
6Methyluracil44 ₽
The best cosmetics for acne marks1Clarins Mission Perfection Serum5 100 ₽
2Kiehl's Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution4 500 ₽
3The Ordinary Alpha Arbutin 2%820 ₽
4La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo +1 000 ₽
5Avene Cuivre-Zinc Cicalfate Repair Cream880 ₽
6Arabia Regenerating Azelaic Elixir770 ₽
7Mizon Acence Blemish Out Pink Spot1 800 ₽
8Janssen Cosmetics All Skin Needs Scar Cream3 000 ₽
9Levrana Re-Fresh340 ₽
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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