Korean fillers Hyafilia – delicate rejuvenation

Every year the demand for injection cosmetology, without surgical intervention, is growing more and more. Through such procedures, facial contouring is performed, which performs both a purely aesthetic function and promotes rejuvenation. As the need for this type of service increases, so does the demand for the production of dermal fillers. Korean Hyafilia fillers are in no way inferior to similar drugs and are widely used in practice.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Korean pharmacological agents, including fillers, are not inferior in quality to analogues from Western Europe and the USA. The company's policy is not designed to increase prices, but to produce more quality goods.

General information about this line

Filler Hyafilia (Huafilia) is a drug that is a fairly thick and plastic gel capable of diffusion within the space being corrected. A distinctive feature is the drug’s resistance to premature destruction naturally.

This is due to the components included in the composition, including: stabilized hyaluronic acid 85% (located in the form of chains) and native hyaluronic acid with free molecules (15%), modified by Pendant technology.

Duration of action

Implantation of the HyaFilia M filler gives quick and prolonged results not only due to volumization, but also by improving the quality of the skin, while prolonging the natural beauty and youth of the skin surface for a long time. The duration of the aesthetic effect is 6–14 months, which depends on the individual characteristics of the body, its somatic condition, its own enzyme activity, as well as on the patient’s age, lifestyle and the characteristics of the drug.

Compliance of the quality and safety of drugs with international and Russian standards has been proven by clinical trials and officially confirmed by relevant certificates.

Types of fillers and their descriptions

The line of drugs from the Korean concern CHA Meditech Co.
Ltd. is represented by several fillers with a single concentration of hyaluronic acid (20 ml/mg). Their consistency may differ, it depends on the size of the molecules of the active substance and the density with which they are connected to each other. Accordingly, the area of ​​their application in cosmetology is different.

HyaFilia Petit

A lighter drug in the presented line, it is injected into the upper layers of the dermis. Contains the smallest particles of hyaluronic acid, cross-linked together with the lowest density.


  • eliminates shallow wrinkles in the forehead, glabellar arch and perioral area;
  • eliminates “crow’s feet”;
  • performs lip contour correction.

HyaFilia Classic

It is distinguished by the average dimensions of hyaluronate molecules and a moderate degree of their reticulation, as a result of which a more pronounced effect is achieved than from HyaFilia Petit.

The drug is administered at the subdermal level of the epithelium.


  • smoothes out medium-deep wrinkles and creases in the area between the eyebrows;
  • participates in the procedure for lip augmentation, while giving a natural result;
  • used in the area of ​​the hands to eliminate age-related changes.

HyaFilia Grand

The drug has higher elasticity and viscosity than previous products in this line.

It is injected into the deep layers of skin tissue or into the periosteum area.

Designed for contouring, during which the convex parts of the face are modeled: cheekbones, chin and nose.

HyaFilia Plus

The HyaFilia line may include classic, Petit and Grand fillers marked “plus”.

They are similar in composition to the others, but are also supplemented with lidocaine, which allows for minimal pain during the procedure.

Fillers - review by a cosmetologist

Juvederm is a good quality product. But to treat all the required areas on the face, fillers of different densities are needed. The name is the same (One brand), but the density is different.

Is this drug safe?

Real drugs are safe, but there is always a nuance: No matter how qualified a cosmetologist is, no matter how carefully he follows the technique, there is always the possibility of some undesirable phenomena.

Fillers, like drugs, are different. There are branded certified drugs, and there are fillers that are much cheaper than certified ones. For example, in clinics the average cost of filler is 15-17 thousand rubles, and in the cosmetology market they offer filler for 8 thousand rubles. And if it is a drug of the same brand, then you should seriously think about counterfeiting. Since a certified filler purchased from an official distributor cannot cost so cheap.

No matter how qualified the cosmetologist is and no matter how carefully he follows the technique, there is always the possibility of some undesirable phenomena. This is unlikely, they happen rarely, but they still happen. You should definitely check the qualifications of the doctor before going for the procedure. You need to ask your cosmetologist what product he will use. Don't be shy and ask questions that concern you.

Especially if something bothers you after the procedure has already been performed, be sure to let your doctor know. This way you will avoid possible complications.

The advantage of hyaluronic acid is that it has an ANTIDOTE - hyaluronidase. If suddenly a vessel occlusion or an allergic reaction occurs (which is extremely rare with hyaluronic acid), we have the opportunity to remove this drug. Antidotes - hyaluronidase and longidase - are placed directly in the area where hyaluronic acid was injected and the filler dissolves literally immediately. It begins to turn into water and is excreted from the body.

