Peeling with aspirin for the face - effective folk methods

A cosmetic procedure called facial cleansing with aspirin at home is in no way inferior in effectiveness to expensive salon procedures. Along with the obvious positive effect, this remedy is also easy to prepare. The component composition of a natural medicinal product may vary depending on the type of skin and the type of dermatological problems.

What is the principle of action of masks based on acetylsalicylic acid? Are there any contraindications to the use of such products?

The principle of operation of masks with aspirin

Cleansing the face with aspirin allows the beneficial components of the drug to penetrate the pores of the skin, thereby dissolving sebaceous plugs. In addition, this product improves blood flow to the skin, eliminating inflammation on its surface. This action inhibits specific enzymes that are involved in the formation of sebum (sebum). After such manipulation, inflammation decreases and gradually disappears.

Facial cleansing with aspirin is relevant when solving the following problems:

  • deep cleansing to eliminate impurities, dead cells and sebaceous plugs;
  • reducing the number of acne and pimples, helping to eliminate traces of them;
  • reduction of swelling on the skin;
  • fight against pustules;
  • reduction of inflammation, oily sheen;
  • maintaining water balance, moisturizing the skin;

Aspirin-based products whiten the skin and at the same time help maintain its elasticity.

Who will benefit from aspirin masks?

Who is recommended to perform gentle facial cleansing with acetylsalicylic acid at home? Such a complex effect is relevant in the following cases:

  1. Tendency to inflammation and acne. Although many of the modern care products promise a similar effect, often only aspirin-based products are useful.
  2. Pigmentation, uneven skin color. Acetylsalicylic acid has a lightening effect on the skin. Even if it cannot completely eliminate pigmentation, it can make spots less noticeable.
  3. Excessively oily skin (the main signs are greasy and oily skin). Most women try to disguise this phenomenon with powder and foundation. However, the best solution is to eliminate the cause of the shine. Aspirin-based products will help with this.
  4. Presence of comedones. Cleaning with acetylsalicylic acid allows you to remove blackheads carefully and, most importantly, painlessly (as opposed to mechanical cleaning).
  5. Very sensitive skin that reacts sharply to decorative cosmetics. Regular exposure of the skin to aspirin makes it more resistant to external factors.
  6. Fading skin. In combination with a dim complexion, this condition does not adorn any woman. Such manifestations should be combated at the earliest stages with aspirin-based products.
  7. Enlarged pores. They look very unaesthetic, not to mention the fact that they add multiple problems. Cleansing your face with aspirin helps tighten pores and make skin velvety and smooth.
  8. Loose skin. A similar problem can appear not only in adulthood, but also in young years. The reason for the decrease in the tone and elasticity of the dermis can be various, including stress, environmental influences and other factors.

Who should refuse masks?

Despite all its many advantages, aspirin is still a drug. For this reason, its use, including external use, can provoke a negative reaction from the body. To avoid such troubles, in some cases you should avoid aspirin cleansing:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • tendency to allergic reactions to medications or food;
  • in the presence of infectious diseases;
  • in case of violation of the integrity of the skin (presence of wounds, abrasions, scratches, etc.);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Advice. It is recommended to test finished formulations based on acetylsalicylic acid on the crook of the elbow before each use of the product. This will allow you to track the level of sensitivity of the body to the manufactured product. It is typical that over time, the perception of the drug by the skin may worsen and cause an unexpected reaction.

The essence of the procedure

In cosmetology, peelings are divided into three types as they penetrate into tissues: superficial, medium and deep.

The use of products with acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) belongs to the first type, that is, it cleanses of dead cells located in the upper layers of the epidermis.

Cleansing with this substance has many positive effects:

  • elimination of inflammation;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • destruction of acne, pimples, blackheads;
  • inhibition of the growth of pathogenic microflora;
  • improvement of skin color, whitening;
  • stimulation of tissue regeneration.

To carry out the procedure, a small amount of powder or 2-5 tablets of the drug is enough.

Before you cleanse the skin yourself, you need to take into account all contraindications and side effects.

Indications for use

Aspirin facial peeling is prescribed for certain conditions. The list includes:

  • shine due to excess secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • presence of pimples, acne;
  • formation of facial wrinkles, early signs of tissue aging;
  • the appearance of pigment spots;
  • enlarged pores;
  • unhealthy skin color.

Before carrying out the procedure at home, you must contact a specialist and undergo a full examination.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Acetylsalicylic acid has long been known in folk methods of treatment when applied topically, as it has all the properties of a good preservative, that is, it prevents the growth of bacteria.

Recipes for aspirin face masks

Before applying masks, you should first cleanse your face of makeup and steam it. When applying the mixture, it should be applied especially thickly to areas with inflammation. If itching, burning or any other discomfort occurs, immediately wash off the composition and apply a soothing cream to the skin. To prepare masks, you need to take acetylsalicylic acid tablets without a smooth coating; to get the powder for the mixture, just drop a little water on them. After a mask with aspirin at home, you need to use a moisturizer.

