Treatment and prevention of progression of cervical diseases associated with human papillomavirus
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is ubiquitous and causes a wide range of benign skin lesions and
Herpes simplex - symptoms and treatment
The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate.
Removal of genital papillomas on intimate places
Papilloma is an external manifestation of the presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV) in the body. Papilloma -
HPV screening is a sure way to identify and localize the problem
HPV 16 and HPV type 18 are causative agents of infectious viral diseases in women
Age spots on the hands. Work protocols. Peculiarities.
What causes skin pigmentation disorders? List of References 1 GRLS, r/u LP-004175 dated 03/03/2017 2
Abscess of the testicle and epididymis. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of testicular and epididymal abscess
A scrotal abscess is an encapsulated purulent lesion in the tissues of the scrotum. May be primary or
Papillomas - causes of formation, types and methods of treatment
Papilloma is a formation that can appear on the skin or mucous membranes of a person and
Shortens life expectancy and is harmful to health: 8 myths about anesthesia
Myths about anesthesia Modern anesthesia drugs Imaging techniques for anesthesiologists Liver toxicity
Cold dermatitis - causes, symptoms, treatment of the disease
Causes of cold dermatitis The main cause of cold dermatitis is prolonged exposure to low temperatures on
Wild meat for ingrown toenails: effective treatment methods
What is nail hyperkeratosis? Causes Treatment methods for hyperkeratosis of the nail plate Hyperkeratosis of the nail bed -
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