The principle of resorption is simple. When the deadline expires, the filler is absorbed due to our own hyaluronidase, which is in our body, but if it needs to be removed urgently, then an injection of the antidote hyaluronidase is administered. For example, you didn’t like the effect achieved and you decided to return everything back.

How long does the effect last?

The effect for the cheek-zygomatic area from the volumizer lasts, according to informed consent and according to the product label, for 12-18 months. On average, it lasts this way in reality, gradually settling over a year and a half. In the nasolabial areas from a year to 14 months. On the lips, usually up to 1 year.

Filler injection - injection

We add a small volume to the lip area, very delicately. It’s not so much that the effect itself disappears, but the patient gets used to the natural volume and literally after a month it seems - So what? Did we stage anything?

When you show a photo before the procedure, it becomes obvious that there is an effect, and the patient quickly gets used to the natural volume. After the effect wears off and all the fillers (hyaluronic acid injections) injected under the skin turn into water, won’t I look worse?

Cosmetologist Yuliana Shiyan

Comment from cosmetologist, dermatologist Yuliana Shiyan:

I always give an example: When we (girls) start using shapewear, get in shape and then take it off, we have more fat and a thicker waist, it doesn’t get any better! It's the same with fillers and threads.

After we put the drug on and it dissolved, for no reason at all the face will not get worse. The question arises when the patient forgets how it was. And naturally he wants to repeat the aesthetic effect that was at the beginning.

This is an aesthetic addiction, not a physiological one. If suddenly a Woman becomes pregnant or for some reason suddenly decides not to take the drug anymore, then her face will not be worse than because she was once injected with fillers. The face will age naturally, as it did before the introduction of fillers.

Fillers. Video with comments from a cosmetologist

Fillers. Detailed review and application practice

Here I have Juvederm with lidocaine in my hands, expiration date until November 2020. Such drugs are always opened directly in the presence of the patient. This is an individual syringe and already filled. Contrary to the wishes of the patients, to divide it between girlfriends, he does not share. For example: Botox is drawn up multiple times with a sterile syringe from one bottle.

Juvederm comes with a drug passport. It is stuck in the “Informed Consent” Drug VOLUMA

So that there is no misunderstanding between the doctor and the patient, or doubts about the integrity of the doctor whom the patient sees for the first time. The doctor is obliged to open the syringe with filler in the presence of the patient and after administering the filler, show the empty syringe. So that the patient can see that an expensive injection has been given and there is no drug in the syringe. So that there are no questions: Have you given me everything? Here the doctor insures himself.

Efficacy of the drug

Fillers fill the skin tissue, thereby achieving a volumizing effect; they also help improve the general condition of the dermis and inhibit the aging process.
The components included in the composition normalize the water balance of the epithelium.

As a result of injections, skin cell hydration is normalized and biological processes responsible for the natural rejuvenation of the dermis are stimulated.

The product has the quality of “shape memory” and is one of the long-lasting ones.

The Hualafia line of drugs is recommended for people over 25 years of age, but most people resort to similar procedures after 40 years.

Indications for use

  • Flabbiness and excessive dryness of the skin associated with age-related transformations of the epithelium.
  • Deep wrinkles and grooves in the nasolabial, periorbital and perioral areas.
  • The need to model and correct some of the face in the area of ​​the nose, chin, lips, cheeks or temples.

Indications for use

The use of HyaFilia gel allows you to cope with various anatomical defects in appearance. The action of fillers is aimed at eliminating age-related changes and aesthetic problems of the skin.

It is advisable to use the drug in the following cases:

  • correction of different areas of the face: nose, cheeks, lips, chin, forehead;
  • smoothing wrinkles and folds;
  • elimination of dryness and sagging skin;
  • general improvement in the condition of the skin.

Fillers are approved for use in the absence of contraindications and in the presence of the above-mentioned indications. Dermal filling is often performed between the ages of 25 and 35. The procedure is especially popular among women aged 30-45, when the first noticeable age-related changes begin to appear.

Main advantages

Compared to other injection cosmetology products, Hualifiya fillers have a longer corrective effect, which is observed for up to 9 months or more.
Moreover, the gel has high plasticity, which is due to the liquid component included in the composition in a volume fraction of 15%, and highly concentrated hyaluron provides a long period of biodegradation and, accordingly, a cosmetic effect.

Among the advantages are the following:

  • a fairly long-lasting effect from injections with minimal risk to the body, which is due to the complete subsequent elimination of the drug.
  • The absence of a free stabilizing substance in the composition does not load the body with toxins.
  • optimal density, due to which the formation of subcutaneous clots is almost impossible.
  • Thanks to its “memory” ability, the drug perfectly retains the given shape when modeling the face.