Mask for normal and combination skin

Two aspirin tablets are poured with a teaspoon of water and ground into a paste, then one teaspoon of honey and nourishing cream are added, the mixture is applied to the face and then massaged into the skin for 5 minutes. Instead of cream, you can use cosmetic oil that is suitable for dry skin (olive, jojoba) or yogurt.

Cleansing with aspirin for oily and problem skin

For oily problem skin, you can use only aspirin pulp or add a little honey to it. The product is distributed on problem areas and left for 15-20 minutes, this helps dry the skin, relieve inflammation and destroy pathogens that lead to the appearance of a red rash and purulent pimples.

In case of inflammatory processes, you can add a teaspoon of clay to 2 aspirin tablets dissolved in water, you should get a creamy mass. The mask is applied for 10 minutes. This composition helps not only relieve inflammation, but also reduce fat secretion and shrink pores.

Gentle cleansing of dry skin

To get rid of rashes on dry sensitive skin, four crushed aspirin tablets are mixed with a tablespoon of ground oatmeal, and kefir is added until a paste is obtained.

Peeling recipes and how to use

There are many recipes, let’s focus on the most effective and popular methods.


Before application, the cosmetic product must be prepared:

  • Place 5 tablets in a glass; if there is a shell, remove it;
  • pour 0.5 tsp of clean warm water;
  • some time after softening, add 1 tsp of any natural honey, 3-4 drops of retinol and tocopherol;
  • mix everything well.

The resulting slurry should be applied to a previously cleansed face in an even layer. After five minutes, rinse off the product while performing gentle circular movements with your fingertips.


Mostly suitable for normal to dry skin.
Recommended for hyperpigmentation and acne. Recipe:

  • Dilute 1 tsp of aspirin powder with a small amount of boiled water at room temperature;
  • add a few drops of sunflower oil;
  • Apply a thin layer to the skin, avoiding the lip area, around the eyes and hairline;
  • After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.

Recipe with clay

Due to the additional component, peeling removes inflammation, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, reduces pores, and eliminates shine.
Therefore, it is better to use it for girls with oily skin. The procedure is as follows:

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of blue clay well with 2 crushed aspirin tablets;
  • dilute the resulting mixture with a small volume of clean warm water;
  • add three drops each of bergamot ether and tea tree oil;
  • Using a cosmetic brush, apply evenly to a cleansed face, cover it with a damp cloth;
  • after 5-7 minutes, rinse with water and soda to neutralize (1 teaspoon of soda per glass of water).

Peeling with lemon juice

For greater cleansing and penetration a little deeper into the tissue, use lemon juice. The recipe consists of several points:

  • grind four aspirin tablets into powder; if there is a thick shell, remove it;
  • dilute the substance with 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • apply to face;
  • wait no more than five minutes;
  • wipe the surface of the face with a cotton pad soaked in a soda solution to neutralize;
  • wash carefully, remove loose tissue with a damp soft sponge.

Additional components

When exfoliating facial skin with aspirin and honey, you can use additional components and get a complex effect:

  • a few drops of lemon juice will enhance the brightening effect, tighten pores, and refresh the complexion;
  • aloe juice will provide a rejuvenating effect;
  • Sleeping ground coffee will saturate you with antioxidants and tones you up;
  • a few drops of olive or peach oil will protect the dermis from drying out;
  • yogurt or low-fat sour cream will maintain water balance and have an antiseptic effect thanks to lactic acid bacteria;
  • crushed and swollen oatmeal will soften the aggressive effects of acid and nourish the skin with beneficial components.

You can choose the appropriate composition yourself, taking into account your skin type (dry, oily, combination), age, and the degree of existing problems.

Safety regulations

There is no special preparation of the skin for peeling with acetylsalicylic acid. Before applying the product, it is enough to remove makeup and cleanse the skin with a gel or foam cleanser.

For better penetration of chemical elements, it is allowed to steam the fabrics over a water bath for 10-20 seconds.

We focus our attention on several tips from professionals:

  • always add oil, especially if your skin is dry;
  • carry out the procedure no more than once a week, otherwise side effects will develop;
  • actively care for your face after peeling;
  • It is advisable to apply peeling in the evening, since at night the tissues will quickly recover without the influence of an aggressive environment.

If irritation, allergies, pain or other symptoms occur, you should immediately remove the product from the skin and consult a doctor.

Expected Result

The effect of the peeling session can be observed immediately. The skin becomes soft, smooth, and acquires an even, healthy tone. Acne goes away within 3-4 weeks, and after 5-6 weeks the dermis brightens and pigment spots disappear. As a result of regular application of the compositions, sagging skin of the cheeks is tightened and overall natural contouring of the oval of the face is carried out.

