Revitonics. A detailed video course of basic exercises from Natalia Osminina, Anastasia Dubinskaya. Reviews from doctors
Revitonics. A detailed video course of basic exercises from Natalia Osminina, Anastasia Dubinskaya. Reviews from doctors
A set of special exercises for the face (face building) is an effective alternative to plastic surgery methods for tightening
Ointment for skin allergies in adults
Non-hormonal or hormonal ointment for allergies: which one to choose?
If an adult develops an allergic reaction to the epidermis, negative symptoms are sure to appear. For example,
baziron control instructions for use
Series of specialized cosmetics "Baziron Control": reviews from dermatologists
From this article you will learn: Baziron AC gel for acne - composition analysis, instructions
photo of Venus necklace
Syphilitic roseola: photos, symptoms, description, varieties, localization, differential diagnosis, treatment
The Necklace of Venus is one of the signs of the secondary period of syphilis. It is also called syphilitic leukoderma.
herpes virus
Chronic recurrent herpes (herpes chronicus recidivans)
Herpes rashes on the buttocks have their own characteristics. Primarily due to the fact that such
Aptos threads for face lifting – a modern effective way of rejuvenation
From this article you will learn: the best threads in cosmetology – rating, reviews, what is
Microsporia in children
What is microsporia and 4 ways to prevent it in children
But sometimes such fun plays a cruel joke on little researchers. After all, in the environment
Advantan ointment
Greenwood Losterin ointment - reviews
About the drug The drug Losterin effectively eliminates the symptoms of skin diseases, including chronic types of dermatological pathologies.
Dark circles under the eyes: main causes and methods of elimination
The eyes are called the mirror of the soul, so it is not surprising that many people first of all pay attention to
Surgitron radio wave method for removing ingrown toenails
Ingrown toenail: causes, symptoms, treatment methods
Causes of the disease The problem of ingrown toenails is caused by: Injuries to the nails and
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