The innovative drug has undergone many laboratory studies, which helped create a substance that fully corresponds to the administration environment and allows you to achieve a noticeable positive result. Hyafilia gel has a viscosity suitable for the work and is evenly distributed under the skin, without the sensation of the presence of a foreign body.

The main advantages of the drug include:

  • maximum biocompatibility with the dermis;
  • the composition contains only natural ingredients that cannot lead to serious negative reactions;
  • minimal hygroscopicity;
  • optimal plasticity;
  • lasting results even in patients with active facial expressions and fast metabolism;
  • the possibility of performing a targeted effect;
  • resistance to free radicals.

Purchasing the drug

The drugs in this series are quite affordable in price. On average, you will have to pay about 2.5 thousand rubles for packaging.

You can purchase fillers on any online portal specializing in the sale of products and consumables for aesthetic cosmetology.

Before purchasing, to avoid counterfeiting, you need to check the quality certificate, compare the expiration date and batch number.

Another option is to contact a cosmetologist directly at the salon and buy filler along with the service provided.

Advantages and disadvantages

The manufacturer's innovative developments and multiple laboratory tests help create substances that ideally match the administration environment and provide an optimal positive effect. HighFillia fillers have an easy-to-work viscosity and good ability for uniform distribution. With the help of gels it is possible to achieve a natural effect without the feeling of outside interference.

HyaFilia gels did not have time to gain popularity. Cosmetologists and patients prefer to work with proven European and Korean products. The results of South Korean drugs do not always give the expected long-lasting results. The naturalness of the effect is sometimes assessed by the lack of achievements.

Precautionary measures

A correctly collected anamnesis is a necessary condition before the procedure, for which both the cosmetologist and the patient are responsible.

On the part of the client, not a single aspect about the general condition of the body should be hidden in order to avoid the occurrence of side effects and their complications.


  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • autoimmune and somatic diseases;
  • oncology;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • diabetes;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • dermatological problems;
  • inflammatory processes in the area being corrected;
  • menstruation;
  • bad feeling;
  • rehabilitation period after operations or deep peelings/dermabrasion.


Before use, you must study the list of available contraindications:

  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation;
  • the presence of benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • diabetes;
  • increased susceptibility to the constituent components of the drug;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • diseases of the circulatory system.

Before injections, you should also consult a specialist.

Side effects

Negative consequences most often arise due to mistakes by a cosmetologist.

  • skin necrosis;
  • allergic reactions, manifested by itching, inflammation and redness;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • contouring the substance after injection into the dermis;
  • granulomas and compactions;
  • hematomas;
  • severe swelling;
  • pain syndrome.

If symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The duration of swelling for 3-5 days can be considered normal; if it does not subside within one week, you should consult a doctor. More serious complications may develop.

Minimizing the effect

It is easy to correct the unsatisfactory result obtained as a result of the injection of HiFillia fillers. It is enough to use drugs with hyaluronidase activity. The doctor injects microdoses of the substance under the skin to minimize the effect in order to correct the result. A sufficient amount of the drug will be needed to completely eliminate the achievements.

Physiotherapeutic effects have similar effectiveness. Steaming in a bathhouse, sauna, and active sports help to independently minimize the result obtained.

Carrying out the procedure

Contour plastic surgery using Huafilia fillers is considered a delicate procedure.

But this process still remains a surgical intervention, and therefore requires compliance with certain standards and recommendations.

  • A week before the procedure, stop taking anticoagulants.
  • It is necessary to conduct an allergic reaction test, during which the degree of tolerance of the substances in the composition is revealed.
  • Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, exercise and fatty foods.

It is also possible for a specialist to prescribe a course of antiviral drugs for preventive purposes.

Administration technique

The area of ​​drug administration is determined by the presence of skin changes in a certain area. Direct immersion of the needle is carried out through the dermis into the defective area to a depth of 1.6-2.8 mm.

Process description

The procedure consists of several mandatory steps.

  1. Consultation with a cosmetologist and identifying the boundaries of injections.
  2. Antiseptic treatment of the skin.
  3. Pain relief (if desired by the client). This is done either with lidocaine or with an anesthetic cream.
  4. Injection.
  5. Repeated disinfection.
  6. Formation of the necessary relief through massage of the corrected area.

Duration of manipulation

The duration of contouring depends on the condition of the affected area and its dimensions and takes, on average, from 40 minutes to 2 hours.

Preparation for the procedure and its implementation

There are no special preparatory measures before injections. 1-2 days before the procedure, you should stop using decorative cosmetics, as well as bad habits.

It is worth contacting trusted clinics where specialists with confirming certificates work. They know all the features and nuances, which allows them to achieve the desired result.