For oily and combination types, a course of 10 sessions is recommended - 1 procedure every 7 days. You can repeat the course in a month. With normal dermis, you need to resort to aspirin peeling less often - once every 10 days. If dry – once every 14 days.


After cleansing, it is important to remove any remaining peeling and neutralize the acid.
To do this, just wash your face well, apply a moisturizing, nourishing cream or mask. The procedure can be carried out before bed and use a light cosmetic oil (for example: almond or grape seed). If a girl suffers from hyperproduction of sebaceous gland secretions, it is better not to experiment, but to use usual skin care products.

If the procedure was performed in the morning, then before going outside you need to apply a cream filter. It will protect the epithelium from the aggressive effects of the sun, ultraviolet rays and reduce the risk of age spots.

Cleaning rules

Preparing the skin for dry cleaning means ensuring a noticeable effect from the first sessions. The preparatory stages are as follows:

  1. Remove all types of makeup (it is better to use special cosmetics, since regular soap will dry out the skin before applying aspirin).
  2. Let it dry.
  3. If the skin is excited by bright sun rays, wind, frost, precipitation, it is better to let it calm down a little. After cleansing, you can rinse with infusion of chamomile or peppermint.
  4. Lubricate the skin in the eye area with protective eye cream.
  5. Make sure you are not allergic to aspirin or honey. Apply the prepared mixture, for example, to the inner surface of the elbow and observe whether there is any redness or other manifestations.

Important! You should not cleanse your face with aspirin and honey immediately after tanning (natural or artificial), at the time of various types of inflammation, allergic skin manifestations.

When the preparatory stage is completed, apply a mixture prepared from crushed 5-6 tablets of pharmaceutical aspirin, a few drops of water, and half a teaspoon of natural liquid honey.

Application is carried out with light circular movements, taking into account the direction of the muscle fibers: forehead and chin, cheeks - from the center to the temples, nose and middle of the forehead - from bottom to top.

Cosmetologists recommend applying the composition in a slightly heated state, which will enhance the effect when exposed to it.

Leave the composition on your face for 7 to 10 minutes, depending on your experience of use, similar to cleansing.

Rinse off the dried components with warm water, thoroughly cleaning exposed areas, as well as in the area where hair begins to grow.

Rinse the skin with an infusion of herbs (chamomile, calendula, celandine, thyme), lubricate with a light cream according to the type of skin you have.

Photos before and after


Aspirin peeling has a lot of advantages and positive effects, however, not everyone can use it.

Cosmetologists prohibit such cleansing in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • individual intolerance to the drug or additional components;
  • risk of developing an allergic reaction;
  • damage to the skin: scratches, abrasions, wounds, burns;
  • active inflammation, presence of pustules;
  • the formation of pathologies in which it is prohibited to use acetylsalicylic acid in any form;
  • skin irritation after hair removal.

Despite the relatively small list of restrictions, you need to know them and not ignore them.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Despite the fact that acetylsalicylic acid is practically not absorbed into the blood during peeling, it should be borne in mind that if you have had an allergic reaction in the past, anaphylactic shock may develop even from superficial contact of the drug with the skin.

Precautionary measures

Aspirin, as a substance of a chemical nature, should not come into contact with mucous membranes (for example, eyes), and should not be used in case of violation of the integrity of the skin. If there are scratches, ulcers or abrasions, you should hold off on cleaning. Otherwise, it will cause irritation and even chemical burns.

The situation is similar with skin caused by bright solar radiation, frostbite, chemical damage, and also infected with bacteria and viruses.

Important: aspirin-honey peeling is possible only with complete external integrity of the epidermis!

The next necessary condition is the absence of an allergic reaction to one or more components of the mixture used. Otherwise, manifestations of skin dermatitis cannot be avoided.

Cosmetologists do not categorically prohibit the use of such cleansing by pregnant women. However, it should be remembered that when carrying a child, a woman’s body has increased sensitivity and may react inadequately even to a procedure that was harmless at the previous time.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other procedure, aspirin peeling has its advantages and disadvantages. Details are shown in the table.

Several skin problems are solved in one procedureRisk of developing an allergic reaction in the form of urticaria, dermatitis
Suitable for any skin type, you just need to choose the right auxiliary elementsIf the procedure is carried out incorrectly, there is a risk of drying out the skin or causing a burn.
Low costUnexpressed effectiveness compared to salon cleansing with more serious chemicals
Possibility of doing it at home

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts' opinions were divided. Some cosmetologists say that peeling is inappropriate, because against the background of a high risk of complications, the effect is insignificant. Professionals say that you can buy good products in stores without wasting time preparing masks from aspirin and other substances.

Others believe that if you act strictly according to the instructions, there are no negative consequences, and aspirin peeling is quite suitable for home care. They note that it is better to combine such cleansing with salon procedures, so the rejuvenating effect will be more noticeable.

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