Dühring's dermatitis is a rare disease: signs, therapy, photos
Introduction Dermatitis herpetiformis is an inflammatory skin disease with a chronic relapsing course, itchy polymorphic lesions
Bartholinitis. Abscess and cyst of the Bartholin gland. Treatment
Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the large Bartholin gland. The Bartholin gland, in turn, is
The suture festers after surgery: what to do, what to treat
Any punctured, chopped, torn or cut wound can be complicated by the process of suppuration. Even if you
Instructions for use ZINCTERAL
Composition, properties, release form “Zincit” is a small effervescent tablet, each of which weighs
Wen on a child’s face: learning to get rid of the defect quickly and effectively
A fatty tissue is nothing more than a lipoma. A lipogenic tumor can arise in both
Benign pigmented skin neoplasms (moles)
What are nevi? They are a formation consisting of melanocytes. The surface of the mole is smooth and
Hardware cleaning of nails for the treatment of onychomycosis - features and contraindications
09.09.2021 Nail and skin fungus is a common problem. It is enough to swim in the pool, take
Facial allergies - treatment of allergic rashes in adults: types and how to treat them
Diathesis is a controversial concept. In modern domestic pediatrics and therapy, this concept is no longer
Features of the course of lichen sclerosus of the vulva in children
1. General information Sclerosing (scleroatrophic) lichen/lichen of the vulva, also kraurosis of the vulva, guttate scleroderma, etc. –
Diaper rash in the armpits of a newborn
What is diaper rash? Diaper rash of the skin of a newborn is an inflammation of the skin folds that appears as a result
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