No preliminary preparation of fillers is necessary. It is enough to open the sealed package, remove the syringe and connect the tip. Before injections, the surface of the skin is thoroughly treated with an antiseptic solution. It is up to the patient to decide whether pain relief is necessary. The volume of injected gel and the depth of injections are set individually for each patient.

The doctor determines in advance what method the gel will be administered. The cosmetologist uses a thin needle or cannula. In the latter case, the skin is less damaged. The doctor injects the selected area with the drug, evenly distributing the composition under the skin with massaging smooth movements. At the end of the procedure, an antiseptic is applied to the surface to be treated.

The duration of the procedure depends on the size of the treatment area, ranging from 30 to 90 minutes.

Photos before and after


The thread implantation procedure is one of the most popular among minimally invasive methods for correcting age-related changes. Modern threads and methods of their installation allow you to work on both the face and body and get noticeable results with a minimum rehabilitation period. For example, innovative threads with hyaluronic acid Excellence Visage HA from Aptos

moisturize tissues, have anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. Polylactic acid (from which the threads are made) stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, which forms a strong frame in the injection area and provides tissue lifting.

Course of procedures:

a single installation gives an effect of up to 2 years.

Healing period

The client can return to their normal lifestyle within a couple of hours after the procedure, because pain is minimized and side effects are extremely rare.

If slight swelling and bruising occurs, the rehabilitation period may extend, but extremely rarely it exceeds 5 days. Symptoms usually go away on their own.

For everything to go well, you should adhere to certain points so as not to cause unwanted reactions.

  • On the first day, you should not touch the corrected area with your hands and perform no cosmetic manipulations. On the same day, contact with water is prohibited.
  • The first few days you will have to control your facial expressions (do not express strong emotions, do not smile).
  • For the next 3-4 days, it is recommended to avoid physical activity and sports, as well as massage the affected area. The use of blood thinning substances should also be discontinued during this period.
  • You are not allowed to visit the sauna or solarium until the end of the week.

What types of fillers are there?

All fillers have different composition and structure. The main division begins with the duration of action:

  1. Permanent, they are also permanent. Such fillers contain silicone, which can be dangerous due to its migration and the possibility of an inflammatory reaction. As a result, distortion of the form and the formation of other side effects is possible. Such filler can only be removed surgically.
  2. Absorbable - the effect of which wears off after a few months. They have different compositions, the substances in which are completely biocompatible with the human body. The duration of action depends on the density of the composition.

Types of biodegradable fillers:

  • Fatty. The material is obtained from the patient's own fat cells. The validity period is not long and ends after six months. The material is administered under general anesthesia and is therefore rarely used.
  • Collagen. Consist of collagen of animal (or human) origin. The effect lasts up to six months.
  • Calcium hydroxyapatite. The substance is contained in human bones, so it is not rejected by the body. It is used extremely rarely for lips due to its viscous structure, which can cause the formation of seals.
  • Polylactic acid. It stimulates the production of your own collagen and has a long-lasting effect, so it is also not recommended for lip augmentation.
  • Hyaluronic acid. The best fillers for lip augmentation, ranked by cosmetologists, are made on its basis. Hyaluronic acid is found in the human body and is therefore fully compatible. Effectiveness lies in attracting and retaining moisture, which perfectly replenishes volume.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Reviews from cosmetologists about hyafilia preparations are in most cases positive - with a relatively low price tag, the drug allows you to achieve good results. However, there is still a fly in the ointment.

The cosmetologist shares his successful experience:

In this commentary, the cosmetologist talks about the effect of the drug in lip augmentation:

The same cosmetologist does not agree with the effectiveness of the drug:

Classification of fillers

HyaFilia offers 3 product options to solve different problems:

  • HyaFilia Petit. The gel has a soft consistency, suitable for working with small, superficial wrinkles and delicate areas. Used to correct nasolacrimal lines, crow's feet, perioral wrinkles, and lip contour modeling. The filler is injected into the dermis to a shallow depth.

  • HyaFilia. Medium density gel, suitable for correcting small and medium wrinkles and modeling lip volume. Used to fill nasolabial folds, “marionettes”, eyebrow creases, correct areas on the body, lip augmentation while maintaining a natural look. The filler is injected subdermally.

  • HyaFilia Grand. Thick gel, used for volumization. Suitable for modeling the chin, nose, cheekbones, filling the temporal cavities. The filler is injected supreperiosteally (deep layers of the dermis, onto the periosteum).

Note! All HyaFilia gels are sold in 1 ml volumes, packaged in sealed syringes. Each type of filler is available in 2 modifications: pure substance, sodium hyaluronate, supplemented with lidocaine. The presence of an anesthetic is indicated by the “plus” mark on the gel packaging.

Patient reviews

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