Radio wave method for removing tumors using the Surgitron apparatus
Surgitron: a device for removing papillomas and warts
The Surgitron device is a radio wave generator that is widely used in medical practice for non-contact
Salicylic peeling against blackheads* on the chin
What is salicylic acid? It is a substance from a group of compounds called salicylates. Salicylic acid -
Causes of urticaria in children
PHYSICAL URTICA IN CHILDREN: principles of diagnosis and treatment
Causes of the disease The causes of urticaria in children are: sensitivity to allergens; consumption of allergens
How to reduce sweating - pills for excessive sweating
It is completely natural for a person to sweat. Sweating is very important for the body because
Infectious complications of atopic dermatitis
August 16, 2020 Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that can occur due to a variety of irritants:
Stripes on nails - longitudinal or transverse, causes of appearance, diagnosis, treatment methods and prevention
Diagnosis of vertical stripes on nails Nails are derivatives and constituent parts of the skin. Their
Man at doctor's appointment
Why does a white coating appear on the head of the penis?
Yesterday everything was fine, but today red dots appeared on the head of the penis? Not
How to quickly get rid of lipomas (fat) at home
Everyone has at least once encountered the appearance of a wen on the body. They may be different
There are only two situations in which Vaseline does not harm our skin - Om Activ
For diseases and damage to the skin, dermatologists prescribe petroleum jelly and cosmetics containing it to patients with
Clindovit for acne
Use of Clindamycin for acne, acne and post-acne
To treat acne and pimples of various types, a complex of drugs based on antibacterial agents is used.
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